10:53:28 RRSAgent has joined #mediaann 10:53:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-irc 10:54:02 zakim, this will be mawg 10:54:02 ok, wbailer; I see IA_MAWG()7:00AM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 10:55:07 meeting: MAWG 10:57:29 IA_MAWG()7:00AM has now started 10:59:05 tmichel has joined #mediaann 10:59:31 wonsuk has joined #mediaann 11:00:00 mcsuarez has joined #mediaann 11:04:11 hi wonsuk 11:07:15 scribenick: wbailer 11:07:34 action 360 ongoing 11:07:35 Sorry, couldn't find user - 360 11:08:16 we leave 406 open as reminder 11:08:45 close action-411 11:08:45 ACTION-411 Gather the metadata files from Apple closed 11:08:48 hi.. I'm trying to connect to the call 11:09:26 chair: thierry 11:09:35 present: thierry, joakim, werner 11:10:09 rrsagent, make logs public 11:10:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:10:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:11:55 concerning action 420, discussion has taken place at interaction f2f 11:12:27 plan is to add statement to api spec: discussion with html wg, they consider this as a server issue, no need for client side api 11:12:47 ... scope of api is broader, not just focused on html case 11:13:22 action: thierry to send mail to group exlaining this issue and draft implementation note 11:13:22 Created ACTION-423 - Send mail to group exlaining this issue and draft implementation note [on Thierry Michel - due 2011-06-14]. 11:13:59 thierry: addressing not only html wg but also browser vendors 11:14:22 ... to sty in the loop when the requirement occurs in future 11:14:30 s/sty/stay/ 11:14:45 ... we should send a formal comment to html wg when they are in lc 11:15:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:15:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:15:39 regrets: jean-pierre, felix, tobias 11:16:43 thierry: we should send response to html wg now, if we do not get response, we can send official feedback during lc phase 11:20:13 mcsuarez has joined #mediaann 11:20:45 Hi again, I'm sorry... I'm having problems both with the irc and with the phone... 11:21:01 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/drafts/ontology10/CR/mediaont-1.0.html 11:22:16 now I can follow just via IRC.... sorry 11:22:25 close action-421 11:22:25 ACTION-421 Remove METS and MediaRDF from the ontology document closed 11:23:50 concerning action 422, Adobe says the XMP examples also cover Flash 11:24:04 ... but actually this is only a subset, there is more in Flash 11:25:09 close action-422 11:25:09 ACTION-422 Deliver XMP example files, preferably by the end of the week closed 11:25:47 topic: ontology CR version 11:26:35 thierry: meeting of chairs, team contact, domain leader and representative of director scheduled for this week 11:27:09 zakim, who is here? 11:27:09 On the phone I see no one 11:27:11 On IRC I see mcsuarez, wonsuk, tmichel, RRSAgent, Zakim, wbailer, trackbot 11:28:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:28:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:28:31 regrets: jean-pierre, felix, tobias 11:28:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:28:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:29:52 publication of cr scheduled for next tuesday 11:30:02 topic: metadata format files 11:30:21 thierry: huge progress, files from silvia, apple and felix 11:30:39 ... we are missing Cablelabs 1.1 EBUCore IPTC Media RSS Quicktime TV-Anytime TXFeed 11:30:54 joakim: cablelabs should be there 11:31:23 cable labs has been provided 11:32:08 I will take care of Media RSS, TXFeed. 11:32:10 ... but Turtle only, not XML RDF 11:32:28 QT were also provided (together with 3GP, and MP4). Apple provided us with the samples; and I was created the corresponding rdf files and ttl files. 11:32:36 I will send these files after this meeting. 11:34:34 please let me know if you need something from my part 11:35:52 thierry: completeness and validity of provided files have to be checked, procedure to be defined 11:36:15 ... including small issues like local URLs etc 11:36:25 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:36:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:38:40 joakim: put the issue of checking files on the agenda of the F2F 11:39:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:39:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:40:17 we need to check RDF validity, coverage of the mapping tables, consistency 11:40:30 to be discussed at F2F, any input before is appreciated 11:40:44 topic: revision of API doc 11:42:13 ready to go to 2nd lc 11:42:31 everyone to check current draft 11:42:55 vote for moving to 2nd lc on Jun. 14th 11:43:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:43:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:44:28 topic: schema.org 11:45:15 http://schema.org/docs/schemas.html 11:47:45 I think it would be useful also to think about the ontologies/vocabularies currently used in the Linked Data innitiative, and their relation with the schemas in schemas.org 11:48:25 we could talk about this in the F2F; and maybe we could propose a wg on these aspects (linked data and media). 11:49:27 stegmai has joined #mediaann 11:50:36 no please join ... 11:51:54 sorry I could not call in. but following all the notes in IRC 11:52:57 present+ florian[joined_late], mari-carmen[irc_only] 11:56:11 http://schema.rdfs.org/about.html 11:58:51 we have a statement in our ontology spec, stating that new mappings can be added in future versions of the spec 11:59:12 joakim: we should not change our properties now, but wait if/how schema.org gets adopted 11:59:53 thierry: which delay would it cause to add mappings + examples 12:00:03 ... we would probably need to go to another lc 12:00:30 thierry to discuss this issue with domain leader 12:02:19 the situation in the case of schema.org is similar to other ontologies/vocabularies used in the linked data innitiative, and we could also take them into account. 12:05:05 action: thierry to explore options for adding mappings to schema.org 12:05:05 Created ACTION-424 - Explore options for adding mappings to schema.org [on Thierry Michel - due 2011-06-14]. 12:06:25 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:06:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/07-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 12:09:38 is the call finished? 12:23:20 IA_MAWG()7:00AM has ended 12:23:21 Attendees were 13:35:30 Zakim has left #mediaann 14:02:59 tmichel has joined #mediaann