16:48:54 RRSAgent has joined #css 16:48:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/09-css-irc 16:48:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:49:05 Zakim, this will be Style 16:49:05 ok, glazou; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 16:54:43 Zakim, what's the code? 16:54:43 the conference code is 78953 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), gsnedders 16:56:08 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 16:56:10 +??P10 16:56:30 Zakim, ?P10 is me 16:56:30 sorry, glazou, I do not recognize a party named '?P10' 16:56:36 Zakim, P10 is me 16:56:36 sorry, glazou, I do not recognize a party named 'P10' 16:56:46 Zakim, +??P10 is me 16:56:46 sorry, glazou, I do not recognize a party named '+??P10' 16:56:48 grrr 16:57:15 oyvind has joined #css 16:57:31 Zakim, ??P10 is me 16:57:31 +glazou; got it 16:57:33 pff 16:57:47 cesar has joined #css 16:58:20 + +44.131.208.aaaa 16:58:20 - +44.131.208.aaaa 16:58:22 + +44.131.208.aaaa 16:58:30 Zakim, aaaa is me 16:58:30 +gsnedders; got it 16:58:34 +dsinger 16:58:37 -dsinger 16:58:53 +dsinger 16:58:59 -dsinger 16:59:04 johnjan has joined #css 16:59:21 + +1.408.636.aabb 16:59:24 kojiishi has joined #css 16:59:27 Zakim, aabb is me 16:59:27 +smfr; got it 16:59:33 Zakim, you should know this 16:59:33 I don't understand 'you should know this', smfr 16:59:36 dbaron has joined #css 16:59:48 zakim, microsoft is johnjan 16:59:48 sorry, johnjan, I do not recognize a party named 'microsoft' 16:59:51 what's with the "see admin assistance" when I dial? 16:59:57 + +1.415.920.aacc 17:00:12 +dsinger 17:00:13 +[Microsoft] 17:00:22 zakim, microsoft is johnjan 17:00:22 +johnjan; got it 17:00:35 dsinger_ has joined #css 17:00:39 Zakim, mute dsinger_ 17:00:39 sorry, glazou, I do not know which phone connection belongs to dsinger_ 17:00:49 +[Microsoft] 17:00:49 zakim, mute dsinger 17:00:51 dsinger should now be muted 17:00:55 zakim, microsoft has me 17:00:55 +arronei; got it 17:01:23 np dsinger_ 17:02:04 Zakim, who is on phone ? 17:02:04 I don't understand your question, glazou. 17:02:11 Zakim, who is on the phone? 17:02:11 On the phone I see glazou, gsnedders, smfr, +1.415.920.aacc, dsinger (muted), johnjan, [Microsoft] 17:02:13 [Microsoft] has arronei 17:02:18 Zakim, who is quiet this morning? 17:02:18 I don't understand your question, dsinger_. 17:02:35 Zakim, aacc is fantasai 17:02:35 +fantasai; got it 17:02:44 -dsinger 17:02:55 + +34.60.940.aadd 17:03:12 +dsinger 17:03:20 dsinger_ has joined #css 17:03:30 TabAtkins_ has joined #css 17:03:31 zakim, mute dsinger 17:03:31 dsinger should now be muted 17:03:32 Zakim, +aadd is me 17:03:32 sorry, cesar, I do not recognize a party named '+aadd' 17:03:41 +??P20 17:03:43 Zakim, aadd is cesar 17:03:43 +cesar; got it 17:03:52 ChrisL has joined #css 17:03:56 zakim, P20 is me 17:03:56 sorry, kojiishi, I do not recognize a party named 'P20' 17:04:02 zakim, ??P20 is me 17:04:02 +kojiishi; got it 17:04:07 +[Mozilla] 17:04:12 +[Microsoft.a] 17:04:15 sylvaing has joined #css 17:04:18 Zakim, [Mozilla] is dbaron 17:04:18 +dbaron; got it 17:04:34 + +1.650.214.aaee 17:04:36 +ChrisL 17:04:39 zakim, aaee is me 17:04:39 +TabAtkins_; got it 17:04:44 +dsinger.a 17:04:45 -dsinger 17:04:52 dsinger_ has joined #css 17:04:56 zakim, mute dsinger 17:04:56 dsinger.a should now be muted 17:05:10 -dsinger.a 17:05:51 bradk has joined #css 17:05:58 + +47.21.65.aaff 17:06:08 dsinger_ has joined #css 17:06:11 howcome has joined #css 17:06:12 Zakim, aaff is howcome 17:06:12 +howcome; got it 17:06:45 ScribeNick: TabAtkins_ 17:07:00 glazou: Three items are Variables, multicol algo, and CSS3 text. 17:07:06 fantasai: Can we do a quick check on B&B? 17:07:10 glazou: Yes, after 2.1 issues. 17:07:31 glazou: There are a few urls in the agenda with css 2.1 blockers 17:07:40 glazou: Let's review the firs tone, with all the redness inside. 17:07:47 http://test.csswg.org/harness/results?s=CSS21_HTML&t=0&f[]=1&f[]=1 17:07:47 http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1/blocking 17:07:47 http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1/need-data 17:07:47 http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1/invalid 17:07:47 +Bert 17:07:51 szilles has joined #css 17:07:56 glazou: I think these issues are mostly just awaiting fixes from implementors. 17:08:54 TabAtkins_: These bugs are in Webkit's bug report, but I dunno what's been worked on. 17:09:23 smfr: I haven't been able to work on several. I know that [some involving intrinsic] are outstanding, but I'm not aware of issues for the others. 17:09:35 glazou: A lot of these are related to print, and we have only one impl passing for a lot of them. 17:09:38 +dsinger 17:09:50 dsinger_ has joined #css 17:09:53 +SteveZ 17:10:11 howcome: If print is blocking here, did ChrisL run any of them through Prince? 17:10:16 ChrisL: I've done a few of them, yes. 17:10:35 fantasai: One problem is that you have to tweak some of the test for Prince, since it has problems with height:100% on . 17:10:36 For some thests that test pagination 17:10:36 what is the tweak? 17:10:45 You need to remove height: 100% from the root element 17:10:52 and change the divs' 50% to 11.25cm 17:11:09 fantasai: That's still a valid test. 17:11:18 fantasai: It just used 100%/50% so it would work for all page sizes. 17:11:18 S/thests/tests/ 17:11:29 -glazou 17:11:32 fantasai: But Prince has trouble with height:100%, so the 50% height on div doesn't work. 17:11:40 ok so those tests are not explicitly testing height 100% 17:11:41 fantasai: The 11.25cm does the same thing, assuming normal page size. 17:11:49 fantasai: Like allowed-page-break-001a. 17:11:53 +??P0 17:12:00 Zakim, ??P0 is me 17:12:00 +glazou; got it 17:12:13 johnjan: I don't htink we need to go through all of these, right? We already went through these at the mini-f2f. 17:12:34 johnjan: We've already covered all of these, so they're no longer significantly blocking, right? 17:12:50 S/htink/think/ 17:12:51 glazou: My question as a chair is *when* these will be addressed? 17:13:14 fantasai: If you look at the blocking link, you see that most of the tests were fixed, and for the rest we're expecting impls. 17:13:42 fantasai: [talk about specific tests and their status in impls] 17:14:35 quotes-035 17:14:40 replaced-intrinsic-ratio-001 17:14:43 http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1/blocking 17:14:45 howcome: Can you list the tests that Opera needs to pass? 17:14:45 http://test.csswg.org/harness/testcase?s=CSS21_HTML&c=quotes-035 17:14:47 for details on quotes-035 and Opera: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-css-testsuite/2011Jan/0095.html 17:14:56 johnjan: Look at the blocking list - it shows which ones Opera can fix. 17:15:14 http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1/blocking#tests-needing-breakup-or-implementation 17:15:20 fantasai: The open questions are at the bottom of the list. 17:15:40 fantasai: The three at the bottom are ones we don't have a plan for. 17:15:52 fantasai: They're passed by Prince, and seem to be correct, but don't have expected implementations anywhere else. 17:16:00 howcome: What about Antenna House? 17:16:05 johnjan: No, they didn't pass. 17:16:19 glazou: Can we expect implementations, or are they at-risk? 17:16:35 fantasai: In orphans-004a, it's a parsing test. Should be straightforward to fix. 17:16:51 fantasai: If Opera or IE9 fixes the parsing bug it would pass. 17:17:06 fantasai: I think Opera accepts numbers rather than integers, and IE9 accepts 0. 17:17:35 + +1.650.766.aagg 17:17:39 glazou: So, Moz/Opera/IE, is there something you can do here? 17:17:40 Zakim, aagg is me 17:17:40 +bradk; got it 17:17:51 howcome: I'm taking notes here. It's hard to promise, but I'll do my best. 17:17:58 johnjan: I'm taking a look at it right now. 17:18:17 dbaron: We'd have to implement orphans in the first place, so it's not just a parsing bug for us. 17:18:59 fantasai: When I get a break from writing specs, I'll implement it. 17:19:17 glazou: That's the end of the list. Is there anything else about CSS 2.1? 17:19:29 johnjan: There's the open issues list. 17:19:37 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1 17:20:17 johnjan: There's like 4 that bert needs to edit, 4 that need proposals, and 4 that need testcases. 40 or so that have been edited and updated, but just need to be reviewed. 17:20:37 johnjan: i sent an email hoping that they could get done before the telcon, but stuff was too busy. 17:20:47 johnjan: So can we get promises to get these done this week? 17:21:06 glazou: Bert, can you do your edits this week? 17:21:16 Bert: Haven't looked at them recently, but I assume so, yes. 17:21:24 glazou: Reviews should be done offline. 17:21:28 fantasai: I can do those this week. 17:21:28 what is the list of tests needing reviews? 17:21:38 ACTION: Bert to finish outstanding 2.1 edits 17:21:38 johnjan: First that needs proposal is 181. 17:21:38 Created ACTION-293 - Finish outstanding 2.1 edits [on Bert Bos - due 2011-02-16]. 17:21:51 ACTION: fantasai to review edits 17:21:51 Created ACTION-294 - Review edits [on Elika Etemad - due 2011-02-16]. 17:22:01 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-181 17:22:14 glazou: Elika, can you summarize? 17:24:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Aug/0010.html 17:24:44 Seems there's a bunch of editorial suggestions 17:25:03 the significant ones start at "Alternative construction for line box height calculation" 17:25:42 fantasai: I think the prose that adjusts the guide boxes (?) makes sense, and is probably less confusing to our current text. 17:26:05 dsinger has joined #css 17:26:12 +[Apple] 17:26:27 -dsinger 17:26:33 zakim, [apple] has dsinger 17:26:33 +dsinger; got it 17:27:11 -glazou 17:27:32 +??P0 17:27:37 Zakim, ??P0 is me 17:27:37 +glazou; got it 17:28:04 fantasai: My suggestion is that Bert looks this section over - it's in his focus area - and go through that email and make whatever edits seem good, then post a diff for review. 17:28:31 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-192 17:28:33 Bert: This won't happen this week, but maybe in time for next telcon. 17:28:53 glazou: Anything about the testcase at the end of the email? 17:28:59 fantasai: That might be an interesting example. 17:29:32 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-199 17:29:45 TabAtkins_: 192 is mine. Sorry, I'll get it done this week and post to the list. 17:31:59 TabAtkins_: I haven't gotten feedback on my 199 proposal yet. I'm not happy with it conceptually (positioned elements should generate an inline placeholder, which *should* make a linebox), but it matches implementations. 17:32:05 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-199 17:32:43 dbaron: Email me or him to get us to look at the proposal again. 17:32:44 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-c 17:33:52 fantasai: I guess I can write that text. 17:34:04 ACTION fantasai to write text for issue C. 17:34:04 Created ACTION-295 - Write text for issue C. [on Elika Etemad - due 2011-02-16]. 17:34:36 fantasai: I need to update the issues list, so we may get a few more. 17:34:53 johnjan: Will you have time to go through the issues list and find all the open ones? 17:35:11 fantasai: Dunno. The date of my last review is at the top of that page. If anyone else is doing work, please update that date. 17:35:24 dbaron: It looks like there's a continuation on a separate issues list. 17:35:30 fantasai: Yeah, I'm thinking I should merge the two. 17:35:35 +SteveZ.a 17:35:40 -SteveZ 17:36:00 glazou: Next item. B&B. 17:36:16 fantasai: So, what's the status? 17:36:35 Bert: I failed to get ???'s attention, so we didn't get a telcon. 17:36:44 Bert: I'm hoping to get another one this Friday so we can try again. 17:37:04 glazou: Peter won't be available this friday. I *hope* to be so, but won't know for sure until noon thursday. 17:37:18 s/???/Ralph/ 17:37:18 s/???/Ralph/ 17:37:27 glazou: Next item on the agenda, CSS Variables. 17:37:56 fantasai: I'd like to request CSS3 Text because I'd like to get a draft out there, and I'd like to get a chance to discuss that. 17:38:04 glazou: I think there is at least one urgent point about variables, first. 17:38:19 glazou: Variables are extremely visible to the public. Webdevs want it, they request it loudly. 17:38:31 glazou: We have to be extra careful with our communication here. 17:38:57 glazou: A lot of people understood from your email, Tab, that "it's going to be implemented that way" 17:39:06 glazou: And that's not good from WG perspective 17:39:15 Tab: That wasn't what I meant. It's just an experimental implementation. 17:39:25 glazou: I suggest you post a draft for discussion. 17:39:47 glazou: Second point, Tab's proposal introduces $ for delimiting variables 17:40:02 (Is $ easily available on keyboards around the world?) 17:40:03 glazou: It changes a lot the way we introduce new idents inside CSS. So please review and comment. 17:40:23 glazou: Taking comments on variables for next 5 minutes. 17:40:33 Stevez: What I found confusing was, what is the token stream? 17:41:01 Tab: The exact answer for what's a valid value of a variable is is a little in the air. Need a lot of work to make sure that's very clear. 17:41:15 Tab: High-level answer is, something that's a value in CSS. 17:41:59 fantasai: I think you want some number of component values up to a full property value 17:42:15 glazou: Next topic. CSS3 text. 17:42:20 fantasai: What's blocking an updated WD? 17:42:30 howcome: I'm having some trouble hearing todya. 17:42:41 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/ 17:42:47 howcome: I expressed in an email that I'd like the GCPM functionality to move over without changes, and then have changes down afterwards. 17:42:50 -glazou 17:43:01 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#hyphenation-resource 17:43:05 howcome: In particular, the @hyphenate-resource was added, when it was a 'hyphenate-resource' property in GCPM. 17:43:10 +??P0 17:43:10 Zakim: 17:43:15 Zakim, ??P0 is me 17:43:15 +glazou; got it 17:43:32 howcome: both are in the draft right now. I would like one or the other. 17:43:39 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:43:39 On the phone I see gsnedders, smfr, fantasai, johnjan, [Microsoft], cesar, kojiishi, dbaron, [Microsoft.a], TabAtkins_, ChrisL, howcome, Bert, bradk, [Apple], SteveZ.a, glazou 17:43:43 [Apple] has dsinger 17:43:43 [Microsoft] has arronei 17:44:05 howcome: We spent a lot of time on the property as a WG, and we had consensus. 17:44:24 howcome: In the moving process, I don't think we should say one or the other. We should say "this is what we have", and then add issues. 17:44:37 howcome: But I think putting them on equal footing deteriorates the quality of the draft. 17:44:54 howcome: I would like to try and preserve what has been done, and hyphenate-resource has been discussed at length in the WG, been implemented, and is in use. 17:44:57 -ChrisL 17:45:19 howcome: I think the changes should come as a result of discussions, not as a result of moving. 17:45:38 fantasai: The @-rule came as a result of discussion at the f2f, so I consider it my duty as an editor to include the proposal. 17:45:53 howcome: I think it can be in the draft but not on equal footing, as I don't think we made that decision. 17:46:12 glazou: I don't understand you, howcome. It's a WD, not a CR. Everything can change. 17:46:24 howcome: In the ED that's fine, but in the WD we should try and preserve consensus. 17:46:50 howcome: The consensus may change in the end, that's fine. But by giving two proposals equal footing, it makes it less obvious what's going on. 17:47:02 szilles: Can you suggest wording that makes it not equal footing that elika can use? 17:47:15 howcome: I can - I think we can call it an issue. That's what we've done before. 17:47:49 glazou: So you're suggetsing a note in the doc saying "Another proposal for this is an @-rule, etc."? 17:47:52 howcome: Yes. 17:47:54 glazou: That's fine by me. 17:48:21 fantasai: It's not a question of grammar, it's a technical problem. 17:49:09 RESOLVED: Make @hyphenate-resource into an issue in CSS3 Text. AFter doing so, ready to publish. 17:49:28 howcome: You may want to add another issue, regarding the format of the hyphenate resource files. 17:49:32 smfr: Already an issue there. 17:51:23 -gsnedders 17:51:40 [chatter about the format of hyphenation resources] 17:51:55 or fonts 17:51:57 howcome: I think there's consensus to add an issue about the hyphenation resource format. 17:51:58 having lots of formats, and making sites somehow supply the right format for the browser it has in hand, would be ... ugly... 17:52:53 glazou: I don't know if we have time for multicol algos this week. I'll put it in second position, after css2.1 issues. 17:52:56 +Bert.a 17:53:00 howcome: Can we get Alex to call in? 17:53:06 johnjan: I can get him to call in. 17:53:13 file:///home/fantasai/w3c/csswg/css3-text/Overview.html#hyphenation-resource 17:53:40 -dbaron 17:54:25 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#hyphenation-resource 17:54:52 sylvaing: In that branch, the more columns you squeeze in, the less content you get. 17:55:15 sylvaing: I see the goal is to make more columns and thus more content, but in practice it reduces the amount of content, due to pushing in a new column gap. 17:55:40 sylvaing: So I suggest looking at the ratio of whitespace to content after each change, and see what the right answer is. 17:56:08 howcome: I know there's some weird stuff, but the aim is to make things more stable. Previous we went from 3->2->1 columns over the space of two pixels. 17:56:31 sylvaing: For me the real scenario is people snapping their window to half of the screen in W7 and suddenly the content area is shrunk in half. 17:56:37 -Bert 17:56:55 sylvaing: In those scenarios it's better for the user if we can make less columns and thus less column gap. 17:57:18 sylvaing: My feel is that you were trying to fit in more columns in the assumption that you get more content, which isn't necessarily true. 17:57:45 howcome: Alex had a suggestion that we go straight to 1 col when we hit that. Another is that columns get stuck there, and designers learn to not make wide columns. 17:58:05 howcome: I don't think it's necessarily a huge issue. 17:58:14 glazou: Table the rest of the discussion for next week. 17:58:18 szilles: +1 for what sylvain is saying. 17:58:28 -glazou 17:58:32 fantasai: I made the changes to the draft. Does howcome find them satisfactory? 17:58:37 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#hyphenation-resource 17:58:39 hold on ! 17:58:59 +??P0 17:59:07 howcome: That's acceptable to me. 17:59:15 glazou: Is the edit only the redness on the paragraph? 17:59:27 fantasai: That, and I put the explanation of the issue to the top of the definition. 18:00:07 howcome: I'd like to see "Issue" in there. 18:00:14 fantasai: I can put "Issue: " there. 18:00:19 RESOLVED: Publish CSS3 Text as WD. 18:00:46 howcome: I'd like to hear more proposals on the multicol thread. 18:00:48 -SteveZ.a 18:00:51 -[Microsoft.a] 18:00:52 -johnjan 18:00:53 -howcome 18:00:54 -smfr 18:00:54 -[Microsoft] 18:00:55 -[Apple] 18:00:55 -??P0 18:00:56 (Isn't the issue just that there is no minimum column width?) 18:00:57 -bradk 18:00:58 whew 18:00:58 -kojiishi 18:01:00 -TabAtkins_ 18:01:03 -Bert.a 18:01:07 -fantasai 18:01:29 Bert: Propose a property! 18:01:30 eheh 18:01:53 -cesar 18:01:54 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 18:01:55 Attendees were glazou, +44.131.208.aaaa, gsnedders, dsinger, +1.408.636.aabb, smfr, +1.415.920.aacc, johnjan, arronei, fantasai, +34.60.940.aadd, cesar, kojiishi, [Microsoft], 18:01:57 glazou: Btw, got our rooms in Tokyo all reserved and ready. 18:01:58 ... dbaron, +1.650.214.aaee, ChrisL, TabAtkins_, +47.21.65.aaff, howcome, Bert, SteveZ, +1.650.766.aagg, bradk 18:01:58 TabAtkins_: howcome hates even more new properties than he hates last minute changes ;-) 18:01:59 No, I didn't mean a property. I meant in the algo. 18:02:11 smfr has left #css 18:02:21 Bert: Oh, just like "no matter what, don't shrink columns to less than 5ems wide? 18:02:43 Yes, something like that. 18:03:08 But the actual amount is hard to define, maybe just some rule of thumb. 18:05:32 Maybe the minimum is 10% of the gap width. I have no typographic reason for that, but it makes the formula easy. :-) 18:08:59 Bert: If the goal is to preserve content readability in degenerate situations, I don't think a % of the gap width is useful. 18:09:04 dbaron has joined #css 18:10:59 TabAtkins: update to css3-images checked in, finally; notes in the cvs log 18:12:28 fantasai: Cool, will check it out now. 18:13:32 dbaron has joined #css 18:22:05 cesar has left #css 18:24:29 fantasai: The default object size in various properties shoudln't be an example, as it's normative text. 18:24:43 TabAtkins: it shouldn't be normative text because it should be defined by those properties 18:25:09 TabAtkins: if a property doesn't define its default object size, it's an error in that spec 18:25:14 Okay, then I'll put an issue note in the example that these will be defined by the individual properties. 18:26:02 TabAtkins: having css3-images define them would be like having a library function that defines its arguments depending on who called it, instead of having the callers send in their arguments :) 18:26:29 Hey, clean OO design is a controversial subject. ^_^ 18:27:06 ohyeah, I forgot to add to the cvs comment... 18:27:12 I'm not sure what to do about the heading levels 18:27:23 I stuck them in as h4 no-num 18:27:23 dbaron has joined #css 18:27:30 Why is that an issue? 18:27:31 but I think that whole section needs some consideration on that point 18:27:46 I agree that it needs some changing. I think we should split out the sizing section into a new top-level section. 18:28:01 or split off the property defs into their own section 18:28:20 Yeah, same diff. Section 6 just needs to be split, period. 18:28:25 yeah 18:28:30 btw 18:28:39 the reason I gave up on using
s to mark sections in CSS specs 18:29:02 is because sections change levels and move around a fair bit 18:29:02 I gave up on them for Lists, and would like to go back and give up on them for this and Flexbox too. 18:29:09 yeah 18:29:12 let's do it 18:29:17 kk, I'll do the reformat. 18:29:20 kk :) 18:29:26 ^_^ 18:30:00 I think the image-* sections should go in their own top-level 18:30:13 object-fit / object-position are pretty closely related to everything else going on here 18:30:16 btw, do you know how to make CVS stop asking for the password on every operation? 18:30:17 so should probably stay 18:30:24 voodoo magic 18:31:31 https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_SSH_to_connect_to_CVS#Avoiding_passphrase_requests 18:31:42 Btw, the one benefit I did get from using indentation was that it made it easier to quickly scroll through the source. In Lists and Flexbox I'm using a line between sections to visually mark section breaks. 18:31:52 Oh, totally understand that. 18:31:57 what I did in css3-writing-modes 18:32:03 is to indent all text one level 18:32:08 *except* the headings 18:32:10 which I format as 18:32:21

18:32:24 Title of Section 18:32:25 dbaron_ has joined #css 18:32:35 er, with the

at the end of Title of Section 18:32:43 Which puts the title of the section right at the left margin 18:32:47 So on two lines? Interesting. 18:33:34

18:33:34 Introduction to Vertical Text


In addition to extensions to CSS2.1 18:33:36 er 18:33:38

18:33:41 Introduction to Vertical Text


In addition to extensions to CSS2.1 18:34:03 Since *everything* is indented, other than the header, 18:34:11 it's easy to scan for the sections 18:34:13 I've come to appreciate the benefit of having most of my text not need indentation when I linewrap, so I think I'll stick with mine, but that sounds good too. 18:34:54 and since the header is at the left margin, it's easy to see which section you're at 18:35:40 this is my compromise between reorg-ability and readability :) 18:36:08 Yeah, I'm trying to change my practices to make reorganization less diff-painful. 18:36:09 I do indent for any nesting beyond the sectioning, of course 18:38:52 TabAtkins: wrt linewrapping... I guess you could un-indent the paragraph when you're editing, and indent it when you're done? 18:39:05 presumably indenting/unindenting has keyboard shortcuts in your editor 18:39:25 I tend not to mind one level of indentation; it's not too bothersome 18:39:45 especially since you're using tabs in css3-images :) 18:40:47 Tabs are the best. I don't understand everyone's attachment to spaces. >_< 18:41:05 Hixie used spaces in Lists, and as a result the indentation was inconsistent all over. 18:41:24 for me, it's mainly because of Mozilla's coding guidelines :) 18:42:14 Yeah, we use spaces for indenting in webkit code. 18:42:26 I forget whether it's 2 or 4 spaces. I think it varies between webkit and google style. 18:42:40 probably because most people who use tabs don't understand how to use them effectively for indentation 18:42:46 it defaults to 8 spaces, which is absurd 18:43:23 True fact. 18:43:23 tab expansion is different in a number of different tools... 18:43:40 If by "expansion" you mean "visual width of tabs", *that's the point*. 18:43:43 if you mix tabs and spaces, you'll eventually find your file with the formatting all messed up 18:43:50 Yup, so don't. ^_^ 18:43:58 if you use only tabs or only spaces you're ok 18:44:02 Right. 18:44:03 TabAtkins: btw, if you think you can stand one level of indentation, I'd prefer to do that in css3-images 18:44:18 fantasai: You mean your approach? 18:44:20 yeah 18:44:39 Let me finish this no-indent reformat, then I'll quickly switch to your method and see how it looks. 18:44:44 kk :) 18:45:00 I just want to find a single readable style I can use everywhere. If we can match our styles, all the better, because then we won't fight when editting together. 18:45:50 Plus then we can present a united front and create a required style guideline doc. 18:46:02 um 18:46:12 I don't think anyone cares about the indentation of our spec source code :) 18:46:25 except the persons editing those particular specs 18:46:52 Exactly. And when I try to edit a spec that someone else used bad indentation on, it makes me crazy. 18:47:07 then fix it and set a good example 18:49:43 Haha, a bit late for that. 18:50:37 it's still my break-fast! 18:50:41 it's even still morning 18:58:16 fantasai: Is there a reason you used a character reference rather than the character itself in the "CSS<=>Object Negation" heading? 19:01:50 um 19:01:52 no, actually 19:02:15 Kk, just checking before I replaced. 19:03:05 Oh. Wow. What? My desktops just transposed vertically. 19:03:17 1-3 moved to the bottom row, and 4-6 moved to the top row. Wtf? 19:03:51 you must've hit the flip shortcut 19:04:22 ... 19:04:27 There's a shortcut for flipping? 19:04:32 sylvaing has joined #css 19:04:37 well, I don't know about *your* window manager 19:04:42 but mine has that option 19:04:49 This is silly. 19:05:05 granted mine does it with tiles, not desktops 19:27:28 TabAtkins: btw, check in your indentation changes as a whitespace-only checkin before you go around fixing other stuff 19:27:42 Yeah, definitely. 19:27:57 I'm nearly done adjusting to your requested indentation, and I think I like it. 19:28:00 cool 19:28:01 :) 19:29:06 Yeah, combined with my , it's very readable. 19:29:13 I think better than either of them alone. 19:29:33 Now, meeting time to talk about our plans to actually support pagination! 19:29:46 eh? 19:33:15 TabAtkins_ has joined #css 19:46:55 and committed itself checking the tracker every Thursday or something 19:47:18 kindof like patch review requests 19:55:52 Zakim has left #css 19:57:29 ChrisL has joined #css 21:19:38 sylvaing has joined #css 23:06:02 homata has joined #CSS 23:06:24 plinss has joined #css 23:15:10 shepazu has joined #css