14:51:27 RRSAgent has joined #lld 14:51:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-irc 14:51:34 rrsagent, bookmark 14:51:34 See http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-irc#T14-51-34 14:51:46 zakim, this will be lld 14:51:46 ok, antoine; I see INC_LLDXG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 14:51:54 Meeting: LLD XG 14:52:44 Chair: Tom 14:52:50 INC_LLDXG()10:00AM has now started 14:52:52 +??P41 14:53:01 zakim, ??P41 is TomB 14:53:01 +TomB; got it 14:53:15 +??P42 14:53:17 -??P42 14:53:17 +??P42 14:53:27 zakim, ??P42 is me 14:53:27 +antoine; got it 14:54:00 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jan/0144.html 14:54:32 Asaf has joined #lld 14:55:31 Regrets: Kim, Jeff, Guenther, Alexander, Lars 14:55:44 + + 14:55:56 pmurray has joined #lld 14:55:57 rrsagent, please make record public 14:56:55 rsinger has joined #lld 14:56:55 +??P44 14:57:15 markva has joined #lld 14:57:22 + +1.404.892.aabb 14:57:31 zakim, ??P44 is markva 14:57:31 +markva; got it 14:57:31 zakim, aabb is me 14:57:33 +pmurray; got it 14:57:43 zakim, mute me 14:57:43 pmurray should now be muted 14:57:55 + +1.423.463.aacc 14:58:06 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:58:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-minutes.html antoine 14:58:14 zakim, aacc is rsinger 14:58:14 +rsinger; got it 14:58:27 +??P50 14:58:38 Hi. Still no microphone. :( 14:58:48 Previous: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/01/20-lld-minutes.html 14:58:55 GordonD has joined #lld 14:58:57 +??P51 14:59:25 Asaf: taking the "better seen and not heard" axiom to a new high 14:59:40 zakim, ??P51 is uldis 14:59:40 +uldis; got it 14:59:42 rsinger: heh :) 15:00:52 right :( 15:01:18 ksclarke has joined #lld 15:01:20 jneubert has joined #lld 15:01:21 Yes, I'm here. 15:01:26 zakim, unmute me 15:01:26 pmurray should no longer be muted 15:01:31 uldis has joined #lld 15:01:46 hi! uldis here 15:01:50 zakim, mute me 15:01:50 pmurray should now be muted 15:01:53 Scribe: pmurray 15:01:55 edsu has joined #lld 15:01:59 michaelp has joined #lld 15:01:59 Scribenick: pmurray 15:02:01 +[IPcaller] 15:02:12 + +1.330.289.aadd 15:02:21 zakim, IPcaller is GordonD 15:02:21 +GordonD; got it 15:02:23 + +1.614.764.aaee 15:02:32 + +49.4.aaff 15:02:35 zakim, aadd is marcia 15:02:36 +marcia; got it 15:02:43 marcia has joined #lld 15:02:46 zakim, aaee is michaelp 15:02:46 +michaelp; got it 15:02:55 +[LC] 15:02:57 TOPIC: Admin 15:02:59 Zakim, LC is edsu 15:03:00 +edsu; got it 15:03:33 zakim, mute me 15:03:33 marcia should now be muted 15:03:50 zakim, who is here? 15:03:50 On the phone I see TomB, antoine, emma, markva (muted), pmurray (muted), rsinger, Asaf, uldis, GordonD (muted), marcia (muted), michaelp, jneubert, edsu 15:05:38 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/01/20-lld-minutes.html 15:05:46 RESOLVED: Accept the minutes (after clean up) at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/01/20-lld-minutes.html 15:06:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jan/0148.html 15:06:12 TOPIC: Final Report Draft 15:06:55 TomB: Posted a message to the list with a draft outline of the final report. 15:07:10 ... propose that we go through the draft as listed in the e-mail. 15:07:30 ... walk through the outline of the final report to see how the pieces of the wiki documents fit into the outline 15:08:05 ... for all of the documents ask if the document has served its purpose -- should it be dropped, integrated into the draft report, used as a separate deliverable, or keep as is. 15:08:07 regrets+ Kai, Jodi 15:08:37 ... when we decide something should be integrated into the draft, if we have sections of text that are done, that we should move them into the draft report 15:08:57 ... we can discuss if that is the best way to do it as the report gets longer. 15:09:45 ... when we start to put things into the final report that we assign people to review different sections. 15:10:18 ... until now we have had curators present their work. it would be helpful to read each others sections to bring in new perspectives and reviewing from different standpoints. 15:10:39 ... hopefully we will all be familiar with the contents of the report in the end. 15:10:56 q+ to suggest to review the main sections of the draft report 15:11:02 ... suggest that we start with the e-mail at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jan/0148.html 15:12:10 ... use clusters as the basis of the "state of the art" section 15:12:16 ack emma 15:12:16 emma, you wanted to suggest to review the main sections of the draft report 15:12:32 emma: Suggest that we start reviewing the main sections of the report to make sure we agree with them 15:13:05 TomB: Suggests focusing on what we have and then come back to the outline to see what needs to be put in. 15:13:21 ... seeking updates on the clusters. 15:13:37 emma: Nothing further on the Archives cluster. Work is almost done. 15:13:53 ... keeping the action open to remember to review it one last time. 15:14:16 GordonD: Bibliographic cluster is finished. Minor adjustments due to the late use cases. 15:15:07 edsu: Citations cluster. Kai had some ideas for taking it further to make things better, but unsure how far he intends to go. 15:15:18 ksclarke has left #lld 15:15:30 ??: Collections cluster done in a week or two. 15:15:45 s/??/GordonD 15:16:01 markva: Digital Objects: still finishing up. Needs help with some of the use case shepherds for suggesting things. 15:16:27 ??: Social Uses -- deadline is Feb 15th for suggested use cases. 15:16:37 s/??/uldis 15:17:27 antoine: Vocabulary alignment: still not finished. Most of the work is editorial. Have decided on a way to distribute the work yesterday. 15:17:28 fsasaki has joined #lld 15:17:43 Have something on the middle of next week or the week after that. 15:17:57 TomB: The final one is authority data. 15:18:07 +??P12 15:19:47 TomB: Lots of wiki pages that might be integrated into the final report or delivered as separate documents 15:20:01 q+ 15:20:05 ... any thoughts on how the vocabularies page might be developed into a section of the final report? 15:20:10 which one, two called "vocabulary" 15:20:31 ack emma 15:20:31 I think a list of Vocabs would not be as useful as specific recommendations in the context of specific scenarios. 15:20:56 emma: include the defitintions that we have created 15:21:37 ... vocabularies section was thought to list the vocabularies that we find we are using 15:21:55 ... http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/Library_terminology_informally_explained 15:22:13 ... list of vocabularies included in the use cases is a long list 15:22:26 or put them in an appendix 15:22:27 ... use the definitions to say that there are these types and include examples 15:22:34 kcoyle has joined #lld 15:22:34 +1 asaf, emma 15:22:37 ... for the report 15:23:03 TomB: Need a placeholder in the report that points to the vocabularies page 15:23:14 +1 marcia - put snapshot list of vocabularies in use in an appendix? 15:23:44 ... as we get further along, we need owners for sections so we can have a crack at making stylistic decisions of when do we have lists, when do we cut material, do we put lists in appendices, putting text in the main report 15:23:46 q+ vocabulary page same status as use cases? 15:23:51 ack antoine 15:24:20 antoine: suggests putting a snapshot of the vocabularies list in the appendix 15:24:59 TomB: suggests that where we have lists of things that we put effort into compiling those lists for the report 15:25:12 ... if we decide the appendix is not useful, we can cut it 15:25:26 Big question: who are we writing the report for? Knowledgeable parties? W3C? Librarians who are curious? 15:25:50 Very big question. :) 15:25:52 @GordonD : for "the community" ? 15:25:53 good question 15:26:06 antoine: A bit of a mixture of all of these people. 15:26:28 TomB: Another group is decision-makers in the library world. What direction to go in, where to invest resources, that sort of thing. 15:26:30 I think the _obvious_ audience is high-level deciders about library technology. Those vary between orgs. 15:26:38 Decision-makers need the snapshot! 15:27:10 (but also: implementers or would-be implementers of any kind of library-related LOD project) 15:27:11 q+ report as entry point to other del? 15:27:26 -TomB 15:27:44 ack ant 15:28:15 antoine: All of this discussion on the audience may point that we need a short report that is an entry point to other things. 15:28:16 Yes! Concise is good! 15:28:29 +1 for concision 15:28:34 +1 15:28:44 +??P0 15:28:57 ... what we currently see as the report focus on motivation, view of vocabularies 15:28:57 Usually, a report would have an "executive summary" or 1 or 2 pages for decision makers. 15:29:08 Do we need some introduction / reading guide? 15:29:12 zakim, ??P0 is TomB 15:29:12 +TomB; got it 15:29:17 To guide the diff type of readers? 15:29:36 -TomB 15:29:43 +michaelp for executive summary 15:29:48 +1 michaelp 15:30:03 +??P1 15:30:33 emma: Start by putting everything in one big draft and see what can then be extracted elsewhere 15:30:41 One big draft that can be output in different forms for different audiences is a good idea! 15:30:50 zakim, ??p1 is kcoyle 15:30:50 +kcoyle; got it 15:30:54 +1 15:31:23 need to identify the diff outputs then, sep wiki pages 15:32:18 ACTION: Include the vocabulary definition section in the report 15:32:56 Correct action to --- antoine to include an executive summary placeholder in the draft report 15:32:58 s/Include the vocabulary definition section in the report/Antoine to include executive summary placeholder in report/ 15:34:14 emma: Continuing where TomB left off, the next entry in the draft report is the http://ckan.net/group/lld 15:34:35 ... TomB suggests in his e-mail summarizing this as section 3.2 of the report 15:35:03 edsu: Does anyone know if very many library data sets have been tagged in CKAN? 15:35:16 emma: Current state has 18 packages. 15:36:02 antoine: Tagged 10 of them himself. Need to be mindful of registering other vocabularies 15:36:03 nice :-) 15:36:27 I will recommend to IFLA that the CKAN stuff is kept up to date for IFLA vocabularies, etc. 15:36:36 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Goals 15:37:11 emma: Next page is the page of goals. Not sure we need to keep it in the report as it was an aid for creating use cases. 15:37:56 markva: Doesn't think the page itself contains much text that would be useful in the report. It was useful to create coherent text of the use cases. Maybe could use the ideas someplace in the report, but no concrete suggestions. 15:38:08 q+ for an "exec summary" on UCs? 15:38:16 emma: Idea was to have common idea between the clusters to extract for the use case clusters. 15:38:21 ack ant 15:38:25 antoine, you wanted to discuss an "exec summary" on UCs? 15:38:54 antoine: the page could be a good list of reminders for introducing the section on use cases. an executive summary style of what linked data would do in terms of applications. 15:39:28 ... one sentence that digested the ideas. 15:39:40 ... we could have something in the same spirit to make relationships and exploit them. 15:39:48 +1 for folding Goals into Exec summary/overview of use cases 15:40:13 kefo has joined #lld 15:40:14 ACTION: Put the Goals page content at the beginning of the use case section 15:40:17 +[LC] 15:40:21 zakim, LC is me 15:40:21 +kefo; got it 15:40:29 apologies - weather delay 15:40:35 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/Library_terminology_informally_explained 15:40:43 emma: Next page is library terminology informally explained 15:40:47 zakim, mute me 15:40:47 kefo should now be muted 15:40:56 ... terms that are relevant to library and linked data world. 15:41:29 ... include in the final report as a link? Notes that it is on the community wiki, not the group wiki. 15:41:40 i think that was for our use 15:41:44 +1 include as link/appendix 15:42:12 kcoyle: Suggests that the purpose was so that we could communicate among ourselves, and not for the final report. 15:42:34 I think there should be a freezed version 15:42:39 emma: Only include the vocabulary part in the final report. 15:42:56 ttp://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_standards_and_linked_data 15:43:08 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_standards_and_linked_data 15:43:14 emma: Gordon's review library standards of linked data 15:43:17 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_Data_Resources 15:43:34 ... and this other page. There is overlap between the two. 15:44:28 -kcoyle 15:44:33 this could be an appendix 15:44:34 ... the page that GordonD created is interesting. At the face-to-face meeting we talked about including it in the report. Maybe in the vocabulary section. 15:44:47 ... the second page was intended as the internal work of the group. 15:45:04 overview of library standards really useful for semweb readers 15:45:05 GordonD: The overlap between the two is only in the first half of the library standards and linked data page. 15:45:26 ... the page is deliberately in two parts. Sections 1-4 should be conflated with the library data resources page. 15:45:44 ... the second half was intended as a stimulous for discussion by the group, but didn't have that effect. 15:45:55 ... it might stimulate further discussion beyond the life of the final report. 15:46:10 q+ on splitting the page? 15:46:16 ack ant 15:46:16 antoine, you wanted to comment on splitting the page? 15:46:30 antoine: could we split GordonD's page? 15:47:08 GordonD: No objections to splitting the page. It would be valuble to integrate the first part. 15:47:34 ... would like for this group to have at least one session discussing the open questions in the second half of the page. 15:48:45 seems to overlap with Problems and Limitations stuff 15:49:14 Proposed A C T I O N: As a future topic for a conference call, discuss the open questions in the second half of http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_standards_and_linked_data 15:50:08 ACTION: As a future topic for a conference call, discuss the open questions in the second half of http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_standards_and_linked_data 15:50:35 ACTION: GordonD to split http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_standards_and_linked_data and make recommendations on where to integrate into the final report 15:50:48 @markva: yes, there is overlap! Gordon's page elaborates on some of the limitations. 15:50:56 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/TopicsDiscussed 15:51:35 emma: We had the idea to work on this with wiki transclusion 15:51:48 ... we probably have some of these topics in the draft report already 15:52:26 ... the summary of the face to face is almost more relevant than this page 15:52:46 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/F2F_Pittsburgh_Outcomes#Use_cases_.26_Topics_9:00-10:30_.2B_11:00-12:30 15:52:53 @antoine: but see no place in report where prob & lim stuff should go? 15:53:06 needs to be in there 15:53:16 yes 15:53:40 that's probably what we most want to incubate around (sorry, lost phone, will just chat) 15:54:28 +1 need new sec 15:54:42 TomB has joined #lld 15:54:43 emma: create a new section in the report on problems and limitations? 15:54:43 \ 15:54:44 +1 some generalized ones 15:55:02 ...then we can go further with the recommendations 15:55:17 should be 1.4; before recommendations 15:56:36 ACTION: ?? to add a 1.4 section (before recommendations) on problems and limitations 15:56:49 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Granularity_of_library_metadata 15:57:23 GordonD: page is still under discussion with jodi and kcoyle 15:57:34 ... what the page is intending to publish is quite imporant 15:57:59 ... where it is heading is towards mixed granularity approach for libraries, with implications as to whether LLD helps 15:58:21 ... perhaps this belongs in the problems/limitation section as a general environmental issue that might lead to problems/limitations 15:58:36 ... suggests continue working on the page to include in this new problems/limitations section 15:58:53 +1 15:58:56 ... GordonD will come up with a suggestion on how to integrate it. 15:59:00 +1 seems like a good thing to include in the report 15:59:20 +1 16:00:34 -felix 16:00:48 ACTION: emma will enter the changes decided today into the draft report 16:01:10 Bye everyone. 16:01:12 bw 16:01:15 byw 16:01:16 bye 16:01:16 bye 16:01:17 -GordonD 16:01:18 -marcia 16:01:18 -Asaf 16:01:19 -edsu 16:01:19 -uldis 16:01:20 -kefo 16:01:25 -rsinger 16:01:28 -markva 16:01:31 [adjourned] 16:01:31 -michaelp 16:01:32 -jneubert 16:01:34 zakim, who is here? 16:01:34 On the phone I see antoine, emma, pmurray (muted) 16:01:37 zakim, list attendees 16:01:37 As of this point the attendees have been TomB, antoine, +, emma, +1.404.892.aabb, markva, pmurray, +1.423.463.aacc, rsinger, Asaf, uldis, +1.330.289.aadd, GordonD, 16:01:41 ... +1.614.764.aaee, +49.4.aaff, marcia, michaelp, jneubert, edsu, felix, kcoyle, kefo 16:01:41 zakim, unmute pmurray 16:01:41 pmurray should no longer be muted 16:01:50 michaelp has left #lld 16:01:57 rrsagent, please draft minutes 16:01:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-minutes.html emma 16:02:54 -pmurray 16:03:35 uldis has left #lld 16:06:37 zakim, bye 16:06:37 leaving. As of this point the attendees were TomB, antoine, +, emma, +1.404.892.aabb, markva, pmurray, +1.423.463.aacc, rsinger, Asaf, uldis, +1.330.289.aadd, 16:06:37 Zakim has left #lld 16:06:44 rrsagent, bye 16:06:44 I see 6 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-actions.rdf : 16:06:44 ACTION: Include the vocabulary definition section in the report [1] 16:06:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-irc#T15-32-18 16:06:44 ACTION: Put the Goals page content at the beginning of the use case section [2] 16:06:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-irc#T15-40-14 16:06:44 ACTION: As a future topic for a conference call, discuss the open questions in the second half of http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_standards_and_linked_data [3] 16:06:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-irc#T15-50-08 16:06:44 ACTION: GordonD to split http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_standards_and_linked_data and make recommendations on where to integrate into the final report [4] 16:06:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-irc#T15-50-35 16:06:44 ACTION: ?? to add a 1.4 section (before recommendations) on problems and limitations [5] 16:06:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-irc#T15-56-36 16:06:44 ACTION: emma will enter the changes decided today into the draft report [6] 16:06:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/01/27-lld-irc#T16-00-48