14:55:44 RRSAgent has joined #dap 14:55:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/01/19-dap-irc 14:55:46 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:55:46 Zakim has joined #dap 14:55:48 Zakim, this will be DAP 14:55:48 ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 14:55:49 Meeting: Device APIs and Policy Working Group Teleconference 14:55:49 Date: 19 January 2011 14:56:04 AnssiK has joined #dap 14:56:10 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/0068.html 14:56:15 Present+ Soonho_Lee 14:57:00 Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 14:57:10 Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 14:58:04 UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started 14:58:11 +??P4 14:58:17 +AnssiK 14:58:36 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 14:58:57 +harald 14:59:11 zakim, ??P4 is Soonho_Lee 14:59:11 +Soonho_Lee; got it 14:59:26 hta has joined #dap 14:59:32 +lgombos 14:59:33 Regrets+ Niklas_Widell , María_Oteo, Marco_Marengo, Wonsuk_Lee, Jérôme_Giraud, Claes_ Nilsson 14:59:49 Present+ Harald_Alvestrand 15:00:07 (visitor) 15:00:14 +??P7 15:00:23 zakim, ??P7 is me 15:00:23 +fjh; got it 15:00:27 zakim, who is here? 15:00:27 On the phone I see Soonho_Lee, AnssiK, harald, lgombos, fjh 15:00:29 On IRC I see hta, AnssiK, Zakim, RRSAgent, darobin, soonho, cmarc, fjh, manyoung, richt, ilkka, ingmar, wmaslowski, shepazu, lgombos, trackbot, dom 15:00:33 Suresh has joined #dap 15:00:35 + +1.806.782.aaaa 15:00:43 +??P9 15:01:00 how do I tell zakim that hta = harald? 15:01:05 ktaklee has joined #dap 15:01:08 zakim, hta is harald 15:01:08 sorry, fjh, I do not recognize a party named 'hta' 15:01:15 + +1.972.373.aabb 15:01:20 Zakim, harald is hta 15:01:20 +hta; got it 15:01:29 thanks! 15:01:33 Present+ Kyung-Tak_Lee 15:01:34 zakim, Suresh is aabb 15:01:34 sorry, Suresh, I do not recognize a party named 'Suresh' 15:01:41 +dom 15:01:46 +??P13 15:01:47 zakim, aabb is Suresh 15:01:48 +Suresh; got it 15:01:50 zakim, who is here? 15:01:50 On the phone I see Soonho_Lee, AnssiK, hta, lgombos, fjh, +1.806.782.aaaa (muted), ??P9, Suresh, dom, ??P13 15:01:53 Present+ Dominique_Hazael-Massieux 15:01:53 On IRC I see ktaklee, Suresh, hta, AnssiK, Zakim, RRSAgent, darobin, soonho, cmarc, fjh, manyoung, richt, ilkka, ingmar, wmaslowski, shepazu, lgombos, trackbot, dom 15:01:54 jmorris has joined #dap 15:01:54 Zakim: ??P13 is me 15:02:05 Zakim, ??P13 is me 15:02:05 +dom; got it 15:02:15 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:02:15 On the phone I see Soonho_Lee, AnssiK, hta, lgombos, fjh, +1.806.782.aaaa (muted), ??P9, Suresh, dom, dom.a 15:02:19 Zakim, dom.a is really robin 15:02:19 +robin; got it 15:02:23 arun_prasath has joined #dap 15:02:43 Zakim, robin is me 15:02:43 +darobin; got it 15:02:48 present+ arun_prasath 15:02:48 Bo has joined #dap 15:03:14 + +1.301.581.aacc 15:03:28 Zakim, aacc is John 15:03:28 +John; got it 15:03:51 Dzung_Tran has joined #dap 15:03:58 Present+ Dzung_Tran 15:04:25 zakim, John is jmorris 15:04:25 +jmorris; got it 15:04:32 -Soonho_Lee 15:05:17 Topic: Administrative 15:05:33 scribe is jmorris 15:05:34 ScribeNick: jmorris 15:06:30 Seoul F2F logistics, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-device-apis/2011Jan/0002.html (Kangchan) 15:06:30 2b) "Device API Access Control Use Cases and Requirements" update published, http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-dap-policy-reqs-20110118/ 15:06:38 ACTION: Dom to create a registration form for Seoul F2F 15:06:38 Created ACTION-326 - Create a registration form for Seoul F2F [on Dominique Hazaël-Massieux - due 2011-01-26]. 15:06:40 HTML5 logo, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/0062.html 15:06:40 TOPIC: Seoul logistics 15:07:10 + +0103128aadd 15:07:31 http://www.w3.org/html/logo/#the-technology 15:08:02 It's a bit confusing...the logo says HTML5 but faqs say the family of technologies SVG, CSS 15:08:04 bryan_sullivan has joined #dap 15:08:09 zakim, +0103128aadd is Soonho_Lee 15:08:09 +Soonho_Lee; got it 15:08:10 http://www.w3.org/html/logo/badge/html5-badge-h-device.png 15:09:06 TOPIC: Approve 12 January minutes 15:09:14 Approve 12 January minutes 15:09:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/att-0035/minutes-2011-01-12.html 15:09:17 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 12 January 2011 approved 15:09:17 + +1.425.214.aaee 15:09:25 Present +Cecile_Marc 15:09:33 present+ bryan_sullivan 15:09:40 Present+ John_Morris 15:09:59 Zakim, aaee is probably bryan_sullivan 15:09:59 +bryan_sullivan?; got it 15:10:03 TOPIC: Messaging API 15:10:14 ISSUE-100? 15:10:14 ISSUE-100 -- Subscring to new messages should be done with filters and data minimization -- open 15:10:14 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/100 15:10:22 fjh: let's talk about ISSUE-100 15:10:24 zakim, +1.425.214.aaee is bryan_sullivan 15:10:24 sorry, bryan_sullivan, I do not recognize a party named '+1.425.214.aaee' 15:10:28 ISSUE-100? 15:10:28 ISSUE-100 -- Subscring to new messages should be done with filters and data minimization -- open 15:10:28 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/100 15:10:38 -> http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/messaging/ MEssaging API Editors draft 15:10:45 q+ 15:10:47 .. thinks we can close this issue 15:10:49 ack dom 15:11:02 zakim, +1425214aaee is bryan_sullivan 15:11:02 sorry, bryan_sullivan, I do not recognize a party named '+1425214aaee' 15:11:23 dom: we should perhaps postpone issues because we are not addressing subscription 15:11:34 ISSUE-103? 15:11:34 ISSUE-103 -- Does the messaging API fit outside of contained environments? -- open 15:11:34 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/103 15:11:42 RESOLUTION: postpone ISSUE-100 15:12:02 zakim, who is here? 15:12:02 On the phone I see AnssiK, hta, lgombos, fjh, +1.806.782.aaaa (muted), ??P9, Suresh, dom, darobin, jmorris, Soonho_Lee, bryan_sullivan? 15:12:05 On IRC I see bryan_sullivan, Dzung_Tran, Bo, arun_prasath, jmorris, ktaklee, Suresh, hta, AnssiK, Zakim, RRSAgent, darobin, soonho, cmarc, fjh, manyoung, richt, ilkka, ingmar, 15:12:07 ... wmaslowski, shepazu, lgombos, trackbot, dom 15:12:41 ISSUE-103? 15:12:41 ISSUE-103 -- Does the messaging API fit outside of contained environments? -- open 15:12:41 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/103 15:12:50 darobin: should we also close ISSUE-103? 15:13:11 .. it was opened during F2F 15:13:32 .. about whether messaging would work outside of "contained environments" 15:13:50 RESOLUTION: close ISSUE-103 15:13:52 close ISSUE-103 15:13:52 ISSUE-103 Does the messaging API fit outside of contained environments? closed 15:13:52 +??P30 15:14:26 fjh: are we publishing update or last call? 15:14:27 Present+ Manyoung_Cho 15:14:32 dom: let's go with update 15:14:46 darobin: more comfortable with review rather than last call 15:14:53 Zakim, ??P30 is probably manyoung 15:14:53 +manyoung?; got it 15:14:58 zakim, who is here? 15:14:58 On the phone I see AnssiK, hta, lgombos, fjh, +1.806.782.aaaa (muted), ??P9, Suresh, dom, darobin, jmorris, Soonho_Lee, bryan_sullivan?, manyoung? 15:15:00 On IRC I see bryan_sullivan, Dzung_Tran, Bo, arun_prasath, jmorris, ktaklee, Suresh, hta, AnssiK, Zakim, RRSAgent, darobin, soonho, cmarc, fjh, manyoung, richt, ilkka, ingmar, 15:15:03 ... wmaslowski, shepazu, lgombos, trackbot, dom 15:15:05 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: publish a heartbeat WD of Messaging 15:15:18 RESOLUTION: publish updated Messaging API draft 15:15:22 oops, 15:15:27 cathy has joined #dap 15:15:49 ACTION: Robin to prepare Messaging for publication 15:15:49 Created ACTION-327 - Prepare Messaging for publication [on Robin Berjon - due 2011-01-26]. 15:16:06 +cathy 15:16:08 s/updated/a heartbeat of/ 15:16:29 TOPIC: Contacts API 15:16:41 zakim, who is here? 15:16:41 On the phone I see AnssiK, hta, lgombos, fjh, +1.806.782.aaaa (muted), ??P9, Suresh, dom, darobin, jmorris, Soonho_Lee, bryan_sullivan?, manyoung?, cathy 15:16:44 On IRC I see cathy, bryan_sullivan, Dzung_Tran, arun_prasath, jmorris, ktaklee, Suresh, hta, AnssiK, Zakim, RRSAgent, darobin, soonho, cmarc, fjh, manyoung, richt, ilkka, ingmar, 15:16:47 ... wmaslowski, shepazu, lgombos, trackbot, dom 15:16:48 darobin: anything to report on call? 15:17:22 fjh: we should do Anssi's suggestions on [??] 3 and 4 15:17:58 Suresh: trying to understand what we take out of discussion 15:18:05 .. not seen anything from Richard 15:18:31 .. summarize what I have been saying on list 15:18:44 .. discussion about writeback ? API 15:18:48 .. two ways to do it 15:19:01 .. download and save option - no objection to it 15:19:13 .. it is not the best solution - a midlevel solution 15:19:16 s/to do it/to do it, two ways, download and save, also direct API 15:19:24 latest update to Contacts API was made on Fri Jan 14: http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2009/dap/contacts/Overview.html 15:19:39 .. latest proposal from Richard is to take up contactWriter 15:19:53 .. need to continue work on Writer API 15:20:24 (I think we should move section 8 "adding and updating contacts" as an informative appendix, and move ahead with an update to the contacts api) 15:20:31 .. I do not have problem with download and save, but it is not the only option 15:20:59 (I think the Abstract shouldn't go into that level of details anyway) 15:21:02 anssi re references, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/0059.html 15:21:06 .. state that this is an alternate option to save back into address book 15:21:18 fjh: do we need a volunteer on this? 15:21:32 Suresh: Richard is editor 15:21:51 .. he prefers a direct API 15:22:13 fjh: we are at a standstill on list on this 15:22:29 .. wondering about writer, and how it will be done 15:22:52 Suresh: the write option came back into draft 15:22:59 q+ to suggest edits 15:23:21 .. I would make writer API normative and include this option as an additional option 15:23:37 .. we could include download and save in a writer API 15:23:39 q? 15:23:59 darobin: steps forward? 15:24:24 .. I wonder if softening the language in the abstract might help? 15:24:37 s/suggestions on [??] 3 and 4/suggestion on referencing vcard3 and noting vcard4 15:24:38 .. rather than saying "normative guideline" soften it 15:24:56 ack dom 15:24:56 dom, you wanted to suggest edits 15:24:56 ack dom 15:25:01 dom: will propose a sentence 15:25:33 s/sentence/sentence for abstract to revise phrase about negating the need 15:25:41 +1 15:25:49 .. think that appendix is best way to present it 15:26:00 .. I will make the changes 15:26:18 +1 15:26:19 s/it/writer 15:26:22 +1 15:27:03 proposed ACTION on dom TO ?? 15:27:04 ACTION: Dom to edit the contacts to address concerns with the way writing is described 15:27:05 Created ACTION-328 - Edit the contacts to address concerns with the way writing is described [on Dominique Hazaël-Massieux - due 2011-01-26]. 15:27:31 brian_sullivan: current draft does not contain programatic saving 15:27:45 .. it can do a "save as" after which the user can import 15:27:48 s/described/described, moving writing to appendix and updating abstract 15:27:57 .. it might directly trigger import 15:28:15 .. no devices on market would allow this approach 15:28:32 .. thinks programatic approach is still needed 15:28:41 .. okay with appendix approach, but not real solution 15:29:14 s/to appendix/to informative appendix/ 15:29:24 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:29:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/01/19-dap-minutes.html fjh 15:29:54 darobin: you might not need a file system 15:30:00 s/how do I tell zakim that hta = harald?// 15:30:09 s/thanks!// 15:30:20 .. there is a media type attached to content 15:30:29 s/scribe is jmorris// 15:30:45 .. browser might prompt you to download or open in application 15:31:18 Suresh: this may not work across 100% 15:31:33 ,, but still not as clean as programatic API 15:31:34 s/or last call/or last call, assuming update/ 15:31:40 s/,,/../ 15:31:42 s/oops,// 15:32:45 s/described [recorded/described , moving writing to informative appendix and updating abstract [recorded/ 15:32:46 I've brought the proposed changes in ACTION-328 to http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/contacts/ 15:33:00 darobin: this functionality exists already 15:33:08 ACTION-328: http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2009/dap/contacts/Overview.html.diff?r1=1.104&r2=1.108&f=h 15:33:08 ACTION-328 Edit the contacts to address concerns with the way writing is described notes added 15:33:23 bryan_sullivan: we don't want user to have to go through extra hoops 15:33:31 .. to get data into contacts application 15:33:52 darobin: there is text that allows this in the document 15:33:57 .. in section 8 15:34:10 ISSUE-86? 15:34:10 ISSUE-86 -- Privacy issue about sharing other users contact information from own address book -- open 15:34:10 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/86 15:34:16 .. I propose we go ahead with dom's edits 15:34:38 for ISSUE-86, I suggest following sentence be added as new paragraph at end of section 3.1: 15:34:39 "Note that even if a user gives permission to share their contact information this can have privacy implications for those parties whose contacts are shared, as they may not wish such sharing to occur. This should be considered by web services when requesting and using such information." 15:35:04 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/timers.html#dom-navigator-registercontenthandler 15:36:33 Suresh and anssi discussing vcard support 15:36:48 http://microformats.org/wiki/vcard-implementations 15:36:52 Suresh: no sure which platforms support which version of vcard 15:37:20 darobin: if everyone supports vcard? 15:37:52 darobin: it is hard to implement 15:38:07 +1 on "supported contact formats" to be impossible (or least very difficult) to support 15:38:16 Suresh: did you mean you need a get conterpart for navigator.registerContentHandler()? 15:38:21 .. this requires user agent to know what applications are installed - this is very hard to support 15:38:44 Suresh: though API, method to query underlying formats 15:38:46 q+ to say this relates to Application Launcher discussions, suggest moving to list 15:38:55 .. not application that is registered for it 15:38:58 +1 to dom 15:39:05 I think the crux of this argument from Suresh is that a programmatic API can be format agnostic thus obviating concern about which formats are supported 15:39:29 ack dom 15:39:29 dom, you wanted to say this relates to Application Launcher discussions, suggest moving to list 15:39:40 (I think the convenience method could be tackled by a Javascript library) 15:40:09 +1 to dom, I sent some pointers to the list regarding this one 15:40:17 (yes, and better than a browser ever could do it) 15:40:51 AnssiK: trying to determine if Suresh wants a get 15:41:28 dom: done edits to contacts, and moving to appendix 15:41:40 q+ 15:41:47 +1 to dom 15:41:55 .. more generally, if anyone wants to propose specific prohibitions, better on mailing list 15:41:57 -dom 15:42:21 ISSUE-86? 15:42:21 ISSUE-86 -- Privacy issue about sharing other users contact information from own address book -- open 15:42:21 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/86 15:42:45 "Note that even if a user gives permission to share their contact information this can have privacy implications for those parties whose contacts are shared, as they may not wish such sharing to occur. This should be considered by web services when requesting and using such information." 15:42:50 +dom 15:42:51 fjh: put in list: 15:42:58 "Note that even if a user gives permission to share their contact information this can have privacy implications for those parties whose contacts are shared, as they may not wish such sharing to occur. This should be considered by web services when requesting and using such information." 15:43:51 s/Suresh:/Suresh,/ 15:43:51 put "serious" in front of "privacy implications" 15:44:19 jmorris: strengthen language 15:44:42 fjh: can't prohibit it and best is to warn about it 15:45:12 darobin: no need for resolution 15:45:20 close ISSUE-86 15:45:20 ISSUE-86 Privacy issue about sharing other users contact information from own address book closed 15:45:22 ISSUE-86: we added some informative text in that regard to the document 15:45:22 ISSUE-86 Privacy issue about sharing other users contact information from own address book notes added 15:45:48 ISSUE-99? 15:45:48 ISSUE-99 -- Integration of Contacts API in the DOM (e.g. through ) -- open 15:45:48 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/99 15:46:12 darobin: ISSUE-99 may not be solved now 15:46:19 .. perhaps leave it open 15:46:27 fjh: this is a new feature 15:46:33 postpone ISSUE-99 15:46:34 dom: mark it as postponed 15:47:00 q+ 15:47:03 RESOLUTION: postpone ISSUE-99 15:47:04 q- 15:47:22 ack dom 15:47:24 dom: another issue - remark about time zone 15:47:29 .. offset to GMT 15:47:38 "The value contains the time zone of this Contact as an offset from UTC. 15:47:38 The value must be specified as a positive or negative difference from the UTC in units of hours and minutes (i.e. +hh:mm). Example, by specifying +05:30 indicates the Contact is associated with a current time zone of GMT+05:30. " 15:47:55 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/contacts/#widl-Contact-timezone 15:48:03 darobin: we discussed a solution? 15:48:11 dom: did not converge on solution 15:48:24 .. no one proposed concrete solution 15:48:28 Dom, i looked at your updates to Contacts API quickly - in the appendix (non-normative section) we are still using normative language like SHOULD, and not sure if this right. Perhaps lower casing it is better 15:48:36 darobin: we should have an ISSUE about this 15:48:53 .. presumably this is a mapping from vcard? 15:48:56 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Dec/0020.html Issue about timezone encoding in Contacts API 15:49:14 Suresh: not sure this is a vcard mapping 15:49:24 hm. if timezone is represented internally as a real timezone, and exposed here as a fixed UTC offset, reading it and storing it back will lose info. 15:49:35 darobin: vcard says this an offset from UTC 15:49:52 .. not sure we can fix it if it is wrong in vcard 15:50:27 -> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-2.4.4 UTC-OFFSET field in vCard 15:51:02 dom: perhaps we should rename "timezone" to "UTC offset" 15:51:11 .. to be consistent with vcard 15:51:44 darobin: Any objections to renaming this? 15:51:56 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: rename the timezone field to utcOffset to match vCard better 15:52:00 section 3.4.1 of RFC 2426 has a timezone. 15:52:05 (TZ) 15:52:17 -hta 15:52:23 sorry, pushed the wrong button. 15:52:42 fjh: harold, what is question? 15:52:53 +hta 15:53:19 hta: RFC has two fields 15:53:36 .. but one field undefined 15:54:44 Discussion of whether utcOffset would be stored someone? 15:54:58 fjh: sounds like we are not ready to go to last call 15:55:08 .. if we are fixing this on the fly 15:55:24 Suresh: ID is read only 15:55:35 darobin: open issue and discuss on list 15:55:46 .. investigate having two fields: 15:55:55 .. utcOffset and TZ 15:56:03 .. will open issue 15:56:28 ISSUE: Does having a timezone field make sense, should it be utfOffset or utcOffset and tz to better match vCard 15:56:28 Created ISSUE-106 - Does having a timezone field make sense, should it be utfOffset or utcOffset and tz to better match vCard ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/106/edit . 15:56:47 s/TZ/tz/ 15:57:25 darobin: we cannot move ahead with contacts but making progress 15:57:27 vCard 4.0 draft proposes some changes to TZ, e.g. TZ property now has text / uri value: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-vcarddav-vcardrev 15:57:37 .. solve ISSUE-106 and them move to last call 15:57:49 TOPIC: HTML+Speech Feedback 15:57:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/0057.html -> HTML+Speech feedback 15:58:22 darobin: Context - a coordination call last friday with hypertext WGs 15:58:42 s/WGs/WG/ 15:58:42 .. there is interest in interacting with audio streams 15:59:01 .. they want to know where we are going with media caption API 15:59:13 .. how this relates to device functionality 15:59:20 .. not sure how to tackle this e-mail 15:59:33 .. perhaps we need an ACTION to respond to this e-mail 16:00:16 .. e-mail is way to start conversation with group 16:00:35 ACTION-300? 16:00:35 ACTION-300 -- Claes Nilsson to start working on use cases and requirements for video/audio conference à la element -- due 2010-11-12 -- OPEN 16:00:35 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/actions/300 16:00:52 dom: does ACTION-300 relate? 16:01:05 darobin: do we ask Claes to do this? 16:01:20 dom: chairs should have own action for coordination 16:01:32 ACTION-300: may relate to http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/0057.html HTML+Speech feedback as well 16:01:32 ACTION-300 Start working on use cases and requirements for video/audio conference à la element notes added 16:01:33 fjh: will add note to 300 16:01:35 ACTION: Robin to maintain coordination with HTML+Speech on http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/0057.html; include Claes in the discussion 16:01:35 Created ACTION-329 - Maintain coordination with HTML+Speech on http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/0057.html; include Claes in the discussion [on Robin Berjon - due 2011-01-26]. 16:01:59 darobin: do you know when real time web WG will start? 16:02:13 dom: not sure it will, but if it does, early march 16:02:37 TOPIC: sysinfo 16:02:53 http://www.w3.org/mid/AANLkTimokqOO_54OTij4ysdO6Dh-JmBJWLgQjYmnsZKH@mail.gmail.com -> Bryan's message 16:02:55 bryan_sullivan: I was catching up on sysinfo 16:03:09 .. 2 or 3 e-mails with extensive comments 16:03:23 .. I made a stab at issues, but some I don't know what to do on 16:03:36 .. issues have not come to head on list 16:03:50 have to drop off now, thanks for letting me listen in. leaving chat open. 16:03:53 -hta 16:03:58 Note that we're thinking of removing Network from sysinfo, per ACTION-294 16:04:20 .. I sent long e-mail to list 16:04:27 .. I can break into separate threads 16:04:53 .. working on easy things first, and break complicated issues into separate discussions 16:05:02 ISSUE-102? 16:05:02 ISSUE-102 -- Sysinfo asynchronous calls needs to be expressed in terms of events loop -- open 16:05:02 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/102 16:05:36 ISSUE-102: plan to handle with core device specification 16:05:36 ISSUE-102 Sysinfo asynchronous calls needs to be expressed in terms of events loop notes added 16:05:45 [see also how COntacts API refers to this http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/contacts/#terminology ] 16:05:47 .. on power issues, did not see resolution 16:05:52 .. on list 16:05:53 ISSUE-102 closed 16:05:53 ISSUE-102 Sysinfo asynchronous calls needs to be expressed in terms of events loop closed 16:06:08 .. I will respond on power e-mail 16:06:09 s/COntacts/Contacts/ 16:06:22 ISSUE-64? 16:06:22 ISSUE-64 -- "Generic" sensors may permit discovering sensitive information -- open 16:06:22 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/64 16:06:38 fjh: we may need to do more on ISSUE-64 16:08:12 - +1.806.782.aaaa 16:09:25 -Soonho_Lee 16:09:31 jmorris: will look at sysinfo privacy language 16:09:37 action: jmorris to review SysInfo privacy considerations section, and ISSUE-64 on "generic" 16:09:37 Created ACTION-330 - Review SysInfo privacy considerations section, and ISSUE-64 on "generic" [on John Morris - due 2011-01-26]. 16:10:08 (I think the goal of "generic sensors" is extensibility) 16:10:57 "Generic sensors, e.g., discovery of nearby wireless networks, MAC addresses of access points, etc may permit localizing the device (and its user). Access control policies for such sensors need to be aligned with access to the more sensitive information that can be inferred." 16:10:58 jmorris: I will look at spec 16:11:07 action: fjh to review ISSUE-64 16:11:07 Created ACTION-331 - Review ISSUE-64 [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2011-01-26]. 16:12:21 TOPIC: Privacy issue review and next steps 16:12:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Jan/0067.html 16:13:15 ISSUE-34? 16:13:15 ISSUE-34 -- Protecting data versus protecting apis -- open 16:13:15 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/34 16:13:47 fjh: ISSUE-34 - both are concerns - both protecting API and data 16:13:57 I don't think this is an issue; i.e. it is not a question one can give an answer 16:15:09 dom: current issue is not really phrased in term of a question to be resolved 16:15:44 fjh: in issue title, "versus" is wrong word 16:16:00 .. want to see what action we can take to address the concern 16:16:15 .. do we need to mention access control, and if so where? 16:16:31 .. can we publish ruleset proposal as draft 16:16:52 .. should we get broader feedback on issue 16:17:20 it might be a good idea to reference the permissions and access control drafts from the API specs? 16:17:39 dom: question on scope 16:17:50 fjh: concerned that we are pushing issue aside 16:17:59 .. perhaps take offline 16:18:01 s/issue/privacy issue/ 16:18:19 leaving ISSUE-34 open for now 16:18:33 Suresh: have we considered referencing documents from API specs? 16:18:46 .. we don't reference our own documents 16:20:09 fjh: [discussing permissions] 16:20:18 .. how does this relate to permission, 16:21:04 Dom: I think the Permissions document is supposed to reference APIs, not the other way around 16:21:17 suresh asks if permissions doc should be referenced from API specs 16:21:29 Dom: the Permission draft would be referenced from a policy framework document, or from the Permissions APIs (for which we don't have an active editor atm) 16:21:31 frederick suggests that this would make sense if they are integrated in a solution 16:22:04 dom reminds us that permissions could be used from either a policy framework, or from a checkPermissions draft that needs to be written 16:22:52 ACTION-293? 16:22:52 ACTION-293 -- Robin Berjon to invite John Gregg to edit Feature Permissions API document in DAP -- due 2010-11-11 -- OPEN 16:22:52 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/actions/293 16:23:04 -dom 16:23:29 fjh: need to figure out how permissions document fits into whole structure 16:24:22 +dom 16:24:40 fjh: Feature Permissions API 16:24:45 Suresh: we do talk about permissions in API documents 16:25:12 -manyoung? 16:25:32 lgombos: notification spec used to have this in it, but then broken up 16:25:50 fjh: do you need help on getting draft pulled together 16:26:04 .. need to have on homepage 16:26:10 ACTION: lazlo to provide an editors draft of permissions API 16:26:10 Sorry, couldn't find user - lazlo 16:26:18 .. dom may be right, but we need to understand issue 16:26:19 ACTION: laszlo to provide an editors draft of permissions API 16:26:19 Created ACTION-332 - Provide an editors draft of permissions API [on Laszlo Gombos - due 2011-01-26]. 16:26:41 ISSUE-78? 16:26:41 ISSUE-78 -- Capture has a minimisation problem with EXIF data (e.g. it could be Geotagged) -- open 16:26:41 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/78 16:26:51 fjh: ISSUE-78 concern about exit data 16:26:58 manyoung has left #dap 16:27:06 propose the HTML Media Capture have a note added similar to that in Media Capture 16:27:09 .. proposed to copy note over to HTML media capture 16:27:28 .. who is editing HTML media capture? 16:28:07 both documents have a note on EXIF and minimization 16:28:24 media capture api, http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/camera/Overview-API.html 2 16:28:24 fjh: media capture API has language in section 2 16:28:40 .. note on EXIF date 16:28:45 s/date/data/ 16:28:46 "implementors should take care of additional leakage of privacy-sensitive data from captured media. For instance, embedding the user’s location in a captured media metadata (e.g. EXIF) might transmit more private data than the user might be expecting." 16:29:10 HTML media capture, http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/camera/#security, parenthetical in section 3 16:29:15 .. but in HTML Media Capture does not have similar language in section 3 16:29:32 .. it does not have the same language 16:29:48 .. for consistency, we should handle with same language 16:29:57 .. Media Capture language is better 16:30:09 suggest note in media capture to html media capture 16:31:13 fjh: proposing to handle same issue the same in both documents 16:31:44 ISSUE-86? 16:31:44 ISSUE-86 -- Privacy issue about sharing other users contact information from own address book -- closed 16:31:44 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/86 16:31:53 ISSUE-87? 16:31:53 ISSUE-87 -- Degree of ruleset transmission with API calls, how often, which -- open 16:31:53 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/87 16:32:20 fjh: we need to figure this out sometime, how seriously we address privacy 16:32:28 ISSUE-88? 16:32:28 ISSUE-88 -- User interaction for ruleset confirmation when multiple APIs are used to provide functionality, usability etc -- open 16:32:28 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/88 16:32:49 Suresh: we have some text in Contacts API 16:33:16 fjh: yes, ISSUE-86 is resolved 16:33:31 bryan_sullivan: we will have further contributions on this soon 16:33:43 s/this/privacy 16:33:45 .. based on WAC effort based on POWDER 16:33:59 .. question is how to do this in websites 16:34:19 .. bringing this to table will help move discussion 16:34:54 .. hope to do this in February 16:35:06 .. 2.0 version of WAC will come out soon 16:36:18 fjh: issue-88 suggestion is to do ruleset interaction 16:36:56 fjh: we will hold this set of issues for later discussion 16:37:04 Topic: Adjourn 16:37:05 -dom 16:37:07 -bryan_sullivan? 16:37:07 -lgombos 16:37:10 -fjh 16:37:12 -AnssiK 16:37:18 -cathy 16:37:37 -??P9 16:37:43 -jmorris 16:38:05 -Suresh 16:38:10 -darobin 16:38:12 UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended 16:38:13 Attendees were AnssiK, Soonho_Lee, lgombos, fjh, +1.806.782.aaaa, +1.972.373.aabb, hta, dom, Suresh, darobin, +1.301.581.aacc, jmorris, +1.425.214.aaee, bryan_sullivan?, manyoung?, 16:38:16 ... cathy 16:44:02 arun_prasath has left #dap 17:02:10 ISUE-34? 17:02:15 ISSUE-34? 17:02:15 ISSUE-34 -- Protecting data versus protecting apis -- open 17:02:15 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/34 17:04:18 ISSUE-78? 17:04:19 ISSUE-78 -- Capture has a minimisation problem with EXIF data (e.g. it could be Geotagged) -- open 17:04:19 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/78 17:26:39 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:26:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/01/19-dap-minutes.html fjh 17:57:44 Zakim has left #dap