W3C Mobile Web Initiative

W3C Mobile Web Initiative

Augmentation Concerns

A summary of Andrew Braun's paper for the AR on the Web Workshop


Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>

Augmenting the World

Concern 1: Privacy

Consider walking past a vending machine and seeing a customised advert for a drink you like.

Concern 2: Context

I like computers and beer. Where does this matter?

Concern 3: Recognising Individuals

Walk past somone in the street. Your head up display shows you their name, likes and dislikes, favourite sports team and so on.

Identity Control

All comes down to your identity and who controls it.

Identity Control

satellite view of a street in Ipswich

Identity Control

satellite view of a street in Ipswich

Identity Control

All comes down to your identity and who controls it.

Paper Trail

Final Concern: Enhance, don't Detract

Final Concern: Enhance, don't Detract

A summary of Andrew Braun's paper for the AR on the Web Workshop


Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>