18:00:43 RRSAgent has joined #webapps 18:00:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/12/08-webapps-irc 18:00:45 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:00:47 Zakim, this will be DOM3 18:00:47 ok, trackbot; I see IA_WebApps(DOM3)2:00PM scheduled to start in 60 minutes 18:00:48 Meeting: Web Applications Working Group Teleconference 18:00:48 Date: 08 December 2010 18:00:52 Zakim, call shepazu 18:00:52 ok, shepazu; the call is being made 18:02:24 Zakim, who's on the call? 18:02:24 IA_WebApps(DOM3)2:00PM has not yet started, smaug_ 18:02:26 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, smaug_, Lawouach, Lachy, krijnh, karl, Martijnc`, gavin, richt, MikeSmith, aroben, kennyluck, ArtB, anne, shepazu, jgraham, Dashiva, gsnedders, hober, 18:02:28 ... trackbot, sideshow, Hixie, dom 18:03:05 jrossi has joined #webapps 18:03:05 Zakim, call shepazu 18:03:05 ok, shepazu; the call is being made 18:03:11 miketaylr has joined #webapps 18:04:26 Lachy has joined #webapps 18:04:53 jrossi: 26631 18:05:03 Zakim, who's on the call? 18:05:04 IA_WebApps(DOM3)2:00PM has not yet started, smaug_ 18:05:08 On IRC I see Lachy, miketaylr, jrossi, RRSAgent, Zakim, smaug_, Lawouach, krijnh, karl, Martijnc`, gavin, richt, MikeSmith, aroben, kennyluck, ArtB, anne, shepazu, jgraham, 18:05:12 ... Dashiva, gsnedders, hober, trackbot, sideshow, Hixie, dom 18:12:19 richt has left #webapps 18:16:21 scribenick: jrossi 18:16:38 jrossi: would like to nail down inputLocale 18:16:54 jrossi: some pushback for putting it on compositionEvent instead of textEvent 18:17:45 jrossi: have no issue with putting it in on textEvent, provided we can spec it in a way that implementations will pass the test when only providing this value for keyboard and IME inputMethods (and remaining values can be null) 18:18:35 smaug: no pushback for compositionEvent, just a recommendation that it be in addition to textEvent 18:18:44 jrossi: agreed 18:20:38 schepazu: i think it can always be null, so that a passing implementation can provide either null or the correct locale code 18:20:44 jrossi: that would be acceptable 18:25:44 jrossi: should inputLocale be in the init methods for these interfaces? 18:27:05 shepazu: yeah let's add this to the init and that will let us test this better, and enable script-based textEvents to provide locale (eg, script-based IME) 18:28:34 RESOLUTION: we will have inputLocale on KeyboardEvent, CompositionEvent, and TextEvent, and add this the initialization methods for all three 18:33:59 trackbot, end telcon 18:33:59 Zakim, list attendees 18:33:59 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 18:34:00 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:34:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/12/08-webapps-minutes.html trackbot 18:34:01 RRSAgent, bye 18:34:01 I see no action items