14:41:27 RRSAgent has joined #dap 14:41:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/12/01-dap-irc 14:41:29 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:41:29 Zakim has joined #dap 14:41:31 Zakim, this will be DAP 14:41:31 ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 19 minutes 14:41:32 Meeting: Device APIs and Policy Working Group Teleconference 14:41:32 Date: 01 December 2010 14:42:48 Regrets+ Dom 14:48:47 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Nov/0069.html 14:49:44 Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 14:49:47 Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 14:51:30 Regrets+ John_Morris, Niklas_Widell, Suresh_Chitturi, Marco_Marengo 14:51:56 UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started 14:52:03 + +1.781.534.aaaa - is perhaps lgombos 14:52:15 Present+ Laszlo_Gombos 14:59:12 +[IPcaller] 14:59:21 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 14:59:21 +fjh; got it 14:59:24 zakim, who is here? 14:59:24 On the phone I see lgombos, fjh 14:59:26 On IRC I see RRSAgent, fjh, darobin, ilkka, wmaslowski, lgombos, trackbot, shepazu, dom 14:59:45 AnssiK has joined #dap 15:00:01 +AnssiK 15:00:03 cmarc has joined #dap 15:00:21 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 15:01:07 Present + Cecile_Marc 15:01:16 +ilkka 15:01:19 Claes has joined #dap 15:01:39 zakim, who is here? 15:01:39 +Vincent_Mahe 15:01:41 On the phone I see lgombos, fjh, AnssiK, ilkka, Vincent_Mahe 15:01:42 On IRC I see Claes, cmarc, AnssiK, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, darobin, ilkka, wmaslowski, lgombos, trackbot, shepazu, dom 15:02:01 Present+ Ilkka_Oksanen 15:02:08 +??P18 15:02:25 maoteo has joined #dap 15:03:00 + + 15:03:01 Zakim, ??P18 is me 15:03:01 +darobin; got it 15:03:13 Zakim, Vincent_Mahe is cmarc 15:03:13 +cmarc; got it 15:03:24 zakim,029912 is Cecile_Marc (not vincent_Mahe) 15:03:24 I don't understand you, cmarc 15:03:37 Zakim, aabb i Claes 15:03:37 I don't understand 'aabb i Claes', Claes 15:03:42 zakim, who is here? 15:03:42 On the phone I see lgombos, fjh, AnssiK, ilkka, cmarc, darobin, + 15:03:44 On IRC I see maoteo, Claes, cmarc, AnssiK, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, darobin, ilkka, wmaslowski, lgombos, trackbot, shepazu, dom 15:03:48 +Susana 15:03:53 Zakim, aabb is Claes 15:04:01 +Claes; got it 15:04:13 Zakim, Susana is really maoteo 15:04:22 Present+ Claes_Nilsson 15:04:25 +maoteo; got it 15:04:47 Present+ Maria_Oteo 15:05:06 ScribeNick: AnssiK 15:05:13 richt has joined #dap 15:05:23 Topic: Announcements, meeting planning, logistics 15:05:37 jgiraud has joined #dap 15:05:40 zakim, mute me 15:05:40 maoteo should now be muted 15:05:53 Zakim, mute ilkka 15:05:53 ilkka should now be muted 15:05:55 Present+ Jerome_Giraud 15:06:10 +richt 15:06:19 Present+ Rich_Tibbett 15:06:25 June/July 2011 F2F hosting 15:06:35 fjh: we'll have to find out a host for June 2011 F2F 15:06:35 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-device-apis/2010Nov/0011.html 15:06:50 dcoloma has joined #dap 15:06:57 danielcoloma has joined #dap 15:07:00 richt: I'll have to check if Opera is able to host, will come back 15:07:24 zakim, unmute me 15:07:24 maoteo should no longer be muted 15:08:12 maoteo: I'll check if we can host as well 15:08:30 fjh: should we cancel meeting around Xmas? 15:08:45 s/meeting/meetings/ 15:09:01 darobin: I'm away during Xmas time 15:09:13 Dzung_Tran has joined #dap 15:09:30 fjh: ok to cancel the two meetings 22th and 29th? 15:09:30 Present+ Dzung_Tran 15:09:57 RESOLUTION: meeting on 22nd and 29th of Dec cancelled 15:10:12 Apple releases Calendar, Messaging APIs modelled on work in DAP 15:10:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Nov/0063.html 15:10:25 fjh: do you want to talk about Apple release of Calendar, Messaging APIs? 15:10:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Nov/0066.html 15:10:45 darobin: some people on the WG may not be able to access the resource as it's behind a login 15:10:55 ... I've been talking to Apple so this may do somewhere 15:11:13 ... Dean Jackson, working for Apple, clearly said on the ML that they base their work on DAP stuff 15:11:18 s/do somewhere/go somewhere/ 15:11:44 lgombos: only for ad context? 15:12:35 ... perhaps they see some security concerns and that's the reason they're sandboxing the APIs? 15:12:55 TOPIC: Minutes approval 15:12:57 Approve 17 November minutes 15:12:57 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Nov/att-0055/minutes-2010-11-17.html 15:13:10 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 17 Nov approved 15:13:41 TOPIC: HTML Media Capture API 15:13:49 CfC, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Nov/0054.html (Dom) 15:13:49 ISSUE-105, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Nov/0059.html (Anne) 15:13:55 ISSUE-105? 15:13:55 ISSUE-105 -- Should the capture hint in HTML Media Capture be specified through a MIME parameter? -- raised 15:13:55 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/105 15:14:01 ISSUE-78? 15:14:01 ISSUE-78 -- Capture has a minimisation problem with EXIF data (e.g. it could be Geotagged) -- open 15:14:01 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/78 15:14:10 darobin: should coordinate mode with HTML WG, we have feedback from Goog that it's pretty much what they implement in the Android Browser 15:14:17 s/mode/more/ 15:14:32 ... got feedback from Anne/Opera, raised an issue 15:15:26 richt: I may be able to give some feedback later on, only issue is that we don't have too much control over file picker 15:16:17 ACTION: Robin to contact Microsoft about HTML Media Capture to get some feedback 15:16:17 Created ACTION-308 - Contact Microsoft about HTML Media Capture to get some feedback [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-12-08]. 15:17:05 darobin: we'll have to get more feedback from implementors and then talk to HTML WG folks 15:17:16 ACTION: Robin to contact Mozilla to get some feedback about HTML Media Capture 15:17:16 Created ACTION-309 - Contact Mozilla to get some feedback about HTML Media Capture [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-12-08]. 15:17:29 ACTION: Robin to coordinate with the HTML WG on HTML Media Capture 15:17:29 Created ACTION-310 - Coordinate with the HTML WG on HTML Media Capture [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-12-08]. 15:18:39 zakim, unmute me 15:18:39 ilkka should no longer be muted 15:18:52 In addition to the requirements already highlighted in the [HTML5] and [FILE-API] specifications, implementors should take care of additional leakage of privacy-sensitive data from captured media. For instance, embedding the user’s location in a captured media metadata (e.g. EXIF) might transmit more private data than the user might be expecting. 15:19:54 frederick: how to deal with this issue? 15:20:11 ... the issue of pricacy and security considerations 15:20:17 ... will fire a mail to the ML 15:20:18 TOPIC: Messaging API 15:20:31 s/frederick/fjh/ 15:20:37 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/messaging/ new messaging API 15:20:45 maoteo: did changes agreed during last F2F 15:21:49 Maria walks us through tge changes: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dap-commits/2010Nov/0021.html 15:22:00 s/tge/the following/ 15:22:15 darobin: are we ok publishing a heartbeat version of the draft? 15:22:43 ACTION: Robin to prod the list about reviewing Messaging in view of a heartbeat publication 15:22:43 Created ACTION-311 - Prod the list about reviewing Messaging in view of a heartbeat publication [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-12-08]. 15:22:50 ... I should send a message to the list asking people review it 15:22:56 ... anything else? 15:23:03 TOPIC: Sysinfo API 15:23:06 ISSUE-92? 15:23:06 ISSUE-92 -- Sysinfo, permissions for get vs monitor; -- open 15:23:06 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/92 15:23:11 bryan has joined #dap 15:23:12 darobin: not much to do on the call 15:23:14 ISSUE-102? 15:23:14 ISSUE-102 -- Sysinfo asynchronous calls needs to be expressed in terms of events loop -- open 15:23:14 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/102 15:23:22 ISSUE-64? 15:23:22 ISSUE-64 -- "Generic" sensors may permit discovering sensitive information -- open 15:23:22 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/64 15:23:35 ISSUE-98? 15:23:35 ISSUE-98 -- On what data model should the contacts API be based? -- open 15:23:35 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/98 15:23:45 TOPIC: Contacts API 15:23:51 ISSUE-98? 15:23:51 ISSUE-98 -- On what data model should the contacts API be based? -- open 15:23:51 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/98 15:24:30 + +1.425.214.aacc 15:24:36 close ISSUE-98 15:24:36 ISSUE-98 On what data model should the contacts API be based? closed 15:24:43 darobin: anyone against closing? 15:24:46 Zakim, aacc is bryan 15:24:46 +bryan; got it 15:24:48 present+ Bryan_Sullivan 15:24:49 ISSUE-98: being dealt with in current work 15:24:49 ISSUE-98 On what data model should the contacts API be based? notes added 15:24:49 ... (silence) 15:25:14 darobin: should we pub a heartbeat of Contacts? 15:25:18 richt: would be good 15:25:24 darobin: objections? 15:25:42 RESOLUTION: Publish a heartbeat draft of Contacts API 15:25:52 ACTION: Robin to prepare a draft of Contacts for heartbeat 15:25:52 Created ACTION-312 - Prepare a draft of Contacts for heartbeat [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-12-08]. 15:26:12 richt: I'm waiting feedback on Contacts Blob Writer 15:27:07 ... so we'll l got Contacts Blob Writer, Contacts Reader API and Contacts Writer API 15:27:17 ... should we combine them 15:28:21 darobin: perhaps not enough people have found the drafts? 15:28:35 ... sending a mail to the list may help to get feedback 15:28:42 TOPIC: Security and privacy status 15:28:55 fjh: there's privacy workshop next week 15:29:14 ... the obvious thing to do is to check S&P sections are in the docs 15:29:39 ... that's all 15:29:51 TOPIC: Interop and testing 15:30:00 darobin: not sure how to handle this yet 15:30:20 ... we'll waiting for something to test 15:30:47 fjh: we'll waiting for Contacts to morph into testable spec 15:31:00 ... we can call for volunteers 15:31:25 s/we'll waiting/open action 15:33:10 darobin: we may want to wait until LC, process-wise CR requires tests, but LC is better in practice for killing bugs 15:33:44 fjh_ has joined #dap 15:33:54 ISSUE-78? 15:33:56 ISSUE-78 -- Capture has a minimisation problem with EXIF data (e.g. it could be Geotagged) -- open 15:33:58 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/issues/78 15:34:08 richt: Opera can look if they can contribute some code that would help 15:34:40 s/they/we/ 15:34:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/spec-prod/ 15:35:41 darobin: anything else on testing or IOP? 15:36:12 TOPIC: Adjourn 15:36:13 -bryan 15:36:19 -maoteo 15:36:23 Regrets for next week from me 15:36:23 -darobin 15:36:25 -lgombos 15:36:26 -ilkka 15:36:28 -AnssiK 15:36:32 -richt 15:36:33 -fjh 15:36:37 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:36:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/12/01-dap-minutes.html fjh 15:36:39 -cmarc 15:36:39 AnssiK has left #dap 15:36:40 -Claes 15:36:42 UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended 15:36:44 Attendees were +1.781.534.aaaa, fjh, AnssiK, ilkka, +, darobin, cmarc, Claes, maoteo, richt, +1.425.214.aacc, bryan 15:37:55 Regrets+ Thomas_Roessler 15:39:06 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:39:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/12/01-dap-minutes.html fjh 15:40:01 Regrets+ Soonho_Lee 15:40:12 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:40:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/12/01-dap-minutes.html fjh 17:20:46 richt has joined #dap 17:30:23 Zakim has left #dap