16:56:53 RRSAgent has joined #soap-jms 16:56:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/11/16-soap-jms-irc 16:56:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:56:55 Zakim has joined #soap-jms 16:56:57 Zakim, this will be SJMS 16:56:57 ok, trackbot; I see WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 16:56:58 Meeting: SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group Teleconference 16:56:58 Date: 16 November 2010 16:57:13 Chair: Eric 16:58:52 padams2 has joined #soap-jms 16:59:00 WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM has now started 16:59:07 + +1.512.286.aaaa 16:59:15 Zakim, aaaa is padams 16:59:15 +padams; got it 17:01:05 + +1.708.246.aabb 17:01:32 Derek has joined #SOAP-JMS 17:01:36 + +1.650.846.aacc 17:02:13 eric has joined #soap-jms 17:02:52 + +44.196.287.aadd 17:03:06 Zakim, who is here? 17:03:06 On the phone I see padams, +1.708.246.aabb, +1.650.846.aacc, +44.196.287.aadd 17:03:08 On IRC I see eric, Derek, padams, Zakim, RRSAgent, mphillip, Yves, trackbot 17:03:16 Zakim, aadd is Mark 17:03:16 +Mark; got it 17:03:16 Zakim, aacc is eric 17:03:17 +eric; got it 17:03:45 TOPIC: Appointment of the scribe 17:03:50 Scribe: Mark 17:03:59 TOPIC: Approval of prior meeting minutes 17:04:00 peaston has joined #soap-jms 17:04:05 http://www.w3.org/2010/11/09-soap-jms-minutes.html 17:04:31 Minutes are approved 17:04:38 TOPIC: Review the agenda 17:04:56 + +1.781.280.aaee 17:05:52 Agenda accepted without modification 17:06:08 TOPIC: Review action items 17:06:15 zakim, aabb is Derek 17:06:15 +Derek; got it 17:06:37 Eric: 224 - issue 66 has been raised 17:06:58 Eric: 226 Issue 65 has been raised 17:07:05 close action-224 17:07:05 ACTION-224 Raise issue on items 2 and 3 of Peter's testing action-219 closed 17:07:08 close action-226 17:07:08 ACTION-226 Open issue on EXI mail exchange closed 17:07:20 Derek: No progress on 222 17:07:32 Phil: No progress on 223 or 227 17:07:47 Peter: Still progressing 225 17:07:56 TOPIC: Moving to PR (via CR? & LC) 17:09:17 Eric: Any suggestions for moving this along? 17:10:03 Need to find time to test conformance for IBM WAS and/or Software AG 17:12:25 Other implementations... 17:12:42 Phil: Axis2 does not conform to SOAP/JMS at the moment 17:13:18 + +1.919.663.aaff 17:13:27 TOPIC: Specification Issues 17:14:06 Eric: Should we open Issue 65 - characterisation of EXI in payload? 17:16:40 Eric: Raised by Jean-Baptiste Bugeaud who proposed declaring that the content is encoded (with a ContentEncoding header), and adding a Fault to identify unsupported encodings 17:17:39 Eric: Would provide a standard mechanism for declaring encoding - e.g. content compressed with gzip 17:18:08 Amy: Might need to differentiate between content-encoding and transfer-encoding 17:19:02 Eric: That was not included in Jean-Baptiste's proposal but it did come up in discussion 17:25:09 Eric: If we open the issue, then the minimum required changes will be to add support for a new JMS property, and to add a fault that the service provider can throw if the encoding is not supported 17:29:01 Eric: We *could* simultaneously define two versions of the spec. and say that version 1.0 of the specification does not support the new header and version 1.1 does 17:35:18 Amy: Makes sense to open the issue to have further discussion 17:36:32 Peter: Agreed - we should acknowledge the use-case - would be interesting to hear what support there is in otherJMS implementations for compression 17:37:25 Eric: TIBCO has a special (non-standard) JMS header which tells TIBCO EMS to compress the message in-flight 17:37:41 -Mark 17:38:04 Mark, we lost you on the phone - you calling back in? 17:38:13 apologies - line dropped - dialling back in 17:39:00 +Mark 17:41:13 Mark: +1 for opening the issue 17:41:15 Phil +1 17:41:25 RESOLUTION: Issue 65 will be opened 17:41:32 Issue 66 17:41:53 Eric: Missing test cases as found by Peter 17:42:28 RESOLUTION: Issue 66 will be opened 17:43:56 Eric: Need someone to come up with proposal(s) for Issue-65 17:52:28 ACTION: Eric to come up with a proposal for Issue-65 17:52:28 Created ACTION-228 - Come up with a proposal for Issue-65 [on Eric Johnson - due 2010-11-23]. 17:52:33 ACTION: Phil to come up with a proposal for Issue-65 17:52:33 Created ACTION-229 - Come up with a proposal for Issue-65 [on Phil Adams - due 2010-11-23]. 17:53:01 TOPIC: URI scheme 17:53:16 3 people at the IETF are looking at the URI scheme 17:53:50 Eric: Hope we will hear something this week - will pos an update to the list 17:54:09 Eric: and update the Draft on IETF 17:55:45 Eric: One comment we have had is that the Sun URIs for JMS and JNDI might not be the most current (given Oracle's acquisition of Sun) 17:55:55 TOPIC: AOB? 17:56:35 Eric: Suggest we skip next week's call - please endeavour to progress actions in the meantime 17:56:39 +1 17:57:00 RESOLUTION: No call next week 17:57:29 - +1.919.663.aaff 17:57:30 -eric 17:57:30 -padams 17:57:32 -Derek 17:57:32 -Mark 17:57:33 - +1.781.280.aaee 17:57:33 WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM has ended 17:57:35 Attendees were +1.512.286.aaaa, padams, +1.708.246.aabb, +1.650.846.aacc, +44.196.287.aadd, Mark, eric, +1.781.280.aaee, Derek, +1.919.663.aaff 17:57:43 rrsagent, make minutes 17:57:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/11/16-soap-jms-minutes.html mphillip 17:58:13 rrsagent, make logs public 18:01:42 eric has left #soap-jms 18:10:27 padams has left #soap-jms 19:19:09 mphillip1 has joined #soap-jms 19:19:19 Zakim has left #soap-jms 20:55:48 wsirc_582765 has joined #soap-jms 20:57:47 wsirc_733720 has joined #soap-jms 21:00:12 wsirc_733720 has left #soap-jms 21:24:41 wsirc_645205 has joined #soap-jms