15:05:44 RRSAgent has joined #prov-xg 15:05:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/10/15-prov-xg-irc 15:05:46 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:05:46 Zakim has joined #prov-xg 15:05:48 Zakim, this will be 98765 15:05:48 ok, trackbot; I see INC_PROVXG()11:00AM scheduled to start 5 minutes ago 15:05:49 Meeting: Provenance Incubator Group Teleconference 15:05:49 Date: 15 October 2010 15:07:27 i can do it if apprpriate 15:08:33 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/BibBase_Collection 15:08:43 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/BibBase_Collection 15:09:55 Daniel: Bibliography divided accoding to the three scenarios 15:09:56 Daniel I see lots of python problems 15:11:18 q+ 15:11:36 we can do it through the mailing list 15:11:44 as well, have a look at least 15:12:18 this is just a bib file it can be so easily duplicated as long as there is a master copy under control 15:12:34 q+ 15:12:43 I don't think that's the way to do it 15:12:44 yes 15:12:49 why? 15:13:04 because Mendeley should be the master source 15:13:13 the bib should be autogenerated from there 15:13:27 so that people can keep adding entries on their own 15:13:48 q+ 15:13:58 are we dumping Mendeley altogether then? 15:14:14 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Final_Report_Draft 15:14:26 Yolanda: discussion on the final report 15:14:32 oh well. topic closed I guess 15:14:37 Paolo, I got the Mendeley tag and I curated it. 15:14:47 I tried to use the Mendeley .bib file 15:14:58 but it generate parsing errors 15:15:06 when used with bibbase 15:15:17 we never really made the decision to drop Mendeley -- it's useful in other ways 15:15:33 anyway -- Yolanda is not tuned in so never mind 15:15:55 ok, maybe we can discuss it offline? 15:16:02 yesh no worries 15:16:04 ok 15:16:14 Yolanda: discussion on first section of report: definition of provenance 15:18:07 I'm happy to help somewhere... 15:18:07 Luc says he'll do the "What is provenance section" 15:18:18 Luc to work on first section of the final report 15:18:32 I'm up for this section 15:19:10 Yolanda: discussion on second section of the report "Importance of provenance" 15:20:25 Paulo to work on second section of the final report 15:20:54 Yolanda: discussion on the third section of the report 15:21:16 +q 15:23:08 q- 15:23:12 q- 15:23:36 Paul, Paolo, Satya to work on third section of the report 15:24:07 q+ 15:24:31 ack jcheney 15:26:31 Yolanda: discussion on fourth section of the report "Summary of state of the art and gaps" 15:26:47 I can give a hand anywhere but have no bandwidth to lead it 15:27:18 Jose to work on the fourth section of the final report 15:30:06 James and Paul also to contribute to the fourth section of the final report 15:30:53 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Presentations_on_State_of_the_Art 15:32:45 +1 to emphasize role of gap analysis 15:36:19 Yolanda: discussion on the "Roadmap" section of the final report 15:38:51 if you need help, I would like to contriubute too, Satya, Sam 15:42:13 q+ 15:43:06 Sam, James, Daniel, and Satya to work on the "Roadmap" section 15:43:35 this is recommendation #6 15:43:38 by the way 15:43:52 provenir:transformation_of – This property is similar to the ro:transformation_of property that is asserted between two entities that preserve their identity between the two transformation stages. For example, an cancer cell is a provenir:transformation_of a normal cell. 15:48:12 Simon to also contribute to "Roadmap" section 15:49:04 Yolanda: discussion on the "Recommendations" section of the report 15:49:14 q+ 15:50:56 ack Paulo 15:51:06 q- 15:53:01 Yolanda: "Recommendation" section of the final report can be used to propose W3C for the creation of a Provenance Working Group 15:57:35 would it be ok to put proposed charter be put on the wiki (as a draft) so that it can be discussed publicly (along with alternatives)? 15:58:09 http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/lavm/draft-charter.html 15:59:15 q+ 15:59:34 we thought it was not appropriate to put it on the wiki, since it is a draft, not supported by the group. 16:00:07 an the wiki will persist beyond the incubator lifetime 16:02:07 Yolanda: discussion on the charter for the working group proposed by Luc and Paul 16:05:01 Paulo, you seem to have forgotten OPMV for the serialization, which was designed by a non-opm author and users 16:15:12 jose: discussing that opm can be used as a good starting point 16:15:43 q- 16:16:22 jimmyers: it's a good starting point because it originates from a similar process 16:16:49 jcheney: not strongly one way or another 16:17:05 jcheney: opm a good starting, pml could be as well 16:17:16 jcheney: how do we make this rigouris 16:18:13 jcheney: are there standard mappings between these data models 16:18:37 jcheney: people claim that these mappings cannot be done 16:19:02 q+ 16:19:04 jcheney: what would be the bullet point about the formal semantics 16:19:06 Agree with James - so using RIF in terms of provenance exchange format as template for the charter will be good 16:20:23 yolanda: concrete feedback is helpful 16:20:48 Yolanda: discussion on charter to continue next week 16:21:09 rrsagent, set log public 16:21:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:21:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/15-prov-xg-minutes.html pgroth 16:21:24 trackbot, end telcon 16:21:24 Zakim, list attendees 16:21:24 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 16:21:25 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:21:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/15-prov-xg-minutes.html trackbot 16:21:26 RRSAgent, bye 16:21:26 I see no action items