20:57:54 RRSAgent has joined #owea 20:57:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/23-owea-irc 20:57:56 RRSAgent, make logs world 20:57:56 Zakim has joined #owea 20:57:58 Zakim, this will be OWEA 20:57:58 ok, trackbot; I see IA_(OWEA XG)5:00PM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 20:57:59 Meeting: Open Web Education Alliance Incubator Group Teleconference 20:57:59 Date: 23 June 2010 20:58:14 ScribeNick: virginia 20:58:56 IA_(OWEA XG)5:00PM has now started 20:59:03 + +1.443.939.aaaa 20:59:14 +??P1 20:59:48 + +1.309.360.aabb 20:59:55 gsims has joined #owea 21:00:11 chair: gsims 21:00:28 (thank you so much, virginia) 21:00:48 :) 21:01:09 + +1.512.335.aacc 21:03:33 + +1.404.260.aadd 21:04:01 ben_friedman has joined #owea 21:06:33 Topic: Report on InterACT Web Summit for Educators/Students on June 11 21:07:40 Glenda reports it was sold out, but not everyone who registered attended the entire time. 21:08:48 Glenda will write a thank you note to Ari and Christopher for the use of e4h platform. 21:13:20 Topic: AIG Conference in October 21:14:15 AIGA New Contexts / New Practices conference 21:14:25 http://www.ncsu.edu/graphicdesign/newcontexts/ 21:15:24 "The goal of the New Contexts / New Practices conference is to generate and publish ideas about how design education will address the defining trends of contemporary practice and culture." 21:17:38 Leslie and Ben have started a conversation with this group. They think it would be valuable to continue the connection and conversation. 21:17:42 - +1.309.360.aabb 21:19:02 Pre-conference workshop at "New Context / New Practices" http://www.ncsu.edu/graphicdesign/newcontexts/#early 21:23:29 There was discussion about who from OWEA could attend the event. 21:27:16 Leslie will take the lead on this. 21:28:49 Topic: Web Directions USA in Atlanta in September 21:28:55 http://usa10.webdirections.org/program 21:29:22 + +1.706.254.aaee 21:31:13 Aarron has joined #owea 21:32:26 Hi peeps. Sorry for my tardy arrival. Baby duty. 21:32:37 Ben reports that there may be other events organized around Web Directions, including a WERock event. 21:33:16 Hi Aarron :) 21:34:42 Stephanie will most likely take point on the WERock event. 21:35:24 Possible "Web Futures" event for students to learn about web careers 21:37:43 Topic: SXSW panel submission 21:37:58 Glenda: deadline is July 9. 21:38:00 ben-friedman has joined #owea 21:40:21 Plans are to submit Web Standards annual meeting with OWEA as a part of that. 21:41:44 Everyone is encouraged to submit sexy web education panels. 21:42:30 (Aarron, you have the monster truck voice) 21:44:01 Aarron suggested we try submitting to TED and TED local events 21:44:38 http://www.amazon.com/DIY-Edupunks-Edupreneurs-Transformation-Education/dp/1603582347/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277329468&sr=8-1 21:44:49 Edupunks 21:45:44 i gotta drop off the call in a few minutes (another meeting...at least it is at a BAR!) 21:46:08 - +1.404.260.aadd 21:48:00 -??P1 21:48:03 - +1.443.939.aaaa 21:48:05 - +1.706.254.aaee 21:48:06 - +1.512.335.aacc 21:48:07 IA_(OWEA XG)5:00PM has ended 21:48:09 Attendees were +1.443.939.aaaa, +1.309.360.aabb, +1.512.335.aacc, +1.404.260.aadd, +1.706.254.aaee 21:48:09 trackbot, end telcon 21:48:09 Zakim, list attendees 21:48:09 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 21:48:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 21:48:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/23-owea-minutes.html trackbot