16:01:12 RRSAgent has joined #soap-jms 16:01:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/08-soap-jms-irc 16:01:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:01:14 Zakim has joined #soap-jms 16:01:16 Zakim, this will be SJMS 16:01:16 ok, trackbot; I see WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM scheduled to start now 16:01:17 Meeting: SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group Teleconference 16:01:17 Date: 08 June 2010 16:02:23 Zakim, who is here? 16:02:23 WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM has not yet started, eric 16:02:24 On IRC I see RRSAgent, peaston, mphillip, eric, Yves, trackbot 16:02:33 Zakim, start SJMS 16:02:33 I don't understand 'start SJMS', eric 16:02:39 mphillip has changed the topic to: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2010Jun/0007.html (mphillip) 16:04:37 Zakim, what conference is this 16:04:37 eric, you need to end that query with '?' 16:04:44 Zakim, what conference is this? 16:04:44 this will be WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM conference code 7567, eric 16:06:11 apologies - trying to get into the phone but zakim is not recognising my touch tones 16:07:19 Chair: Eric 16:07:21 Scribe: Mark 16:07:58 trackbot, start telcon 16:08:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:08:02 Zakim, this will be SJMS 16:08:02 ok, trackbot; I see WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM scheduled to start 8 minutes ago 16:08:03 Meeting: SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group Teleconference 16:08:03 Date: 08 June 2010 16:08:09 Zakim, this is SJMS 16:08:09 ok, eric; that matches WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM 16:08:17 Zakim, who is here? 16:08:17 On the phone I see +1.650.846.aaaa, +1.781.280.aabb, +1.919.663.aacc, +0196287aadd 16:08:21 On IRC I see RRSAgent, peaston, mphillip, eric, Yves, trackbot 16:08:24 Zakim, aaaa is eric 16:08:24 +eric; got it 16:08:45 Zakim, aadd is mark 16:08:45 +mark; got it 16:09:00 Zakim, aabb is peaston 16:09:00 +peaston; got it 16:09:00 TOPIC: 1) Appointment of the scribe 16:09:04 done 16:09:15 TOPIC: 2) Approval of prior meeting minutes 16:09:55 No objections to approving minutes of 25th May 16:09:57 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2010Jun/0002.html 16:10:24 No objections to approving minutes of 1st June (see link above) 16:10:38 TOPIC: 3) Review the agenda 16:11:09 Agenda approved without modification 16:11:17 TOPIC: 4) Review action items 16:12:14 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/146 - Eric - still pending 16:13:10 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/154 - Mark - still pending - will be closed until we have more concrete test proposals 16:13:17 cloase action-154 16:13:21 close action-154 16:13:21 ACTION-154 Investigate IBM's legal position in sharing or using IBM product test suites in interops tests closed 16:13:41 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/170 - Eric - Issue raised - action complete 16:13:45 close action-170 16:13:45 ACTION-170 Raise an Issue proposing the move of the WSDL 2 section to the appendix closed 16:14:10 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/171 - Eric - have made attempt to contact Glen - awaiting response 16:16:23 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/172 - Eric - no success in tracking down contacts within TIBCO who worked on JMS spec. - suggest we close 16:16:29 close action-172 16:16:29 ACTION-172 Track down original JMS contributors closed 16:16:54 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/174 - Peter - this action was complete 2 weeks ago 16:16:59 close action-174 16:16:59 ACTION-174 Send some reference links to the mailin list to support this proposal closed 16:17:47 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/175 - Peter - email sent yesterday -see 16:17:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2010Jun/0004.html - action is complete 16:17:52 close action-174 16:17:52 ACTION-174 Send some reference links to the mailin list to support this proposal closed 16:18:09 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/176 - Peter - also complete 16:18:17 close action-176 16:18:17 ACTION-176 Re-write the explicit proposal for Issue 34 closed 16:18:23 close action-175 16:18:23 ACTION-175 Clarify the test description for test 1003 closed 16:19:01 TOPIC: URI Specification 16:19:19 Eric: No success in tracking down independent reviewers 16:19:31 Mark: No response from Mark Hapner 16:22:19 Mark: Phil has not heard from David Chappel 16:22:45 Mark: In favour of submitting the URI spec. and getting in touch with IETF if any reviewers come forward 16:24:29 RESOLUTION: We should submit the current draft URI spec. to the IETF 16:24:51 TOPIC: 6) Raised spec issues: 16:25:06 New issue : 16:25:06 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/issues/38 16:25:26 - moving WSDL to non-normative appendix 16:26:25 RESOLUTION: We should open issue 38 16:26:40 Regrets: Phil 16:26:51 TOPIC: 7) Accepting proposals to close open issues 16:27:04 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/issues/34 16:27:38 Peter: Proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2010Jun/0003.html 16:32:43 Mark: Does the detail section get removed? 16:32:51 Peter: Yes, the proposal replaces everything after "The SOAP 1.1 specification" 16:33:53 Mark: Schema is missing" unsupportedLookupVariant" fault 16:34:42 Eric: and also the "targetServiceNotAllowedInRequestURI" fault 16:37:29 Mark: Should the 'should' be a RFC2119 'MUST' 16:39:28 Eric: It is not really testable - could say "...the faultcode element values uses a QName..." 16:40:01 Peter: I'm ok with that change 16:41:00 All happy with the proposal after it has been amended with the two additonal fault codes, plus the correction to the word "should" 16:41:17 RESOLUTION: The amended proposal for issue 34 is approved 16:42:38 action: Peter to update the spec with the resolution to issue 34 16:42:38 Created ACTION-177 - Update the spec with the resolution to issue 34 [on Peter Easton - due 2010-06-15]. 16:43:21 action: Eric to make a proposal for issue 38 (WSDL 2.0 section) 16:43:21 Created ACTION-178 - Make a proposal for issue 38 (WSDL 2.0 section) [on Eric Johnson - due 2010-06-15]. 16:43:32 TOPIC: 8) Accepting applied resolutions: 16:43:32 None 16:44:00 TOPIC: 9) Moving to PR 16:44:35 Peter: Changes to test cases have been checked into source repository 16:44:39 Reviewing test case changes from peter: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2010Jun/0004.html 16:47:10 All: No objection to changes 16:48:49 Eric: Barrier to moving to PR is to sort out the test cases. Eric, will be talking to TIBCO implementation team next week 16:49:10 Eric: Apache CXF is almost there 16:49:48 Eric: Once CXF is done, we need two implementations that interoperate with CXF 16:50:51 Eric: One test option would be to install software in (for example) Amazon EC2 and test it there 16:51:56 Mark: But it would be adequate to test in-house - so IBM validated against CXF would give us 2 interoperable implementations 16:52:16 Eric: Even better if we can get multiple impls working against CXF 16:52:20 TOPIC: AOB 16:52:21 none 16:52:29 -eric 16:52:30 -mark 16:52:31 - +1.919.663.aacc 16:52:32 -peaston 16:52:33 WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM has ended 16:52:34 Attendees were +1.650.846.aaaa, +1.781.280.aabb, +1.919.663.aacc, +0196287aadd, eric, mark, peaston 16:52:46 rrsagent, make minutes 16:52:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/08-soap-jms-minutes.html mphillip 16:53:33 mphillip has left #soap-jms 17:17:31 eric has joined #soap-jms 18:42:30 Zakim has left #soap-jms