08:05:07 RRSAgent has joined #svg 08:05:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/05/31-svg-irc 08:05:09 RRSAgent, make logs public 08:05:11 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 08:05:11 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 08:05:12 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 08:05:12 Date: 31 May 2010 08:05:32 pdengler has joined #svg 08:05:38 ed has joined #svg 08:05:53 trackbot, start telcon 08:05:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 08:05:57 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 08:05:57 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 08:05:58 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 08:05:58 Date: 31 May 2010 08:06:39 Zakim, remind me in 8 hours about whatever 08:06:39 ok, ed 08:13:08 jwatt has joined #svg 08:15:05 ChrisL has joined #svg 08:15:28 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/ua-tests/font-family-invalid-chars-02.svg 08:15:50 scribenick: pdengler 08:16:15 topic: CSS 2.1 Issue 114 08:17:49 ChrisL: To run the test linked above, you need a certain font; according to CSS, you should skip that first font because it is invalid 08:18:16 ChrisL: And that you should in fact skip over the entire list, which means the default font should be used 08:18:24 firefox 3.6 shows all numbers 08:18:42 opera 10.10 does too but opera 10.53 shows no numbers 08:18:46 pdengler: IE Platform preview shows none 08:19:32 pdengler: Chrome does the same as IE and FireFox 08:19:56 opera 10.53 shows no text at all (even the "revision" string), wondering if it really finds the proper font there 08:20:29 ChrisL: Proposal is that a CSS font should be an ident. But this is potentially to strict 08:20:48 ChrisL: The issue is that certain characters would have to be quoted 08:21:59 pdengler: This means that fonts that start with (1-9) would have to be quoted 08:23:41 ChrisL: The issue is that CSS wants to close this issue, but that this effects SVG. But it looks like most of them are rejecting fonrt family names, and remain compliant 08:24:05 pdengler: Correction IE shows the numbers just as Chrome and Firefox 08:24:24 batik (svn) shows the numbers (and a bunch of error messages) 08:24:41 ChrisL: Suggest we go with Mozilla proposal. 08:25:43 so font family would be a list of CSS2.1 IDENT 08:26:42 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-114 08:28:21 so SVG WG aligns with proposal 1, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Mar/0369.html 08:29:19 action chris to convey this result to CSS WG 08:29:20 Created ACTION-2788 - Convey this result to CSS WG [on Chris Lilley - due 2010-06-07]. 08:29:57 action-2788? 08:29:57 ACTION-2788 -- Chris Lilley to convey this result to CSS WG -- due 2010-06-07 -- OPEN 08:29:57 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/actions/2788 08:31:45 action chris to move the font-family parsing tests to the svg 1.1se test suite 08:31:45 Created ACTION-2789 - Move the font-family parsing tests to the svg 1.1se test suite [on Chris Lilley - due 2010-06-07]. 08:40:13 nomis: The basic idea behind diffusion curves is that you define shapes, and then colors on the sides of a curve 08:40:43 Topic : Diffusion Curves by Simon from GIMP 08:40:54 http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Diffusion_Curves 08:42:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2010May/0032.html 08:42:04 nomis has joined #svg 08:42:46 shepazu has joined #svg 08:42:51 nomis: Simon has prototyped this on RGB (not yet on curves) but on pixels that diffuse colors 08:43:20 I'd like to emphasize that all of the algorithm implementation is done by jasper. 08:46:44 original paper http://artis.imag.fr/Publications/2008/OBWBTS08/ 09:02:03 ed has joined #svg 09:05:33 The use case for diffusion curves is rooted in drawing much smoother, richer graphics with being able to establish vectors/curves with a 'color' on each side, then having the algorithm fill in the difference 09:06:13 AlexD: Other use cases include removing/smoothing through averaging an image (such as 'air brushing a photo') 09:06:38 ed_ has joined #svg 09:07:10 anthony: The issue with the original alogithm is that it was an iterative method. This was an issue with animation causing computational intensive rendering 09:07:23 ChrisL: Since then, there have been some papers on making that issue more tractable 09:07:28 pdengler: So what about the IP around this? 09:15:44 shepazu has joined #svg 09:21:45 pdengler has joined #svg 09:22:11 anthony: If you look at these images, they all have smooth edges. But if you have a pattern, this begins to break down 09:22:28 ChrisL: That's why having it in SVG is more powerful in an SVG Authoring Tool 09:22:50 anthony: Hi frequency color changes do not work as well (from the author and from Anthony) 09:24:56 ChrisL: How would this be integrated into SVG? 09:27:21 nomis: Why define diffusion curves independent of the image 09:28:19 shepazu: We are discussoin whether to make it a paint server, or whether you apply via an effect 09:28:42 anthony: Could you do it through filters where you apply it to shape? 09:28:47 ed: Doesn't come naturally that way 09:29:10 ChrisL: We are going to need some sort of syntax that allows to define 'left-side'/'right-side' colors 09:29:29 ChrisL: You can imagine it being referenced as a fill/paint as you can any other paint 09:30:17 shepazu: I was thinking of a new property, e.g. 09:32:24 I think you are putting the cart before the horse. It's a nice graphical demo, however it would be good to first see mainstream authoring tools support it; and more importantly fully evaluate the run-time efficiency of the techniques. If the diffusion curve algorithms are n^2 then forget it. Is there any IP also? 09:33:06 BTW, left/right side fill is the Flash model. 09:33:20 anthony: Consider using the new path syntax 09:33:49 yes but its a solid fill i believe 09:34:59 shepazu: e.g. new path syntax 09:35:15 AlexD: yeah, the complexity does worry me as well 09:35:28 shepazu: consider too verbose. But if you use compressed it, it turns out the the compressed format is much better 09:35:55 pdengler: I still think it's too verbose given the potential use cases 09:37:25 Personally I think we need to address things like variable stroke-width that's been asked for years ago and If I remember correctly high on the cartographers wish-lists. 09:39:07 ed: I've been working on OpenGL; would it be interesting to redefine a path syntax to include a color? 09:40:00 shepazu: If we are talking about having the constraints functions (calc, etc) we are already talking about changing the path syntax, to break down into path/calc/ and color 09:40:06 pdengler: No way 09:42:30 ChrisL: Suppose you are only allowed to use cubic beziers. The start/end positions would be known. So you can have a separate attribute for coloring (lcolls/rcols) 09:43:07 nomis: I'm not sure why you would want to restrict this to bezier curves? 09:43:09 ChrisL: Simplicty 09:43:21 nomis: But any path can have these 09:49:03 shepazu: Back to the agenda, we want to talk about group workflow 09:50:23 shepazu: typically what we do with a feature, we will have a discussion in the group, mailing lists, face-to-faces are used for attempting to finalize decisions 09:50:36 shepazu: Now we are just brainstorming 09:50:51 ChrisL: We have had a couple of runs at diffusion curves; we are excited about it; we see the potential now 09:51:07 anthony: In that case, we should gather the ideas together and write them down 09:54:05 We should collate all the work done on 1/2 Full of which there is a lot - compositing, vector effects, flow graphics, etc. etc. and add the interesting nice things - and hopefully address the shortcomings that the geo community have been asking for for years. Amongst everything else of course. 09:54:20 s?1/2?1.2? 09:54:56 shepazu: So does GIMP import SVG? 09:55:01 nomis: Yes. 09:55:11 ChrisL: Can you interpret clipping paths on raster images? 09:55:45 nomis: We output them from raster images; you can defining a clipping path for exporting to TIF for example 09:57:09 ed: What I would like to see personally is this plan that we have written up over the previous days to put it on the Wiki for collaboration 09:57:52 action : pdengler to post plan for the plan for SVG 2.0 on the Wiki 09:57:52 Created ACTION-2790 - Post plan for the plan for SVG 2.0 on the Wiki [on Patrick Dengler - due 2010-06-07]. 10:01:30 nomis: One more item on diffusion curves: if you have paths with multiple color definitions along the way, you might want to define the way colors are interpoloated along the path 10:02:31 Topic : Fonts 10:03:07 Action : chrisl to investigate diffusion curves and potentials for SVG 2.0 10:03:07 Created ACTION-2791 - Investigate diffusion curves and potentials for SVG 2.0 [on Chris Lilley - due 2010-06-07]. 10:03:27 if anybody wants to play with the prototype diffusion code: http://www.home.unix-ag.org/simon/files/diffuselib.tgz 10:04:21 ChrisL: Will investigate syntax, authoring tools, use cases 10:04:48 anthony: I will investigate rendering methods 10:05:13 action : anthony Investigate rendering methods for diffusion curves 10:05:13 Created ACTION-2792 - Investigate rendering methods for diffusion curves [on Anthony Grasso - due 2010-06-07]. 10:06:23 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Diffusion_Curves 10:08:30 Topic: Text and Fonts 10:10:10 CL: I have a proposal for SVG 2.0 as what we should do for fonts 10:10:52 ... the web has meanwhile moved to downloading fonts of web 10:10:59 ... in 1.0 you were required to SVG fonts 10:11:18 ... I propose for SVG 2.0 we mandate you use WOFF 10:11:27 ... and have SVG Fonts as an optional features 10:11:53 DS: I have a counter proposal, right now we have SVG Tiny 1.2 fonts in Opera and Webkit 10:11:58 ... and there are patches for FireFox 10:12:02 DC: Yes 10:12:50 JW: We don't currently SVG Fonts are the well designed and should be the solution going forward 10:13:05 ... if we have demand from users to put them then we will consider it 10:13:26 ... at the moment we'll see how WOFF goes 10:13:41 ... and if that meets the majority of uses cases we can gather the uses cases it doesn't meet 10:13:51 ... and reconsider 10:14:17 DS: My counter proposal is we add SVG Tiny 1.2 fonts to SVG 2.0 10:14:24 ... we consider adding it 10:14:30 ... then we have separate font specification 10:14:37 CL: Had considered that 10:14:41 What's the status of WOFF standards-wise? Is this W3C working group or loosely coupled vendor alliance like WhatWG? 10:14:51 ... but there are few reasons why I didn't say this 10:16:07 ... Tiny subset does the single colour path, but don't get any features about animated fonts, video fonts etc. E.g. anything that can be drawn is a glyph 10:16:16 ... that's the bit that should be held onto SVG Fonts 10:16:32 PD: What couldn't you take those benefits that SVG Fonts have, and take those to WOFF 10:16:51 CL: Because WOFF is a packaging format for OpenType 10:17:59 PD: I agree we should put fonts in as an optional module 10:18:15 ... SVG Fonts as an optional module 10:18:27 ... If customers demand it, I'll build it 10:18:35 ED: I agree with what Doug proposed 10:18:41 ... breaking it out is fine 10:18:46 SVG Tiny 1.2 fonts is trivial to implement, and by being defined as a font allows an implementation to 10:18:52 ... but that subset should be required 10:18:58 optionally cache glyphs. 10:19:05 ... because that is already implemented 10:19:48 @alex: woff is being standardized at W3C 10:20:10 SVG fonts are the only (current) way to deliver a single piece of SVG content to a device and have the text rendered as intended. Similar to XPS where obfuscated OpenType is mandated. I'd like to see the obfuscated OpenType considered alongside WOFF too. 10:20:14 DS: To me as a developer, there are couple of different things about SVG Tiny 1.2 fonts 10:20:17 ... you can have overlaps 10:20:20 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/ 10:20:23 ... which you can't do in traditional fonts 10:20:29 ... and you can do scripting 10:20:33 ... which is why I would want them 10:20:38 ... I'll be flexible on this 10:21:48 DC: [gives diagram over overlapping diagram] 10:22:25 s/overlapping diagram/overlapping font/ 10:24:15 DS: Wouldn't want overlapping fonts unless you get to headers 10:24:40 Also, as for overlaps - you can define strokes as individual graphics items and glyphs using which gives you the ability to generate Asian fonts using a set of calligraphic strokes that are composite glyphs. That sort of encapsulation isn't available in other fonts and can reduce size greatly for large glyph sets like Kanji... 10:26:05 PD: In terms of beyond headers is it reasonable to use SVG Fonts for a document? 10:26:17 ED: Primary use case is headers 10:26:40 s/headers/headings/ 10:26:43 s/headers/headings/ 10:27:11 DC: My experience of SVG graphics is they can be quite slow 10:27:28 PD: I know you have more use cases 10:27:37 ED: I'm not saying the whole module should be required 10:27:56 ... I'm saying a small subset that's already implemented should be carried on to the new spec 10:27:57 s/can be quite slow/can be quite slow, so it's not typical to render large blocks of text/ 10:28:10 DS: There are two or three proposals on the table 10:29:13 BL: I think it use already 10:29:18 ... the SVG Fonts 10:29:25 ... if you make it optional now 10:29:38 ... it might not work anymore 10:29:42 CL: That's the issue now 10:29:53 BL: Can do a lot of great things with SVG Fonts 10:30:13 PD: It will be only performant it will on be use cases for headings 10:30:25 BL: Is there a technology right now that can replace SVG Fonts 10:30:31 PD: We don't need fonts 10:30:35 ... you can use paths 10:30:47 ... we have this huge API on this thing called fonts 10:30:55 CL: You're suggesting don't put text there 10:30:59 ... put graphics there 10:31:14 ... not good for accessibility 10:31:24 PD: It just seems heavy handed 10:31:45 If SVG fonts are used the user agent automatically knows that the bitmap can be cached for re-use and efficiency. Basic laser printer techniques from the 80s apply here. And accesibility and cut/paste from the graphic, and searching,etc... 10:31:49 CL: You've converted the curve and stuck an element to say it's font 10:32:28 DS: There is altGlyph 10:33:07 ... This is the reverse to the way I would've done it 10:33:12 ... syntax would be like: 10:33:32 My Logo 10:35:07 CL: It points to a glyph 10:35:15 ... it has to say what the base line is 10:35:26 and the coordinate system 10:35:40 DS: We could alter altGlyph 10:35:47 ... as if it where a use 10:35:58 CL: Where is your point you're anchoring at? 10:37:30 DS: If you're pointing at something that is not a glyph it acts more like a 10:37:36 ... but it does it inline 10:37:51 ... we'd have to define in the spec what things in the spec what the baseline is 10:39:23 JW: I'm not resistant to working on SVG Fonts 10:39:32 ... I'm just saying it should not be required by 2.0 10:39:41 ... I'm quite happy to work and participate on the fonts part 10:40:04 ... there's a difference to us having fonts in our charter compared to requiring it 10:40:19 CL: Do you think Mozilla would implement it if it was optional? 10:40:28 JW: Depends on demand 10:41:05 if the time-frame for 2.0 reflects 1.2 Tiny in any way, i.e. 7 years from 1.1 to Tiny 1.2 then you will have 7 years of 1.1 browsers that support SVG fonts. Deprecating them for 2.0 seems a bit short-sighted. And the implementation effort is trivial compared with other aspects of the spec... 10:42:54 Not all browsers support them now 10:43:22 True - but there are _many_ mobile and IPTV user agents that do. 10:44:28 Oh and both Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw emit SVG Fonts as part of their content, and they are leaders in the graphic arts authoring community... 10:44:43 alex, these are all good points 10:44:49 so does inkscape 10:45:22 inkscape can author svg fonts as well. as can fontforge 10:45:50 deprecation is not on the table 10:46:16 DS: I'm ok with potentially removing them from the core, as along as there is away to do SVG text as a graphic 10:46:52 ... I'm proposing some sort of altGlyph like solution 10:47:19 ... so we don't have content out that is not a-semantic 10:47:30 ... want text extraction and text search to work 10:48:32 PD: It gets tricky with fonts on a path 10:50:53 What's tricky about fonts on a path? 11:56:34 debug off, optimize on, deprecation on 12:00:55 dave crossland: one usecase I see for svgfonts is photo-fonts 12:01:09 ...there are such proprietary font formats 12:01:35 CL: we should collect those on a wiki or something 12:02:02 DS: fontlab (photolab) 12:02:13 s/photolab/photofont.com/ 12:02:54 DC: you're not going to typeset a book with a photofont, but it does get used for some things 12:03:21 DS: the scrapbooking community might be interested in this 12:04:48 DS: (shows a glyphshape used as a clippath, cutting out a letter G of a photo) 12:08:34 (examples of photofonts shown) 12:09:55 DC: sometimes you want glyphs randomly selected, having several shapes, like for handwriting fonts 12:10:12 CL: you could do most of that using an svgfont 12:10:20 ...using ligatures etc 12:11:08 DC: full svgfonts would give the power to do more interesting (such as photofonts) 12:11:42 ... so saying it would be nice if full svgfonts were supported in svg 2.0 12:12:00 DS: we don't see it on the web much today 12:12:55 ... designers might want to be able to use these features, things that can't be done with traditional fonts 12:13:07 ...and I'm fine with having svgfonts as an optional module 12:15:30 topic: xlink:href and html integration 12:15:40 scribenick: ed 12:16:24 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Href 12:16:39 pdengler has joined #svg 12:17:58 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Href 12:24:44 sribenick: fat_tony 12:25:05 ED: If you had xlink:href and href on an element which one would you throw away? 12:25:49 s/which one would you throw away?/you are saying that one of them is thrown away during parsing?/ 12:26:28 abattis has joined #svg 12:26:31 O 12:26:35 Yo 12:26:48 scribenick 12:27:31 scribenick: abattis 12:27:45 scribe: Dave_Crossland 12:27:52 scribe: Dave Crossland 12:28:34 shepazu: here's now IRC works 12:29:00 ... and thats it. 12:30:24 ... If only xlink:href is present it will be put into the DOM property href and when serialised href is not namespaced 12:30:49 ... theres one remaining usse 12:30:58 ... xlink is used in content for title="" 12:31:14 ... the xlink title is meant to describe the nature of the lnked resource, not the graphic in the SVG 12:31:30 ... so do we get rid of xlink and added title as well to fulfil that function 12:31:36 ... so its title as used in html 12:31:54 ChrisL: we only added it because XLINK had it 12:32:12 ... having human readbale text in attributes where you can't i18n it 12:32:22 ... but xlink made that mistake and we can inherit it (?) 12:32:35 shepazu: title as in attribute descirbes whats being linked to 12:32:43 ... title as a child describes the link itseld 12:32:52 ... itself 12:33:03 ChrisL: HTML can do both, eg lang 12:33:19 shepazu: svg tin 1.2 today does it with attribute only 12:33:32 ... i prpose we say yes 12:33:52 pdengler: what do i put in for script? 12:34:08 href 12:34:09 shepazu: first, i want to minute a resolution to go with this plan 12:34:24 pdengler: if you put href on an image 12:34:39 s/lang/lang and hreflang/ 12:34:58 ... then _IF_ we have a goal of syntactic and programmatic (img.src) 12:35:08 shepazu: epareate the issues of src and href 12:35:31 ... our goal can be to treat href one way and agree ,and then look at src 12:35:39 pdengler: you think we can get agreemnt on src fast? 12:36:07 ChrisL: you end up with a guessing game for href and src, if they are dfferent, people dont remember 12:36:12 pdengler: src is more important 12:36:26 shepazu: we have to resolve how href is processed 12:36:34 ... its definied in 12:36:43 ... they are really separate issues 12:36:54 ... are you saying not to allow image href at all? 12:37:01 pdengler: you want IE to do this 12:37:03 shepazu: yes 12:37:12 pdengler: if we ship IE with image href 12:37:21 shepazu: that doesnt preclude img src, we can do both 12:37:24 pdengler: whats the API look like? 12:37:27 shepazu: crappy 12:37:38 shepazu: we have to say what happens with href, period 12:37:51 ... we have to say what happens when we have href there, so thats why its separate issue 12:38:09 .. everywhere 12:38:12 ... everywhere 12:38:19 ... even HTML when SVG is inside HTML 12:38:24 pdengler: so out of doc? 12:38:27 shepazu: everywhere! 12:38:46 pdengler: theres an issue with the API... i hate to proliferate and attribute 12:38:55 shepazu: maybe its okay, lemme think 12:39:08 shepazu: i think its separete because if we start doing