13:09:18 RRSAgent has joined #ssn 13:09:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/05/25-ssn-irc 13:09:20 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:09:20 Zakim has joined #ssn 13:09:22 Zakim, this will be 7769 13:09:22 ok, trackbot; I see INC_SSN()9:00AM scheduled to start 9 minutes ago 13:09:23 Meeting: Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group Teleconference 13:09:23 Date: 25 May 2010 13:09:25 krp has joined #ssn 13:09:53 chair: laurent_lefort 13:11:17 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:11:17 INC_SSN()9:00AM has not yet started, kerry 13:11:18 On IRC I see krp, Zakim, RRSAgent, cory, laurent_lefort_cs, kerry, rgarcia, Arthur, michael_, trackbot 13:11:55 zakim, this is inc_ssn 13:11:55 ok, kerry; that matches INC_SSN()9:00AM 13:12:11 +[IPcaller.a] 13:12:26 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me 13:12:26 +rgarcia; got it 13:12:27 +krp 13:12:32 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:12:32 On the phone I see +40.97.8.aaaa, ??P7, [IPcaller], +1.937.775.aabb, ??P14, ??P15, rgarcia, krp 13:12:34 -??P15 13:12:38 -??P14 13:12:51 +??P15 13:13:01 +[IPcaller.a] 13:13:11 zakim, ??P15 is me 13:13:11 +Arthur; got it 13:13:20 zakim, [IPCaller.a] is me 13:13:20 +laurent_lefort_cs; got it 13:13:54 -??P7 13:14:21 trackbot, status 13:14:23 +??P7 13:14:31 zakim, ??P7 is me 13:14:31 +michael_; got it 13:15:54 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:15:54 On the phone I see +40.97.8.aaaa, [IPcaller], +1.937.775.aabb, rgarcia, krp, Arthur, laurent_lefort_cs, michael_ 13:17:01 agenda? 13:17:21 agenda + Project check point 13:17:59 scribenick rgarcia 13:18:13 Topic Project point 13:18:40 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Semantic_Sensor_Net_Ontology 13:18:52 scribenick: rgarcia 13:19:08 Topic: Project check point 13:19:17 zakim, who's making noise 13:19:17 I don't understand 'who's making noise', laurent_lefort_cs 13:19:30 zakim, who is making noise 13:19:30 I don't understand 'who is making noise', laurent_lefort_cs 13:19:41 zakim, who's making noise? 13:19:52 kerry, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +40.97.8.aaaa (24%) 13:20:25 zakim, who's making noise? 13:20:36 kerry, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: laurent_lefort_cs (39%) 13:20:54 i can hear 13:21:23 Project status: open (and closed) items, listing of OWL products 13:21:42 luis_Bermudez has joined #ssn 13:22:43 dongmei has joined #ssn 13:22:57 hi,sorry for late 13:23:42 +[MIT528] 13:26:53 +q 13:26:57 Laurent: We are working in different products related to the ontology: the ontology and its extensions, other related ontology products, examples, and extensions 13:27:03 Laurent: any comment? 13:27:18 ack kerry 13:28:03 Kerry: What is the rationale behind this? 13:28:16 Laurent: To provide an overview of what we are doing 13:28:55 ... by defining sub-products of the ontology deliverable 13:30:03 ... or products external to the group but that are related to it 13:35:48 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Deployments,_Systems_and_Devices 13:36:15 Topic: Deployments, Systems and devices 13:36:41 i can hear michael 13:37:07 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/File:DeploymentandProcess.png 13:38:28 the third was the time over which the "deployment" is installed 13:40:51 +q 13:41:14 +q 13:43:13 Michael: Sensor networks are systems attached to a platform 13:43:24 ... they are not platforms 13:44:03 +q 13:44:33 ack kerry 13:44:56 Kerry: I want to have deployed systems that are composed of other deployed systems 13:45:23 I think a Deployed System can comprise of several Systems (it's a sublass); each Deployed System can have several Deployments (the events) 13:45:37 (re-)Deployments 13:45:58 So I think it covers your case, Kerry 13:46:17 I meant to ask -- what is the arrow between deployment and deployed systm? 13:46:58 The hasDeloyment property 13:47:27 I assumed hasDeployment was offset a little and it was that 13:47:55 Though I'm not totally clear why DeployedSystem has to exist over System 13:48:51 Isn't a System that hasDeployment implicitly deployed - does it need to be explicit? 13:50:11 Seems to me that it need not be explicit 13:50:21 agreed 13:50:27 +q 13:50:43 ack michael_ 13:50:47 +q 13:51:41 it would seem less confusing in Kerry's case where a system that's deployed contains another system that in itself has previously been deployed 13:51:56 so yes, I suspect it need not be explicit 13:52:09 and would be tidied for redeployed and subsumed systems 13:52:11 -q 13:52:21 ack rgarcia 13:53:13 I think we decided to remove 13:53:22 the "deployed system" class 13:53:46 perhaps krp could speak to that? 13:55:25 Deployment in this draft describes the deployment-time, what about deployment location either absolute or relative? 13:56:03 +q 13:56:07 sounds right to me 13:56:57 and for symmetry -- shouln't there also be an end_deployment location? 13:57:08 so does System have a location? or is it a property that makes a DeployedSystem explicit? 13:57:13 Michael: DOLCE:process does not have a location, the participants of the process do have a location 13:57:51 Topic: Review of the mechanism for the annotation of ontology content 13:58:05 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Terminology_and_Term_Provenance_in_the_Ontology 13:58:12 Kerry - yes (and kelsey suggested commissioned and decommissioned as clearer terminology for the deployment event) 13:58:18 Action: Michael to analyse the representation of location for next meeting 13:58:18 Created ACTION-26 - Analyse the representation of location for next meeting [on Michael Compton - due 2010-06-01]. 13:58:31 Topic: Provenance in the ontology 13:59:21 - +40.97.8.aaaa 13:59:29 my phone just went dead! 13:59:39 please look at the link 13:59:43 I will type quickly 13:59:59 I propose that we have a very simple approach 14:00:18 to capture the "definition" of a "term" in our ontology 14:00:39 where "term" means "class", and probably don't bother with properties 14:00:51 we use the annotation proprty 14:01:11 "rdfs:comment: for the English definition of the intention of the term 14:01:24 and we use he annotation propprt dc:source 14:01:42 fto indicate (in free text) where we got it from. 14:01:45 over. 14:02:36 +q 14:02:43 I can't hear discussion ... if there is some perhaps you could summarise for me? 14:03:21 rgarcia: we need to document the properties too 14:03:47 +q 14:03:55 laurent (to rgarcia): do you have an example of documented properties? 14:04:10 rgarcia: no but it would be similar using comments and dc:source 14:05:15 yes 14:05:33 Michael: properties are also described in the specifications 14:06:05 Topic: AOB 14:06:53 Laurent: Will give a talk about the SSN-XG next Thursday 14:07:27 -[MIT528] 14:07:28 - +1.937.775.aabb 14:07:32 -Arthur 14:07:33 -rgarcia 14:07:36 -michael_ 14:07:39 -krp 14:07:41 michael_ has left #ssn 14:07:51 -[IPcaller] 14:08:26 laurent -- i think i should have an action to fix up the wiki page according to waht was decided but i'm not sure what was decided. 14:08:30 I'll catch you thursday. 14:08:51 no -- friday probably. 14:09:05 ok -- monday! 14:09:11 bye! 14:10:06 zakim, bye 14:10:06 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +40.97.8.aaaa, [IPcaller], +1.937.775.aabb, krp, rgarcia, Arthur, laurent_lefort_cs, michael_, [MIT528] 14:10:06 Zakim has left #ssn 14:10:29 rrsagent, make log public 14:10:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:10:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/05/25-ssn-minutes.html laurent_lefort_cs 14:10:30 rrsagent, bye 14:10:30 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2010/05/25-ssn-actions.rdf : 14:10:30 ACTION: Michael to analyse the representation of location for next meeting [1] 14:10:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/05/25-ssn-irc#T13-58-18 14:32:18 RRSAgent has joined #ssn 14:32:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/05/25-ssn-irc 14:32:27 rssagent, generate minutes 14:35:34 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:35:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/05/25-ssn-minutes.html laurent_lefort_cs