12:46:45 RRSAgent has joined #ssn 12:46:45 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-ssn-irc 12:46:47 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:46:47 Zakim has joined #ssn 12:46:49 Zakim, this will be 7769 12:46:49 ok, trackbot; I see INC_SSN()9:00AM scheduled to start in 14 minutes 12:46:50 Meeting: Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group Teleconference 12:46:50 Date: 27 April 2010 12:47:08 Regrets: Luis 12:47:15 agenda+ Roll call 12:47:24 agenda+ Actions from last meeting 12:47:57 agenda+ Discussion + Vote: modelling of accuracy of measurement etc. 12:48:09 agenda+ Where are we now and what do we have to do next 12:48:17 agenda+ AOB 12:48:27 Chair: Holger 12:51:13 Payam has joined #SSN 12:54:05 INC_SSN()9:00AM has now started 12:54:13 + +61.3.622.3.aaaa 12:54:27 zakim, +61.3.622.3.aaaa is me 12:54:27 +Holger; got it 12:54:58 laurent_lefort_cs has joined #ssn 12:55:05 michael_ has joined #ssn 12:55:28 + +1.518.281.aabb 12:55:30 dongmei has joined #ssn 12:55:45 +1.518.281.aabb is me 12:55:56 zakim, mute me 12:55:56 Holger should now be muted 12:56:42 +??P12 12:56:49 zakim, ??p12 is me 12:56:49 +Payam; got it 12:58:04 +[MIT528] 12:58:31 hello,mit528 is me 12:58:50 vhuang has joined #ssn 12:59:04 +[IPcaller] 12:59:23 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 12:59:23 +michael_; got it 12:59:34 Arthur has joined #ssn 13:00:27 +??P16 13:00:37 + +1.716.688.aacc 13:00:46 +[IPcaller] 13:00:48 +[IPcaller.a] 13:00:51 ----------------- 13:01:03 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:01:03 On the phone I see Holger (muted), +1.518.281.aabb, Payam, [MIT528] (muted), michael_, ??P16, +1.716.688.aacc, [IPcaller], [IPcaller.a] 13:01:18 zakim, [IPCaller] is me 13:01:18 +laurent_lefort_cs; got it 13:01:42 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me 13:01:42 +Arthur; got it 13:02:41 Good afternoon, I am on the phone as well, but I don't know which one is me. 13:02:59 that's ok ;-) 13:03:13 cory has joined #ssn 13:04:19 + +1.937.775.aadd 13:04:56 + +39.033.278.aaee 13:05:03 + +1.937.775.aaff 13:05:10 zakim, unmute me 13:05:10 Holger should no longer be muted 13:05:20 scox has joined #ssn 13:05:24 krzysztof_j has joined #ssn 13:05:40 agenda? 13:06:04 AmitSheth has joined #ssn 13:06:24 +??P21 13:07:00 zakim, ??P21 is me 13:07:00 +krzysztof_j; got it 13:08:19 krp has joined #ssn 13:09:18 +krp 13:09:58 ScribeNick: laurent_lefort_cs 13:10:21 Topic: Actions from last meeting 13:10:59 Holger recaps what happened on the mailing list: message from Luis 13:12:09 Pending actions: communications to W3C about status of Member submission 13:13:00 Michael to describe the EGU presentation 13:13:43 +q 13:14:16 Status of semantic markup deliverables? We drop the submission: what are we doing for the report? 13:14:50 ack laurent_lefort_cs 13:15:30 Amit: We will focus on the report on the part which has not been done elsewhere 13:15:38 We will make annotation as part of the main report -- as best practices that will describe how the ontology can be used for semantic annotation of sensor data 13:15:50 but generally we are not offering new language/syntax 13:16:06 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Modelling_of_Accuracy%2C_etc 13:16:47 Discussion on status of Modelling of Accuracy 13:17:08 ?q 13:18:15 Holger_Oz has joined #ssn 13:18:17 Michael: working on the basis of two proposals, Michael's and the MMI one (Luis with help from other MMI OntDev participants). 13:18:31 Holger_Oz has joined #ssn 13:18:55 ... No major differences except in Luis's proposal the link is done thru capability constraint (linked one by one) 13:19:14 ... Michael has grouped all the parameters in a "tuple". 13:19:58 http://marinemetadata.org/community/teams/ontdevices/devontacc 13:20:11 http://marinemetadata.org/community/teams/ontdevices/devontacc 13:20:23 http://code.google.com/p/devont/source/browse/trunk/devont/ssn/devontacc-example.owl 13:20:45 Cory: are the capabilities organised in hierarchies? 13:20:59 Michael: no 13:22:22 Discussion on whether we need to add a property for each type of capabilities 13:22:36 sumita has joined #ssn 13:23:23 Holger_Oz has joined #ssn 13:24:14 +q 13:24:32 Amit: can I model for a cases where two capabilities are related, e.g. if I use more energy I got more accuracy 13:24:55 ack michael_ 13:26:02 Google: EXPLORING TRADEOFFS IN ACCURACY, ENERGY AND LATENCY OF SCALE 13:26:12 Michael: our proposals are more expressive - they can handle expressions of trade offs between two criterias 13:27:11 ... The model does not cover all the possible terms/concepts you may want to model but show how this can be done 13:27:36 Exploring Tradeoffs in Accuracy, Energy and Latency of Scale Invariant Feature Transform in Wireless Camera Networks - right one ?? 13:28:18 Amit: I'm interested by energy-related issues. Can the model cover temporal aspects 13:28:34 ... e.g. the battery may last 10 hours 13:29:20 ... Can the model describe the conditions in which the sensor can operate e.g. the temperature range 13:30:46 Michael: we can cover temperature range as part of a condition for a capability e.g. accuracy, not temperature range as a survival range. 13:31:46 ... For time e.g. the latency between measurements maybe not all the requests linked to other entities e.g. the time at which a user want to use a sensor 13:32:55 Amit: what about the geospatial aspects: coordinate systems with multiple axis 13:33:36 Michael: we have not captured yet things like field of view ... 13:35:14 Amit: Energy and geospatial movement/coverage are important. 13:35:35 ... We need examples to explain how the modelling language we chose and also on how this can be extended. 13:35:38 Michael: agreed 13:36:49 ?q 13:37:16 Cory: do we have a pros and cons list of the two approaches? 13:37:18 +q 13:38:22 Michael: there is an email posted last week where we discussed some of the differences 13:39:14 ... The main difference is the decision to group or to separate the capabilities parameters 13:39:33 Think about scalability 13:39:55 RDF allows 'any order you like' 13:40:02 Laurent: tuple may be better for automated processing and separated ones maybe be better for discovery 13:40:39 Cory: the next criteria if they express the same thing is simplicity 13:41:29 +q 13:41:46 ack michael_ 13:41:52 ack laurent_lefort_cs 13:42:11 +q 13:42:29 +q 13:42:50 ack vhuang 13:43:25 Laurent: Simplicity depends on wether you use the ontology in a RDF or in an annotated XML file 13:45:35 http://marinemetadata.org/community/teams/ontdevices/devontacc 13:46:58 Vincent: remark on the example supplied by Luis/Carlos line 78 why intersection and not union? 13:47:20 ack michael_ 13:47:47 line 178 13:48:11 Michael: answering to Laurent's comment on simplicity, I don't see there is a trade off, difference between the two contexts of use. 13:48:36 +q 13:48:42 I think the model proposed by Michael would be better structured with specific measurement capabilities (latency, FoV, Frequency,...) being sub-concepts of MeasurementCapability; and the MeasurementCapability can be ralated to Accuracy then. 13:48:53 ack Payam 13:49:09 ack 13:49:26 Payam: the priority should be the description logic model, not the verbosity of the examples 13:49:46 +q 13:50:45 ack michael_ 13:50:56 Michael: we should add a sub-class relation between Capability and a more generic concept to my model 13:51:19 ... and the MeasurementCapability can be ralated to Condition then. 13:51:55 ... It would be good to treat them equally in the constraint expression and differently where they are use as a charcteristic of the device 13:51:58 no just giving an option 13:52:05 I agree, this would simplify the model 13:52:16 +1 13:52:25 +1 13:52:31 +1 13:52:33 +1 13:52:41 +1 13:53:23 -1 13:53:26 +1 13:53:27 -1 13:53:31 -1 13:53:31 0 13:53:34 +1 13:53:35 -1 13:53:37 0 13:53:38 -1, would like to hear luis argument 13:53:41 +1 13:53:44 Holger: vote one whether we vote today or note starting above from Payam 13:53:48 +1 13:53:56 -1 13:54:10 I agree with Cory- hearning Luis's argument 13:54:31 -1 13:54:55 ...you just gave yourself work too Laurent :-) 13:55:28 +q 13:56:21 the wiki has a upload form in the left menu 13:56:35 Simon: what is the process to upload documents? 13:57:15 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Special:Upload 14:00:06 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/images/4/41/EGU2010v1_3.pdf 14:00:35 ...for my part, I'm happy to hear suggestions for more pictures 14:00:49 Laurent: (other business) I'm going to do a talk on "Semantically-Enabled Standard development" about what we do in the XG at Metadata Australia 2010 (May 27 in Canberra) http://www.metadataaustralia2010.com/ (a bit more general than what we've done in the Semantic Markup activity) 14:02:52 - +1.937.775.aaff 14:02:59 +q 14:03:14 Two sessions have been merged: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2010/oral_programme/1923 14:03:26 I have been disconnected. 14:04:06 -??P16 14:04:46 Laurent: The EGU talk is just after a talk by Oscar Corcho on Semantic Sensors for Rapid Application Development for Environmental Management 14:05:17 Simon recommends that we have more images and more examples 14:07:01 sure, we have a few slides 14:07:35 -[MIT528] 14:07:40 I have to go to another telecon now! 14:08:09 - +1.716.688.aacc 14:08:11 - +39.033.278.aaee 14:08:33 dongmei has left #ssn 14:09:59 I didn't say anything now 14:10:37 bye 14:10:40 bye 14:10:40 -Payam 14:10:42 bye 14:10:43 -michael_ 14:10:44 -krzysztof_j 14:10:44 -krp 14:10:45 Payam suggest that we use the EGU talk as the opportinuty to engage with other groups working on related projects. Need to add a slide calling for collaboration. 14:10:45 - +1.937.775.aadd 14:10:55 +1 14:11:23 q 14:11:29 +q 14:11:30 - +1.518.281.aabb 14:11:31 -Arthur 14:11:33 -q 14:11:35 zakim, bye 14:11:35 Zakim has left #ssn 14:11:35 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Holger, +1.518.281.aabb, Payam, [MIT528], michael_, +1.716.688.aacc, laurent_lefort_cs, Arthur, +1.937.775.aadd, +39.033.278.aaee, 14:11:38 ... +1.937.775.aaff, krzysztof_j, krp 14:11:40 laurent_lefort_cs has left #ssn 14:11:47 quit 14:11:54 bye 14:11:54 rrsagent, make log public 14:12:01 vhuang has left #ssn 14:12:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:12:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-ssn-minutes.html Holger_Oz 14:12:17 rrsagent, bye 14:12:17 I see no action items