00:09:30 nick has joined #forms 00:45:32 nick has joined #forms 00:47:31 ebruchez has joined #forms 01:10:20 ebruchez has joined #forms 01:23:58 ebruchez has joined #forms 13:21:27 RRSAgent has joined #forms 13:21:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/03/26-forms-irc 13:21:29 Team_(forms)13:20Z has now started 13:21:36 +[IBMCambridge] 13:21:46 Meeting: Forms FtF, Cambridge, Ma, USA; Day 3 13:22:01 Zakim, [Ibm has Steven, Nick, Leigh, Erik, Charlie 13:22:01 +Steven, Nick, Leigh, Erik, Charlie; got it 13:22:39 zakim, code? 13:22:39 the conference code is 26632 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), John_Boyer 13:22:43 Chair: Leigh, Steven 13:22:50 +John_Boyer 13:23:49 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/FtF_2010_03_24_Agenda 13:24:00 rrsagent, make log public 13:24:05 rrsagent, make minutes 13:24:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/26-forms-minutes.html Steven 13:29:44 Scribenick: klotz 13:33:17 Charlie briefly demonstrates wiring custom dojo control to the XForms model, the specific control providing data formatting of input numbers 13:33:42 Not yet connecting MIPs and UI events to the control but working on the interfaces 13:33:48 transitioning to JSON 13:35:13 numbers, strings, booleans and structure. name-value pairs 13:42:01 raman has joined #forms 13:42:29 { 13:42:29 "LoanRecord" : { 13:42:29 "Currencies" : { 13:42:30 "Currency" : ["USD", "CDN", "Euro"] 13:42:30 }, 13:42:30 "StartDate" : "2008-08-08", 13:42:32 "Borrower" : { 13:42:34 "Name" : "John Q. Public", 13:42:36 "Addr" : "123 Main St Tinyville" 13:42:38 }, 13:42:40 "Principal" : "1000", 13:42:42 "Currency" : "USD", 13:42:44 "Duration" : "12", 13:42:46 "InterestRate" : "5", 13:42:48 "Monthly-Payment" : "0", 13:42:50 "TotalPayout" : "0" 13:42:52 } 13:42:54 } 13:45:01 how about the JSON in this Paris Hilton search example? http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxsearch/documentation/ 13:45:08 bubbles has joined #forms 13:46:13 "Currencies" : { 13:46:13 "Currency" : ["USD", "CDN", "Euro"], 13:46:13 "Currency" : ["British pound" ] 13:46:13 }, 13:46:25 ambiguous with 13:46:32 "Currencies" : { 13:46:33 "Currency" : ["USD", "CDN", "Euro", "British pound"] 13:46:33 }, 13:46:44 in charlies XML mapping 13:49:04 In picoForms you get the 'same' XML as with Charlie 13:49:37 13:49:37 13:49:37 13:49:37 USD 13:49:37 CDN 13:49:38 Euro 13:49:40 13:49:42 2008-08-08 13:49:44 13:49:46 John Q. Public 13:49:48 123 MainSt Tinyville 13:49:50 13:49:52 1000 13:49:54 USD 13:49:56 12 13:49:58 5 13:50:00 0 13:50:02 0 13:50:04 13:50:07 13:50:16 http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ 13:50:59 Charlie, could you show us the select1 for the currency/currencies 13:53:01 Leigh, did you mean this? 13:53:05 {"responseData": { 13:53:05 "results": [ 13:53:05 { 13:53:05 "GsearchResultClass": "GwebSearch", 13:53:05 "unescapedUrl": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Hilton", 13:53:06 "url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Hilton", 13:53:08 "visibleUrl": "en.wikipedia.org", 13:53:10 "cacheUrl": "http://www.google.com/search?q\u003dcache:TwrPfhd22hYJ:en.wikipedia.org", 13:53:12 "title": "\u003cb\u003eParis Hilton\u003c/b\u003e - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", 13:53:14 "titleNoFormatting": "Paris Hilton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", 13:53:16 "content": "\[1\] In 2006, she released her debut album..." 13:53:18 }, 13:53:20 { 13:53:22 "GsearchResultClass": "GwebSearch", 13:53:24 "unescapedUrl": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0385296/", 13:53:26 "url": "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0385296/", 13:53:28 "visibleUrl": "www.imdb.com", 13:53:30 "cacheUrl": "http://www.google.com/search?q\u003dcache:1i34KkqnsooJ:www.imdb.com", 13:53:32 "title": "\u003cb\u003eParis Hilton\u003c/b\u003e", 13:53:34 "titleNoFormatting": "Paris Hilton", 13:53:36 "content": "Self: Zoolander. Socialite \u003cb\u003eParis Hilton\u003c/b\u003e..." 13:53:38 }, 13:53:40 ... 13:53:42 ], 13:53:44 "cursor": { 13:53:46 "pages": [ 13:53:48 { "start": "0", "label": 1 }, 13:53:50 { "start": "4", "label": 2 }, 13:53:52 { "start": "8", "label": 3 }, 13:53:54 { "start": "12","label": 4 } 13:53:56 ], 13:53:58 "estimatedResultCount": "59600000", 13:54:00 "currentPageIndex": 0, 13:54:02 "moreResultsUrl": "http://www.google.com/search?oe\u003dutf8\u0026ie\u003dutf8..." 13:54:04 } 13:54:06 } 13:54:08 , "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200} 14:03:00 unl has joined #forms 14:03:34 zakim, code? 14:03:34 the conference code is 26632 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), unl 14:04:58 +unl 14:06:49 http://jettison.codehaus.org/ 14:07:05 rrsagent, make minutes 14:07:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/26-forms-minutes.html Steeeven 14:07:11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/559296/java-implementation-of-json-to-xml-conversion 14:07:30 http://www.w3.org/2010/03/25-forms-minutes.html 14:10:47 related: http://jackson.codehaus.org/ 14:12:59