RDFa Test Suite

Report on RDF Distiller (Ruby).

Passed 6 out of 6 test cases ( 100%).

RDFa Version rdfa1.1-vocab.
Host Language: xhtml1.

[rdfa1.1-vocabxhtml1] Test 0240: vocab_expansion='true' expands sub-property

A property having an rdfs:subPropertyOf relationship defined in an in-use vocabulary causes triples to be added to the referenced property.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1-vocabxhtml1] Test 0241: vocab_expansion='true' expands equivalent-property

A property having an owl:equivalentProperty relationship defined in an in-use vocabulary causes triples to be added to the referenced property.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1-vocabxhtml1] Test 0242: vocab_expansion='true' expands referenced equivalent-property

A property which is the target of another property having an owl:equivalentProperty relationship defined in an in-use vocabulary causes triples to be added to the defining property.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1-vocabxhtml1] Test 0243: vocab_expansion='true' expands sub-class

A property having an rdfs:subClassOf relationship defined in an in-use vocabulary causes triples to be added to the referenced class.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1-vocabxhtml1] Test 0244: vocab_expansion='true' expands equivalent-class

A class having an owl:equivalentClass relationship defined in an in-use vocabulary causes triples to be added to the referenced class.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1-vocabxhtml1] Test 0245: vocab_expansion='true' expands referenced equivalent-class

A class which is the target of another class having an owl:equivalentClass relationship defined in an in-use vocabulary causes triples to be added to the defining class.

Result: PASS