RDFa Test Suite

Report on RDF Distiller (Ruby).

Passed 26 out of 26 test cases ( 100%).

RDFa Version rdfa1.1.
Host Language: svg.

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0201: Expressing an attribute using @property

Tests @property to establish the predicate; literal object is in the content of the element.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0202: Tests to ensure @xml:base used in SVG

Tests to make sure that @xml:base is used in SVG+RDFa.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0203: Tests to ensure @xml:base used in non-root elements in SVG

Tests to make sure that @xml:base is used in non-root elements in SVG+RDFa.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0214: Root element has implicit @about=""

All documents have an implicit @about=""

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0218: @inlist to create empty list

@inlist on @rel with no incomplete triples creates an empty list.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0219: @inlist with literal

@inlist with @property creates a list having a literal as a single element.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0220: @inlist with IRI

@inlist with @rel and @href creates a list having an IRI as a single element.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0221: @inlist with hetrogenious membership

@inlist with @rel and @property creates a list with both IRI and Literal elements.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0222: @inlist with multi-level elements

@inlist with @property at different levels of descendence creates single list.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0223: @inlist with non-list property

Use of predicate with @inlist and without @inlist creates both list and non-list triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0224: @inlist hanging @rel

Use of @rel and @inlist with decendent IRI elements creates list

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0225: @inlist on different elements with same subject

@inlist with same property and subject on different elements creates multiple lists

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0226: confusion between multiple implicit collections (resource)

Use of @inlist with implicit subject uses different list

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0227: confusion between multiple implicit collections (about)

Use of @inlist with implicit subject uses different list

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0234: All defined HTML link relation values

Tests to ensure that all defined linked relations expand

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0235: rdfagraph='processor' does not generate standard triples

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' does not output standard triples

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0236: rdfagraph='processor' with a markup error generates rdfa:Error

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Error

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0237: rdfagraph='processor' with invalid SafeCURIE generates rdfa:Warning

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a SafeCURIE with an invalid prefix.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0238: rdfagraph='processor' with missing Term definition generates rdfa:Warning

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a missing Term definition.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0239: rdfagraph='processor' with undefined prefix generates rdfa:Warning

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a SafeCURIE with an undefined prefix.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0259: XML+RDFa Initial Context

All processors must load the RDFa Core Initial Context.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0289: @href becomes subject when @property and @content are present

When @property and @content are present but @about, @rel and @rev are not, @href is used as subject.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0290: @href becomes subject when @property and @datatype are present

When @property and @datatype are present but @about, @rel and @rev are not, @href is used as subject and element content is used as an object literal.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0291: @href as subject overridden by @about

When @property, @datatype, @href and @about are present but @rel and @rev are not, @about is used as subject.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0292: @about overriding @href as subject is used as parent resource

When @property, @datatype, @href and @about are present but @rel and @rev are not, @about is used as subject and is also applied to nested descriptions.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1svg] Test 0293: Testing the ':' character usage in a CURIE

RDFa 1.1 CURIE allows the ':' to appear in the reference part of a CURIE.

Result: PASS