RDFa Test Suite

Report on pyRdfa (Python).

Passed 175 out of 176 test cases ( 99.43181818181819%).

RDFa Version rdfa1.1.
Host Language: xhtml5.

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0001: Predicate establishment with @property

Tests @property to establish the predicate; literal object is in the content of the element.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0006: @rel and @rev

Tests @rev and @rel together, with the object being specified by @href, ignoring content

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0007: @rel, @rev, @property, @content

Tests @rel, @rev, @property, and @content together to generate several RDF triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0008: empty string @about

Tests empty @about.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0009: @rev

Tests @rev.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0010: @rel, @rev, @href

Tests @rel, @rev, and @href to generate two RDF triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0014: @datatype, xsd:integer

Tests setting the @datatype to xsd:integer

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0015: meta and link

Tests meta and link with no parent @about

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0017: Related blanknodes

Tests creation of statements involving explicitly created blank nodes.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0018: @rel for predicate

Tests @rel to establish predicate.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0019: @about for subject

Tests @about to establish subject.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0020: Inheriting @about for subject

Tests @about inheritance to establish subject.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0021: Subject inheritance with no @about

Tests inheritance of subject when no @about can be found

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0023: @id does not generate subjects

Tests that @id does not generate subjects

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0025: simple chaining test

Tests simple chaining with cascade of @resource and @property

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0026: @content

Tests @content for literal object

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0027: @content, ignore element content

Tests @content for literal object, overriding element content.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0029: markup stripping with @datatype

Tests markup stripping from a span element with @datatype=xsd:string

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0030: omitted @about

Tests omitted @about.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0031: simple @resource

Tests if @resource sets URIref object correct.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0032: @resource overrides @href

Tests if @resource overrides @href to set the URIref object.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0033: simple chaining test with bNode

Tests simple chaining with cascade of bNode and @property

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0034: simple img[@src] test

Tests if a @src (in img element) correctly sets the URIref object

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0035: @src/@href test

Tests if @href overwrites @src

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0036: @src/@resource test

Tests if @resource overwrites @src

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0037: @src/@href/@resource test

Tests if @resource overwrites both @href and @src

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0038: @rev - img[@src] test

Tests if a @src (in img element) correctly sets the URIref subject (due to @rev)

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0039: @rev - @src/@href test

Tests if @href overwrites @src correctly to set the URIref subject (due to @rev)

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0041: @rev - @src/@href/@resource test

Tests if @resource overwrites both @href and @src correctly to set the URIref subject (due to @rev)

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0048: @typeof with @about and @rel present, no @resource

Tests @typeof with @about and @rel present, no @resource

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0049: @typeof with @about, no @rel or @resource

Tests @typeof with @about, no @rel or @resource

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0050: @typeof without anything else

Tests @typeof without anything else

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0051: @typeof with a single @property

Tests @typeof with a single @property

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0052: @typeof with @resource and nothing else

Tests to ensure that @typeof does not apply to @resource

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0053: @typeof with @resource and nothing else, with a subelement

Tests to make sure that @typeof does not apply to @resource, but @resource sets the subject for the next triple to be generated

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0054: multiple @property

Tests multiple @property separated by white spaces

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0055: multiple @rel

Tests multiple @rel separated by white spaces

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0056: @typeof applies to @about on same element with hanging rel

Tests if @typeof applies to @about on same element with hanging @rel

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0057: hanging @rel creates multiple triples

Tests if hanging @rel creates multiple triples

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0059: multiple hanging @rels with multiple children

Tests multiple hanging @rels with multiple children

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0060: UTF-8 conformance

Tests conformance with UTF-8 encoding

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0063: @rel in head using reserved XHTML value and empty-prefix CURIE syntax

Tests @rel in head using reserved XHTML value and empty-prefix CURIE syntax

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0064: @about with safe CURIE

Tests if @about generates a proper triple when a safe CURIE is used

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0065: @rel with safe CURIE

Tests if @rel properly connects triples generated when safe CURIEs are used

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0066: @about with @typeof in the head

Test to make sure that @about (with current document) is implied in the head, and the proper triples are generated using @typeof

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0067: @property in the head

Test to make sure that @property in head uses the implied current document as the subject if no other subject is specified

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0068: Relative URI in @about

Tests to ensure that relative URI is resolved correctly when used in @about

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0069: Relative URI in @href

Tests to ensure that relative URI is resolved correctly when used in @href

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0070: Relative URI in @resource

Tests to ensure that relative URI is resolved correctly when used in @resource

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0071: No explicit @about

Tests to ensure that a triple is generated even if @typeof and @about is not specified anywhere in the document

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0072: Relative URI in @about (with XHTML base in head)

Tests to ensure that relative URIs are resolved correctly when used in @about with XHTML base set in head

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0073: Relative URI in @resource (with XHTML base in head)

Tests to ensure that relative URIs are resolved correctly when used in @resource with XHTML base set in head

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0074: Relative URI in @href (with XHTML base in head)

Tests to ensure that relative URIs are resolved correctly when used in @href with XHTML base set in head

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0075: Reserved word 'license' in @rel with no explizit @about

Tests to ensure that the XHTML+RDFa reserved word 'license' when used in @rel (with no @about) generates the proper triple

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0079: @resource and @href in completing incomplete triples

Tests role of @resource and @href in completing incomplete triples (including their mutual priorities)

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0080: @about overrides @resource in incomplete triples

Tests if @about has a higher priority than @resource in handling incomplete triples

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0083: multiple ways of handling incomplete triples (merged)

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples; the first two triples should use the same bNode as subject ('merged'); the third case should use @about

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0084: multiple ways of handling incomplete triples, this time with both @rel and @rev

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples, this time with both @rel and @rev. There is an intermediate div that should be ignored by the process

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0085: @resource and @href in completing incomplete triples

Tests the role of @resource and @href in completing incomplete triples (including their mutual priorities), but with an intermediate layer (ie, bNode) added

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0087: All reserved XHTML @rel values (with :xxx)

Tests to ensure that all reserved XHTML words are supported in @rel (with :xxx)

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0088: Interpretation of the CURIE "_:"

Test the interpretation of the CURIE "_:"

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0089: @src sets a new subject (@typeof)

Tests to ensure that @src sets a new subject (focuses on @typeof).

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0091: Non-reserved, un-prefixed CURIE in @property

Tests to ensure that non-reserved, un-prefixed CURIEs, when used in @property, generate triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0093: Tests XMLLiteral content with explicit @datatype (user-data-typed literal)

Tests the explicit specification of an RDF XMLLiteral with @datatype using a non-RDF namespace, yielding a user-data-typed literal

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0099: Preservation of white space in literals

Tests the preservation of white space in literals.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0104: rdf:value

Tests rdf:value with blank nodes to give a value with a unit

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0106: chaining with empty value in inner @rel

Tests the behavior of triple generation in the case where the inner @rel is defined, but is blank, which halts chaining.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0107: no garbage collecting bnodes

Checks to make sure that that while we shouldn't garbage collect bnodes no triples are generated.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0109: Tests to ensure @xml:base is ignored

Tests to make sure that @xml:base is ignored in XHTML+RDFa 1.0. The input test document is invalid XHTML.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0110: bNode generated even though no nested @about exists

Tests to make sure that a bNode is generated even though no nested @about exists.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0111: two bNodes generated after three levels of nesting

Tests to make sure that two bNodes are generated after three levels of nesting and that the last div does not generate a triple.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0112: plain literal with datatype=""

Checks to make sure that the RDFa parser emits a plain literal when the datatype is specified as "".

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0114: Relative URI dot-segment removal

Checks to make sure that a relative URI is resolved correctly according to RFC3986, section 5 (even when the relative URI is invalid, in this case).

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0115: XML Entities must be supported by RDFa parser

Checks to make sure that XML Entities are treated properly by the RDFa parser.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0117: Fragment identifiers stripped from BASE

Checks to make sure that fragment identifiers are stripped from [base] when used to generate triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0118: empty string "" is not equivalent to NULL - @about

Checks to make sure that the empty string "" isn't considered as NULL in languages such as Javascript when generating triples. This test sets the subject in a chain using @href and then immediately changes the subject using @about and generates a triple. A buggy parser may use the @href subject (http://example.org/javascript.html) instead of the one defined by @about.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0119: "[prefix:]" CURIE format is valid

Checks to make sure that an RDFa processor expands CURIEs having only a prefix and a colon if a prefix is properly defined using xmlns.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0120: "[:]" CURIE format is valid

Checks to make sure that an RDFa processor expands CURIEs having only a colon to the default prefix "http://www.w3.org/1999/test-cases/vocab#".

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0121: "[]" is a valid safe CURIE

Checks to make sure RDFa processors resolve the empty CURIE correctly. Note that this is not valid HTML due to recursive


Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0122: resource="[]" does not set the object

Checks to make sure that resource="[]" does not set the object since RDFa does not allow non-prefixed CURIEs.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0126: Multiple @typeof values

Checks to ensure that multiple (white space separated) values in @typeof trigger multiple rdf:type triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0131: Whitespace alternatives in attributes

Ensures that multiple whitespace alternatives in attributes are allowed.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0134: Uppercase reserved words

Ensures that mixed-case reserved words generate triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0140: Blank nodes identifiers are not allowed as predicates

The RDF data model does not allow blank node identifiers in predicates. This test ensures that RDFa processors do not emit invalid triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0147: xmlns prefix 'xmlzzz' (reserved)

Ensures that RDFa processors allow the prefix 'xmlzzz', even though it is a reserved prefix in XML.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0174: Support single character prefix in CURIEs

Checks to ensure that the RDFa processor correctly processes single character prefixes when processing CURIEs.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0175: IRI for @property is allowed

Checks to make sure that a URI may be used as a @property value

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0176: IRI for @rel and @rev is allowed

Checks to make sure that a URI may be used as @rel and @rev values

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0177: Test @prefix

Checks to make sure @prefix with a single entry creates a URI mapping

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0178: Test @prefix with multiple mappings

Checks to make sure @prefix with multiple entires creates multiple URI mappings

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0179: Test @prefix vs @xmlns priority

Checks to make sure @prefix has a higher priority than @xmlns

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0180: Test @prefix with empty mapping

Checks to make sure @prefix with empty prefix does not create a mapping.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0181: Test default XHTML vocabulary

Checks Tests a CURIE with default namespace uses XHTML Vocabulary namespace.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0182: Test prefix locality

Checks to be sure that prefixes are defined within the element hierarchy.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0183: Test @xmlns redefines @prefix

A new @xmlns definition should override a previous @prefix definition at this element.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0186: @vocab after subject declaration

Check that @vocab establishes a new default vocabulary when declared on the same element as a subject declaration via @about.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0187: @vocab redefinition

Check that a more deeply nested @vocab attribute overloads a previous @vocab definition.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0188: @vocab only affects predicates

Check that @vocab definitions on parent elements only affect predicate establishment.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0189: @vocab overrides default term

Check that @vocab changes a default term from XHV. Lookup checks default vocabulary before local term mappings.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0190: Test term case insensitivity

Check to ensure a mixed case term matches a case insensitive definition

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0196: Test process explicit XMLLiteral

XMLLiteral must be explicitly specified, otherwise a normal untyped literal is created

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0197: Test TERMorCURIEorAbsURI requires an absolute URI

TERMorCURIEorAbsURI requires an absolute URI

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0198: datatype XMLLiteral with other embedded RDFa

Checks to ensure that when datatype is the default the parser generates triples for embedded content.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0206: Usage of Initial Context

Tests whether the default RDFa 1.1 context (which contains prefix definitions, among others, to the Semantic Web Standard vocabularies) is properly handled.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0207: Vevent using @typeof

Tests Vevent using @typeof (inlc. dtstart, dtend, etc.)

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0213: Datatype generation for a literal with XML content, version 1.1

In RDFa 1.1, even if a literal contains XML elements, and no explicit datatype is set, the result is plain literal

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0214: Root element has implicit @about=""

All documents have an implicit @about=""

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0216: Proper character encoding detection in spite of large headers

Character encoding should work even in view of a large set of characters as attributes in the header, ie, when content sniffing may not work to establish encoding.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0217: @vocab causes rdfa:usesVocabulary triple to be added

When encountering @vocab, a processor generates a triple with the base URI, rdfa:usesVocabulary and the IRI of the added vocabulary.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0218: @inlist to create empty list

@inlist on @rel with no incomplete triples creates an empty list.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0219: @inlist with literal

@inlist with @property creates a list having a literal as a single element.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0220: @inlist with IRI

@inlist with @rel and @href creates a list having an IRI as a single element.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0221: @inlist with hetrogenious membership

@inlist with @rel and @property creates a list with both IRI and Literal elements.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0222: @inlist with multi-level elements

@inlist with @property at different levels of descendence creates single list.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0223: @inlist with non-list property

Use of predicate with @inlist and without @inlist creates both list and non-list triples.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0224: @inlist hanging @rel

Use of @rel and @inlist with decendent IRI elements creates list

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0225: @inlist on different elements with same subject

@inlist with same property and subject on different elements creates multiple lists

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0226: confusion between multiple implicit collections (resource)

Use of @inlist with implicit subject uses different list

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0227: confusion between multiple implicit collections (about)

Use of @inlist with implicit subject uses different list

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0228: 1.1 alternate for test 0040: @rev - @src/@resource test

@src is a lower priority than @resource

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0229: img[@src] test with omitted @about

Tests if a @src (in img element) does not set the URIref object (with omitted @about) -- from 0042

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0230: @src does not set a new subject (@rel/@href)

Tests to ensure that @src does not set a new subject (oposite of 0090 for 1.0).

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0231: Set image license information

Tests new behavior of @src in 1.1

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0232: @typeof with @rel present, no @href, @resource, or @about (1.1 behavior of 0046);

Tests @typeof with @rel present, no @href, @resource, or @about creates a BNode object

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0233: @typeof with @rel and @resource present, no @about (1.1 behavior of 0047)

Tests @typeof with @rel and @resource present, no @about adds type to object

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0234: All defined HTML link relation values

Tests to ensure that all defined linked relations expand

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0235: rdfagraph='processor' does not generate standard triples

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' does not output standard triples

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0237: rdfagraph='processor' with invalid SafeCURIE generates rdfa:Warning

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a SafeCURIE with an invalid prefix.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0238: rdfagraph='processor' with missing Term definition generates rdfa:Warning

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a missing Term definition.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0239: rdfagraph='processor' with undefined prefix generates rdfa:Warning

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a SafeCURIE with an undefined prefix.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0246: hanging @rel creates multiple triples, @typeof permutation; RDFa 1.1 version

Tests if hanging @rel creates multiple triples with @typeof permutation

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0247: Multiple incomplete triples, RDFa 1.1version

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples; the first two triples should use the same bnode as subject ('merged'). The third should have a separate bNode.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0248: multiple ways of handling incomplete triples (with @rev); RDFa 1.1 version

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples, this time with @rev

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0249: multiple ways of handling incomplete triples (with @rel and @rev); RDFa 1.1 version

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples, this time with both @rel and @rev

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0250: Checking the right behaviour of @typeof with @about, in presence of @property

Tests that @typeof is clearly bound to @about, and @property therefore creates a Literal object

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0251: lang

Tests lang

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0252: lang inheritance

Tests lang inheritance

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0253: plain literal with datatype="" and lang preservation

Checks to make sure that the RDFa parser emits a plain literal when the datatype is specified as "" and preserves the xml:lang value. The text, with control characters and whitespace preserved, reads "Greek white space ".

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0254: @datatype="" generates plain literal in presence of child nodes

Checks to ensure that when @datatype="" is used on an element that contains child nodes, that the literal that is generated is a plain literal.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0255: lang="" clears language setting

Checks to ensure that when lang="" is used that any parent element language setting is cleared and a language-less literal is generated.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0256: lang and xml:lang on the same element

Tests @xml:lang and @lang on the same element with different values; @xml:lang should prevail.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0257: element with @property and no child nodes generates empty plain literal (HTML5 version of 0113)

Checks to make sure that an element with @property and no child nodes generates empty plain literal.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0258: The underscore character is not allowed in xmlns

Ensures that a prefix cannot start with an underscore character when specified using xmlns or prefix.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0259: XML+RDFa Initial Context

All processors must load the RDFa Core Initial Context.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0261: White space preservation in XMLLiteral

Whitespace must be maintained in an XMLLiteral, too

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0262: Predicate establishment with @property, with white spaces before and after the attribute value

Tests @property to establish the predicate; literal object is in the content of the element. There are extra whitespaces before and after the property attribute value which should be ignored

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0263: @property appearing on the html element yields the base as the subject

@property appearing on the html element without @content or @datatype yields the base as the subject

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0264: @property appearing on the head element gets the subject from , ie, parent

@property appearing on the head element gets the subject from , ie, parent

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0265: @property appearing on the head element gets the subject from , ie, parent

@property appearing on the head element gets the subject from , ie, parent; in this case the parent subject is explicitly set via @about

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0266: @property without @content or @datatype, typed object set by @href and @typeof

@property without @content or @datatype, typed object set by @href and @typeof

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0267: @property without @content or @datatype, typed object set by @resource and @typeof

@property without @content or @datatype, typed object set by @resource and @typeof

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0268: @property without @content or @datatype, typed object set by @src and @typeof

@property without @content or @datatype, typed object set by @src and @typeof

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0269: @property appearing on the html element yields the base as the subject, also with @content

@property appearing on the html element without @content or @datatype yields the base as the subject, also with @content

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0271: Use of @property in HEAD with explicit parent subject via @about

@property appearing on the head element gets the subject from parent, also with @content and explicit @about at the top

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0272: time element with @datetime an xsd:date

The @datetime attribute is used when generating output with valid xsd:date.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0273: time element with @datetime an xsd:time

The @datetime attribute is used when generating output with valid xsd:time.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0274: time element with @datetime an xsd:dateTime

The @datetime attribute is used when generating output with valid xsd:dateTime.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0275: time element with value an xsd:date

The time element value is used when generating output with valid xsd:date.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0276: time element with value an xsd:time

The time element value is used when generating output with valid xsd:time.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0277: time element with value an xsd:dateTime

The time element value is used when generating output with valid xsd:dateTime.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0278: @datetime overrides @content

The @datetime attribute must be utilized when generating output, overriding any value expressed using the @content attribute.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0279: @datetype used with @datetime overrides default datatype

If @datatype is specified, it must override the automatic datatype.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0280: time element with @datetime an xsd:duration

The @datetime attribute is used when generating output with valid xsd:duration.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0281: time element with @datetime an xsd:gYear

The @datetime attribute is used when generating output with valid xsd:gYear.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0282: time element with @datetime an xsd:gYearMonth

The @datetime attribute is used when generating output with valid xsd:gYearMonth.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0283: time element with @datetime an invalid datatype generates plain literal

If the lexical scope of @datetime does not exactly match a known datatype a plain literal is generated.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0284: @data is an IRI attribute

The @data attribute generates an IRI.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0285: time element with @datetime an invalid datatype and in scope @lang generates plain literal with language

If no @datatype is specified and the value does not match a xsd:dateTime, xsd:date, or xsd:time pattern, a plain literal must be generated with the associated language of the node, if available.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0286: @value attribute overrides @content

the HTML5 @value attribute must be utilized when generating output. If @value is detected, it must override and be processed according to the rules for @content.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0287: time element with @datetime an xsd:dateTime with TZ offset

The @datetime attribute is used when generating output with valid xsd:dateTime and a Time Zone offset.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0288: object element with @data parses as an IRI

@data is a resource attribute.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0289: @href becomes subject when @property and @content are present

When @property and @content are present but @about, @rel and @rev are not, @href is used as subject.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0290: @href becomes subject when @property and @datatype are present

When @property and @datatype are present but @about, @rel and @rev are not, @href is used as subject and element content is used as an object literal.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0291: @href as subject overridden by @about

When @property, @datatype, @href and @about are present but @rel and @rev are not, @about is used as subject.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0292: @about overriding @href as subject is used as parent resource

When @property, @datatype, @href and @about are present but @rel and @rev are not, @about is used as subject and is also applied to nested descriptions.

Result: PASS

[rdfa1.1xhtml5] Test 0293: Testing the ':' character usage in a CURIE

RDFa 1.1 CURIE allows the ':' to appear in the reference part of a CURIE.

Result: PASS