10:03:39 RRSAgent has joined #mediafrag 10:03:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-irc 10:03:41 RRSAgent, make logs public 10:03:41 Zakim has joined #mediafrag 10:03:43 Zakim, this will be IA_MFWG 10:03:43 ok, trackbot, I see IA_MFWG()5:00AM already started 10:03:44 Meeting: Media Fragments Working Group Teleconference 10:03:44 Date: 10 February 2010 10:03:56 +mhausenblas 10:05:16 +silvia 10:06:42 Zakim, who's here? 10:06:42 On the phone I see Erik, Thierry, mhausenblas, silvia 10:06:43 On IRC I see RRSAgent, tmichel, davy, erik, raphael, mhausenblas, conrad, silvia, Yves, trackbot 10:06:45 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', raphael. Try /msg RRSAgent help 10:06:58 RRSAgent, make records public 10:06:58 +raphael 10:07:14 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-fragment/2010Feb/0013.html 10:07:19 Chair: Raphael, Erik 10:07:24 Regrets: Yves, Conrad 10:08:10 Present: Erik, Davy, Raphael, Michael, Silvia, Thierry 10:08:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-minutes.html raphael 10:09:20 Meeting open 10:09:36 Raphael: focus on two things 10:09:56 .. * "ready for implementation" markings 10:09:59 .. * test cases 10:10:07 Topic: 1. ADMIN 10:10:23 PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 03 February 2009 telecon: 10:10:24 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/03-mediafrag-minutes.html 10:10:25 +1 10:10:27 +1 10:10:29 +1 10:10:31 +1 10:10:35 +1 10:10:41 raphael: accepted 10:10:57 RE: ACTION-127: Thierry/Yves to look for the charter extension 10:11:13 thierry: WG was extended for a year, until end Jan 2011 10:11:25 RESOLUTION: ccept the minutes of the 03 February 2009 telecon 10:11:37 s/ccept/accept 10:12:14 thierry: management wants public to react on document 10:12:29 .. wants to get Last Call asap 10:12:40 q+ to ask re HTTPbis dependecies 10:12:49 ack me 10:12:49 mhausenblas, you wanted to ask re HTTPbis dependecies 10:12:50 close ACTION-127 10:12:51 ACTION-127 Look for the charter extension closed 10:13:47 mhausenblas: HTTPbis dependencies should be addressed at f2f 10:13:50 Michael: is there any dependencies with HTTPBis ... also in last call 10:14:05 thierry: extension will be announced today or tomorrow 10:14:17 RE: ACTION-92: Erik and Raphael to coordinate the writing of papers 10:14:43 Erik: hopefully finishes his part by weekend and hopes to send edits next week 10:15:10 Topic: 2. F2F Meeting 10:15:19 Draft Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/wiki/FithF2FAgenda 10:15:35 raphael: add topics to wiki, everything you'd like us to discuss 10:15:42 .. also things we should conclude on 10:15:55 .. venue and zakim booking are done 10:16:16 Topic: 3. SPECIFICATION 10:16:44 RE: ACTION-134: Erik to mark up the spec with normative and informative classes 10:17:11 -raphael 10:17:39 raphael: thinks it's too early for such markup 10:17:50 +raphael 10:18:32 .. should be last thing we do 10:18:49 .. still subject to lots of discussions 10:18:59 .. could start marking up on the parts that are major 10:19:38 silvia: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-fragment/2010Feb/0007.html 10:19:48 .. has a list of things that could be marked up already 10:20:46 .. not possible for everything of course 10:20:59 raphael: would rather want to get implementations 10:21:12 mhausenblas: agree, statements are too early 10:21:15 .. could change still 10:21:23 raphael: support the path that silvia mentions 10:21:44 Michael: we should flag stable vs. unstable sections rather than normative vs. informative 10:21:50 .. just marking some sections as "ready for implementation" 10:22:04 Section: http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/WD-media-fragments-spec/#npt-time 10:22:15 is stable providing the correction of the npt bug 10:22:20 Michael: this is IMO, what implementers are primarily interested in 10:22:43 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/WD-media-fragments-spec/#processing-protocol-UA-mapped 10:22:46 raphael: correct npt scheme 10:22:56 .. no action yet 10:23:03 .. should include diagrams that Erik sent 10:23:08 ACTION-126? 10:23:08 ACTION-126 -- Yves Lafon to follow up on error in ABFN for npt -- due 2009-12-23 -- OPEN 10:23:08 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/126 10:23:28 silvia: Yves said he would do the changes by next week 10:23:36 q+ 10:23:44 raphael: make sure Yves completes by next week 10:23:48 ack erik 10:24:01 erik: first job on diagrams 10:24:08 .. only includes main headers, not all headers 10:24:32 michael: should include all headers 10:25:12 silvia: haven't looked at the diagrams indepth 10:25:38 michael: a decision for who marks it up to include what is most important 10:25:52 erik: will look at it again 10:26:30 silvia: we could also rely on implementers to give us feedback 10:26:51 raphael: suggest to give action to somebody to integrate diagrams into document 10:27:11 Action: silvia to include Erik's diagrams into specification 10:27:12 Created ACTION-138 - Include Erik's diagrams into specification [on Silvia Pfeiffer - due 2010-02-17]. 10:27:37 .. silvia to also include source files 10:28:19 erik: diagrams got generated automatically 10:28:26 http://www.websequencediagrams.com/ 10:28:36 .. from websequencediagrams 10:29:11 .. diagrams are public 10:29:53 .. put links into wiki 10:30:09 .. silvia will add links to originals into comment and add files into cvs 10:30:30 raphael: need somebody to mark sections as implementable 10:30:33 ACTION-134? 10:30:33 ACTION-134 -- Erik Mannens to mark up the spec with normative and informative classes -- due 2010-02-10 -- OPEN 10:30:33 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/134 10:30:44 ACTION-133? 10:30:44 ACTION-133 -- Erik Mannens to will try to generate some time diagram for the protocol description in the section 5.2.1.x -- due 2010-02-03 -- OPEN 10:30:44 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/133 10:30:54 close ACTION-133 10:30:54 ACTION-133 Will try to generate some time diagram for the protocol description in the section 5.2.1.x closed 10:31:46 .. if everyone agrees on the list of chapters that silvia said are implementable, they should be marked up as such 10:31:53 10:31:55 +1 10:31:57 +1 10:31:58 Is there strong disagreement for makring up these parts in the document ? 10:32:08 ... as stable 10:32:12 good, no objections 10:32:23 Action: silvia to mark up specified sections as implementable 10:32:23 Created ACTION-139 - Mark up specified sections as implementable [on Silvia Pfeiffer - due 2010-02-17]. 10:32:25 s/makring/marking 10:32:49 ACTION-135? 10:32:49 ACTION-135 -- Erik Mannens to extend section 5 regarding spatial and track dimension -- due 2010-02-10 -- OPEN 10:32:49 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/135 10:32:53 ACTION-136? 10:32:53 ACTION-136 -- Davy Van Deursen to create a diagram of video timeline to explain temporal dimension -- due 2010-02-10 -- OPEN 10:32:53 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/136 10:33:06 RE: ACTION-135: Davy, Erik to extend section 5 regarding spatial and track dimension 10:33:19 ongoing 10:33:23 close ACTION-136 10:33:23 ACTION-136 Create a diagram of video timeline to explain temporal dimension closed 10:33:42 TOPIC: 4. ISSUES 10:33:55 later 10:33:57 TOPIC: 5. TEST CASES: (Michael) 10:34:22 michael hasn't had the time to spend on test cases 10:34:35 raphael: need another volunteer to keep this going 10:35:00 michael: I will not be able to drive this 10:35:06 q+ 10:35:10 .. need a volunteer to take over 10:35:23 erik: we can do it but not before april 10:36:56 Silvia: I'm not sure we need a responsible person, no stress on someone in particular 10:37:02 ... it could be a collective effort 10:37:26 Michael: I think you're right, but getting a person setting up the policy for external reviews is important 10:37:41 ... for that, it is good to have a face 10:37:43 silvia: could be part of the natural sequence of (1) defining use case, (2) defining solution, (3) defining error and test cases 10:38:17 raphael: during f2f we could collectively discuss test cases that are well enough defined 10:38:26 Michael: the 'collective approach' actually made me propose/implement http://ld2sd.deri.org/corrib/ 10:39:09 raphael: we should do all of the above :) 10:39:27 .. define test cases during f2f 10:39:50 .. have a person responsible from April to follow up 10:40:10 michael: main motivation is to get the implementation report in just one click 10:40:32 .. this is what corrib has been set up for 10:40:42 q+ 10:40:52 A Method for Writing Testable Conformance Requirements 10:40:55 .. should be decided at f2f 10:40:56 q? 10:40:57 ack erik 10:41:01 http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/NOTE-test-methodology-20100128/ 10:41:18 erik: I like the one-click approach to report 10:42:33 document presents a method for writing, marking-up, and analyzing conformance requirements in technical specifications. 10:42:39 silvia: agree to having somebody responsible to look after corrib for checking implementation conformance 10:42:59 micheal: implementation report is part of our charter 10:43:14 +1 10:43:31 erik: exit criteria we will write in CR document 10:43:53 raphael: should we look at test cases now? 10:44:03 michael: can show what I've done so far 10:44:10 .. classification of test cases 10:44:22 .. move into wiki 10:45:07 ACTION-115? 10:45:07 ACTION-115 -- Michael Hausenblas to come up with categorization of test cases wrt empty, undefined, etc -- due 2009-09-30 -- CLOSED 10:45:07 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/115 10:45:30 .. uploaded an rdf document that defined all the cases 10:45:45 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/mftc 10:46:43 silvia: is that out of corrib? 10:48:02 -raphael 10:48:24 erik: can we get a more readable version? 10:48:52 ACTION: mhausenb to create a more readable version of the TC classification at http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/mftc 10:48:52 Created ACTION-140 - Create a more readable version of the TC classification at http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/mftc [on Michael Hausenblas - due 2010-02-17]. 10:49:44 silvia: for me it's not about readability, but about how to edit 10:50:13 michael: you have access to the file - it's in cvs 10:51:13 michael: will create a readable html page out of it 10:53:01 silvia: question whether we should address the test case for time dimension 10:53:50 michael: what differences did you have 10:54:01 silvia: only one major difference to before 10:54:23 michael: would need to work through the list 10:54:31 .. prefer to delay to next week 10:55:05 erik: any other topic? 10:55:14 Topic: 7. AOB 10:55:27 10:55:36 -mhausenblas 10:55:37 erik: thanks everyone 10:55:38 -Erik 10:55:43 Zakim, attendees? 10:55:43 I don't understand your question, mhausenblas. 10:55:45 -silvia 10:55:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-minutes.html davy 10:55:55 Zakim, attendees 10:55:55 I don't understand 'attendees', mhausenblas 10:56:05 Zakim, list attendees 10:56:05 As of this point the attendees have been Erik, Thierry, mhausenblas, silvia, raphael 10:56:09 em wonders if I sometimes mixed up erik and davy... 10:56:10 -Thierry 10:56:11 IA_MFWG()5:00AM has ended 10:56:12 Attendees were Erik, Thierry, mhausenblas, silvia, raphael 10:56:17 s/em/me/ ;) 10:56:17 [adjourned] 10:56:25 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:56:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-minutes.html mhausenblas 10:56:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:56:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-minutes.html erik 10:57:21 ScribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 10:57:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:57:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-minutes.html mhausenblas 10:57:46 RRSAgent, bye 10:57:46 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-actions.rdf : 10:57:46 ACTION: silvia to include Erik's diagrams into specification [1] 10:57:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-irc#T10-27-11 10:57:46 ACTION: silvia to mark up specified sections as implementable [2] 10:57:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-irc#T10-32-23 10:57:46 ACTION: mhausenb to create a more readable version of the TC classification at http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/mftc [3] 10:57:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/02/10-mediafrag-irc#T10-48-52 10:57:57 wow, thanks Michael, I learn one more scribe options command