17:04:18 RRSAgent has joined #hcls2 17:04:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/01/25-hcls2-irc 17:05:27 nalbarr has joined #hcls2 17:06:04 john, is there a call today? 17:06:07 Ronald has joined #hcls2 17:06:44 + +03168163aaee 17:06:47 Yes, we are on Narciso 17:06:49 Hi Ronald 17:06:59 oh ok 17:07:10 Hi 17:07:37 + +03185785aaff 17:08:53 Zakim, scribenic johnM 17:08:53 I don't understand 'scribenic johnM', ericP 17:08:53 scribenick: johnM 17:08:57 sorry john i always misplace the call in number 17:08:59 scribenic: johnM 17:09:20 Zakim, code? 17:09:20 the conference code is 42572 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), ericP 17:09:28 thanks 17:09:28 nalbarr, that's for you 17:09:55 agenda + Mayo [Harold] 17:10:02 + +1.847.832.aagg 17:10:14 agenda + what happened at HL7 last week [johnM] 17:10:39 Harold solbrig will update us on the status of the mayo terminology servers 17:11:08 Harold: the link to get to his servers is 17:12:00 ... http://sharedname.org/page/OntologyAccess 17:12:20 ... so this is the Shared Names wiki website 17:13:00 ... the owner of this website is Science Commons and it is run by the Shared Names goup 17:13:23 Scott: consensus has been reached as to how shared names should work 17:13:35 ... the scope of shared names does not include terminologies 17:13:45 Harold: would like Shared Names to include terminologies 17:14:36 ... will talk about (1) Mayo's use of S.N. and (2) join Stanford/Mayo use of S.N. 17:15:12 ... #1 Definition: "Terminological Resource" includes "ontology", but the latter is used in heterogeneous fashion 17:15:40 ... Harold means T.R. to be broader than "ontology" 17:16:13 ... He defines T.R. to be "a collection of assertions about a set of identifiers" 17:16:58 ... (you can see this on the referenced webpage) under the heading "Terminological Resources" 17:17:28 ... #2 The phrase Unique Resource Identifier is ambiguous 17:17:57 ... Harold means an identifier to a unique resource 17:18:01 Harold: We are being pragmatic about identifying digital resources (equiv. to SN approach to describing database records) 17:18:55 ... in other words a given resource can have many unique resource identifiers 17:20:22 ... individual terminological identifiers such as http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-owl-guide-20030818/wine#BURGUNDY or urn:iso:2.16.840.1.113883.6.96:284196006 (Burn of skin in SNOMED-CT) do not resolve to a single digital resource and, as such, are clearly outside of the scope of the shared names initiative 17:24:21 ... Harold thinks shared names should include (1) a service that returns a canonical uri for a uri 17:24:50 ... (2) an explicit /ontology top-level domain where people can reposit ontologies 17:26:32 Xiaoshu: should this be a search engine or a registry? 17:26:37 Harold: a registry 17:28:37 - +03168163aaee 17:29:50 Xiaoshu: This concerns me. You can't have any master registry that determines what is the same resource 17:30:08 ... what is the same is determined by how people use the resource 17:30:21 ... not by referring to a registry 17:31:04 ... What is most important is that we share URI's. When sharing URI's benefits us, this is evidence that we understand each other 17:33:13 Eric: the goal of S.N. is as follows 17:33:25 ... we have a proliferation of uri's 17:33:56 ... multiple people have coined identifiers for what is effectively the same object/concept 17:34:04 ... the world is better if you have fewer 17:34:30 ... what are the requirements to make this happen 17:35:09 JohnM: How do we make this happen in the real world? 17:35:49 ... a baby babbles and uses the verbalization "moo" for "milk" 17:36:05 ... his mother figures out he means "milk" 17:36:38 Harold: http://sharedname.org/page/Main_Page is the project main page 17:37:26 Xiaoshu: if this is a registry, it will be useful 17:38:27 Scott: s.n. started to avoid clashes with the ontology community 17:40:27 s/started/scope chosen/ 17:41:37 - +0781617aadd 17:43:50 Harold & Xiaoshu: long discussion of uri/urn and what they are good for, whether they must be derererencable 17:54:25 Zakim, who is making noise? 17:54:38 mscottm, listening for 12 seconds I heard sound from the following: +1.919.445.aacc (81%), John_Madden (61%), Tony (21%) 17:54:58 whoops I will close my window 17:55:25 tx! 17:56:08 H & X: discussion of http 303 redirect 17:58:54 Scott: Pistoia is a pharma consortium that is looking at reconciling identifiers 17:59:20 ... http://tpainc.ning.com/ 17:59:39 - +1.847.832.aagg 18:00:05 -Tony 18:00:38 John: Some comments about HL7 18:02:08 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise 18:02:13 -EricP 18:02:20 - +03185785aaff 18:02:22 http://www.ihe.net/ 18:05:41 s/reconciling identifiers/pooling information resources/ 18:07:12 bye 18:07:14 -kerstin 18:07:17 -mscottm 18:07:18 -xiao 18:07:18 -John_Madden 18:07:20 - +1.919.445.aacc 18:07:37 rrsagent, make minutes 18:07:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/01/25-hcls2-minutes.html johnM 18:07:49 rrsagent, make minutes public 18:07:49 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', johnM. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:07:58 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 18:08:43 bye all 18:08:49 johnM has left #hcls2 19:29:49 RRSAgent has left #hcls2