SPARQL Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 24 May 2011

Andy Seaborne, Axel Polleres, Birte Glimm, Carlos Buil Aranda, Chimezie Ogbuji, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Gregory Williams, Lee Feigenbaum, Matthew Perry, Nicholas Humfrey, Paul Gearon, Sandro Hawke, Steve Harris
Axel Polleres, Gregory Williams
Sandro Hawke
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. Approve minutes at link
  2. Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29 link
  3. Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29 link
  4. Approve test case bindings07 as modified per link
<sandro> scribe: sandro

(Scribe set to Sandro Hawke)

13:58:44 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

13:58:46 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

13:58:48 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 77277

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 77277

13:58:48 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes

13:58:49 <trackbot> Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference
13:58:49 <trackbot> Date: 24 May 2011
13:59:01 <LeeF> zakim, this will be SPARQL

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, this will be SPARQL

13:59:01 <Zakim> ok, LeeF, I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM already started

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, LeeF, I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM already started

13:59:17 <Zakim> +pgearon

Zakim IRC Bot: +pgearon

13:59:30 <SteveH> Zakim, who's on the phone

Steve Harris: Zakim, who's on the phone

13:59:30 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who's on the phone', SteveH

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'who's on the phone', SteveH

13:59:33 <Zakim> +Lee_Feigenbaum

Zakim IRC Bot: +Lee_Feigenbaum

13:59:35 <SteveH> Zakim, who's on the phone?

Steve Harris: Zakim, who's on the phone?

13:59:35 <Zakim> On the phone I see NickH (muted), sandro, ??P9, pgearon, Lee_Feigenbaum

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see NickH (muted), sandro, ??P9, pgearon, Lee_Feigenbaum

13:59:42 <SteveH> Zakim, ??P9 is me

Steve Harris: Zakim, ??P9 is me

13:59:42 <Zakim> +SteveH; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveH; got it

14:00:00 <Zakim> +??P16

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P16

14:00:04 <AndyS> zakim, ??P16 is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, ??P16 is me

14:00:24 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS; got it

14:00:54 <AndyS> zakim, mute me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, mute me

14:01:27 <LeeF> Regrets: Axel, Greg
14:01:28 <Zakim> AndyS should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS should now be muted

14:01:28 <AndyS> zakim, don't bother, I'll use the local mute

Andy Seaborne: zakim, don't bother, I'll use the local mute

14:01:34 <Zakim> +MattPerry

Zakim IRC Bot: +MattPerry

14:01:38 <AndyS> zakim, unmute me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, unmute me

14:01:54 <Zakim> +??P24

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P24

14:02:09 <Zakim> I don't understand 'don't bother, I'll use the local mute', AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'don't bother, I'll use the local mute', AndyS

14:02:09 <bglimm> Zakim, ??P24 is me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, ??P24 is me

14:02:10 <Zakim> AndyS should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS should no longer be muted

14:02:14 <Zakim> -??P24

Zakim IRC Bot: -??P24

14:02:17 <Zakim> +??P17

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P17

14:02:22 <Zakim> I already had ??P24 as ??P24, bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P24 as ??P24, bglimm

14:02:30 <bglimm> Zakim, ??P17 is me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, ??P17 is me

14:02:44 <LeeF> zakim, who's here?

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, who's here?

14:02:46 <Zakim> +bglimm; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bglimm; got it

14:02:59 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

14:03:00 <Zakim> On the phone I see NickH (muted), sandro, SteveH, pgearon, Lee_Feigenbaum, AndyS, MattPerry, bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see NickH (muted), sandro, SteveH, pgearon, Lee_Feigenbaum, AndyS, MattPerry, bglimm

14:03:04 <LeeF> Agenda:
14:03:18 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

14:03:21 <LeeF> topic: Admin

1. Admin

14:03:26 <Zakim> On IRC I see MattPerry, RRSAgent, Zakim, cbuilara, bglimm, SteveH, AndyS, iv_an_ru__, LeeF, pgearon, NickH, alepas, ericP, kasei, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see MattPerry, RRSAgent, Zakim, cbuilara, bglimm, SteveH, AndyS, iv_an_ru__, LeeF, pgearon, NickH, alepas, ericP, kasei, trackbot, sandro

14:03:29 <LeeF> PROPOSED: Approve minutes at

PROPOSED: Approve minutes at

14:04:00 <AndyS> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

14:04:02 <LeeF> RESOLVED: Approve minutes at

RESOLVED: Approve minutes at

14:04:12 <LeeF> Next regular meeting: 2011-05-31 @ 15:00 UK / 10:00 EST (scribe: Matt)

Lee Feigenbaum: Next regular meeting: 2011-05-31 @ 15:00 UK / 10:00 EST (scribe: Matt)

14:05:17 <Zakim> +??P32

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P32

14:05:23 <LeeF> close ACTION-463

Lee Feigenbaum: close ACTION-463

14:05:24 <trackbot> ACTION-463 Have last look concerning LC readiness of Fed query document. closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-463 Have last look concerning LC readiness of Fed query document. closed

14:05:24 <cbuilara> zakim, ??P32 is me

Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, ??P32 is me

14:05:33 <sandro> LeeF: (closing completed actions)

Lee Feigenbaum: (closing completed actions)

14:05:48 <Zakim> +cbuilara; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +cbuilara; got it

14:05:53 <chimezie> Zakim, code?

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, code?

14:06:05 <Zakim> the conference code is 77277 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), chimezie

Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 77277 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), chimezie

14:06:41 <Zakim> +chimezie

Zakim IRC Bot: +chimezie

14:06:43 <chimezie> Zakim, mute me

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me

14:06:43 <Zakim> chimezie should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie should now be muted

14:07:03 <LeeF> close ACTION-464

Lee Feigenbaum: close ACTION-464

14:07:03 <trackbot> ACTION-464 Approve changes regarding extensibility of json results format by allowing additional top-level keys closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-464 Approve changes regarding extensibility of json results format by allowing additional top-level keys closed

14:07:17 <LeeF> ACTION-386?

Lee Feigenbaum: ACTION-386?

14:07:17 <trackbot> ACTION-386 -- Sandro Hawke to email to W3C to get shortname approved for JSON result doc -- due 2011-02-08 -- OPEN

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-386 -- Sandro Hawke to email to W3C to get shortname approved for JSON result doc -- due 2011-02-08 -- OPEN

14:07:17 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

14:08:31 <AndyS> The short name is different  from the Note

Andy Seaborne: The short name is different from the Note

14:09:08 <AndyS> rdf-sparql-json-res ==> sparql11-results-json

Andy Seaborne: rdf-sparql-json-res ==> sparql11-results-json

14:09:16 <chimezie> we should

Chimezie Ogbuji: we should

14:09:33 <SteveH> I', not sure we discussed what happens at rec time

Steve Harris: I', not sure we discussed what happens at rec time

14:09:38 <SteveH> *I'm

Steve Harris: *I'm

14:09:57 <bglimm> but it is sill owl2-profiles etc

Birte Glimm: but it is still owl2-profiles etc

14:10:03 <bglimm> s/sill/still/
14:10:41 <bglimm> see e.g.

Birte Glimm: see e.g.

14:11:43 <sandro> sandro: leave rdf-sparql-json-res in place until sparql11-results-json gets to REC.

Sandro Hawke: leave rdf-sparql-json-res in place until sparql11-results-json gets to REC.

14:11:45 <AndyS> We can edit the Note to point to the Rec

Andy Seaborne: We can edit the Note to point to the Rec

14:12:15 <sandro> sandro: so mostly this looks like a FPWD, even though it's taking over for a NOTE.

Sandro Hawke: so mostly this looks like a FPWD, even though it's taking over for a NOTE.

14:12:31 <sandro> LeeF: No substantive change from the NOTE.

Lee Feigenbaum: No substantive change from the NOTE.

14:12:40 <sandro> sandro: Okay, I think I'm clear enough on this.

Sandro Hawke: Okay, I think I'm clear enough on this.

14:12:49 <LeeF> topic: Last Call

2. Last Call

14:13:28 <sandro> lee: Looks like we're ready for FedQ and JRes to LC this week

Lee Feigenbaum: Looks like we're ready for FedQ and JRes to LC this week

14:13:50 <sandro> lee: Mid to late june for Protocol

Lee Feigenbaum: Mid to late june for Protocol

14:14:11 <sandro> lee: it would be faster if someone else can lend a hand

Lee Feigenbaum: it would be faster if someone else can lend a hand

14:14:25 <sandro> lee: Overview doc on a similar schedule

Lee Feigenbaum: Overview doc on a similar schedule

14:14:34 <sandro> lee: I'm happy with JRes doc.

Lee Feigenbaum: I'm happy with JRes doc.

14:14:43 <sandro> lee: Any other reviews?

Lee Feigenbaum: Any other reviews?

14:15:06 <sandro> SteveH: I posted a message with some typos and minor issues, but summary is "it's fine"

Steve Harris: I posted a message with some typos and minor issues, but summary is "it's fine"

14:15:13 <sandro> AndyS: Typos fixed.

Andy Seaborne: Typos fixed.

14:15:25 <AndyS> Steve:

Steve Harris: [ Scribe Assist by Andy Seaborne ]

14:15:28 <sandro> Lee: AndyS you're happy with it going to LC now?

Lee Feigenbaum: AndyS you're happy with it going to LC now?

14:15:52 <sandro> sandro: i think we're out of moratorium.

Sandro Hawke: i think we're out of moratorium.

14:16:02 <SteveH> +1 to a "week from today"

Steve Harris: +1 to a "week from today"

14:16:06 <sandro> lee: publish a week from today, 31 May?

Lee Feigenbaum: publish a week from today, 31 May?

14:17:09 <Zakim> -bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: -bglimm

14:17:09 <LeeF> PROPOSED: Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29

PROPOSED: Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29

14:17:29 <sandro> lee: same deadline as other LC drafts

Lee Feigenbaum: same deadline as other LC drafts

14:17:29 <sandro> +1


14:17:30 <AndyS> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

14:17:32 <cbuilara> +1

Carlos Buil Aranda: +1

14:17:35 <MattPerry> +1

Matthew Perry: +1

14:17:38 <Zakim> +??P17

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P17

14:17:44 <pgearon> +1

Paul Gearon: +1

14:17:51 <chimezie> +1

Chimezie Ogbuji: +1

14:17:54 <bglimm> Zakim, ??P17 is me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, ??P17 is me

14:17:54 <Zakim> +bglimm; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bglimm; got it

14:17:57 <bglimm> +1

Birte Glimm: +1

14:18:02 <NickH> +1

Nicholas Humfrey: +1

14:18:06 <LeeF> RESOLVED: Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29

RESOLVED: Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29

14:18:06 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

14:18:06 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

14:18:26 <LeeF> ACTION: Lee to coordinate publication of JSON results LC with Andy and Sandro

ACTION: Lee to coordinate publication of JSON results LC with Andy and Sandro

14:18:27 <trackbot> Created ACTION-469 - Coordinate publication of JSON results LC with Andy and Sandro [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-469 - Coordinate publication of JSON results LC with Andy and Sandro [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

14:19:33 <sandro> Lee: On FedQ, I looked at it, Carlos did some small changes, Olivier looked at it, Carlos made more changes, we think it's ready

Lee Feigenbaum: On FedQ, I looked at it, Carlos did some small changes, Olivier looked at it, Carlos made more changes, we think it's ready

14:19:42 <sandro> cbuilara: Yes, I think it's ready for Last Call

Carlos Buil Aranda: Yes, I think it's ready for Last Call

14:20:10 <LeeF> PROPOSED: Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29

PROPOSED: Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29

14:20:22 <sandro> +1


14:20:22 <cbuilara> +1

Carlos Buil Aranda: +1

14:20:31 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

14:22:08 <sandro> lee: EricP, do you need a few more days to review this?

Lee Feigenbaum: EricP, do you need a few more days to review this?

14:22:39 <sandro> ericP: I'll let you know if I find a showstopper.  If you don't hear from me, go ahead and publish next week.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: I'll let you know if I find a showstopper. If you don't hear from me, go ahead and publish next week.

14:22:46 <sandro> lee: Agreed.

Lee Feigenbaum: Agreed.

14:23:11 <sandro> lee: If you find a problem that's not easily fixed, that'll be new information and we can revisit this next week.

Lee Feigenbaum: If you find a problem that's not easily fixed, that'll be new information and we can revisit this next week.

14:23:50 <sandro> lee: I don't want to play too fast and loose with the process; we'll talk about any changes via email.

Lee Feigenbaum: I don't want to play too fast and loose with the process; we'll talk about any changes via email.

14:23:59 <LeeF> RESOLVED: Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29

RESOLVED: Publish as a Last Call Working Draft with publication date 2011-May-31 and reviews until 2011-July-29

14:24:40 <sandro> cbuilara: Some fixes still needed for pubrules checker.

Carlos Buil Aranda: Some fixes still needed for pubrules checker.

14:24:40 <LeeF> ACTION: Lee to coordinate publication of federated query LC with Carlos and Sandro

ACTION: Lee to coordinate publication of federated query LC with Carlos and Sandro

14:24:40 <trackbot> Created ACTION-470 - Coordinate publication of federated query LC with Carlos and Sandro [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-470 - Coordinate publication of federated query LC with Carlos and Sandro [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

14:24:50 <LeeF> ACTION: Carlos to fix pub-rules issues for federated query

ACTION: Carlos to fix pub-rules issues for federated query

14:24:51 <trackbot> Created ACTION-471 - Fix pub-rules issues for federated query [on Carlos Buil Aranda - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-471 - Fix pub-rules issues for federated query [on Carlos Buil Aranda - due 2011-05-31].

14:25:58 <sandro> sandro: is sotd of jres ready?

Sandro Hawke: is sotd of jres ready?

14:26:39 <sandro> sandro: main thing it needs is a sentence or two explaining how/why it's different from the NOTE.

Sandro Hawke: main thing it needs is a sentence or two explaining how/why it's different from the NOTE.

14:26:49 <sandro> AndyS: I'll do that soon, maybe today, and mail the list

Andy Seaborne: I'll do that soon, maybe today, and mail the list

14:26:59 <LeeF> topic: Comments


14:27:37 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:27:59 <sandro> sandro: (you can use the wiki <html> ... </html> wrapper to use HTML syntax instead of wiki tables, if you like.)

Sandro Hawke: (you can use the wiki <html> ... </html> wrapper to use HTML syntax instead of wiki tables, if you like.)

14:28:21 <sandro> LeeF: Two new comments, both about graph store

Lee Feigenbaum: Two new comments, both about graph store

14:28:36 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:28:46 <sandro> LeeF: IM-1 and Simon...'s

Lee Feigenbaum: IM-1 and Simon...'s

14:28:48 <LeeF> chimezie, are you around?

Lee Feigenbaum: chimezie, are you around?

14:29:22 <chimezie> sorry

Chimezie Ogbuji: sorry

14:29:29 <chimezie> Zakim, unmute me

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, unmute me

14:29:29 <Zakim> chimezie should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie should no longer be muted

14:31:13 <sandro> AndyS: He's a member of the WG, so he already had to opportunity to comment BEFORE LC.

Andy Seaborne: He's a member of the WG, so he already had to opportunity to comment BEFORE LC.

14:31:59 <sandro> Lee: Let's (have Chime) take a look and see what the issue is, before worrying about the procedural site of things.

Lee Feigenbaum: Let's (have Chime) take a look and see what the issue is, before worrying about the procedural site of things.

14:32:15 <sandro> (talking about Ivan Mikhailov's comment,

(talking about Ivan Mikhailov's comment,

14:32:52 <Zakim> -bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: -bglimm

14:33:15 <Zakim> +??P17

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P17

14:33:21 <bglimm> Zakim, ??P17 is me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, ??P17 is me

14:33:21 <Zakim> +bglimm; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bglimm; got it

14:33:24 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

14:33:26 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

14:35:32 <LeeF> LeeF: Kjetil sent a reply to our reply, chimezie needs to look through it at his convenience to see what a further reply should be

Lee Feigenbaum: Kjetil sent a reply to our reply, chimezie needs to look through it at his convenience to see what a further reply should be [ Scribe Assist by Lee Feigenbaum ]

14:36:09 <chimezie> Zakim, mute me

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me

14:36:09 <Zakim> chimezie should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie should now be muted

14:36:16 <sandro> Lee: (describes some little updates to the Comments table)

Lee Feigenbaum: (describes some little updates to the Comments table)

14:36:17 <LeeF> ACTION: Lee to update comments wiki for Markus and Graham's ACKs

ACTION: Lee to update comments wiki for Markus and Graham's ACKs

14:36:18 <trackbot> Created ACTION-472 - Update comments wiki for Markus and Graham's ACKs [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-472 - Update comments wiki for Markus and Graham's ACKs [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

14:36:36 <LeeF> topic: test cases

4. test cases

14:37:00 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:37:06 <sandro> LeeF: Andy pointed out an error in test case

Lee Feigenbaum: Andy pointed out an error in test case

14:37:27 <sandro> ... Andy checked in corrected result to CVS

... Andy checked in corrected result to CVS

14:37:38 <sandro> AndyS: Both my engines pass it now.

Andy Seaborne: Both my engines pass it now.

14:37:44 <AndyS> Thanks to @RobVesse for the report

Andy Seaborne: Thanks to @RobVesse for the report

14:38:09 <sandro> LeeF: Greg and Paul concur with this correction

Lee Feigenbaum: Greg and Paul concur with this correction

14:38:41 <LeeF> PROPOSED: Approve test case bindings07 as modified per

PROPOSED: Approve test case bindings07 as modified per

14:39:03 <sandro> +1


14:39:12 <LeeF> RESOLVED: Approve test case bindings07 as modified per

RESOLVED: Approve test case bindings07 as modified per

14:39:22 <LeeF> ACTION: Lee to update approval information for bindings07

ACTION: Lee to update approval information for bindings07

14:39:22 <trackbot> Created ACTION-473 - Update approval information for bindings07 [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-473 - Update approval information for bindings07 [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

14:39:39 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:39:49 <sandro> LeeF: cbuilara sent service tests

Lee Feigenbaum: cbuilara sent service tests

14:40:13 <sandro> AndyS: I'll try to look at them in the next week.

Andy Seaborne: I'll try to look at them in the next week.

14:40:28 <sandro> LeeF: Anyone else have an implementation of SERVICE?

Lee Feigenbaum: Anyone else have an implementation of SERVICE?

14:40:37 <sandro> ericP: I do.  I'll try running them.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: I do. I'll try running them.

14:40:41 <LeeF> ACTION: Andy to look at SERVICE tests

ACTION: Andy to look at SERVICE tests

14:40:41 <trackbot> Created ACTION-474 - Look at SERVICE tests [on Andy Seaborne - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-474 - Look at SERVICE tests [on Andy Seaborne - due 2011-05-31].

14:40:44 <LeeF> ACTION: Eric to look at SERVICE tests

ACTION: Eric to look at SERVICE tests

14:40:44 <trackbot> Created ACTION-475 - Look at SERVICE tests [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-475 - Look at SERVICE tests [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2011-05-31].

14:42:01 <AndyS> Syntax error : line 38

Andy Seaborne: Syntax error : line 38

14:42:23 <ericP> AndyS, where are you reading them from?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: AndyS, where are you reading them from?

14:42:29 <sandro> LeeF: I'm not sure these are going to work....   These test rely on, but we don't have a manifest vocab to say what you should set up and pretend is

Lee Feigenbaum: I'm not sure these are going to work.... These test rely on, but we don't have a manifest vocab to say what you should set up and pretend is

14:42:49 <AndyS> Syntax error : line 38, 47, 56

Andy Seaborne: Syntax error : line 38, 47, 56

14:43:26 <sandro> LeeF: Where in the manifest/data does it say what you should pretend is at

Lee Feigenbaum: Where in the manifest/data does it say what you should pretend is at

14:43:26 <AndyS> No tests b5...b8

Andy Seaborne: No tests b5...b8

14:43:39 <NickH> can someone post a link to the tests?

Nicholas Humfrey: can someone post a link to the tests?

14:43:53 <sandro> cbuilara: ...

Carlos Buil Aranda: ...

14:43:59 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:44:15 <cbuilara> \WWW\2009\sparql\docs\tests\data-sparql11\service

Carlos Buil Aranda: \WWW\2009\sparql\docs\tests\data-sparql11\service

14:44:49 <cbuilara> The filenames point to the data that should in the endpoint

Carlos Buil Aranda: The filenames point to the data that should in the endpoint

14:44:57 <sandro> LeeF: I can imagine two ways to test service.  (1) have remote end points be something under our control, or (2) in manifest, tell testing engine to set up an environement with the right data

Lee Feigenbaum: I can imagine two ways to test service. (1) have remote end points be something under our control, or (2) in manifest, tell testing engine to set up an environement with the right data

14:44:58 <AndyS>  SERVICE <> ==> no such service.  Data in the test ==> need a SPARQL Update?

Andy Seaborne: SERVICE <> ==> no such service. Data in the test ==> need a SPARQL Update?

14:45:14 <sandro> LeeF: Currently it's implicit in names of data files.

Lee Feigenbaum: Currently it's implicit in names of data files.

14:45:36 <sandro> Lee: Seems like a lot of work to do (2)

Lee Feigenbaum: Seems like a lot of work to do (2)

14:46:14 <cbuilara> I set up my own SPARQL endpoints in my machine to do the testing

Carlos Buil Aranda: I set up my own SPARQL endpoints in my machine to do the testing

14:46:16 <sandro> sandro: Maybe do both, at the same time.   Have the manifest say what you can replace of our environment.

Sandro Hawke: Maybe do both, at the same time. Have the manifest say what you can replace of our environment.

14:46:28 <sandro> AndyS: Can we do it with a single data file, on localhost ?

Andy Seaborne: Can we do it with a single data file, on localhost ?

14:46:29 <ericP> +1 to supplying an endpoint

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1 to supplying an endpoint

14:46:45 <ericP> i think that will simplify a lot of people's lives

Eric Prud'hommeaux: i think that will simplify a lot of people's lives

14:47:27 <sandro> LeeF: Andy, you're saying the local data could be one endpoint?  RIght now it's four endpoints.

Lee Feigenbaum: Andy, you're saying the local data could be one endpoint? RIght now it's four endpoints.

14:47:37 <sandro> LeeF: How about if we supply the end points?

Lee Feigenbaum: How about if we supply the end points?

14:47:41 <sandro> AndyS: That'd be fine.

Andy Seaborne: That'd be fine.

14:48:04 <sandro> LeeF: Right now, it's implicit in the filename.

Lee Feigenbaum: Right now, it's implicit in the filename.

14:48:32 <Zakim> -bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: -bglimm

14:48:52 <Zakim> +??P6

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P6

14:48:55 <bglimm> Zakim, ??P6 is me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, ??P6 is me

14:48:55 <Zakim> +bglimm; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bglimm; got it

14:48:59 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

14:48:59 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

14:49:40 <sandro> ericP: I did a whole setup to run servers and shut them down when it's over.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: I did a whole setup to run servers and shut them down when it's over.

14:50:13 <sandro> LeeF: it doesn't need to be a complicated endpoint, but it does have to support BINDING.   How complex is this?

Lee Feigenbaum: it doesn't need to be a complicated endpoint, but it does have to support BINDING. How complex is this?

14:50:27 <sandro> ericP: Could maybe just serve static page....

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Could maybe just serve static page....

14:50:52 <sandro> LeeF: If I generate a bogus query, it should fail the test.

Lee Feigenbaum: If I generate a bogus query, it should fail the test.

14:51:13 <sandro> AndyS: Static page assume you know how it;s going to do the service call -- all at once, or in little bits.

Andy Seaborne: Static page assume you know how it;s going to do the service call -- all at once, or in little bits.

14:51:19 <sandro> ericP: Ah, yes, oops.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Ah, yes, oops.

14:51:40 <sandro> LeeF: So, a little sparql server, with a little fixed data, and BINDINGS.

Lee Feigenbaum: So, a little sparql server, with a little fixed data, and BINDINGS.

14:52:05 <sandro> ericP: If we do it at, we have to ask systems team to host it in perpetuity.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: If we do it at, we have to ask systems team to host it in perpetuity.

14:52:28 <sandro> lee: Does this need to be in perpetuity, really?

Lee Feigenbaum: Does this need to be in perpetuity, really?

14:52:45 <AndyS> I can't promise more than a few months (and no restart if I'm on holiday or travelling)

Andy Seaborne: I can't promise more than a few months (and no restart if I'm on holiday or travelling)

14:52:50 <sandro> ericP: systems support issue is legacy code.  If we set 1year window or something, that would help.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: systems support issue is legacy code. If we set 1year window or something, that would help.

14:53:04 <sandro> LeeF: and if the manifest gives enough to recreate the setup, that helps, too.

Lee Feigenbaum: and if the manifest gives enough to recreate the setup, that helps, too.

14:53:36 <sandro> ericP:And the static page we put there when we shut it down, it can say how to recreate it.   Only downside is we've hijack'd a domain name at that point.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: And the static page we put there when we shut it down, it can say how to recreate it. Only downside is we've hijack'd a domain name at that point.

14:54:35 <sandro> sandro: I think the manifest just says which URL is the endpoint you might need to over-ride with your own endpoint URL.

Sandro Hawke: I think the manifest just says which URL is the endpoint you might need to over-ride with your own endpoint URL.

14:54:39 <sandro> eric: Yep

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Yep

14:54:55 <sandro> LeeF:Sounds good. We'll hold off on approving these quite yet.

Lee Feigenbaum: Sounds good. We'll hold off on approving these quite yet.

14:55:02 <sandro> ericP: I think my code will support these.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: I think my code will support these.

14:55:28 <sandro> LeeF: cbuilara some of these test call out out to 2+ end points, right?

Lee Feigenbaum: cbuilara some of these test call out out to 2+ end points, right?

14:55:40 <sandro> cbuilara: They call 2 endpoints.

Carlos Buil Aranda: They call 2 endpoints.

14:55:47 <AndyS> Can we change it to one host name, 2 different endpoints?

Andy Seaborne: Can we change it to one host name, 2 different endpoints?

14:55:52 <sandro> cbuilara: it would be easy to make it more than 2.

Carlos Buil Aranda: it would be easy to make it more than 2.

14:56:04 <LeeF> ACTION: Eric to talk to w3 systems team about hosting two simple sparql endpoints for testing SERVICE

ACTION: Eric to talk to w3 systems team about hosting two simple sparql endpoints for testing SERVICE

14:56:04 <trackbot> Created ACTION-476 - Talk to w3 systems team about hosting two simple sparql endpoints for testing SERVICE [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-476 - Talk to w3 systems team about hosting two simple sparql endpoints for testing SERVICE [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2011-05-31].

14:56:43 <sandro> sandro: something like and ep2 right?

Sandro Hawke: something like and ep2 right?

14:56:47 <sandro> LeeF: That would be perfect

Lee Feigenbaum: That would be perfect

14:56:56 <LeeF> ACTION: Lee to work with Carlos and Sandro on manifest vocabulary for testing SERVICE

ACTION: Lee to work with Carlos and Sandro on manifest vocabulary for testing SERVICE

14:56:56 <trackbot> Created ACTION-477 - Work with Carlos and Sandro on manifest vocabulary for testing SERVICE [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-477 - Work with Carlos and Sandro on manifest vocabulary for testing SERVICE [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-05-31].

14:57:23 <sandro> sandro: Probably not ideal to have me in the critical path right now

Sandro Hawke: Probably not ideal to have me in the critical path right now

14:58:03 <sandro> LeeF: We don't realy NEED this until CR.

Lee Feigenbaum: We don't realy NEED this until CR.

14:58:17 <sandro> LeeF: Anything else?

Lee Feigenbaum: Anything else?

14:58:33 <sandro> ADJOURN


14:58:35 <Zakim> -chimezie

Zakim IRC Bot: -chimezie

14:58:36 <bglimm> ok, bye

Birte Glimm: ok, bye

14:58:36 <Zakim> -Lee_Feigenbaum

Zakim IRC Bot: -Lee_Feigenbaum

14:58:38 <MattPerry> bye

Matthew Perry: bye

14:58:39 <Zakim> -NickH

Zakim IRC Bot: -NickH

14:58:40 <Zakim> -AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: -AndyS

14:58:40 <Zakim> -SteveH

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveH

14:58:41 <Zakim> -sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -sandro

14:58:44 <Zakim> -MattPerry

Zakim IRC Bot: -MattPerry

14:58:48 <Zakim> -cbuilara

Zakim IRC Bot: -cbuilara

14:58:50 <Zakim> -pgearon

Zakim IRC Bot: -pgearon

14:59:05 <Zakim> -bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: -bglimm

14:59:50 <sandro> RRSAgent, bye

RRSAgent, bye

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> I see 9 open action items saved in :

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see 9 open action items saved in :

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Lee to coordinate publication of JSON results LC with Andy and Sandro [1]

ACTION: Lee to coordinate publication of JSON results LC with Andy and Sandro [1]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Lee to coordinate publication of federated query LC with Carlos and Sandro [2]

ACTION: Lee to coordinate publication of federated query LC with Carlos and Sandro [2]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Carlos to fix pub-rules issues for federated query [3]

ACTION: Carlos to fix pub-rules issues for federated query [3]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Lee to update comments wiki for Markus and Graham's ACKs [4]

ACTION: Lee to update comments wiki for Markus and Graham's ACKs [4]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Lee to update approval information for bindings07 [5]

ACTION: Lee to update approval information for bindings07 [5]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Andy to look at SERVICE tests [6]

ACTION: Andy to look at SERVICE tests [6]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Eric to look at SERVICE tests [7]

ACTION: Eric to look at SERVICE tests [7]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Eric to talk to w3 systems team about hosting two simple sparql endpoints for testing SERVICE [8]

ACTION: Eric to talk to w3 systems team about hosting two simple sparql endpoints for testing SERVICE [8]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

14:59:50 <RRSAgent> ACTION: Lee to work with Carlos and Sandro on manifest vocabulary for testing SERVICE [9]

ACTION: Lee to work with Carlos and Sandro on manifest vocabulary for testing SERVICE [9]

14:59:50 <RRSAgent>   recorded in

RRSAgent IRC Bot: recorded in

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#1) generated 2011-05-24 15:03:04 UTC by 'unknown', comments: None