SPARQL Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 01 February 2011

Alexandre Passant, Andy Seaborne, Axel Polleres, Birte Glimm, Carlos Buil Aranda, Chimezie Ogbuji, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Gregory Williams, Lee Feigenbaum, Matthew Perry, Nico Michaelis, Olivier Corby, Paul Gearon, Sandro Hawke, Steve Harris
Chimezie Ogbuji, Alexandre Passant
Axel Polleres
Gregory Williams
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. set title of JSON results document to "SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format" with short name /sparql11-results-json/ link
  2. approve tests bind01-bind08 in link
  3. Approve testcases constructwhere01-06 in link
14:48:01 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

14:48:03 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

14:48:05 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 77277

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 77277

14:48:05 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes

14:48:06 <trackbot> Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference
14:48:06 <trackbot> Date: 01 February 2011
14:48:08 <LeeF> zakim, this will be sparql

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, this will be sparql

14:48:08 <Zakim> ok, LeeF; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, LeeF; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes

14:56:24 <AxelPolleres> agenda:
14:56:47 <AxelPolleres> Zakim, who is on the phone?

(No events recorded for 8 minutes)

Axel Polleres: Zakim, who is on the phone?

14:56:47 <Zakim> SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has not yet started, AxelPolleres

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has not yet started, AxelPolleres

14:56:48 <Zakim> On IRC I see AxelPolleres, ocorby, Zakim, RRSAgent, karl, kasei, SteveH, AndyS, LeeF, iv_an_ru, pgearon, sandro, trackbot, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see AxelPolleres, ocorby, Zakim, RRSAgent, karl, kasei, SteveH, AndyS, LeeF, iv_an_ru, pgearon, sandro, trackbot, ericP

14:56:59 <AxelPolleres> trackbot, start meeting

Axel Polleres: trackbot, start meeting

14:57:01 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

14:57:03 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 77277

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 77277

14:57:03 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

14:57:04 <trackbot> Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference
14:57:04 <trackbot> Date: 01 February 2011
14:57:18 <AxelPolleres> chair: Axel Polleres
14:57:20 <Zakim> SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started

14:57:27 <Zakim> +??P14

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P14

14:57:30 <AxelPolleres> regrets: Chime, AlexPassant
14:57:31 <AndyS> zakim, P14 is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, P14 is me

14:57:31 <Zakim> sorry, AndyS, I do not recognize a party named 'P14'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, AndyS, I do not recognize a party named 'P14'

14:57:38 <AndyS> zakim, ??P14 is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, ??P14 is me

14:57:38 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS; got it

14:57:42 <Zakim> +pgearon

Zakim IRC Bot: +pgearon

14:58:03 <Zakim> +??P16

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P16

14:58:09 <cbuilara> zakim, ??P16 is me

Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, ??P16 is me

14:58:09 <Zakim> +cbuilara; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +cbuilara; got it

14:58:13 <Zakim> +AxelPolleres

Zakim IRC Bot: +AxelPolleres

14:58:26 <Zakim> + +420.8.439.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +420.8.439.aaaa

14:58:32 <AxelPolleres> Zakim, who is on the phone?

Axel Polleres: Zakim, who is on the phone?

14:58:32 <Zakim> On the phone I see AndyS, pgearon, cbuilara, AxelPolleres, +420.8.439.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see AndyS, pgearon, cbuilara, AxelPolleres, +420.8.439.aaaa

14:58:41 <SteveH__> Zakim, aaaa is [Garlik]

Steve Harris: Zakim, aaaa is [Garlik]

14:58:41 <Zakim> +[Garlik]; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +[Garlik]; got it

14:58:43 <Zakim> +ocorby

Zakim IRC Bot: +ocorby

14:58:49 <SteveH__> Zakim, [Garlik] is temporarily me

Steve Harris: Zakim, [Garlik] is temporarily me

14:58:49 <Zakim> +SteveH__; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveH__; got it

14:59:49 <Zakim> +Lee_Feigenbaum

Zakim IRC Bot: +Lee_Feigenbaum

14:59:51 <AxelPolleres> Zakim, who is speaking?

Axel Polleres: Zakim, who is speaking?

14:59:53 <SteveH> Zakim, SteveH__ is me

Steve Harris: Zakim, SteveH__ is me

14:59:53 <Zakim> +SteveH; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveH; got it

15:00:05 <Zakim> AxelPolleres, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Lee_Feigenbaum (21%), AxelPolleres (21%), ocorby (4%)

Zakim IRC Bot: AxelPolleres, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Lee_Feigenbaum (21%), AxelPolleres (21%), ocorby (4%)

15:00:12 <Zakim> +kasei

Zakim IRC Bot: +kasei

15:00:37 <Zakim> + +1.973.4.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.973.4.aabb

15:00:49 <kasei> scribenick: kasei

(Scribe set to Gregory Williams)

15:01:17 <AxelPolleres> Zakim, who is on the phone?

Axel Polleres: Zakim, who is on the phone?

15:01:17 <Zakim> On the phone I see AndyS, pgearon, cbuilara, AxelPolleres, SteveH, ocorby, Lee_Feigenbaum, kasei, +1.973.4.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see AndyS, pgearon, cbuilara, AxelPolleres, SteveH, ocorby, Lee_Feigenbaum, kasei, +1.973.4.aabb

15:01:45 <AndyS> zakim, who is speaking?

Andy Seaborne: zakim, who is speaking?

15:01:55 <Zakim> AndyS, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Lee_Feigenbaum (22%), cbuilara (44%), AxelPolleres (9%)

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Lee_Feigenbaum (22%), cbuilara (44%), AxelPolleres (9%)

15:02:10 <cbuilara> zakim, mute me

Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, mute me

15:02:10 <Zakim> cbuilara should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: cbuilara should now be muted

15:02:22 <Zakim> +bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: +bglimm

15:02:35 <Zakim> +sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +sandro

15:02:41 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

15:02:42 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

15:02:53 <Zakim> +MattPerry

Zakim IRC Bot: +MattPerry

15:02:56 <AxelPolleres> Zakim, who is on the phone?

Axel Polleres: Zakim, who is on the phone?

15:02:58 <Zakim> On the phone I see AndyS, pgearon, cbuilara (muted), AxelPolleres, SteveH, ocorby, Lee_Feigenbaum, kasei, +1.973.4.aabb, bglimm (muted), sandro, MattPerry

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see AndyS, pgearon, cbuilara (muted), AxelPolleres, SteveH, ocorby, Lee_Feigenbaum, kasei, +1.973.4.aabb, bglimm (muted), sandro, MattPerry

15:03:43 <Zakim> - +1.973.4.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.973.4.aabb

15:04:06 <kasei> topic: admin

1. admin

15:04:21 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: Approve minutes at

PROPOSED: Approve minutes at

15:04:47 <AndyS> 404

Andy Seaborne: 404

15:04:49 <Zakim> + +49.911.973.4.aacc

Zakim IRC Bot: + +49.911.973.4.aacc

15:05:00 <NicoM> zakim, +49 is me

Nico Michaelis: zakim, +49 is me

15:05:00 <Zakim> +NicoM; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +NicoM; got it

15:05:18 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: check minutes from last time

ACTION: check minutes from last time

15:05:18 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - check

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - check

15:05:30 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: axel to check minutes from last time

ACTION: axel to check minutes from last time

15:05:30 <trackbot> Created ACTION-380 - Check minutes from last time [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-380 - Check minutes from last time [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-02-08].

15:06:17 <AndyS>

Andy Seaborne:

15:06:22 <kasei> AxelPolleres: haven't addressed comments table yet. if you've got feedback, let us know.

Axel Polleres: haven't addressed comments table yet. if you've got feedback, let us know.

15:06:40 <kasei> ... please look over JP-3 so we can approve it.

... please look over JP-3 so we can approve it.

15:06:49 <kasei> ... any other comment responses drafted?

... any other comment responses drafted?

15:07:15 <MattPerry> sure

Matthew Perry: sure

15:07:23 <AxelPolleres> matt to scribe next week

Axel Polleres: matt to scribe next week

15:07:35 <kasei> topic: to last call

2. to last call

15:07:42 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:07:44 <kasei> AxelPolleres: wiki page for last call

Axel Polleres: wiki page for last call

15:08:12 <kasei> ... query document status? Andy or Steve?

... query document status? Andy or Steve?

15:08:42 <kasei> SteveH: there's an outstanding issue about algebra. need to discuss with Andy. Other than that it's OK to go.

Steve Harris: there's an outstanding issue about algebra. need to discuss with Andy. Other than that it's OK to go.

15:08:54 <kasei> AxelPolleres: should it be listed on the last call page?

Axel Polleres: should it be listed on the last call page?

15:09:03 <kasei> SteveH: don't know the specifics. hard to list it.

Steve Harris: don't know the specifics. hard to list it.

15:09:26 <kasei> AxelPolleres: keep us up to date on that page and let us know when it's ready for review.

Axel Polleres: keep us up to date on that page and let us know when it's ready for review.

15:09:52 <kasei> SteveH: hope to get it done this week, but hard to predict.

Steve Harris: hope to get it done this week, but hard to predict.

15:10:24 <kasei> AndyS: same position as SteveH. need to do some checking, discuss recent issues that came up this week.

Andy Seaborne: same position as SteveH. need to do some checking, discuss recent issues that came up this week.

15:10:32 <kasei> AxelPolleres: Update document.

Axel Polleres: Update document.

15:10:47 <kasei> ... issues from Alex.

... issues from Alex.

15:11:15 <kasei> ... for formal model we'll have a meeting and discuss this week. hope to have something there next week.

... for formal model we'll have a meeting and discuss this week. hope to have something there next week.

15:11:59 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:12:41 <kasei> pgearon: have addressed some of the items on the wiki page.

Paul Gearon: have addressed some of the items on the wiki page.

15:12:54 <kasei> ... bnodes in delete templates. delete and graph triples containing bnodes.

... bnodes in delete templates. delete and graph triples containing bnodes.

15:13:04 <kasei> ... done work on the document, but haven't checked it in yet.

... done work on the document, but haven't checked it in yet.

15:13:21 <kasei> ... don't know the details of these issues yet.

... don't know the details of these issues yet.

15:13:40 <kasei> AxelPolleres: talked briefly with Alex. he said he'd take care of his comments.

Axel Polleres: talked briefly with Alex. he said he'd take care of his comments.

15:13:51 <kasei> ... hope to have updates next week.

... hope to have updates next week.

15:13:59 <kasei> AxelPolleres: protocol document.

Axel Polleres: protocol document.

15:14:00 <LeeF> No

Lee Feigenbaum: No

15:14:09 <kasei> LeeF: no news.

Lee Feigenbaum: no news.

15:14:20 <kasei> AxelPolleres: service description.

Axel Polleres: service description.

15:15:56 <kasei> kasei: new comment from Rob Vesse regarding both http protocol and service description.

Gregory Williams: new comment from Rob Vesse regarding both http protocol and service description.

15:16:44 <kasei> ... need to address the comment, but don't think it will result in substantive changes to SD document.

... need to address the comment, but don't think it will result in substantive changes to SD document.

15:16:46 <AxelPolleres> ... comment by RV should be added to comments table, touches on both SD and HTTP update, more Chime to Greg?

Axel Polleres: ... comment by RV should be added to comments table, touches on both SD and HTTP update, more Chime to Greg?

15:17:20 <kasei> AxelPolleres: http protocol

Axel Polleres: http protocol

15:17:40 <kasei> ... a few comments that need to be taken into account. can assign actions to reviewers.

... a few comments that need to be taken into account. can assign actions to reviewers.

15:18:04 <AndyS> Fine -  if Chime is OK with that.

Andy Seaborne: Fine - if Chime is OK with that.

15:18:14 <kasei> ... Andy, Steve, and Nick to review.

... Andy, Steve, and Nick to review.

15:18:16 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: SteveH to review Uniform HTTP Protocol

ACTION: SteveH to review Uniform HTTP Protocol

15:18:16 <trackbot> Created ACTION-381 - Review Uniform HTTP Protocol [on Steve Harris - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-381 - Review Uniform HTTP Protocol [on Steve Harris - due 2011-02-08].

15:18:44 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: axel contact NickH to review Uniform HTTP Protocol

ACTION: axel contact NickH to review Uniform HTTP Protocol

15:18:44 <trackbot> Created ACTION-382 - Contact NickH to review Uniform HTTP Protocol [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-382 - Contact NickH to review Uniform HTTP Protocol [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-02-08].

15:19:02 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: Andy to review Uniform HTTP Protocol

ACTION: Andy to review Uniform HTTP Protocol

15:19:02 <trackbot> Created ACTION-383 - Review Uniform HTTP Protocol [on Andy Seaborne - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-383 - Review Uniform HTTP Protocol [on Andy Seaborne - due 2011-02-08].

15:19:05 <LeeF> :-)

Lee Feigenbaum: :-)

15:19:22 <kasei> AxelPolleres: entailment document.

Axel Polleres: entailment document.

15:19:28 <bglimm> Zakim, unmute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, unmute me

15:19:28 <Zakim> bglimm should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should no longer be muted

15:19:32 <kasei> ... two actions on Kendal and Zhe Wu.

... two actions on Kendal and Zhe Wu.

15:19:38 <kasei> bglimm: haven't heard back on reviews yet.

Birte Glimm: haven't heard back on reviews yet.

15:19:54 <kasei> MattPerry: can pring Zhe about review.

Matthew Perry: can pring Zhe about review.

15:19:59 <kasei> bglimm: can ping Kendall.

Birte Glimm: can ping Kendall.

15:20:04 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

15:20:04 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

15:20:07 <cbuilara> zakim, unmute me

Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, unmute me

15:20:07 <Zakim> cbuilara should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: cbuilara should no longer be muted

15:20:07 <kasei> AxelPolleres: Federated Query

Axel Polleres: Federated Query

15:20:09 <LeeF> Ready to go

Lee Feigenbaum: Ready to go

15:20:20 <kasei> cbuilara: ready for review.

Carlos Buil Aranda: ready for review.

15:20:22 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

15:20:30 <kasei> AxelPolleres: Lee and Axel to be assigned for review.

Axel Polleres: Lee and Axel to be assigned for review.

15:20:37 <kasei> AndyS: can we discuss where BINDINGS go?

Andy Seaborne: can we discuss where BINDINGS go?

15:20:49 <LeeF> My understanding is that it needs to be removed from federated query and just reference query

Lee Feigenbaum: My understanding is that it needs to be removed from federated query and just reference query

15:20:57 <AndyS> q-

Andy Seaborne: q-

15:21:30 <cbuilara> I will add a remark to the Fed query document saying that it will be removed

Carlos Buil Aranda: I will add a remark to the Fed query document saying that it will be removed

15:21:31 <Zakim> -NicoM

Zakim IRC Bot: -NicoM

15:21:41 <sandro> zakim, who is talking?

Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is talking?

15:21:43 <cbuilara> and left only in the main query document

Carlos Buil Aranda: and left only in the main query document

15:21:51 <kasei> AxelPolleres: is there duplicate text in the two documents?

Axel Polleres: is there duplicate text in the two documents?

15:21:51 <Zakim> sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: AxelPolleres (80%)

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: AxelPolleres (80%)

15:22:02 <Zakim> +NicoM

Zakim IRC Bot: +NicoM

15:22:21 <kasei> cbuilara: duplicated text. idea was to remove it in the federation document.

Carlos Buil Aranda: duplicated text. idea was to remove it in the federation document.

15:22:35 <kasei> AxelPolleres: should be ready for review by end of today?

Axel Polleres: should be ready for review by end of today?

15:22:37 <kasei> cbuilara: yes

Carlos Buil Aranda: yes

15:22:42 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: Axel to review fed query

ACTION: Axel to review fed query

15:22:42 <trackbot> Created ACTION-384 - Review fed query [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-384 - Review fed query [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-02-08].

15:22:48 <LeeF> aye

Lee Feigenbaum: aye

15:22:53 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: Lee to review fed query

ACTION: Lee to review fed query

15:22:53 <trackbot> Created ACTION-385 - Review fed query [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-385 - Review fed query [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-02-08].

15:23:05 <kasei> AxelPolleres: JSON Results

Axel Polleres: JSON Results

15:23:11 <kasei> ... got reviews in already

... got reviews in already

15:23:23 <AndyS> No progress on comments

Andy Seaborne: No progress on comments

15:23:35 <kasei> AndyS: no progress on comments yet. been focusing on query document.

Andy Seaborne: no progress on comments yet. been focusing on query document.

15:23:59 <kasei> topic: BIND revisted (bind08 test)

3. BIND revisted (bind08 test)

15:24:22 <kasei> LeeF: there was discussion on mailing list about bind08

Lee Feigenbaum: there was discussion on mailing list about bind08

15:24:35 <kasei> ... some confusion because of laxness in discussion of BGPs and Groups.

... some confusion because of laxness in discussion of BGPs and Groups.

15:24:57 <kasei> ... think it is mostly resolved now. BINDs ends a BGP, doesn't end a Group.

... think it is mostly resolved now. BINDs ends a BGP, doesn't end a Group.

15:25:21 <kasei> ... this means that bind08 test in which filter comes before bind has the same results as bind05 test where filter comes after the bind.

... this means that bind08 test in which filter comes before bind has the same results as bind05 test where filter comes after the bind.

15:25:38 <kasei> ... updated the results in cvs today.

... updated the results in cvs today.

15:25:47 <kasei> ... believe all the bind tests are good now and can be approved.

... believe all the bind tests are good now and can be approved.

15:26:01 <kasei> AxelPolleres: any more comments?

Axel Polleres: any more comments?

15:26:07 <AndyS> I agree with LeeF

Andy Seaborne: I agree with LeeF

15:26:44 <kasei> LeeF: can we approve the tests?

Lee Feigenbaum: can we approve the tests?

15:26:54 <kasei> AxelPolleres: will discuss in test status topic.

Axel Polleres: will discuss in test status topic.

15:27:09 <AxelPolleres> topic: short name and title of JSON doc

4. short name and title of JSON doc

15:27:16 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:27:20 <kasei> AxelPolleres: concrete proposal from Andy.

Axel Polleres: concrete proposal from Andy.

15:27:57 <kasei> ... keep same name; name it with same convention as others (starting with "sparql11")

... keep same name; name it with same convention as others (starting with "sparql11")

15:28:05 <AxelPolleres> "SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format"      /sparql11-results-json/

Axel Polleres: "SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format" /sparql11-results-json/

15:28:31 <kasei> ... no other proposals. agreenment on option 2.

... no other proposals. agreenment on option 2.

15:28:37 <kasei> ... anybody against this?

... anybody against this?

15:28:38 <LeeF> option 2 ++++

Lee Feigenbaum: option 2 ++++

15:29:14 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: set title of JSON results document to "SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format" with short name  /sparql11-results-json/

PROPOSED: set title of JSON results document to "SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format" with short name /sparql11-results-json/

15:29:15 <pgearon> seconded

Paul Gearon: seconded

15:29:30 <LeeF> :-)

Lee Feigenbaum: :-)

15:29:39 <bglimm> +1

Birte Glimm: +1

15:29:46 <AxelPolleres> RESOLVED: set title of JSON results document to "SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format" with short name  /sparql11-results-json/

RESOLVED: set title of JSON results document to "SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format" with short name /sparql11-results-json/

15:30:01 <kasei> AxelPolleres: what do we need to do to approve the short name?

Axel Polleres: what do we need to do to approve the short name?

15:30:13 <kasei> sandro: this is FPWD?

Sandro Hawke: this is FPWD?

15:30:18 <kasei> AxelPolleres: it's been out as a Note before.

Axel Polleres: it's been out as a Note before.

15:30:36 <kasei> sandro: we should go through the FPWD approval. that's when the short name is approved.

Sandro Hawke: we should go through the FPWD approval. that's when the short name is approved.

15:30:47 <kasei> LeeF: FPWD has to be distinct from LC draft?

Lee Feigenbaum: FPWD has to be distinct from LC draft?

15:30:52 <kasei> sandro: no, they can be the same.

Sandro Hawke: no, they can be the same.

15:31:07 <kasei> ... not sure it's technically a FPWD, but err on the safe side.

... not sure it's technically a FPWD, but err on the safe side.

15:31:36 <kasei> protocol?


15:32:09 <kasei> sandro: will send email.

Sandro Hawke: will send email.

15:32:28 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: sandro email to W3C to get shortname approved for JSON result doc

ACTION: sandro email to W3C to get shortname approved for JSON result doc

15:32:28 <trackbot> Created ACTION-386 - Email to W3C to get shortname approved for JSON result doc [on Sandro Hawke - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-386 - Email to W3C to get shortname approved for JSON result doc [on Sandro Hawke - due 2011-02-08].

15:32:46 <kasei> topic: test status

5. test status

15:33:12 <kasei> AxelPolleres: wanted to go through test case directories and see where we are.

Axel Polleres: wanted to go through test case directories and see where we are.

15:33:32 <kasei> LeeF: as actions are completed, we'll discuss and move to approval.

Lee Feigenbaum: as actions are completed, we'll discuss and move to approval.

15:33:41 <AndyS> q+ about manifest-all (at end of tests item)

Andy Seaborne: q+ about manifest-all (at end of tests item)

15:33:50 <AndyS> q+ to talk about manifest-all (at end of tests item)

Andy Seaborne: q+ to talk about manifest-all (at end of tests item)

15:34:13 <kasei> AxelPolleres: ACTIONS 368...

Axel Polleres: ACTIONS 368...

15:34:44 <AxelPolleres> ACTION-367

Axel Polleres: ACTION-367

15:35:00 <kasei> ... 367: json results format. added 4 test cases for json results format.

... 367: json results format. added 4 test cases for json results format.

15:35:04 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:35:20 <kasei> ... ask people to review those. will discuss next time.

... ask people to review those. will discuss next time.

15:35:36 <kasei> ... 368: syntax tests on Andy. done.

... 368: syntax tests on Andy. done.

15:35:49 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:36:20 <kasei> ... not sure if these test cases can be approved.

... not sure if these test cases can be approved.

15:36:29 <kasei> LeeF: need at least one other set of eyes or implementation.

Lee Feigenbaum: need at least one other set of eyes or implementation.

15:36:56 <kasei> AndyS: I hope they are comprehensive.

Andy Seaborne: I hope they are comprehensive.

15:37:08 <kasei> LeeF: does this include negative syntax tests?

Lee Feigenbaum: does this include negative syntax tests?

15:37:12 <kasei> AndyS: yes, a few.

Andy Seaborne: yes, a few.

15:37:40 <kasei> LeeF: one challenge here is other than Andy and Greg, none of us have implemented enough of 1.1 to use our implementations here.

Lee Feigenbaum: one challenge here is other than Andy and Greg, none of us have implemented enough of 1.1 to use our implementations here.

15:37:56 <kasei> SteveH: dajobe's parser isn't too bad. long way from 100%, but does a lot.

Steve Harris: dajobe's parser isn't too bad. long way from 100%, but does a lot.

15:38:03 <kasei> ... doesn't do property paths or subqueries.

... doesn't do property paths or subqueries.

15:38:09 <kasei> ... or (?)

... or (?)

15:38:24 <kasei> ... parser we use in 5Store is more complete, but don't implement much of it. can do syntax tests.

... parser we use in 5Store is more complete, but don't implement much of it. can do syntax tests.

15:38:46 <kasei> LeeF: even if partial implementation, run it and then eyeball failures to see if it looks ok.

Lee Feigenbaum: even if partial implementation, run it and then eyeball failures to see if it looks ok.

15:39:17 <kasei> AxelPolleres: need to rely on Greg and Andy's approval?

Axel Polleres: need to rely on Greg and Andy's approval?

15:39:21 <SteveH> I will try to run it for raptor, but don't handle current test syntax

Steve Harris: I will try to run it for raptor, but don't handle current test syntax

15:39:27 <kasei> AndyS: what about eric's?

Andy Seaborne: what about eric's?

15:39:50 <kasei> sandro: thought he had said something about updating it. did grammar work, but not sure about what else.

Sandro Hawke: thought he had said something about updating it. did grammar work, but not sure about what else.

15:40:10 <kasei> sandro: will ping eric about syntax tests.

Sandro Hawke: will ping eric about syntax tests.

15:40:19 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:40:29 <AxelPolleres> ... sandro will ask eric to look at those.

Axel Polleres: ... sandro will ask eric to look at those.

15:40:35 <AndyS> Negative tests matter more for SPARQL 1.1 as there are some explicit errors this time round.

Andy Seaborne: Negative tests matter more for SPARQL 1.1 as there are some explicit errors this time round.

15:41:06 <kasei> AxelPolleres: 369: property paths on mperry.

Axel Polleres: 369: property paths on mperry.

15:41:24 <kasei> AndyS: not sure minutes of propery paths meeting are achievable.

Andy Seaborne: not sure minutes of propery paths meeting are achievable.

15:41:31 <sandro> (email to ericP sent)

Sandro Hawke: (email to ericP sent)

15:41:37 <kasei> AxelPolleres: does this imply issues on last call documents?

Axel Polleres: does this imply issues on last call documents?

15:41:44 <kasei> AndyS: this needs to be addressed before LC.

Andy Seaborne: this needs to be addressed before LC.

15:42:28 <kasei> AxelPolleres: 370: function tests on Greg.

Axel Polleres: 370: function tests on Greg.

15:43:29 <kasei> kasei: added several function tests, but more room for testing error conditions.

Gregory Williams: added several function tests, but more room for testing error conditions.

15:43:36 <kasei> AxelPolleres: 371: bind tests on Lee.

Axel Polleres: 371: bind tests on Lee.

15:44:04 <kasei> LeeF: let's approve 8 bind tests.

Lee Feigenbaum: let's approve 8 bind tests.

15:44:26 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: approve tests bind01-bind08 in

PROPOSED: approve tests bind01-bind08 in

15:44:32 <SteveH> abstain (on the basis that I've not run them)

Steve Harris: abstain (on the basis that I've not run them)

15:44:39 <LeeF> seconded

Lee Feigenbaum: seconded

15:44:51 <kasei> LeeF: haven't run them.

Lee Feigenbaum: haven't run them.

15:45:01 <kasei> AndyS: keen for two implementations.

Andy Seaborne: keen for two implementations.

15:45:47 <kasei> kasei: I pass 7/8 of the tests.

Gregory Williams: I pass 7/8 of the tests.

15:46:20 <kasei> LeeF: if we wait for 2 implementations to pass all tests, we'll never approve the whole test suite.

Lee Feigenbaum: if we wait for 2 implementations to pass all tests, we'll never approve the whole test suite.

15:47:01 <AndyS> seconded

Andy Seaborne: seconded

15:47:17 <AxelPolleres> RESOLVED: approve tests bind01-bind08 in

RESOLVED: approve tests bind01-bind08 in

15:47:47 <kasei> AxelPolleres: LeeF will change manifests to mark as approved.

Axel Polleres: LeeF will change manifests to mark as approved.

15:47:48 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: mark bind01-08 as approved in manifest file

ACTION: mark bind01-08 as approved in manifest file

15:47:48 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - mark

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - mark

15:48:02 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: lee to mark bind01-08 as approved in manifest file

ACTION: lee to mark bind01-08 as approved in manifest file

15:48:03 <trackbot> Created ACTION-387 - Mark bind01-08 as approved in manifest file [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-387 - Mark bind01-08 as approved in manifest file [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-02-08].

15:48:28 <kasei> AxelPolleres: 372: negation tests on Chime.

Axel Polleres: 372: negation tests on Chime.

15:49:05 <kasei> AxelPolleres: 373: subquery tests on Axel. haven't touched them yet.

Axel Polleres: 373: subquery tests on Axel. haven't touched them yet.

15:49:14 <kasei> ... 374: project expression tests on Lee.

... 374: project expression tests on Lee.

15:49:17 <kasei> LeeF: nothing to report yet.

Lee Feigenbaum: nothing to report yet.

15:49:34 <kasei> AxelPolleres: 375: construct where tests on Axel. worked on these today.

Axel Polleres: 375: construct where tests on Axel. worked on these today.

15:49:44 <kasei> ... 6 tests for CONSTRUCT WHERE. small issues which have been fixed.

... 6 tests for CONSTRUCT WHERE. small issues which have been fixed.

15:49:54 <kasei> ... Andy agreed with fixes.

... Andy agreed with fixes.

15:49:57 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:50:19 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:50:53 <kasei> AxelPolleres: only tested by copying construct template and running on systems with CONSTRUCT {} WHERE {}, not CONSTRUCT WHERE {}

Axel Polleres: only tested by copying construct template and running on systems with CONSTRUCT {} WHERE {}, not CONSTRUCT WHERE {}

15:51:19 <LeeF> ok with me

Lee Feigenbaum: ok with me

15:51:59 <AxelPolleres> PROPOSED: Approve testcases constructwhere01-06 in

PROPOSED: Approve testcases constructwhere01-06 in

15:52:46 <AndyS> seconded

Andy Seaborne: seconded

15:52:51 <AxelPolleres> seconded

Axel Polleres: seconded

15:53:04 <AxelPolleres> RESOLVED: Approve testcases constructwhere01-06 in

RESOLVED: Approve testcases constructwhere01-06 in

15:53:17 <kasei> AxelPolleres: will mark them as approved.

Axel Polleres: will mark them as approved.

15:53:28 <AxelPolleres> ACTION: Axel to mark construyctwhere01-06 as approved in manifest file

ACTION: Axel to mark construyctwhere01-06 as approved in manifest file

15:53:28 <trackbot> Created ACTION-388 - Mark construyctwhere01-06 as approved in manifest file [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-02-08].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-388 - Mark construyctwhere01-06 as approved in manifest file [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-02-08].

15:54:00 <kasei> AxelPolleres: 376: BINDINGS tests on Carlos

Axel Polleres: 376: BINDINGS tests on Carlos

15:54:04 <kasei> cbuilara: not much progress yet.

Carlos Buil Aranda: not much progress yet.

15:54:34 <ericP> ericP, acks mail from sandro

Eric Prud'hommeaux: ericP, acks mail from sandro

15:54:35 <kasei> AxelPolleres: aggregate tests which we haven't approved yet.

Axel Polleres: aggregate tests which we haven't approved yet.

15:55:01 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

15:55:43 <kasei> AxelPolleres: aggregate tests from greg. disagreement between Greg and Andy on AVG, SUM that had to do with precision of results, encoding of exponents.

Axel Polleres: aggregate tests from greg. disagreement between Greg and Andy on AVG, SUM that had to do with precision of results, encoding of exponents.

15:55:48 <kasei> ... not sure if it's solved.

... not sure if it's solved.

15:56:04 <kasei> AndyS: recall the issue.

Andy Seaborne: recall the issue.

15:56:15 <kasei> AxelPolleres: please have a look at the email thread and let us know if we can proceed.

Axel Polleres: please have a look at the email thread and let us know if we can proceed.

15:56:59 <kasei> AxelPolleres: 7 test cases which we already covered in October proposed to be approved, but no resolution (agg01-agg07)

Axel Polleres: 7 test cases which we already covered in October proposed to be approved, but no resolution (agg01-agg07)

15:57:13 <kasei> ... pending action 301 on Steve to look over test cases.

... pending ACTION-301 on Steve to look over test cases.

15:57:21 <kasei> ... if they're fine they can be approved.

... if they're fine they can be approved.

15:57:44 <kasei> SteveH: hoping to have code to read manifest format. once that's done can run tests through 4store engine.

Steve Harris: hoping to have code to read manifest format. once that's done can run tests through 4store engine.

15:57:45 <AndyS> agg08 ("COUNT 8") uses non-key in expressions => required syntax error

Andy Seaborne: agg08 ("COUNT 8") uses non-key in expressions => required syntax error

15:58:32 <kasei> AxelPolleres: agg08 had discussion about this being a syntax error. should be changed to a negative syntax test.

Axel Polleres: agg08 had discussion about this being a syntax error. should be changed to a negative syntax test.

15:58:55 <kasei> ... could also be fixed. add agg08b.

... could also be fixed. add agg08b.

15:59:03 <AndyS> ?? Delete the test - make sure its in the bad syntax suite

Andy Seaborne: ?? Delete the test - make sure its in the bad syntax suite

15:59:27 <kasei> AxelPolleres: all negative syntax tests go into the bad syntax suite?

Axel Polleres: all negative syntax tests go into the bad syntax suite?

15:59:39 <kasei> AndyS: might be easier to get through the test suite if the negative syntax tests are grouped together.

Andy Seaborne: might be easier to get through the test suite if the negative syntax tests are grouped together.

15:59:43 <kasei> ... no strong preference.

... no strong preference.

15:59:52 <LeeF> No strong preference either.

Lee Feigenbaum: No strong preference either.

16:00:09 <Zakim> -MattPerry

Zakim IRC Bot: -MattPerry

16:00:19 <kasei> AxelPolleres: want 1-2 people to look at email and let us know how to move forward.

Axel Polleres: want 1-2 people to look at email and let us know how to move forward.

16:00:46 <Zakim> -Lee_Feigenbaum

Zakim IRC Bot: -Lee_Feigenbaum

16:00:48 <Zakim> -bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: -bglimm

16:00:48 <Zakim> -SteveH

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveH

16:00:49 <Zakim> -sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -sandro

16:00:50 <Zakim> -pgearon

Zakim IRC Bot: -pgearon

16:00:52 <Zakim> -ocorby

Zakim IRC Bot: -ocorby

16:00:52 <Zakim> -AxelPolleres

Zakim IRC Bot: -AxelPolleres

16:00:54 <kasei> minutes publishing url? (I forget every time)

minutes publishing url? (I forget every time)

16:00:54 <Zakim> -NicoM

Zakim IRC Bot: -NicoM

16:00:59 <Zakim> -cbuilara

Zakim IRC Bot: -cbuilara

16:01:01 <Zakim> -AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: -AndyS

16:01:07 <Zakim> -kasei

Zakim IRC Bot: -kasei

16:01:08 <Zakim> SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended

16:01:08 <AxelPolleres> adjourned

Axel Polleres: adjourned

16:01:09 <AxelPolleres>

Axel Polleres:

16:01:13 <Zakim> Attendees were AndyS, pgearon, cbuilara, AxelPolleres, +420.8.439.aaaa, ocorby, Lee_Feigenbaum, SteveH, kasei, +1.973.4.aabb, bglimm, sandro, MattPerry, +49.911.973.4.aacc, NicoM

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were AndyS, pgearon, cbuilara, AxelPolleres, +420.8.439.aaaa, ocorby, Lee_Feigenbaum, SteveH, kasei, +1.973.4.aabb, bglimm, sandro, MattPerry, +49.911.973.4.aacc, NicoM

16:01:24 <AxelPolleres> rrsagent, make records public

Axel Polleres: rrsagent, make records public

16:01:52 <kasei> thanks Axel

thanks Axel

16:01:52 <AxelPolleres> greg, will you do the minutes? (I'll take care of last week's minutes in the meantime...)

Axel Polleres: greg, will you do the minutes? (I'll take care of last week's minutes in the meantime...)

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#1) generated 2011-02-01 16:11:54 UTC by 'gwilliam', comments: 'Removed pre-telcon discussion and fixed duplicate topics.'