SPARQL Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 16 March 2010

Alexandre Passant, Andy Seaborne, Birte Glimm, Chimezie Ogbuji, David Charboneau, Gregory Williams, Ivan Herman, Lee Feigenbaum, Matthew Perry, Olivier Corby, Paul Gearon, Sandro Hawke, Souripriya Das, Steve Harris
Ivan Herman
Lee Feigenbaum
Steve Harris
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. Approve minutes at link
13:51:20 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

13:51:22 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

13:51:24 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 77277

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 77277

13:51:24 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes

13:51:25 <trackbot> Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference
13:51:26 <trackbot> Date: 16 March 2010
13:51:26 <LeeF> zakim, this will be SPARQL

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, this will be SPARQL

13:51:26 <Zakim> ok, LeeF; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, LeeF; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes

13:51:34 <LeeF> Chair: LeeF
13:51:40 <LeeF> Agenda:
13:54:41 <ivan> Regrets: Ivan
13:56:36 <LeeF> Regrets +AxelPolleres

(No events recorded for 5 minutes)

Lee Feigenbaum: Regrets +AxelPolleres

13:57:09 <Zakim> SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started

13:57:16 <Zakim> +Lee_Feigenbaum

Zakim IRC Bot: +Lee_Feigenbaum

13:57:26 <LeeF> zakim, that's me!

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, that's me!

13:57:26 <Zakim> I don't understand 'that's me!', LeeF

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'that's me!', LeeF

13:57:34 <LeeF> zakim, Lee_Feigenbaum is me

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, Lee_Feigenbaum is me

13:57:34 <Zakim> +LeeF; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +LeeF; got it

13:58:11 <Zakim> + +1.518.276.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.518.276.aaaa

13:58:16 <kasei> Zakim, aaaa is me

Gregory Williams: Zakim, aaaa is me

13:58:16 <Zakim> +kasei; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +kasei; got it

13:58:51 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

13:59:06 <AndyS> zakim, IPCaller is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, IPCaller is me

13:59:08 <Zakim> +??P13

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13

13:59:11 <SteveH_> Zakim, ??P13 is me

Steve Harris: Zakim, ??P13 is me

13:59:12 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS; got it

13:59:18 <Zakim> + +49.238.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +49.238.aabb

13:59:20 <Zakim> +SteveH_; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveH_; got it

13:59:53 <OlivierCorby> Zakim, aabb is me

Olivier Corby: Zakim, aabb is me

13:59:53 <Zakim> +OlivierCorby; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +OlivierCorby; got it

14:00:30 <bglimm> -me fighting with the phone in Karlsruhe... It doesnät allow me to enter the code Öß)

Birte Glimm: -me fighting with the phone in Karlsruhe... It doesnät allow me to enter the code Öß)

14:00:31 <LeeF> Scribenick: SteveH_

(Scribe set to Steve Harris)

14:01:04 <LeeF> zakim, who's on the phone?

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, who's on the phone?

14:01:04 <Zakim> On the phone I see LeeF, kasei, AndyS, SteveH_, OlivierCorby

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see LeeF, kasei, AndyS, SteveH_, OlivierCorby

14:01:11 <Zakim> + +1.603.897.aacc

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.603.897.aacc

14:01:19 <kasei> Zakim, mute me

Gregory Williams: Zakim, mute me

14:01:19 <Zakim> kasei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: kasei should now be muted

14:01:25 <Zakim> +??P16

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P16

14:01:39 <Zakim> +??P17

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P17

14:01:42 <AlexPassant> Zakim, ??P17 is me

Alexandre Passant: Zakim, ??P17 is me

14:01:42 <Zakim> +AlexPassant; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AlexPassant; got it

14:01:50 <MattPerry> zakim, ??P16 is me

Matthew Perry: zakim, ??P16 is me

14:01:50 <Zakim> +MattPerry; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +MattPerry; got it

14:01:52 <AlexPassant> hi

Alexandre Passant: hi

14:01:57 <Souri> zakim, aacc us me

Souripriya Das: zakim, aacc us me

14:01:57 <Zakim> I don't understand 'aacc us me', Souri

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'aacc us me', Souri

14:02:06 <Souri> zakim, aacc is me

Souripriya Das: zakim, aacc is me

14:02:06 <Zakim> +Souri; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Souri; got it

14:02:39 <Zakim> + +1.919.332.aadd

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.919.332.aadd

14:02:45 <Zakim> +Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro

14:02:49 <dcharbon2> Zakim, aadd is me

David Charboneau: Zakim, aadd is me

14:02:49 <Zakim> +dcharbon2; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +dcharbon2; got it

14:03:05 <Zakim> + +1.312.863.aaee

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.312.863.aaee

14:03:22 <dcharbon2> zakim, mute me

David Charboneau: zakim, mute me

14:03:22 <Zakim> dcharbon2 should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: dcharbon2 should now be muted

14:03:32 <pgearon> Zakim, aaee is me

Paul Gearon: Zakim, aaee is me

14:03:32 <Zakim> +pgearon; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +pgearon; got it

14:03:48 <Zakim> + +1.216.444.aaff

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.216.444.aaff

14:04:24 <chimezie> Zakim, mute me

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me

14:04:24 <Zakim> sorry, chimezie, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, chimezie, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

14:04:31 <chimezie> Zakim, who is on the phone?

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, who is on the phone?

14:04:31 <Zakim> On the phone I see LeeF, kasei (muted), AndyS, SteveH_, OlivierCorby, Souri, MattPerry, AlexPassant, dcharbon2 (muted), Sandro, pgearon, +1.216.444.aaff

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see LeeF, kasei (muted), AndyS, SteveH_, OlivierCorby, Souri, MattPerry, AlexPassant, dcharbon2 (muted), Sandro, pgearon, +1.216.444.aaff

14:04:36 <LeeF> zakim, aaff is chimezie

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, aaff is chimezie

14:04:37 <Zakim> +chimezie; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +chimezie; got it

14:04:41 <chimezie> ty

Chimezie Ogbuji: ty

14:05:10 <chimezie> Zakim, mute me

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me

14:05:10 <Zakim> chimezie should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie should now be muted

14:05:19 <LeeF> PROPOSED: Approve minutes at

PROPOSED: Approve minutes at

14:06:10 <LeeF> RESOLVED: Approve minutes at

RESOLVED: Approve minutes at

14:06:17 <SteveH_> LeeF: minutes capture handling of blanknodes in delete

Lee Feigenbaum: minutes capture handling of blanknodes in delete

14:06:30 <SteveH_> LeeF: try to have short call next week, 2 days before f2f

Lee Feigenbaum: try to have short call next week, 2 days before f2f

14:06:55 <SteveH_> ... set for F2F, go over agenda on last time, logistical issues, 20 min call

... set for F2F, go over agenda on last time, logistical issues, 20 min call

14:07:00 <AndyS> can we restrict it to process thing please?

Andy Seaborne: can we restrict it to process thing please?

14:07:14 <LeeF> Next meeting: 2010-03-23 @ 14:00 UK / 10:00 EST (scribe: Matt) - NOTE ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN USUAL OUTSIDE OF THE US

Lee Feigenbaum: Next meeting: 2010-03-23 @ 14:00 UK / 10:00 EST (scribe: Matt) - NOTE ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN USUAL OUTSIDE OF THE US

14:07:29 <SteveH_> LeeF: 4 hours difference to UK

Lee Feigenbaum: 4 hours difference to UK

14:07:53 <SteveH_> LeeF: should look at comments at F2F

Lee Feigenbaum: should look at comments at F2F

14:08:05 <Zakim> -AlexPassant

Zakim IRC Bot: -AlexPassant

14:08:30 <SteveH_> LeeF: RDB2RDF, noting to worry about

Lee Feigenbaum: RDB2RDF, noting to worry about

14:08:34 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:08:43 <SteveH_> LeeF: agenda for F2F updated, ^

Lee Feigenbaum: agenda for F2F updated, ^

14:08:56 <Zakim> + +

Zakim IRC Bot: + +

14:08:58 <Zakim> +??P26

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P26

14:09:03 <AlexPassant> Zakim, ??PP26 is me

Alexandre Passant: Zakim, ??PP26 is me

14:09:03 <Zakim> sorry, AlexPassant, I do not recognize a party named '??PP26'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, AlexPassant, I do not recognize a party named '??PP26'

14:09:04 <SteveH_> ... update on day 1, goal is to finalise language, what statements are in/out

... update on day 1, goal is to finalise language, what statements are in/out

14:09:07 <AlexPassant> Zakim, ?PP26 is me

Alexandre Passant: Zakim, ?PP26 is me

14:09:07 <Zakim> sorry, AlexPassant, I do not recognize a party named '?PP26'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, AlexPassant, I do not recognize a party named '?PP26'

14:09:10 <SteveH_> ... seperaters, delimiters

... seperaters, delimiters

14:09:11 <AlexPassant> Zakim, ??P26 is me

Alexandre Passant: Zakim, ??P26 is me

14:09:11 <Zakim> +AlexPassant; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AlexPassant; got it

14:09:31 <SteveH_> LeeF: testcases, update issues, concurrency, transactions etc.

Lee Feigenbaum: testcases, update issues, concurrency, transactions etc.

14:09:45 <SteveH_> ... punt on the or have some sort of informative content (?)

... punt on the or have some sort of informative content (?)

14:09:46 <bglimm> Zakim, who is on the phone?

Birte Glimm: Zakim, who is on the phone?

14:09:46 <Zakim> On the phone I see LeeF, kasei (muted), AndyS, SteveH_, OlivierCorby, Souri, MattPerry, dcharbon2 (muted), Sandro, pgearon, chimezie (muted), +, AlexPassant

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see LeeF, kasei (muted), AndyS, SteveH_, OlivierCorby, Souri, MattPerry, dcharbon2 (muted), Sandro, pgearon, chimezie (muted), +, AlexPassant

14:10:00 <bglimm> Zakim, + is me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, + is me

14:10:00 <Zakim> +bglimm; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bglimm; got it

14:10:06 <SteveH_> ... also a bit of time on a testsuite for update

... also a bit of time on a testsuite for update

14:10:17 <SteveH_> ... afternoon, open issues in protocol, HTTP update docs

... afternoon, open issues in protocol, HTTP update docs

14:10:23 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

14:10:23 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

14:10:32 <SteveH_> ... protocol will be clearer when we've finished the update lang

... protocol will be clearer when we've finished the update lang

14:10:46 <SteveH_> ... day 2 big block of time to resolve open query issues

... day 2 big block of time to resolve open query issues

14:11:05 <SteveH_> ... decide on minus v's not exists

... decide on minus v's not exists

14:11:21 <SteveH_> ... resolve handling of errors in aggreagates, group by

... resolve handling of errors in aggreagates, group by

14:12:25 <SteveH_> ... property paths

... property paths

14:12:33 <SteveH_> ... afternoon, entailment issues

... afternoon, entailment issues

14:12:35 <bglimm> Zakim, unmute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, unmute me

14:12:35 <Zakim> bglimm should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should no longer be muted

14:12:43 <SteveH_> ... entailment moving ahead nicely

... entailment moving ahead nicely

14:12:52 <SteveH_> noise on line

noise on line

14:13:10 <LeeF> zakim, mute bglimm

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, mute bglimm

14:13:10 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

14:13:19 <bglimm> Zakim, unmute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, unmute me

14:13:19 <Zakim> bglimm should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should no longer be muted

14:13:38 <AndyS> zakim, who is speaking?

Andy Seaborne: zakim, who is speaking?

14:13:43 <LeeF> bglimm, we have to mute you because there's too much noise on your line

Lee Feigenbaum: bglimm, we have to mute you because there's too much noise on your line

14:13:47 <LeeF> Zakim, mute bglimm

Lee Feigenbaum: Zakim, mute bglimm

14:13:47 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

14:13:48 <bglimm> ok

Birte Glimm: ok

14:13:49 <Zakim> AndyS, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: AndyS (14%), bglimm (74%)

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: AndyS (14%), bglimm (74%)

14:14:30 <SteveH_> LeeF: entailment seems to have good progress, discuss status

Lee Feigenbaum: entailment seems to have good progress, discuss status

14:14:35 <LeeF> bglimm, what I was saying is that I've seen very good progress on the entailment document over email and the entailment teleconferences, so we've set aside an hour to discuss with the whole group the status of the entailment work, but think that's in good shape and probably doesn't needmore time than that at the face to face

Lee Feigenbaum: bglimm, what I was saying is that I've seen very good progress on the entailment document over email and the entailment teleconferences, so we've set aside an hour to discuss with the whole group the status of the entailment work, but think that's in good shape and probably doesn't needmore time than that at the face to face

14:14:35 <SteveH_> .. doesn't need more time than that

.. doesn't need more time than that

14:14:54 <bglimm> seems reasonable

Birte Glimm: seems reasonable

14:14:58 <SteveH_> ... 1h for service description issues, few hanging around, overall in good shape

... 1h for service description issues, few hanging around, overall in good shape

14:15:18 <SteveH_> ... ambitious agenda, but important F2F

... ambitious agenda, but important F2F

14:15:27 <SteveH_> .. finalising spec text, thinking about LC

.. finalising spec text, thinking about LC

14:15:34 <SteveH_> ... finalising spec text, thinking about LC

... finalising spec text, thinking about LC

14:16:04 <SteveH_> AndyS: make sure time perm. features don't displace mandatory ones

Andy Seaborne: make sure time perm. features don't displace mandatory ones

14:16:19 <SteveH_> AndyS: eg. property paths last in query

Andy Seaborne: eg. property paths last in query

14:16:31 <SteveH_> LeeF: I'm going to keen an eye on it

Lee Feigenbaum: I'm going to keen an eye on it

14:16:56 <SteveH_> LeeF: property paths, func. lib. for almost all intents are deliverables, seen no show stopping issues, good progress

Lee Feigenbaum: property paths, func. lib. for almost all intents are deliverables, seen no show stopping issues, good progress

14:17:17 <SteveH_> LeeF: do want to talk about them early on, more concerned with federated query, discusss and beginning

Lee Feigenbaum: do want to talk about them early on, more concerned with federated query, discusss and beginning

14:17:26 <SteveH_> ... maybe relabel some

... maybe relabel some

14:17:51 <SteveH_> ... today, open issues for HTTP update, and property paths

... today, open issues for HTTP update, and property paths

14:18:03 <SteveH_> ... less open issues on http update

... less open issues on http update

14:18:09 <chimezie> Zakim, unmute me

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, unmute me

14:18:09 <Zakim> chimezie should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie should no longer be muted

14:18:12 <SteveH_> ... improve visibility

... improve visibility

14:18:15 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:18:43 <SteveH_> ... discussion around BASE URI for references and ?graph=

... discussion around BASE URI for references and ?graph=

14:18:51 <SteveH_> ... not totaly swapped in

... not totaly swapped in

14:19:10 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:19:19 <SteveH_> chimezie: removed editorial notes re. type of RDF payload, whether doc described REST style

Chimezie Ogbuji: removed editorial notes re. type of RDF payload, whether doc described REST style

14:19:32 <SteveH_> ... impl. of protocol should interpret contnet-type headers appropriately

... impl. of protocol should interpret contnet-type headers appropriately

14:19:42 <SteveH_> ... issues around making base URIs clear

... issues around making base URIs clear

14:19:59 <SteveH_> ... how do you determine what the base URI is

... how do you determine what the base URI is

14:20:20 <SteveH_> ... motivating usecase is where you you the ?graph=, in that scenario, depends how you interpret some RFC

... motivating usecase is where you you the ?graph=, in that scenario, depends how you interpret some RFC

14:20:43 <SteveH_> ... 2 sections that are relevant, "encapsulating entity", layered messages

... 2 sections that are relevant, "encapsulating entity", layered messages

14:21:08 <SteveH_> ... but it says that you can determine the base uri if there's [something]

... but it says that you can determine the base uri if there's [something]

14:21:24 <SteveH_> ... can be a way of tagging metadata for specific formats

... can be a way of tagging metadata for specific formats

14:21:39 <SteveH_> ... can say that ?graph= can specify the base URI

... can say that ?graph= can specify the base URI

14:21:57 <SteveH_> ... or can have conservative reading, should have RFC as normative reference

... or can have conservative reading, should have RFC as normative reference

14:22:10 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:22:12 <SteveH_> LeeF: goal of usecase is so that if do HTTP op like:

Lee Feigenbaum: goal of usecase is so that if do HTTP op like:

14:22:34 <SteveH_> ... is there a reading that the RFC lets us treat <g> as the base URI

... is there a reading that the RFC lets us treat <g> as the base URI

14:23:01 <SteveH_> chimezie: language suggests we can provide a way to give it in context

Chimezie Ogbuji: language suggests we can provide a way to give it in context

14:23:09 <SteveH_> ... not neccesarily meant to support that

... not neccesarily meant to support that

14:23:16 <SteveH_> ... matter of how much you want this usecase

... matter of how much you want this usecase

14:23:18 <SteveH_> q+


14:23:27 <LeeF> <> a :NamedGraph

Lee Feigenbaum: <> a :NamedGraph

14:23:38 <LeeF> ack SteveH_

Lee Feigenbaum: ack SteveH_

14:23:40 <SteveH_> ... in some situation you want the name of the graph...

... in some situation you want the name of the graph...

14:24:00 <LeeF> SteveH_: we use this approach a lot - without the base URI being the bit after graph=, it would be almost impossible to use it

Steve Harris: we use this approach a lot - without the base URI being the bit after graph=, it would be almost impossible to use it [ Scribe Assist by Lee Feigenbaum ]

14:24:13 <LeeF> ... we have  a cache of a few million FOAF files, many of which use rdf:about="" to talk about the graph

Lee Feigenbaum: ... we have a cache of a few million FOAF files, many of which use rdf:about="" to talk about the graph

14:24:19 <LeeF> ... if the graph had the SPARQL endpoint prefix, it would be unhelpful

Lee Feigenbaum: ... if the graph had the SPARQL endpoint prefix, it would be unhelpful

14:24:52 <SteveH_> LeeF: I'd be surprised is anyone in the group who doesn't support that usecase

Lee Feigenbaum: I'd be surprised is anyone in the group who doesn't support that usecase

14:24:57 <SteveH_> ... does anyone not support?

... does anyone not support?

14:25:15 <SteveH_> ... question is, can we suport that usecase

... question is, can we suport that usecase

14:25:49 <SteveH_> ... do we hav a valid reading of the base URI stuff [to Sandro]

... do we hav a valid reading of the base URI stuff [to Sandro]

14:26:02 <SteveH_> sandro: there's a lot of people who might give it some thought

Sandro Hawke: there's a lot of people who might give it some thought

14:26:12 <SteveH_> ... formal way is as a editors comment in next draft

... formal way is as a editors comment in next draft

14:26:22 <SteveH_> LeeF: I think that's a good way to proceeed

Lee Feigenbaum: I think that's a good way to proceeed

14:26:50 <SteveH_> ... people looking at it from named graph p.o.v. will want it to work that way, but HTTP/REST people might not

... people looking at it from named graph p.o.v. will want it to work that way, but HTTP/REST people might not

14:27:06 <SteveH_> ... chimezie will put some text in that calls out this problem

... chimezie will put some text in that calls out this problem

14:27:16 <SteveH_> ... any more open issues?

... any more open issues?

14:27:23 <SteveH_> chimezie: no, not really

Chimezie Ogbuji: no, not really

14:27:38 <SteveH_> ... issues-20 is relevant

... issues-20 is relevant

14:27:50 <SteveH_> LeeF: hoping to resolve in update language

Lee Feigenbaum: hoping to resolve in update language

14:28:19 <AndyS> Different issue -- g must be an absolute URI? Hope so.

Andy Seaborne: Different issue -- g must be an absolute URI? Hope so.

14:28:55 <SteveH_> +1 to AndyS

+1 to AndyS

14:28:59 <chimezie> if it isn't the next level of precedence would be the retrieval URI

Chimezie Ogbuji: if it isn't the next level of precedence would be the retrieval URI

14:29:36 <SteveH_> LeeF: overall doc looks to be in good shape

Lee Feigenbaum: overall doc looks to be in good shape

14:29:45 <AndyS> Maybe not - ?graph=../otherPlace/graph1 - hmm

Andy Seaborne: Maybe not - ?graph=../otherPlace/graph1 - hmm

14:29:52 <SteveH_> ouch


14:30:05 <SteveH_> LeeF: have we discussed what testcases will look like

Lee Feigenbaum: have we discussed what testcases will look like

14:30:18 <SteveH_> chimezie: scope is well defined, I have some ideas

Chimezie Ogbuji: scope is well defined, I have some ideas

14:30:28 <SteveH_> .. not up to date on tools, e.g. EARL

.. not up to date on tools, e.g. EARL

14:31:29 <SteveH_> LeeF: will discuss testing at F2F

Lee Feigenbaum: will discuss testing at F2F

14:31:37 <LeeF> topic: property paths

1. property paths

14:31:39 <SteveH_> ... property paths:

... property paths:

14:31:57 <chimezie> Zakim, mute me

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, mute me

14:31:57 <Zakim> chimezie should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie should now be muted

14:31:59 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:33:13 <SteveH_> AndyS: description of multi-path issues

Andy Seaborne: description of multi-path issues

14:33:23 <SteveH_> ... should you see duplicates of ways from A to B

... should you see duplicates of ways from A to B

14:33:27 <LeeF> :a foaf:knows :b .

Lee Feigenbaum: :a foaf:knows :b .

14:33:27 <LeeF> :a foaf:knows :c .

Lee Feigenbaum: :a foaf:knows :c .

14:33:27 <LeeF> :b foaf:knows :d .

Lee Feigenbaum: :b foaf:knows :d .

14:33:27 <LeeF> :c foaf:knows :d .

Lee Feigenbaum: :c foaf:knows :d .

14:33:27 <LeeF>    {?x foaf:knows{2} ?y}

Lee Feigenbaum: {?x foaf:knows{2} ?y}

14:33:35 <SteveH_> ... document is not clear

... document is not clear

14:33:50 <SteveH_> ... related to this is cycles

... related to this is cycles

14:34:12 <SteveH_> ... go round a loop and get back to where you started - those are important in the case of unbounded operators (*/+/,)

... go round a loop and get back to where you started - those are important in the case of unbounded operators (*/+/,)

14:34:27 <SteveH_> ... in those cases you don't want infinite answers

... in those cases you don't want infinite answers

14:34:44 <SteveH_> ... proposal is to define fixed length ones to triple expansions, define operators not to duplicate

... proposal is to define fixed length ones to triple expansions, define operators not to duplicate

14:34:58 <SteveH_> ... equivalent to "simple paths" in graph theory

... equivalent to "simple paths" in graph theory

14:35:12 <SteveH_> ... can get surprises, but it's a consequence of balance

... can get surprises, but it's a consequence of balance

14:35:19 <SteveH_> ... of intuition

... of intuition

14:35:45 <SteveH_> LeeF: so, fixed length property paths should be equiv to expansion pattern

Lee Feigenbaum: so, fixed length property paths should be equiv to expansion pattern

14:35:54 <SteveH_> ... can you repeat description of cycles proposal

... can you repeat description of cycles proposal

14:35:59 <SteveH_> AndyS: consider:

Andy Seaborne: consider:

14:36:00 <AndyS> Consider ?x foaf:knows* ?y

Andy Seaborne: Consider ?x foaf:knows* ?y

14:36:09 <SteveH_> ... on data above

... on data above

14:36:24 <AndyS> :a foaf:knows* ?y

Andy Seaborne: :a foaf:knows* ?y

14:36:37 <SteveH_> ... so there's two paths from :a to :b

... so there's two paths from :a to :b

14:36:53 <SteveH_> s/:b/:c/


14:36:59 <LeeF> to :d actually

Lee Feigenbaum: to :d actually

14:37:04 <bglimm> but how do you rewrite that into standard BGPs without knowing the graph?

Birte Glimm: but how do you rewrite that into standard BGPs without knowing the graph?

14:37:16 <SteveH_> q+


14:37:29 <bglimm> ah, so the non-fixed length ones are not being rewritten

Birte Glimm: ah, so the non-fixed length ones are not being rewritten

14:37:43 <LeeF> q+

Lee Feigenbaum: q+

14:37:46 <LeeF> ack SteveH_

Lee Feigenbaum: ack SteveH_

14:37:47 <pgearon> q+

Paul Gearon: q+

14:37:48 <SteveH_> AndyS: proposal is that operators won't return dups

Andy Seaborne: proposal is that operators won't return dups

14:38:21 <LeeF> SteveH_: What values does ?y take? :a (zero length), :b, :c, :d -- one of each as proposed

Steve Harris: What values does ?y take? :a (zero length), :b, :c, :d -- one of each as proposed [ Scribe Assist by Lee Feigenbaum ]

14:39:38 <LeeF> ack LeeF

Lee Feigenbaum: ack LeeF

14:40:09 <SteveH_> LeeF: was going to suggest not following same edge twice, need to thing about it

Lee Feigenbaum: was going to suggest not following same edge twice, need to thing about it

14:40:13 <LeeF> ack pgearon

Lee Feigenbaum: ack pgearon

14:40:26 <SteveH_> pgearon: add comment about unbounded ops

Paul Gearon: add comment about unbounded ops

14:40:44 <SteveH_> ... agree with no dups, when loops are present

... agree with no dups, when loops are present

14:40:53 <SteveH_> ... don't see any reason to stop at 2

... don't see any reason to stop at 2

14:41:07 <SteveH_> ... if there's a loop, only the single result is relevant

... if there's a loop, only the single result is relevant

14:42:50 <chimezie> Zakim, unmute me

Chimezie Ogbuji: Zakim, unmute me

14:42:50 <Zakim> chimezie should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: chimezie should no longer be muted

14:43:02 <SteveH_> AndyS: might be possible to define it in terms of not going through the same node twice

Andy Seaborne: might be possible to define it in terms of not going through the same node twice

14:43:10 <SteveH_> LeeF: might be worth sketching that out

Lee Feigenbaum: might be worth sketching that out

14:43:17 <SteveH_> AndyS: yes

Andy Seaborne: yes

14:43:35 <SteveH_> chimezie: if you exlucde the dups, you have counter-intuative answers

Chimezie Ogbuji: if you exlucde the dups, you have counter-intuative answers

14:43:48 <SteveH_> ... I assumed it wouldn't affect cases where you didn't have cycles

... I assumed it wouldn't affect cases where you didn't have cycles

14:44:10 <SteveH_> LeeF: when you use a non-fixed operator, even without loops you can DISTINCT

Lee Feigenbaum: when you use a non-fixed operator, even without loops you can DISTINCT

14:44:20 <SteveH_> ... as a simple way to solve problem

... as a simple way to solve problem

14:44:37 <SteveH_> chimezie: I would agree that we should look at more direct soltuion to no loops

Chimezie Ogbuji: I would agree that we should look at more direct soltuion to no loops

14:44:50 <SteveH_> LeeF: I will try to write that up, but don't know if I can

Lee Feigenbaum: I will try to write that up, but don't know if I can

14:44:58 <SteveH_> ... leave open for ML discussion

... leave open for ML discussion

14:45:19 <SteveH_> AndyS: would still get different cardinalities, but may be more consistent

Andy Seaborne: would still get different cardinalities, but may be more consistent

14:45:26 <SteveH_> ... and maybe easier to implement

... and maybe easier to implement

14:46:13 <SteveH_> LeeF: cycles and dups, continue discussions

Lee Feigenbaum: cycles and dups, continue discussions

14:46:15 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

14:46:22 <SteveH_> ... negated prop. classes

... negated prop. classes

14:46:52 <SteveH_> AndyS: suggestion around neg clasess, other systems have something similar, it's quite natural

Andy Seaborne: suggestion around neg clasess, other systems have something similar, it's quite natural

14:47:07 <SteveH_> ... exclude some properties, e.g. is rdf:type, want to find non-type connections

... exclude some properties, e.g. is rdf:type, want to find non-type connections

14:47:31 <SteveH_> ... wondering whether you need both forwards and backwards, not convinved in all cases, would be easier to impl. without backwards

... wondering whether you need both forwards and backwards, not convinved in all cases, would be easier to impl. without backwards

14:47:45 <SteveH_> LeeF: can ask if there's any connection whatsoever?

Lee Feigenbaum: can ask if there's any connection whatsoever?

14:47:56 <SteveH_> AndyS: yes

Andy Seaborne: yes

14:48:21 <SteveH_> LeeF: that's not the same as allowing varaibles, because you can't ak what the path is

Lee Feigenbaum: that's not the same as allowing varaibles, because you can't ak what the path is

14:48:33 <SteveH_> AndyS: don't have to decide how to return results

Andy Seaborne: don't have to decide how to return results

14:48:42 <SteveH_> ... it doesn't open /that/ can of worms

... it doesn't open /that/ can of worms

14:48:50 <SteveH_> LeeF: do you impl.?

Lee Feigenbaum: do you impl.?

14:49:05 <SteveH_> AndyS: experiementally, fixed direction case is  doable, and natural

Andy Seaborne: experiementally, fixed direction case is doable, and natural

14:49:24 <SteveH_> ... not done forwards and reverse, think I understood it, ran out of time

... not done forwards and reverse, think I understood it, ran out of time

14:49:51 <SteveH_> chimezie: versa is most similar, we had negation, it was useful

Chimezie Ogbuji: versa is most similar, we had negation, it was useful

14:50:00 <SteveH_> ... it was straightforward

... it was straightforward

14:50:13 <SteveH_> AndyS: did you allow negation of forwards and backwards at same time

Andy Seaborne: did you allow negation of forwards and backwards at same time

14:50:15 <SteveH_> q+


14:50:32 <SteveH_> ... my feeling at the moment is that the fixed direction case is OK, mixed is not easy

... my feeling at the moment is that the fixed direction case is OK, mixed is not easy

14:50:39 <LeeF> ack SteveH_

Lee Feigenbaum: ack SteveH_

14:50:55 <LeeF> SteveH_: what's the use case for the reverse direction?

Steve Harris: what's the use case for the reverse direction? [ Scribe Assist by Lee Feigenbaum ]

14:51:00 <LeeF> ... in this scenario

Lee Feigenbaum: ... in this scenario

14:52:26 <pgearon> +1

Paul Gearon: +1

14:53:00 <SteveH_> LeeF: like to poll group on neg in property paths

Lee Feigenbaum: like to poll group on neg in property paths

14:53:12 <SteveH_> ... take Andy's email as a start, noodle on it a bit

... take Andy's email as a start, noodle on it a bit

14:53:20 <SteveH_> ... see if we can resolve at F2F

... see if we can resolve at F2F

14:53:37 <LeeF> straw poll: gut feeling on including ! (negation operator) in property paths

Lee Feigenbaum: straw poll: gut feeling on including ! (negation operator) in property paths

14:53:48 <chimezie> +1 (but not both)

Chimezie Ogbuji: +1 (but not both)

14:53:58 <SteveH_> +1 (but not both)

+1 (but not both)

14:53:59 <AlexPassant> +1

Alexandre Passant: +1

14:54:03 <AndyS> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

14:54:04 <OlivierCorby> +1

Olivier Corby: +1

14:54:06 <chimezie> i.e., not negation for bidrectional paths

Chimezie Ogbuji: i.e., not negation for bidrectional paths

14:54:14 <LeeF> 0

Lee Feigenbaum: 0

14:54:15 <kasei> 0

Gregory Williams: 0

14:54:21 <bglimm> -0 (seems making evaluation really harder)

Birte Glimm: -0 (seems making evaluation really harder)

14:54:23 <MattPerry> 0

Matthew Perry: 0

14:55:24 <SteveH_> I change to 0

I change to 0

14:55:29 <SteveH_> scared!


14:55:34 <pgearon> I have to say 0

Paul Gearon: I have to say 0

14:55:37 <AndyS> My impl is one Java class for the evaluator.

Andy Seaborne: My impl is one Java class for the evaluator.

14:56:31 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

14:56:42 <LeeF> ack AndyS

Lee Feigenbaum: ack AndyS

14:56:52 <SteveH_> AndyS: impl. exp. would be good, but usecases also very useful

Andy Seaborne: impl. exp. would be good, but usecases also very useful

14:56:56 <LeeF> seconded - use cases here will let us know how useful this is

Lee Feigenbaum: seconded - use cases here will let us know how useful this is

14:57:37 <SteveH_> LeeF: not going to talk about update, out of time

Lee Feigenbaum: not going to talk about update, out of time

14:58:05 <SteveH_> AndyS: havent discusses binary/unary ^ operator

Andy Seaborne: havent discusses binary/unary ^ operator

14:58:20 <SteveH_> ... preference for unary in WG, binary outside

... preference for unary in WG, binary outside

14:58:40 <SteveH_> ... it's always a unary operator, q is if you can write short form

... it's always a unary operator, q is if you can write short form

14:58:47 <bglimm> well, implementation experience is one thing, but I am also wondering whether that does not push BGP evaluation into higher complexity classes (regular expressions are so close to finite state automata and complement there causes an exponential blow up of the states, in OWL property negation makes reasoning undecidable, so all that raised some warnings to me)

Birte Glimm: well, implementation experience is one thing, but I am also wondering whether that does not push BGP evaluation into higher complexity classes (regular expressions are so close to finite state automata and complement there causes an exponential blow up of the states, in OWL property negation makes reasoning undecidable, so all that raised some warnings to me)

14:59:05 <SteveH_> didn't hear andy

didn't hear andy

14:59:33 <bglimm> ah, to me they suggested a breakfast

Birte Glimm: ah, to me they suggested a breakfast

14:59:48 <SteveH_> breakfast on 26th would make sense

breakfast on 26th would make sense

14:59:58 <Zakim> -chimezie

Zakim IRC Bot: -chimezie

15:00:00 <Zakim> -Souri

Zakim IRC Bot: -Souri

15:00:00 <Zakim> -SteveH_

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveH_

15:00:01 <Zakim> -LeeF

Zakim IRC Bot: -LeeF

15:00:02 <Zakim> -kasei

Zakim IRC Bot: -kasei

15:00:03 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

15:00:04 <Zakim> -bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: -bglimm

15:00:05 <Zakim> -MattPerry

Zakim IRC Bot: -MattPerry

15:00:05 <Zakim> -dcharbon2

Zakim IRC Bot: -dcharbon2

15:00:05 <MattPerry> quit

Matthew Perry: quit

15:00:07 <Zakim> -pgearon

Zakim IRC Bot: -pgearon

15:00:09 <Zakim> -OlivierCorby

Zakim IRC Bot: -OlivierCorby

15:00:15 <kasei> AndyS, did you see my question regarding the RV-2 response?

Gregory Williams: AndyS, did you see my question regarding the RV-2 response?

15:00:16 <Zakim> -AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: -AndyS

15:00:41 <AndyS> Err - no - pointer to email?

Andy Seaborne: Err - no - pointer to email?

15:00:44 <kasei> wondering if the @@ comments were for me, you, or somebody else (Steve?)

Gregory Williams: wondering if the @@ comments were for me, you, or somebody else (Steve?)

15:00:57 <kasei> no email... was in here yesterday at some point.

Gregory Williams: no email... was in here yesterday at some point.

15:01:15 <kasei> I'd like to finish up that response and get it off if possible.

Gregory Williams: I'd like to finish up that response and get it off if possible.

15:01:20 <AndyS> Ah - in the draft - @@ are "should be done (IMHO)"

Andy Seaborne: Ah - in the draft - @@ are "should be done (IMHO)"

15:01:41 <bglimm> If the SWIG does not plan for a dinner, I would suggest I reserve a table at some nearby restaurant, otherwise they might plan the evening?

Birte Glimm: If the SWIG does not plan for a dinner, I would suggest I reserve a table at some nearby restaurant, otherwise they might plan the evening?

15:02:09 <kasei> as in,  that's part of the response?

Gregory Williams: as in, that's part of the response?

15:02:21 <AndyS> Mostly aggregates and the text so far didn't seen to cover it (steve?)  RV split his comments up and scatter aggs over the whole email.

Andy Seaborne: Mostly aggregates and the text so far didn't seen to cover it (steve?) RV split his comments up and scatter aggs over the whole email.

15:03:07 <AndyS> we should add text there - @@ is W3C speak for "to be done"

Andy Seaborne: we should add text there - @@ is W3C speak for "to be done"

15:03:32 <kasei> right. i was just wondering if that was for your benefit, or if somebody else should be looking at addressing the "to be done" state of things.

Gregory Williams: right. i was just wondering if that was for your benefit, or if somebody else should be looking at addressing the "to be done" state of things.

15:04:24 <AndyS> My part is done but if you think there is something I need to attend to then do say.  aggs is SteveH_

Andy Seaborne: My part is done but if you think there is something I need to attend to then do say. aggs is SteveH_

15:04:32 <AndyS> (sorry SteveH_)

Andy Seaborne: (sorry SteveH_)

15:04:39 <kasei> ah, ok. that's what I was after. thanks.

Gregory Williams: ah, ok. that's what I was after. thanks.

15:04:46 <kasei> SteveH_, still around?

Gregory Williams: SteveH_, still around?

15:04:49 <SteveH_> yeah, hi

yeah, hi

15:04:52 <SteveH_> reading back

reading back

15:05:25 <AndyS>

Andy Seaborne:

15:06:42 <SteveH_> I thought I'd addressed all the aggregate stuff

I thought I'd addressed all the aggregate stuff

15:07:33 <kasei> I think AndyS filled out my summarization of the issues that Rob talked about, leaving room for more responses :)

Gregory Williams: I think AndyS filled out my summarization of the issues that Rob talked about, leaving room for more responses :)

15:08:53 <SteveH_> oh, he has some comments on issues 35,36,39,40

oh, he has some comments on issues 35,36,39,40

15:08:59 <SteveH_> I'll write some text for those

I'll write some text for those

15:09:40 <kasei> thanks. appreciate it. can you ping me at some point after you do that?

Gregory Williams: thanks. appreciate it. can you ping me at some point after you do that?

15:11:45 <Zakim> -AlexPassant

Zakim IRC Bot: -AlexPassant

15:11:47 <Zakim> SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended

15:11:52 <Zakim> Attendees were LeeF, +1.518.276.aaaa, kasei, AndyS, +49.238.aabb, SteveH_, OlivierCorby, +1.603.897.aacc, AlexPassant, MattPerry, Souri, +1.919.332.aadd, Sandro, dcharbon2,

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were LeeF, +1.518.276.aaaa, kasei, AndyS, +49.238.aabb, SteveH_, OlivierCorby, +1.603.897.aacc, AlexPassant, MattPerry, Souri, +1.919.332.aadd, Sandro, dcharbon2,

15:11:54 <Zakim> ... +1.312.863.aaee, pgearon, +1.216.444.aaff, chimezie, bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: ... +1.312.863.aaee, pgearon, +1.216.444.aaff, chimezie, bglimm

15:13:27 <SteveH_> kasei, AndyS. updated wiki page

kasei, AndyS. updated wiki page

15:14:04 <kasei> ah, fantastic. thanks.

Gregory Williams: ah, fantastic. thanks.

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#1) generated 2010-03-22 20:59:18 UTC by 'lfeigenb', comments: 'thanks to SteveH for chairing'