19:49:31 RRSAgent has joined #ssn 19:49:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/12/16-ssn-irc 19:49:33 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:49:33 Zakim has joined #ssn 19:49:35 Zakim, this will be 7769 19:49:36 Meeting: Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group Teleconference 19:49:36 Date: 16 December 2009 19:49:36 ok, trackbot; I see INC_SSN()3:00PM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 19:50:05 agenda+ actions from last meting 19:50:22 agenda+ tracker voting 19:50:53 agenda+ xg deliverables & extension 19:51:07 agenda+ AOB 19:51:27 ?agenda 19:51:34 agenda? 19:51:50 chair: kerry 19:52:12 Cair: kerry 19:52:18 Chair: kerry 19:54:33 INC_SSN()3:00PM has now started 19:54:42 + + 19:55:24 laurent_oz has joined #ssn 19:55:28 +??P6 19:55:40 zakim ??P6 is me 19:55:53 zakim, ??P6 is me 19:55:53 +Payam; got it 19:57:40 +??P7 20:01:29 +[IPcaller] 20:01:49 Arthur has joined #ssn 20:01:55 Manfred_DERI has joined #ssn 20:02:34 +??P9 20:02:48 zakim, ??P9 is me 20:02:48 +Arthur; got it 20:03:04 krp has joined #ssn 20:03:50 michael has joined #ssn 20:04:20 +krp 20:04:33 + +1.202.408.aabb 20:04:48 +Prateek 20:05:03 Bermudez_Luis has joined #ssn 20:05:22 +[IPcaller.a] 20:05:43 zakim, P{caller.a] is me 20:05:43 sorry, michael, I do not recognize a party named 'P{caller.a]' 20:07:06 AmitSheth has joined #ssn 20:08:00 agenda? 20:08:32 + +1.650.450.aacc 20:08:44 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me 20:08:44 +michael; got it 20:09:30 ScribeNick: Bermudez_Luis 20:10:24 Topic: Actions from Last Meeting 20:11:09 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/track/issues/ 20:13:34 ...no concrete actions 20:13:58 Topic: Tracker Voting 20:14:47 The tracker URL is not working for me 20:14:53 Topic: Issue object properties 20:15:29 no worrieds 20:15:47 Working for me too (but you need a W3C login) 20:15:50 do you have to log into w3c website? 20:15:54 yes 20:16:03 Login and the rest works fine 20:16:04 Kerry: Vote about issue http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/track/issues/1 20:16:56 Ok works now 20:17:02 took 5min ... 20:17:15 if I remember right there is also an tracker-agent for IRC, we can invite 20:17:33 there's a trackbot on the channel 20:19:32 +1 20:19:35 +1 20:19:37 +1 20:19:37 +1 20:19:38 +1 20:19:38 +1 20:19:45 +1 20:19:46 +1 20:20:57 ACTION: Michael: make changes to ontology 20:20:58 Created ACTION-1 - Make changes to ontology [on Michael Compton - due 2009-12-23]. 20:21:41 ACTION: Michael: make changes to ontology close issue 1 20:21:42 Created ACTION-2 - Make changes to ontology close issue 1 [on Michael Compton - due 2009-12-23]. 20:23:07 The comments are also on http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/track/issues/2 20:23:57 Topic: System and Process - Issue 2- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/track/issues/2 20:24:50 The emails have all been in the last half hour... (I was having dinner!) 20:24:55 click on louis's original issue, in the window which comes then, you have have also the other emails and they are accessible 20:25:35 +q 20:25:40 +q 20:25:51 +q 20:26:15 ack krp 20:26:40 ACTION: Luis: separate Issue 2 in 3 issues 20:26:40 Created ACTION-3 - Separate Issue 2 in 3 issues [on Luis Bermudez - due 2009-12-23]. 20:26:53 ack laurent_oz 20:27:40 +q 20:28:14 Kerry:have not looked at the recent thread related to issue 2 20:28:17 sorry, that wasn't the unmute button was it :-/ 20:28:22 Michael :have not looked at the recent thread related to issue 2 20:28:23 graybeal has joined #ssn 20:29:08 I would like to comment on issue 2 as well. 20:29:41 I think John made a very good comment: We should come up with a set of definitions. This will help us to understand each other better and simplify interactions and coming up with an agreement. And additionally, we can use these definitions to explain the ontology to other people as they then have the possibility to understand our thinking. 20:29:43 +q 20:30:33 trackbot: +manfred_DERI 20:30:33 Sorry, kerry, I don't understand 'trackbot: +manfred_DERI'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 20:30:49 Kevin: Relation between sensor and devices ? 20:30:56 ack Manfred_DERI 20:31:32 I agree... on agreeing about terms 20:31:37 +1 20:31:51 I put a possible starting point on the wiki before the f2f: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/SWE_terms 20:31:56 Manfred: Need definitions and process of conveying to these definitions 20:32:56 Kerry: Kevin responded to this 20:33:20 Kevin: List of terms and definitions are already on the wiki. 20:34:29 ack michael 20:34:34 Agree with Manfred on the care to take to explain where the ontology come from 20:34:36 Manfred: rationale is very important for system implementers and for improving the acceptance 20:35:32 +1 I also don't think all sensors are devices - I think we need the different concepts that Michael mentions 20:36:46 Though I'm not too bothered what either is called ;) As long as the concepts are separate. 20:37:05 When conceptualize, we should also give examples. 20:37:20 Examples help the understanding tremendously because you understand the otherwise quite abstract terms. 20:38:04 From said wiki page... Sensor: An entity capable of observing a phenomenon and returning an observed value. 20:38:30 why not leave sensor and device independent, than we still can create a combination like Sensor-device which inherits from both 20:39:32 ack graybeal 20:39:33 Michael: Device and Sensors are conceptually different. Device is a physical thing. Sensor produces a value for a property, not neccesarly a device.. 20:41:26 graybeal: Make difference between meaning of the words and meaning of the concepts within the ontology 20:41:57 How about with use the tracker to start with, and suggest changes to: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/SWE_terms 20:43:13 +q 20:43:34 ack Manfred DERI 20:43:40 graybeal: Possible solutions - create definitions and then we think about the label 20:44:56 +q 20:45:16 -q 20:45:23 Manfred_DERI: we should not be limited to our specific area. Spend more time in looking at the larger picture 20:45:26 It may be worth considering an upport ontology appproach 20:45:29 ack Payam 20:46:30 +q 20:46:33 We don't have to worry about aligning our use of the Sensor concept exactly with other uses (for one thing other uses are contradictory; for another our use is within the context of our ontology) 20:46:37 AmitSheth: design to extend is important 20:47:24 Payam: Use Resource in a general sense 20:48:10 By pursuing the idea of a glossary offline we can work on the meaning-first vs names-first during that process 20:48:27 +q 20:48:51 Kerry: We agree on start working on definitions, starting with SWE terms, and working on definitions first. John proposal ? 20:49:22 -Prateek 20:50:06 I suggest if anyone wants changes to the wiki glossary we take them to the tracker. 20:50:21 I think the Wiki is easier 20:50:37 John: Suggestion: pursue wiki definitions. Need to come to an agreement about concepts and specific terms 20:50:37 Where changes are: term modifications, or term removals 20:50:45 +q 20:50:50 +q 20:50:54 +q 20:53:19 ack krp 20:53:29 kerry:have an editor to apply changes.. comments in the wiki... 20:53:37 ack Manfred_DERI 20:53:49 Use cases review points to "categories" : need to split also the terms defs 20:53:49 SWE terms corresponds to the Sensor/Observations (Observatories) not necessary to Semantic Sensor Networks and Grids 20:53:57 ack laurent_oz 20:54:05 Manfred_DERI: wiki + 20:54:22 +1 on having an editor be the coordinator of the process of developing definitions 20:54:42 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Use_cases 20:54:47 ack Bermudez_Luis 20:54:56 any process is OK, but it is important to have an editor to align everyone's process 20:55:26 +q 20:55:56 ack Manfred_DERI 20:55:59 having the editor specify the process: +1 20:56:01 kerry: need to find out who is the editor.. 20:56:28 -q 20:56:42 Manfred_DERI: Proposing Luis... 20:57:18 kerry: This person will be organizing the process etc.. 20:57:46 Well, O&M and SensorML 20:58:47 So I could do it if Luis doesn't want to (though the next two weeks aren't good!) 21:00:07 +1 21:00:11 +1 21:00:12 kerry: vote Luis role as editor of the glossar of terms and developed the process through the wiki and comming with issues to the meeting 21:00:12 +1 21:00:27 +1 21:00:28 +1 21:00:28 +1 with kevin as co-editor? 21:00:43 +1 21:00:50 +1 for Kevin as co-editor 21:01:00 +1 for Kevin as co-editor 21:01:18 +1 21:02:06 ACTION; Luis and Kevin editors of the glossary and will start the process of moving it forward 21:02:09 Kevin do you want me to do the use case you were lined up against with Oscar? 21:02:38 Topic: xg deliverables & extension 21:03:10 laurent_oz: Feel free to start on something. We're really run off our feet at the moment (as expected), so I haven't even had the chance to discuss it with Oscar yet. 21:04:42 kerry: Not straightforward. Need to do draft report 21:05:02 ... deliverable onotology on March.. 21:06:15 +q 21:06:35 ... we have progress on markup.. not clear on semantic annotation progress 21:06:48 ack laurent_oz 21:07:25 laurent_oz: activity presented at the OGC meeting at the U Munster related to the markup task 21:08:20 - +1.650.450.aacc 21:09:09 kerry: next meeting is next week 21:09:36 Advance apologies, I very much doubt I can make next week. 21:09:45 thanks 21:09:49 -michael 21:09:49 michael has left #ssn 21:09:53 thank you, bye 21:10:05 -Payam 21:10:07 bye 21:10:09 -[IPcaller] 21:10:12 -Arthur 21:10:16 bye 21:10:16 Arthur has left #ssn 21:10:21 - + 21:10:25 Manfred_DERI has left #ssn 21:10:25 - +1.202.408.aabb 21:10:26 -??P7 21:10:26 -krp 21:10:26 INC_SSN()3:00PM has ended 21:10:27 Attendees were +, Payam, [IPcaller], Arthur, krp, +1.202.408.aabb, Prateek, +1.650.450.aacc, michael 21:10:30 bye 21:10:35 zakim, bye 21:10:35 Zakim has left #ssn 21:10:55 rrsagent make log public 21:11:07 rrsagent draft minutes 21:11:23 rrsagent, bye 21:11:23 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/12/16-ssn-actions.rdf : 21:11:23 ACTION: Michael: make changes to ontology [1] 21:11:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/12/16-ssn-irc#T20-20-57 21:11:23 ACTION: Michael: make changes to ontology close issue 1 [2] 21:11:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/12/16-ssn-irc#T20-21-41 21:11:23 ACTION: Luis: separate Issue 2 in 3 issues [3] 21:11:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/12/16-ssn-irc#T20-26-40