16:44:48 RRSAgent has joined #mediaann 16:44:48 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-irc 16:45:02 Zakim, this is MAWG 16:45:02 sorry, wbailer, I do not see a conference named 'MAWG' in progress or scheduled at this time 16:46:02 Zakim, this will be MAWG 16:46:02 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, wbailer 16:46:02 Daniel has joined #mediaann 16:48:42 Meeting: MAWG F2F 2009-11-05 16:59:43 Kangchan has joined #mediaann 17:00:00 joakim has joined #mediaann 17:01:08 wonsuk has joined #mediaann 17:02:08 Chris has joined #mediaann 17:08:49 florian has joined #mediaann 17:09:01 scribe: wbailer 17:09:06 chair: joakim 17:09:39 present: daniel, wonsuk, chris, florian, veronique, wonsuk, werner 17:09:52 topic: agenda 17:10:10 joakim: reschedule to have important topics after parallel ac meeting ends 17:10:38 wonsuk: we should discuss update of uc and requirements document 17:11:10 agenda draft at http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/Meeting_Agenda_F2F_5 17:13:18 self-introduction around the table 17:15:11 Present+ wonsuk 17:17:56 Jaesung Han who is a new person from Samsung Electronics at this meeting 17:18:06 topic: ontology improvement 17:18:39 present+ jeasung 17:22:24 veronique: in the joint paper we had different propositions for the ontology 17:22:59 ... questions: which option to follow? 17:23:13 ... other proposition: represent as event 17:24:56 ... event models by raphael troncy et al and at vua 17:25:04 ... merged the two 17:25:19 ... formal way of describing metadata 17:25:27 chris: why use events? 17:25:37 ... why eg for technical properties? 17:25:59 veronique: link technical properties to event (e.g. creation) 17:26:13 ... annotation has time dimension, supports versioning 17:26:43 chris: this is metadata about properties and not about resource 17:26:59 veronique: resource is also represented as an event, can be linked 17:27:46 veronique: proposals in paper 17:28:02 ... link properties with skos (not desinged for that) 17:28:31 ... or more formal, owl equivalent 17:28:54 veronique: do we keep the bag of properties we have now 17:29:06 ... or organise in an ontology 17:29:44 joakim: we have a set of core attributes 17:29:58 chris: these attributes are properties 17:30:26 joakim: what do you call the relations between properties? 17:30:44 veronique: property mappings 17:30:53 solbi has joined #mediaann 17:31:05 ... in wbailers and wonsuks proposal classes are used for modelling 17:31:19 ... alternative could be to represent them as events 17:31:40 veronique: do we go for one or all of these options? 17:31:51 ... what is supported in the current apis? 17:32:20 joakim: feedback from outside: where is the ontology? can it be applied to real time media 17:32:25 ... we need a primer document 17:32:53 veronique: we need to define the ontology in order to implement the api based 17:33:06 ... maybe vote for the different options 17:33:17 ... or one api per ontology proposal 17:33:32 ... would the apis be still interoperable? 17:33:50 chris: api should be independent from how ontology is modelled 17:34:08 veronique: can it be independent (property vs class) 17:34:18 chris: api will access values of core properties 17:34:28 ... mapping is taken care of internally 17:34:36 ... for the clients the api should be the same 17:35:09 ... for the 4 propositions it's possible to create compatible apis 17:35:24 florian: what's the role of the api spec? 17:35:39 chris: it's a uniform way of accessing a specific set of properties 17:36:24 florian: not much information in api spec then 17:36:50 ... actual information is in ontology document 17:36:56 ... the two could be merged 17:37:06 chris: what do you expect that the api should do? 17:37:26 florian: two documents should be merged 17:38:09 chris: api should define interface, implementation can be different 17:38:19 ... needs to conform to ontology definition 17:38:30 ... no matter how the mappings are implemented 17:38:42 florian: give guidelines for implementations 17:39:18 wbailer: our implementations will be available as example 17:39:35 florian: could be added to api doc 17:39:57 joakim: let's go through the four proposals 17:40:14 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:40:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 17:40:59 chris: the different proposals could be implementation provided with rec 17:41:14 veronique: agree to go with multiple options 17:41:26 ... only worried that apis could not be compatible 17:42:14 chris: implementation approaches do not need to be described, thinks that felix shares that view 17:42:29 chris: not sure how to make ontology document then specific enough 17:43:19 ... implementations should be published, not sure where 17:43:34 veronique: implementations should be in the document 17:43:52 chris: in other recs, they add a list of possible recommendations, not in the rec 17:44:10 ... there needs to be sufficient documentation on the implementations 17:44:24 veronqiue: reader needs concrete examples 17:45:16 +1 @ Vero 17:45:24 joakim: charter says we have 2 recommendations 17:45:46 ... we could keep them separate, but publish them synchronously 17:46:16 veronique: there is also the issue of a separate document on implementations 17:46:35 joakim: as ontology is a rec, we need to discuss how to test it 17:46:44 ... to be discussed with team conteact 17:46:51 s/conteact/contact/ 17:47:16 wonsuk: not clear how to do that for the ontology, look at how other groups handle similar issues 17:47:53 veronique: we have 5 different implementations of ontology 17:48:30 wonsuk: we have to decide if we just provide the core properties, or also design of ontology 17:48:40 ... not sure what is appropriate for recommendation 17:49:28 ... if we only provide core properties, mapping scheme is moved to implementation part 17:50:06 if we describe mapping more concretely, we need to elaborate ontology document to describe an approach that fits for many people 17:50:34 wonsuk: deciding for a certain scheme will raise discussions about approach 17:51:09 chris: wonsuk, do you mean a concrete serialisation by mapping scheme? 17:51:21 wonsuk: a concrete one 17:51:31 ... there could be additional formats not considered 17:51:39 ... people may want to add other formats 17:52:32 joakim: felix was in favour of having no formal mapping in the rec 17:52:54 ... the formal description could be to explain in make it clear, but not normative 17:53:07 ... as an additional layer of conformance 17:53:36 joakim: let's go through the approaches in the paper 17:53:53 veronique: we seem to agree that several ones are possible 17:54:19 veronique: approach based on skos 17:54:30 ... use skos for mapping between properties 17:54:43 ... issue for many people, should be discussed on skos list 17:54:54 joakim: does it define data types? 17:55:20 veronique: assumes what is mapped are skos concepts, so it's typed in a sense 17:55:34 ... less formal than owl equivalence 17:56:28 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:56:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:56:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 17:57:07 joakim: do we need inference? 17:57:29 florian: eg map dimension to width/height 17:57:35 dsinger has joined #mediaann 17:58:01 veronique: why is spatial dimension in one property? 18:01:02 there are pros and cons for having it one or two properties 18:01:22 chris: mapping using owl and swrl 18:01:36 ... properties are modelled as classes 18:01:50 ... it's ontology engineering on metadata format 18:02:05 veronique: similar to proposal in event model 18:02:29 chris: modelling properties and schemes, but approach similar to event model 18:02:52 ... model as classes, use equivalentProperty, equivalentClass 18:03:06 ... rules need for data type conversion 18:05:54 werner: introduces his approach using a format independent ontology 18:07:51 ...this approach my have drawbacks with levels of media fragments (discovered while implementing, not part of the paper) 18:08:24 veronique: event model might be useful fot mapping fragments 18:08:40 wonsuk: approach: mapping with buil-in properties 18:08:46 s/buil/built/ 18:09:06 ... describe properties in 2 standards to be ampped 18:09:19 s/ampped/mapped/ 18:09:55 ... relation classes modelling type of relation, data types 18:10:22 ... general approach for mapping between media ontology and each format 18:10:45 ... target of mapping described by XPath for XML based formats 18:11:05 ... for EXIF or ID3, the mapping class contains identifier 18:11:57 ... when metadata property is encountered, application applies information in mapping class 18:12:25 ... can access information in input file 18:12:47 veronique: should be represented as ontology defining the mapping, and rules 18:13:08 ... representation is awkward now with too many blank notes 18:13:26 ... interesting idea, but implementation needs improvement 18:14:57 veronique: event based model seems to be generalisation of chris' approach 18:15:18 ... metadata is event, that has author, start/end date, place, ... 18:15:38 ... link to representation of content, can be linked to other metadata of the event 18:16:09 ... technical properties can be attached 18:16:31 ... people are working on spatial and technical reasoning on event models 18:16:44 ... beneficial to relate to generic concepts 18:17:27 chris: reason for representing properties as concepts 18:17:46 veronique: link properties to subclasses of event model 18:18:01 joakim: created movie ontology 18:18:11 ... ingested data from imdb, dbpedia 18:18:40 ... many advantages for querying, inference 18:18:49 ... could solve problems for us 18:19:02 ... concepts get natural grouping 18:19:26 veronique: eg person has natural mapping, no need to care about structure of names 18:19:45 ... no natural mapping for some properties, might need extensions 18:19:57 joakim: do we have a generic ontology? 18:20:11 veronique: different event models have been proposed 18:20:20 ... link between different models 18:20:55 joakim: would we define generic one and link our properties? 18:21:59 motools.sourceforge.net/event/event.html 18:23:20 [coffee break] 18:23:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:23:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:23:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 18:50:50 florian has joined #mediaann 18:55:33 http://www.w3.org/TR/dcontology/ 19:02:21 topic: improvement of use case document 19:02:25 http://www.w3.org/2009/06/26-mediaann-minutes.html 19:04:19 scribe: Joakim 19:04:20 Zakim has left #mediaann 19:04:54 Veronique: we can send an email to the group if should define a generic ontology 19:08:18 Chris: how should we define the mappings in the ontology document? 19:09:22 action: Veronique to send an email to the group to define an implementation approach of ontology with four suggested approaches 19:09:23 Sorry, couldn't find user - Veronique 19:10:04 Werner: also have to maintain the mappings 19:10:46 action: joakim to ask Veronique to send an email to the group to define an implementation approach of ontology with four suggested approaches 19:10:46 Created ACTION-168 - Ask Veronique to send an email to the group to define an implementation approach of ontology with four suggested approaches [on Joakim Söderberg - due 2009-11-12]. 19:11:19 Kangchan has joined #mediaann 19:13:03 Vernoniqu will try to update the mapping table with additional properties 19:14:45 Chris: If we include generic concepts in the document we do more than we set out for 19:16:06 we should have the mapping to generic concepts as a slice of the recommendation 19:16:17 s/Vernoniqu/Veronique 19:16:37 Joakim: why we should go generic concept ? 19:17:38 a separated implementation document seems good to us by several participants 19:20:06 Primer docs would be good place for having the illustration of generic concept and something like those texts if allowed 19:22:55 ext in Ontology docs Abstract needs to be elaborated 19:24:07 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/Improvements_/_Enhancement_for_a_revision_of_the_%22Ontology_for_Media_Resource_1.0%22_document 19:25:00 briefly going through the link above 19:26:46 ACTION: vmalaise to update text on in scope formats in ontology doc (formats not in mapping table) 19:26:46 Sorry, couldn't find user - vmalaise 19:27:13 ACTION: veronique to update text on in scope formats in ontology doc (formats not in mapping table) 19:27:13 Sorry, couldn't find user - veronique 19:29:53 dsinger has joined #mediaann 19:31:47 veroniqueM has joined #mediaann 19:32:33 action: wonsuk to update 4.1.1 of ontology doc (put text on voring etc there) 19:32:34 Created ACTION-170 - Update 4.1.1 of ontology doc (put text on voring etc there) [on WonSuk Lee - due 2009-11-12]. 19:33:20 action: dave to improve description of properties (together with veronique) 19:33:20 Sorry, couldn't find user - dave 19:33:34 action: dsinger to improve description of properties (together with veronique) 19:33:34 Sorry, couldn't find user - dsinger 19:40:36 action: veroniqueM to rewrite intro to be clear on what we mean by ontology 19:40:36 Sorry, couldn't find user - veroniqueM 19:43:51 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/drafts/ontology10/WD/mapping_table.html 19:44:43 topic nr 10 can be removed 19:45:26 new types are added in http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/drafts/ontology10/WD/mapping_table.html 19:48:54 thierry added new types into the link according to stockholm meeting, but mapping table is not updated yet. Editors should review mapping table again 19:50:52 action: daniel to chase mapping table editors to restructure (following summary table) and update their tables 19:50:52 Sorry, couldn't find user - daniel 19:50:56 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/Format_mapping_review 19:51:34 this is related to topic nr 12 of the Ontology improvements 19:52:33 Daniel will contact each corresponding editor (due is 1st Dec) http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/Format_mapping_review 19:58:06 Data type in summary of mapping table as well as ontology docs will be elaborated later on 20:01:03 topic: loss of semantics: action item to Veronique to address that 20:06:41 Topic: Missing: Syntactic and semantic mapping, needs to be elaborated. Action Item to Felix 20:07:18 action: felix to define data type mappings as soon as the data types for the formats are defined 20:07:18 Created ACTION-175 - Define data type mappings as soon as the data types for the formats are defined [on Felix Sasaki - due 2009-11-12]. 20:07:29 Topic: Datatypes of properties is dropped and be part of #13 20:10:11 item nr 19 is related to role types 20:10:14 see wiki: http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/Sub_Types 20:10:31 Topic: Defining types for properties, http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/Sub_Types 20:18:52 elements that contain type/value pairs, such as contributor, title (album, song, etc), location (recording, depicted, etc), date (create, publishing, etc) and more 20:20:43 dentifier: UMID, EASN, rating: review rating, MPAA, personal rating, collection: album, personal, my favorites, 20:21:01 e.g., Identifier: UMID, EASN, ating: review rating, MPAA, personal rating, collection: album, personal, my favorites, 20:23:14 targetAudience: Age group, geographical 20:59:28 dsinger has joined #mediaann 21:00:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:00:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-minutes.html Daniel 21:06:45 florian has joined #mediaann 21:10:53 wbailer has joined #mediaann 21:11:17 wbailer has joined #mediaann 21:13:00 vmalais has joined #mediaann 21:13:22 joakim: wrap up of the previous discussions 21:14:30 Daniel has joined #mediaann 21:14:35 werner: we could make a separate page to describe the sub-properties for the core properties of the media ontology 21:15:11 ... we could think of a wiki approach to define the relevant subproperties 21:15:59 joakim: we started with the roles and relations, checked from EBU schemas 21:16:47 joakim: should be hierarchical, we culd have subproperties per media type 21:18:37 joakim: the list was elaborated from EBU and all media guide 21:21:49 dsinger has joined #mediaann 21:26:14 jean-pierre evain: EBU has made mappings between lots of schemas, we can benefit from these mappings 21:26:25 Kangchan has joined #mediaann 21:26:58 joakim: we need a method to select the relevant subproperties, the group we benefit from your experience to choose the most relevant ones 21:27:40 dsinger has joined #mediaann 21:28:24 doug: I wrote a metadata schema, I am interested in yur selection of properties 21:29:40 joakim: we need sub-properties for our core properties, I made a short list for roles, relations, Jean-Pierre Evain is from EBU, he worked on the same topic, we would like to benefit from his experience 21:31:12 Jean-Pierre Evain: in the schemas I made the mappings for, it is not really necessary to have sub-properties 21:34:52 Jean-Pierre Evain: a possibility is to add the type information to the property name 21:35:16 ... property is title for example and "album" is the type 21:35:33 ... instead of making long lists of subproperties, because this will not be exhaustive 21:36:03 Werner: agreed that we will not be exhaustive, but we would like to define a set of relevant subproperties 21:41:26 Doug: let's try to clarify a terminological problem 21:44:15 dsinger has joined #mediaann 21:48:37 Jean-Pierre Evain: "type" is a common practice to define a list of subproperties 21:50:15 ... if the ontology would be in RDF I would go for subproperties, but as it is not, the notion of type is more relevant 21:52:07 ... now it is more a list of properties and mappings, like Dublin Core, you run into the same problems: the more subproperties you make, the harder it will be for other people to map to 21:52:34 chris: my probem is that if we don't do the subproperties, we can't define mappings between them 21:54:20 Jean-Pierre Evain: I can accept the selection of the core properties, at the high level where they are, but it is much less acceptable at a greater level of specificity in the properties 21:54:42 i.e. ok on the "title" level, but not on the "album title" level 21:55:59 doug: I made maxim, a simple specification, for a webapp author the extract information from a metadata file for video 21:56:19 ... the case I was interested in was to extract metadata 21:56:57 Jean-Pierre: if you want to extract as many information as possible, then the level of "title" is more relevant, isnt't it 21:57:15 ... you can make filetrs later if you get different types of titles 21:58:55 Veronique: we are not closing doors with defining subproperties 21:59:11 Jean-Pierre: ...but you are loosing semantics 21:59:44 Veronique: want to give the possibility to specialyse th search by subproperties 22:02:11 Jean-Pierre: information will be lost, only with the mapping the information will be saved 22:02:26 ...it depends what you are mapping 22:02:55 Werner: filtering would require a unique identifier 22:03:10 ... that?s way we try to define a small set 22:04:04 Doug: a user should be able to use this set everywhere 22:07:24 ...a certain functional core set with a mechanism for extension is what it should be 22:10:07 Daniel: please discuss further topics offline Doug and Jean-Pierre 22:10:24 Topic: Milstones of the MAWG 22:10:40 Daniel: we are a little bit delayed 22:11:19 ...use case and requirements doc needs no further work 22:11:45 ...ontology and api document should be LC in March 2010 22:11:55 ...also next F2F will be in March 2010 22:12:35 ...call for implementation should be May 2010 in order to move to PR and Rec 22:13:46 Doug: this timeline is still in time 22:14:41 dsinger has joined #mediaann 22:14:50 ...the documents must be precisely 22:15:20 ...the tests should only reflect the recommendation, so tests should be build as far as possible 22:15:49 ...avoid should and may 22:16:30 Doug: open issues are the test suites 22:16:46 s/Doug: open/Daniel: open 22:17:09 Doug: you need to have 2 implementations 22:18:03 Doug: one test could be "this five formats can be mapped to the ontology" 22:19:35 Daniel: do we need to publish the Primer? 22:20:03 Phillippe: it would be nice to have...not a req 22:20:22 ...it would be only a note 22:21:09 Doug: if the rec should be used, a primer is very important 22:21:21 ...you can get the primer perhaps by the help of the community 22:22:07 Joakim: how to concretize our work? 22:22:36 Doug: you should avoid optional things 22:23:05 Joakim: is there an example fot this? 22:23:11 Doug: Perhaps in SVG 22:24:30 s/fot this/for this 22:25:13 test 22:25:36 shepazu has joined #mediaann 22:25:42 http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html#dom-events-conformance 22:26:56 Phillippe: you can also look at the security documents 22:28:02 http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-qaframe-spec-20050817/ 22:28:34 dsinger has joined #mediaann 22:29:26 Veronique: if we have several serialisations of the ontology, we could put it in the ontology document 22:31:02 Doug&Phillippe: go to CR before the group charter ends 22:33:36 ...then the time will be extended 22:33:50 ...but you will get last call comments 22:34:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:34:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-minutes.html florian 22:35:10 Joakim: major argument will be "why not use Dublin Core" 22:35:12 dsinger has joined #mediaann 22:35:18 ...but we have a answer to that 22:39:08 Doug: you have to get more precise in the API, give examples 22:39:44 Chris: it?s up to the implementation, how it accesses the metadata 22:40:44 Doug: there are common ways to get e.g. the MIME type 22:41:06 ... implementation may also query more sources 22:41:20 ...it should not be seen as a restriction 22:41:51 Chris: not in scope, where the metadata is stored 22:42:59 Doug: the format and location of the metadata should not be restricted 22:43:08 ...should be defined in a own section 22:45:05 ...should look at formats like RDFa and JSON 22:46:43 ...one reason not to put it in RDF is just one more semantic web technologie 22:47:15 ...Primers are good, because they are concentrated examples 22:48:52 Veronique: we have different ideas how to implement this ontology 22:48:53 updated milestone @ TPAC2009: http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/images/a/aa/MAWG%E2%80%99s_deliverables_status.ppt 22:49:07 ...we want to add examples but don?t know where to put 22:49:31 Joakim: (show mapping table) would this "example" column be appropriate? 22:49:43 Jean-Pierre: makes not much sense to put this table into RDF 22:50:09 Werner: would help if you want to embbed it 22:50:26 s/embbed/embed 22:51:05 Doug: what are you defining in the API? get property xy (by perhaps filtering)? 22:51:21 Chris: API should allow mapping between metadata formats 22:51:30 ...mappings stored in the ontology 22:53:31 Doug: use one interface ala getMetadata(string propertyName) 22:53:44 Chris: we also thought about that 22:54:22 Werner: this version would be easier for developer 22:54:56 Doug: let us assume the ontology is a failure, but the API is a success 22:55:07 ...make the API general, so it is decoupled 22:59:08 (some discussion about pros and cons about the two implementation approaches) 23:02:47 Doug: talk to browser vendors, what implementation they would prefer 23:04:21 ...browser vendors like things like javascript prototyping 23:07:01 ...can provide the contact to such people 23:07:58 ...return types should be an array 23:08:20 ...each object in it should be dynamicly typed 23:11:50 ...you should be able to filter on e.g. date 23:14:27 Doug will formulate some important aspects via email 23:16:08 Jean-Pierre: please inform us about the context how people would use/implement the API 23:17:40 RRSAgent, draft minutes 23:17:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-minutes.html florian 23:18:10 scribe florian 23:18:13 RRSAgent, draft minutes 23:18:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-minutes.html florian 23:18:44 scribe: florian 23:18:46 RRSAgent, draft minutes 23:18:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-mediaann-minutes.html florian 23:43:52 florian has joined #mediaann 23:52:21 scribe: Chris 23:52:30 florian has joined #mediaann 23:53:01 Joakim: where is the API located? 23:53:19 Joakim: 1. in the Web browser 23:53:43 Joakim: 2. at the web server (backend) 23:54:00 Joakim: 3. Other? 23:54:36 Werner: different possibilities 23:54:59 Werner: metadata is not necesarily at same location as api 23:55:53 Werner: metadata could be separate or included in the media resource 23:56:19 scribe: Chris 23:56:20 ... it shouldn't matter where the metadata is 23:58:42 Joakim: should we redesign the API based on Doug's comments? 23:58:58 Florian: we should ask feedback from the browser implementors