13:58:15 RRSAgent has joined #wam 13:58:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/10/29-wam-irc 13:58:33 rrsagent, make log Public 13:58:40 ScribeNick: ArtB 13:58:42 Scribe: Art 13:58:44 Chair: Art 13:58:50 Meeting: Widgets Voice Conf 13:58:55 Date: 29 October 2009 13:59:05 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009OctDec/0399.html 14:01:20 "conference is restricted at this time: 14:01:45 code 9231 is not accepted 14:01:54 capiche? 14:02:05 shepazu, HELP! 14:02:22 marcin has joined #wam 14:02:55 drogersuk has joined #wam 14:03:01 zakim, who is here? 14:03:01 On the phone I see Art_Barstow, fh 14:03:02 On IRC I see drogersuk, marcin, RRSAgent, JereK, Zakim, fh, Bryan, ArtB, chaals, shepazu, trackbot 14:03:22 Present+ Marcin_Hanclik 14:03:46 Topic: how to have a meeting with IRC only 14:03:50 can't get into the conference call at the moment.. 14:04:07 AB: the bridge isn't working so we will use IRC only for this short meeting 14:04:09 aah, Zakim 14:04:20 Topic: Review and tweak agenda 14:04:26 AB: draft agenda was published yesterday ( http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009OctDec/0399.html ). Since then Marcos closed 4a, and 4b. so they will be dropped. 14:04:32 AB: additionally, Marcos regrets for today means we will postpone 4c to next week's f2f meeting. Result is, we won't discuss P&C spec today. 14:04:45 AB: any other change requests for the Agenda? 14:05:23 AB: re the TWI and WARP parts of the agenda - we will only discuss the topics for next week; we will NOT do a deep dive for any of the topics 14:05:29 can we make the bridge work? 14:05:36 AB: anyone have any questions before the next topic? 14:05:51 Topic: Announcements 14:05:56 you can use the OMTP bridge if you want? 14:05:57 AB: does anyone have any short announcements? 14:06:13 AB: no, we are going to just use IRC today but thanks for the offer 14:06:31 Present: Art, Frederick, Jere, David, Marcin 14:06:40 +bryan 14:06:47 Present+ Bryan 14:06:52 timeless_mbp_ has joined #wam 14:07:03 Present+ Josh 14:07:12 Topic: Planning for Nov 2-3 f2f meeting 14:07:18 AB: I made a few changes to the agenda ( http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/TPAC2009Widgets) earlier today. Some specs will not be on the agenda: DigSig, URI, Updates and VM-I. 14:07:29 AB: any comments on f2f agenda? 14:07:50 I think we need to discuss the security guidelines 14:07:57 e.g. for viewmodes 14:08:06 AB: VM-MF is on the agenda 14:08:14 ... we can add Security Guidelines 14:08:24 ... it will be Monday 16:30-18:00 slot 14:08:25 sorry I'm struggling to keep up with all these acronyms 14:08:26 ok 14:08:39 Nice of you to leave slots for people to catch up other overlapping WGs, thanks 14:08:48 AB: thanks Jere 14:08:53 AB: David, OK? 14:09:17 ACTION: barstow add security guidelines to the topic list for Monday 16:30-18:00 time slot on Nov 2 14:09:17 Created ACTION-430 - Add security guidelines to the topic list for Monday 16:30-18:00 time slot on Nov 2 [on Arthur Barstow - due 2009-11-05]. 14:09:31 Thanks Art 14:09:33 AB: any other general comments on the agenda? 14:09:48 AB: we will discuss topic list for TWI and WARP as separate topics today 14:10:08 AB: last call for general comments on Nov 2-3 agenda ... 14:11:01 AB: it's unfortunate in some ways there are so many overlapping meetings but it does have the advantage we can meet f2f with other groups 14:11:12 link to agenda is where? 14:11:18 AB: in the long run, I think the advantages outweigh 14:11:33 AB: here http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/TPAC2009Widgets#Monday.2C_November_2 14:11:53 arve has joined #wam 14:12:01 did the pin change? 14:12:02 AB: re bridge for remote participants, Arve made his requests. Are there any other requests? 14:12:22 I tried calling in on my way here, but "this conference has been restricted" 14:12:31 oki, suits me perfectly :D 14:12:43 AB: consider this your last chance to ask for bridge requests for Nov 2-3 14:12:59 AB: besides Arve, any other bridge requests? 14:13:06 [ None ] 14:13:11 Topic: TWI spec: topic list for f2f meeting 14:13:15 note, DAP should have a bridge for the joint meeting times 14:13:18 AB: the topic list for the TWI spec is at ( http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/TPAC2009Widgets#The_widget_Interface_.28TWI.29_spec ). Any comments, additions, deletions? 14:13:40 AB: please look at the TWI topic list for next week 14:13:59 AB: any change requests for TWI? 14:15:18 ArtB: none from me 14:15:24 AB: ready to move on to next topic which is WARP topic list for f2f meeting ... 14:15:49 Topic: WARP spec: topic list for f2f meeting 14:16:23 AB: WARP is the only topic in the DAP + Widgets joint meeting 14:16:40 I don't see uPnP as being worthy of special-casing 14:16:44 What about the various File APIs? 14:16:49 AB: WARP topic list is: http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/TPAC2009Widgets#Access_Requests_Policy_.28WARP.29_spec 14:17:05 any expertise on HTML5 in webapps wg for discussion in join session? 14:17:08 AB: JK, there is a separate DAP + WebApps API joint meeting 14:17:10 arve: why not? 14:17:13 Oh sorry, that's for Web APIs side. Please disregard my remark about File APIs. 14:17:21 ... and in that meeting there is both File API and Web Notifications 14:17:23 s/join/joint 14:17:24 marcin: is it any more relevant than any other local traffic? 14:17:58 AB: let's not deep dive today on WARP topics 14:18:12 marcin: I won't be sitting in on that session @TPAC, but I'll leave my comments on mailing list instead 14:18:16 ... but please do feel free to send comments to public-webapps 14:18:22 arve: ok, I see. UPnP is local traffic + multicast. So it does not matter how we name. I agree then. 14:18:31 I agree with FH - it seems that the HTML5 / widget / DAP space is not clear 14:18:45 arve: ML is enough. I perceive TPAC as socializing mainly. 14:19:03 I agree on the unclarity - I submitted a request to the WebApps API meeting to clarify. 14:19:41 AB: DR, BS, FH - if something needs clarification, please elaborate on public-webapps 14:19:43 ... OK? 14:19:44 I simply want to make sure I understand HTML5 security policy and can have more than one conversation to do so. 14:19:54 If we can get a general agreement on direction, it would be a good message to put out externally 14:20:25 But it seems like there is not so much interest in addressing my questions there, or maybe there won't be agenda time, I don't know. The API group does not seem to be much of a group, really. 14:20:35 I'm proposing a meeting item along with FH here 14:20:49 to answer that specific problem 14:21:09 AB: DR, FH - if you want to propose a change to the Widgets agenda, please send your change request to public-webapps 14:21:24 AB: FH, pleas ACK 14:21:30 AB: DR, please ACK 14:21:38 s/pleas ACK/please ACK/ 14:21:46 Art, just to understand, do you agree with the point though? 14:21:58 my suggestion was simply to discuss in joint DAP/WebApps session HTML5 security model, if discussion in WebApps API session is not enough 14:22:25 AB: the term "DAP/WebApps" is too vague 14:22:37 AB: DAP has two separate joint meetings with DAP 14:22:42 ... 1. DAP + Widgets 14:22:50 ... 2. DAP + WebApps' API group 14:23:44 It might be worth getting someone to do an architecture diagram to highlight the problem of overlaps - this is exactly the point, there is no distinct separation 14:23:53 if DAP, WebApp and HTML5 are the Web, then we need to discuss the "Web security model", probably including CORS. 14:24:04 we can't even agree which meeting should discuss it 14:24:55 AB: please note that on Tues 15:30-16:30 there is a meeting of WebApps Widgets group + WebApps APIs group 14:25:04 I think discussing the HTML5 security model is not the same as adopting it for DAP, or necessitate that. 14:25:15 AB: perhaps you should propose topics for that time slot 14:25:35 Yes that might be the place to start it - is Ian Hickson there? 14:25:47 I am open to discussion, but HTML5 is on its own track. API's are distinct and should be. My questions are mainly in the HTML5-exported API's in the Webapps group scope. 14:26:09 AB: I don't know who will attend that meeting. I will be there and I presume Charles will be there 14:26:41 I plan to attend any joint meetings. 14:26:59 s/that meeting/that time slot/ 14:27:23 AB: DR, FH - again, please send agenda topics to public-webapps. OK? 14:27:56 ... same for everyone else 14:28:07 AB: anything else on agendas for today? 14:28:12 message sent 14:28:44 Topic: AOB 14:28:50 AB: no call on Nov 5; next call is Nov 12 14:28:53 I think we need a protocol for IRC-only meetings! 14:29:04 AB: anything else for today? 14:29:30 AB: BS: I agree this isn't ideal 14:29:46 AB: last call ... 14:29:53 The offer is always open if you have problems, you can use our dial-in 14:30:09 AB: see you next week! Meeting Adjourned 14:30:14 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:30:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/29-wam-minutes.html ArtB 14:30:15 goodbye, have a nice day 14:30:20 goodbye 14:30:21 -Art_Barstow 14:30:25 bye everyone 14:30:27 -fh 14:30:28 IA_WebApps(Widgets)9:00AM has ended 14:30:30 Attendees were Art_Barstow, fh 14:30:45 marcin has left #wam 14:35:23 s/AP has two separate joint meetings with DAP/AP has two separate joint meetings with WebApps/ 14:35:28 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:35:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/29-wam-minutes.html ArtB 14:35:53 Regrets: Marcos 14:35:57 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:35:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/29-wam-minutes.html ArtB 14:37:08 zakim, by 14:37:08 I don't understand 'by', ArtB 14:37:13 rrsagent, by 14:37:13 I'm logging. I don't understand 'by', ArtB. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:37:17 rrsagent, bye 14:37:17 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/10/29-wam-actions.rdf : 14:37:17 ACTION: barstow add security guidelines to the topic list for Monday 16:30-18:00 time slot on Nov 2 [1] 14:37:17 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/10/29-wam-irc#T14-09-17