20:59:59 RRSAgent has joined #owea 20:59:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/10/14-owea-irc 21:00:01 RRSAgent, make logs world 21:00:01 Zakim has joined #owea 21:00:03 Zakim, this will be 21:00:03 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 21:00:04 Meeting: Open Web Education Alliance Incubator Group Teleconference 21:00:04 Date: 14 October 2009 21:01:09 MarkDuBois has joined #owea 21:01:24 ben_friedman has joined #owea 21:01:40 Zakim, this will be OWEA 21:01:40 ok, shepazu, I see IA_(OWEA XG)5:00PM already started 21:01:49 +Shepazu 21:01:52 +??P3 21:02:24 + +1.512.963.aacc 21:02:26 zakim, who is here? 21:02:26 On the phone I see +1.309.694.aaaa, +1.404.260.aabb, ??P2, Shepazu, ??P3, +1.512.963.aacc 21:02:28 On IRC I see ben_friedman, MarkDuBois, Zakim, RRSAgent, gsims, itpastorn, shepazu, trackbot 21:02:37 virginia has joined #owea 21:02:43 Zakim, aacc is glenda 21:02:43 +glenda; got it 21:03:08 Zakim, aaaa is MarkDuBois 21:03:08 +MarkDuBois; got it 21:03:11 ben is 404.260 21:03:28 zakim, aabb is ben_friedman 21:03:28 +ben_friedman; got it 21:03:40 +[Microsoft] 21:03:58 P3 = itpastorn = Lars Gunther 21:04:00 zakim, ??P3 is itpastorn 21:04:00 +itpastorn; got it 21:04:12 Zakim, [Microsoft] is pete 21:04:12 +pete; got it 21:04:14 PEteL has joined #OWEA 21:04:28 Zakim, ??P2 is virginia 21:04:28 +virginia; got it 21:06:13 + +1.706.254.aadd 21:07:33 Zakim, aadd is aarron 21:07:33 +aarron; got it 21:08:42 Aarron has joined #owea 21:09:22 topic: W3C site launch 21:10:08 action: gsims ask w3c to link to interact materials 21:10:08 Created ACTION-18 - Ask w3c to link to interact materials [on Glenda Sims - due 2009-10-21]. 21:15:52 scribenick: gsims 21:16:14 topic: OWEA draft White Paper 21:16:58 gsims: briefed group on call with Mauro 21:17:07 w3m is reviewing OWEA draft white paper today 21:17:16 we should hear back from Mauro soon 21:23:46 we discussed goals and why OWEA would want to be a part of the W3C (as opposed to some other org) 21:24:39 topic: domain v activity 21:26:04 based on feedback...gsims changed the whitepaper to indicate that OWEA seeks to be a W3C activity rather than a domain 21:26:16 we can prove ourselves as an activity 21:26:26 and then...if appropriate become a domain 21:26:42 topic: WE Rock Tour 21:27:46 great events down at Web Directions South 21:28:12 Doug mentioned that the OWEA name is hard for folks to understand 21:28:53 MarkDuBois_ has joined #owea 21:28:56 How do we help brand OWEA in such a way that we draw the right crowd to each type of our event 21:29:26 ben_friedman: we need to review branding and messaging 21:30:25 action: ben_friedman Review OWEA Audience, Branding and Messaging 21:30:25 Sorry, couldn't find user - ben_friedman 21:30:55 action: ben Review OWEA Audience, Branding and Messaging 21:30:55 Created ACTION-19 - Review OWEA Audience, Branding and Messaging [on Ben Friedman - due 2009-10-21]. 21:31:09 AXTION-19? 21:31:18 ACTION-19? 21:31:18 ACTION-19 -- Ben Friedman to review OWEA Audience, Branding and Messaging -- due 2009-10-21 -- OPEN 21:31:18 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/owea/track/actions/19 21:31:55 http://www.bnl.gov/interlab09/ 21:32:35 topic: Is InterAct/OWEA relevant to InterLab 21:33:42 Dep of energy = www.top500.org computing 21:34:28 virginia: we can discuss this on friday's InterAct call 21:36:13 http://www.nmc.org/ 21:36:13 topic: NMC conversation New Media College Majors 21:37:43 Here are the NMC members: http://www.nmc.org/members 21:38:17 MarkDuBois has joined #owea 21:40:08 NMC has a new project to consider adding programmatic accreditation for new media and new media arts programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels. 21:40:59 The new body will be called the Accrediting Commission of the New Media Consortium. 21:41:38 AArron: NMC could benefit from our industry connections 21:42:28 http://www.nmc.org/news/nmc/imls-steve-grant 21:42:41 http://www.nmc.org/news/nmc/7315 21:45:10 zakim: who is noisy? 21:46:55 Aarron: Information Architecture Institute would be a good place to contact after the white paper 21:47:04 Aarron: IXDA as well 21:47:22 http://www.ixda.org/ 21:47:47 http://iainstitute.org/ 21:48:45 gsims: I propose we shoot for a "final" draft of the OWEA white paper by year end 21:50:50 action: gsims figure out how to create a bank account of OWEA 21:50:50 Created ACTION-20 - Figure out how to create a bank account of OWEA [on Glenda Sims - due 2009-10-21]. 21:52:08 -ben_friedman 21:52:10 -pete 21:52:10 -MarkDuBois 21:52:11 -itpastorn 21:52:13 -aarron 21:52:14 -virginia 21:52:16 -glenda 21:52:22 -Shepazu 21:52:23 IA_(OWEA XG)5:00PM has ended 21:52:24 Attendees were +1.309.694.aaaa, +1.404.260.aabb, Shepazu, +1.512.963.aacc, glenda, MarkDuBois, ben_friedman, itpastorn, pete, virginia, +1.706.254.aadd, aarron 21:53:14 trackbot, end telcon 21:53:14 Zakim, list attendees 21:53:14 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 21:53:15 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 21:53:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/14-owea-minutes.html trackbot 21:53:16 RRSAgent, bye 21:53:16 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/10/14-owea-actions.rdf : 21:53:16 ACTION: gsims ask w3c to link to interact materials [1] 21:53:16 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/10/14-owea-irc#T21-10-08 21:53:16 ACTION: ben_friedman Review OWEA Audience, Branding and Messaging [2] 21:53:16 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/10/14-owea-irc#T21-30-25 21:53:16 ACTION: ben Review OWEA Audience, Branding and Messaging [3] 21:53:16 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/10/14-owea-irc#T21-30-55 21:53:16 ACTION: gsims figure out how to create a bank account of OWEA [4] 21:53:16 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/10/14-owea-irc#T21-50-50