18:51:30 RRSAgent has joined #core 18:51:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/08/05-core-irc 18:51:34 Zakim has joined #core 18:51:39 zakim, this will be I18N 18:51:39 ok, aphillip; I see I18N_CoreWG()3:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 18:51:48 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 18:52:01 Meeting: W3C Internationalization WG Teleconference 18:52:07 Chair: Addison Phillips 18:52:11 Scribe: Addison Phillips 18:52:15 ScribeNick: aphillip 18:52:37 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2009Aug/0002.html 18:52:46 Regrets: felix 18:52:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/08/05-core-minutes.html aphillip 19:01:39 r12a has joined #core 19:01:42 I18N_CoreWG()3:00PM has now started 19:01:49 +aphillip 19:02:39 zakim, dial richard-home 19:02:39 ok, r12a; the call is being made 19:02:40 +Richard 19:02:43 David has joined #core 19:03:26 Hello Richard & Adisson 19:04:21 I'm not up to date with I18N, but I thought I'd listen in :) 19:04:58 +??P1 19:05:18 zakim, ??P1 is David 19:05:18 +David; got it 19:06:44 zakim, who's here ? 19:06:44 On the phone I see aphillip, Richard, David 19:06:45 On IRC I see David, r12a, Zakim, RRSAgent, aphillip 19:09:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2009Aug/0003.html 19:09:03 I like to review some changes I made to the bidi techniques draft and get any feedback. They include the following: 19:09:03 1. changed Best Practices to Techniques throughout (and just removed from the title) 19:09:03 2. created 3 new techniques 19:09:03 http://www.w3.org/International/docs/bp-html-bidi/#scrollbar 19:09:03 http://www.w3.org/International/docs/bp-html-bidi/#iso_encoding 19:09:05 http://www.w3.org/International/docs/bp-html-bidi/#externalized_text 19:09:07 3. redesigned http://www.w3.org/International/docs/bp-html-bidi/uanotes and changed the links after each technique so that there is only one now, pointing to a section in the uanotes document. The uanotes document contains a short summary of any browser-specific note and pointers to tests and results for more information. It also contains links to the appropriate section or sections of the techniques index so you can find more information. 19:14:17 The document direction can be toggled through the document object model (DOM) (document.direction="ltr/rtl") 19:15:02 show "ltr" or "rtl" 19:16:12 change 'see link below' in note to include the link right there 19:16:21 IE 5 -> IE 5+ 19:18:02 fully bold Logical ordering 19:20:18 consistent casing of 8-i/8-I 19:22:02 David: make title ... Use the right ISO encoding for Hebrew 19:24:05 perhaps: "specify and use a logical order encoding for Hebrew" 19:26:04 contrary to what is said -> by the way, contrary to what... 19:26:07 make it last 19:31:15 add alternative to use Windows 1255 19:36:29 Use the proper visual encoding name "ISO-8859-8-i" 19:36:45 s/visual/logical/ 19:36:55 ... for Hebrew 19:37:57 if you have to use an ISO encoding, use the proper encoding name for the logical encoding of hebrew 19:39:31 technique for...externalized text.... 19:39:33 or on JavaScript dialog boxes. 19:39:46 perhaps: or in javascript dialog boxes (alerts) 19:42:14 links to explain RLE, LRE and PDF 19:42:22 expand IE 19:45:03 tech 14, link to directional runs in glossary needs correcting 19:47:36 -David 19:50:49 -aphillip 19:50:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/08/05-core-minutes.html aphillip 19:50:58 -Richard 19:50:59 I18N_CoreWG()3:00PM has ended 19:51:01 Attendees were aphillip, Richard, David 19:51:04 zakim, bye 19:51:04 Zakim has left #core 19:51:09 RRSAgent, bye 19:51:09 I see no action items