21:01:10 RRSAgent has joined #webapps 21:01:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/07/22-webapps-irc 21:01:12 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:01:12 Zakim has joined #webapps 21:01:14 Zakim, this will be WAPP 21:01:14 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 21:01:15 Meeting: Web Applications Working Group Teleconference 21:01:15 Date: 22 July 2009 21:01:17 Zakim, call shepazu 21:01:17 sorry, shepazu, I don't know what conference this is 21:01:29 zakim, this is DOM3 21:01:29 ok, shepazu; that matches IA_WebApps(DOM3)5:00PM 21:01:35 zakim, call shepazu 21:01:35 ok, shepazu; the call is being made 21:01:36 +Shepazu 21:01:37 -??P1 21:01:56 +??P1 21:02:05 Zakim, ??P1 is me 21:02:05 +smaug; got it 21:02:47 zakim, who's here? 21:02:47 On the phone I see [Microsoft], Shepazu, smaug 21:02:48 On IRC I see RRSAgent, MSjacob, shepazu, heycam, ilinsky, gsnedders, Marcos, krijnh, karl, tlr, Lachy, smaug, hendry, trackbot, Dashiva, gavin_, timelyx, Hixie, inimino, phenny 21:03:01 zakim, [Microsoft] is MSJacob 21:03:01 +MSJacob; got it 21:05:38 Zakim, pick a victim 21:05:38 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose smaug 21:05:51 chair: shepazu 21:06:25 scribenick: smaug 21:06:35 scribe: Olli Pettay 21:07:41 shepazu: we are all awesome 21:08:10 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2009JulSep/0039.html 21:09:08 MSjacob: smaug: the new draft looks reasonable 21:10:28 dand has joined #webapps 21:10:43 howdy 21:10:54 http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html 21:11:16 Zakim, code? 21:11:16 the conference code is 3663 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), shepazu 21:11:22 there you go, dand 21:12:13 cheers 21:12:30 +[IPcaller] 21:12:33 shepazu: some of the events needs the be defined better, as per the comments sent to the mailing list 21:12:49 ZAKIM, [IPcaller] IS dand 21:12:49 +dand; got it 21:13:51 MikeSmith has joined #webapps 21:14:32 shepazu: I'll add some more diagrams, for example about mouse events handling 21:14:34 um, can't hear you all of a sudden 21:15:46 -dand 21:16:15 +[IPcaller] 21:16:18 yeah, just done 21:16:31 Zakim, [IPcaller] is dand 21:16:31 +dand; got it 21:17:36 smaug: I haven't commented about mouseenter/leave 21:17:45 shepazu: they just went in 21:18:19 shepazu: need to sort out when mouseenter/leave actually happen 21:19:41 shepazu: DOMFocusIn/Out are deprecated 21:20:17 http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/index.html 21:22:10 shepazu: MSjacob to test DOMFocusIn/out vs focus/blur 21:22:47 Action: MSjacob to test DOMFocusIn/out vs focus/blur 21:22:47 Sorry, couldn't find user - MSjacob 21:22:49 Action: Travis to test DOMFocusIn/out vs focus/blur 21:22:49 Created ACTION-386 - Test DOMFocusIn/out vs focus/blur [on Travis Leithead - due 2009-07-29]. 21:23:23 MSjacob: there is no such thing like beforeblur/beforefocus. Should there be such thing? 21:25:20 IE has focusin which happens before focus changes 21:27:07 MSjacob: though, IE hasn't capture phase atm 21:28:34 ISSUE: resolve case of focusin in IE 21:28:34 Created ISSUE-92 - Resolve case of focusin in IE ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/issues/92/edit . 21:29:34 Zakim, who is talking 21:29:34 I don't understand 'who is talking', smaug 21:30:32 MSjacob: there is need for relatedTarget to know where the focus is moving from 21:35:14 ACTION: shepazu to add relatedTarget to UIEvent or to some new interface (for focus handling events) 21:35:14 Created ACTION-387 - Add relatedTarget to UIEvent or to some new interface (for focus handling events) [on Doug Schepers - due 2009-07-29]. 21:36:12 ACTION: smaug to test focus handling in gecko 21:36:13 Created ACTION-388 - Test focus handling in gecko [on Olli Pettay - due 2009-07-29]. 21:36:47 Topic: DOMActivate vs. Click 21:38:56 shepazu: it seems to me that only firefox has implemented DOMActivate 21:39:40 shepazu: where else is DOMActivate used 21:40:39 http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/REC-xforms-20071029/#evt-activate 21:40:58 shepazu: svg might mention DOMActivate too 21:41:43 shepazu: what implementations use it and who relies on it and what are the use cases 21:42:02 shepazu: what content relies upon it 21:43:21 shepazu: I'm also concerned about a11y 21:44:47 shepazu: I'd like to invite comments about DOMActivate 21:45:27 shepazu: click is also pretty abstract 21:46:02 shepazu: I'll contact the WAI folks 21:48:18 chaals has joined #webapps 21:49:45 yes 21:50:16 zakim, code? 21:50:16 the conference code is 3663 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), chaals 21:50:33 Topic: composition events 21:51:03 +??P3 21:51:09 zakim, ??p3 is me 21:51:09 +chaals; got it 21:51:13 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2009JulSep/att-0010/compositionevent.txt 21:52:23 chaals: I agree, DOMFocusIn/Out/Activate could be deprecated 21:55:31 MSJacob has joined #webapps 21:55:43 Dan's composition events mail: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2009JulSep/0010.html 21:57:27 shepazu: I didn't know whether to add/use composition event or text events 21:59:15 do we need the cursor position data? 22:02:16 shepazu: maybe a property .compositionTarget to the event? 22:05:43 shepazu: what kind of range could we add to the event? 22:11:45 dand: can say that composionstart is fired before composion really starts 22:12:34 dand: so that cursor/focus can be moved to another place 22:16:28 shepazu: for now we develop this in D3E, but if it gets really complicated, may need to move elsewhere 22:17:14 anne2 has joined #webapps 22:17:34 Action: Dand to write up details of compositions selection and sequence 22:17:34 Sorry, couldn't find user - Dand 22:18:09 http://www.danilatos.com/event-test/ime-test.html 22:24:41 shepazu: should this be like defined now, or should a property be added to text event? 22:25:28 -chaals 22:26:18 shepazu: I've been thinking to add a new property to textEvent "origin" 22:26:34 shepazu: whether the text is from copy-paste/dnd/etc.. 22:26:42 shepazu: would it be useful? 22:26:56 dand: yes, sounds useful 22:28:46 we need a list of most common possible values for the "origin" 22:31:35 (and another name, origin is too confusing with the scheme/hostname/port tuple used for security purposes) 22:31:56 agreed, anne2 22:32:59 unknown, paste, IME, voice, handwriting, multimodal? 22:42:31 smaug: I'll test key+click event handling 22:44:35 -MSJacob 22:44:40 -smaug 22:44:43 trackbot, stop telcon 22:44:43 Sorry, shepazu, I don't understand 'trackbot, stop telcon'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 22:44:45 -Shepazu 22:44:50 trackbot, end telcon 22:44:50 Zakim, list attendees 22:44:50 As of this point the attendees have been Shepazu, smaug, MSJacob, dand, chaals 22:44:51 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 22:44:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/07/22-webapps-minutes.html trackbot 22:44:52 RRSAgent, bye 22:44:52 I see 5 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/22-webapps-actions.rdf : 22:44:52 ACTION: MSjacob to test DOMFocusIn/out vs focus/blur [1] 22:44:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/22-webapps-irc#T21-22-47 22:44:52 ACTION: Travis to test DOMFocusIn/out vs focus/blur [2] 22:44:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/22-webapps-irc#T21-22-49 22:44:52 ACTION: shepazu to add relatedTarget to UIEvent or to some new interface (for focus handling events) [3] 22:44:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/22-webapps-irc#T21-35-14 22:44:52 ACTION: smaug to test focus handling in gecko [4] 22:44:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/22-webapps-irc#T21-36-12 22:44:52 ACTION: Dand to write up details of compositions selection and sequence [5] 22:44:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/22-webapps-irc#T22-17-34 22:44:54 -dand 22:44:56 IA_WebApps(DOM3)5:00PM has ended 22:44:57 Attendees were Shepazu, smaug, MSJacob, dand, chaals