13:31:28 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 13:31:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/07/21-bpwg-irc 13:31:39 zakim, this is BPWG 13:31:39 ok, PhilA2; that matches MWI_BPWG()9:30AM 13:31:41 +DKA 13:31:44 -Phil_Archer 13:31:45 +Phil_Archer 13:32:05 +edc 13:32:29 EdC has joined #bpwg 13:32:46 rrsagent, make logs public 13:33:01 Meeting: BPWG Weekly Telco 13:33:15 +[IPcaller] 13:33:25 zakim, [IPcaller] is yeliz 13:33:25 +yeliz; got it 13:33:31 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2009Jul/0042.html 13:33:37 zakim, mute yeliz 13:33:37 yeliz should now be muted 13:37:30 jsmanrique has joined #bpwg 13:37:46 DKA: It's going to be a short call 13:37:54 .. we don't have Jo or Adam on the call 13:38:02 ... and there's no administrativa 13:38:19 DKA: Is there any news on BP 1.5? 13:38:53 SeanP has joined #bpwg 13:40:09 PhilA: I spent about an hour on it today. I'm cutting and syhthesising as I go 13:40:17 +SeanP 13:40:21 ... hope to have it done within next 2 weeks latest 13:40:37 DKA: That's the right approach (the semi-autocratic one) - but keep a change log 13:40:44 q+ 13:40:50 ack ed 13:41:06 DKA: Is there anything we can talk about without visibility of the latest draft of MAWB? 13:41:47 Ed: François was going to find out whether the tests provided by Chaals were complete? 13:42:24 ... since neither Chaals nor François are here we need to postpone that discussion. 13:42:54 q+ 13:42:55 DKA: Unless someone thinks otherwise, let's close the call at this point 13:43:02 scribe: PhilA 13:43:07 scribeNick: PhilA 13:43:25 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:43:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/07/21-bpwg-minutes.html PhilA2 13:43:33 Ed: Is there a call next week? 13:43:40 DKA: I believe so. Jo should be here 13:43:45 DKA: I'm away for the next 3 weeks 13:44:01 -DKA 13:44:02 bye 13:44:02 -Phil_Archer 13:44:04 -SeanP 13:44:08 -edc 13:44:11 -yeliz 13:44:13 MWI_BPWG()9:30AM has ended 13:44:13 rrsagent, generate minutes 13:44:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/07/21-bpwg-minutes.html PhilA2 13:44:14 Attendees were Phil_Archer, DKA, edc, yeliz, SeanP 13:44:38 rrsagent, generate minutes 13:44:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/07/21-bpwg-minutes.html PhilA2 13:44:56 Chair: Dan 13:46:52 Regrets+ Bruce, Jo, François, Kai, Adam, Sangwhan Moon, Tom Hume, Abel, Nacho 13:47:00 rrsagent, generate minutes 13:47:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/07/21-bpwg-minutes.html PhilA2 13:48:56 jsmanrique has left #bpwg 13:54:28 PhilA2 has left #bpwg 15:47:54 Zakim has left #bpwg