12:42:58 RRSAgent has joined #ssn 12:42:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/28-ssn-irc 12:43:10 rrsagent, stop 12:47:13 Chair: Amit_oz 12:48:56 Meeting: SSNX 12:49:15 Scribe: Cory 12:49:34 Scribenick: cory 12:49:45 agenda? 12:54:52 Holger has joined #ssn 12:55:15 hi amit 12:56:02 hi holge 12:56:04 r 12:56:47 are you dialled in ? 12:56:57 ...about to... 12:57:51 Kerry has joined #ssn 12:58:03 michael_ has joined #ssn 12:58:32 hi all 12:58:49 hi everyone 12:59:05 zakim, what conference is this? 12:59:05 no conference has been selected, amit_oz 12:59:17 cory has joined #ssn 12:59:39 zakim, this conference will be SSNX 12:59:39 ok, amit_oz; I see INC_SSN()9:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 12:59:44 thanks zakim 12:59:53 hi cory 12:59:57 hello 13:00:13 hi all 13:00:24 zakim, who is here? 13:00:24 INC_SSN()9:00AM has not yet started, amit_oz 13:00:25 On IRC I see cory, michael_, Kerry, Holger, RRSAgent, Zakim, amit_oz 13:00:35 krp has joined #ssn 13:00:54 lsit attendees 13:01:02 zakim, list attendees 13:01:02 sorry, amit_oz, I don't know what conference this is 13:01:14 zakim, this conference is SSNX 13:01:14 ok, amit_oz; that matches INC_SSN()9:00AM 13:01:19 zakim, list attendees 13:01:19 As of this point the attendees have been amit_oz, Holger 13:01:27 + +1.202.408.aaaa 13:01:36 +PrateekJain-WSU 13:01:59 +??P24 13:02:08 + +49.25.aabb 13:02:08 +[IPcaller] 13:02:13 - +49.25.aabb 13:02:24 +??P24 is probably me 13:02:40 +krp 13:02:58 LuisBermudez has joined #ssn 13:03:34 + +49.25.aacc 13:04:02 zakim, list attendees 13:04:02 As of this point the attendees have been amit_oz, Holger, +1.202.408.aaaa, PrateekJain-WSU, +49.25.aabb, [IPcaller], krp, +49.25.aacc 13:06:03 zakim, is with 13:06:03 sorry, amit_oz, I do not recognize a party named '' 13:06:27 zakim, +??P24 is with michael_ 13:06:27 sorry, michael_, I do not recognize a party named 'michael_' 13:06:47 zakim, +??P24 is with michael.j.compton 13:06:47 sorry, michael_, I do not recognize a party named 'michael.j.compton' 13:07:12 zakim, +??P24 is with michael 13:07:12 sorry, michael_, I do not recognize a party named 'michael' 13:08:03 TRY THIS: zakim, ??P1 may be Foo 13:08:09 Try it as "is", not "is with" 13:08:18 zakim, +??P24 is michael_ 13:08:18 sorry, michael_, I do not recognize a party named '+??P24' 13:08:51 zakim, +??P24 may be michael_ 13:08:51 sorry, amit_oz, I do not understand your question 13:08:56 zakim, list attendees 13:08:56 As of this point the attendees have been amit_oz, Holger, +1.202.408.aaaa, PrateekJain-WSU, +49.25.aabb, [IPcaller], krp, +49.25.aacc 13:09:03 zakim, ??P24 is michael_ 13:09:03 +michael_; got it 13:09:23 agenda? 13:11:08 you'd think we could vote in a better time :-0 13:11:22 hehe 13:11:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-ssn/2009Apr/0041.html 13:11:59 LuisBermudez has joined #ssn 13:12:36 + +34.91.336.aadd 13:12:48 scribenick: cory 13:12:58 agenda? 13:14:27 kerry:submit proposal tomorrow, send to Amit and Kevin 13:17:07 action:move deliverables to front page 13:17:55 action:meeting for time slot b next week 13:18:15 ocorcho has joined #ssn 13:19:29 amit_s:send invitations to PC members for ISWC workshop 13:20:17 Kerry:send PC invitations 13:20:26 action:Kerry to send PC invitations 13:21:32 Christoph:researches semantics in geoinformatics, works with 52North 13:22:55 GeoSciml.org 13:22:59 Simon: works with OGC-SWE, primarily with O&M, and other standardization projects such as GEOSCIML 13:23:31 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Main_Page 13:23:56 Kerry has joined #ssn 13:24:26 amit_s: presentation on semantic sensor markup of data and services 13:34:06 amit_s: SA-REST, http://wiki.knoesis.org/index.php/SA-REST 13:37:06 amit_s: many ontologies relevant to semantic sensor networks 13:41:42 cory: using JXML2OWL to convert O&M XML to to RDF 13:43:12 Simon: be careful relying on O&M XML-schema for mapping 13:43:21 simon.cox@csiro.au 13:43:45 Simon: possibly rely on O&M UML model 13:47:42 Simon: GML has rich RDF heritage, UML representation preserves relationships 13:52:43 Simon: Start with single UML model, then encode in XML and RDF/OWL 13:53:43 Luis: Change model at UML level 13:55:48 action: send agenda items to amit_p 13:55:52 +q 13:56:35 agenda item--what the sensor ontology is all about (michael to present?) 13:57:09 Can we confirm what time we're meeting next week? (well, which day?) 13:57:09 agenda: Michael to present sensor ontology 13:57:22 action: Michael to present sensor ontology 13:57:50 action: Cory send meeting time for next week 13:58:32 Luis: there are tools to convert UML to OWL 13:59:43 Simon: has doubt generic UML to OWL tools will work with OGC models 14:01:39 action: Simon to send sample models 14:02:09 action: Add participant info to wiki 14:02:12 -[IPcaller] 14:02:14 -amit_oz 14:02:15 -michael_ 14:02:19 -Holger 14:02:19 - +49.25.aacc 14:02:20 - +34.91.336.aadd 14:02:22 Kerry has left #ssn 14:02:22 - +1.202.408.aaaa 14:02:33 -??P19 14:02:38 -krp 14:02:40 -PrateekJain-WSU 14:02:42 INC_SSN()9:00AM has ended 14:02:48 Attendees were amit_oz, Holger, +1.202.408.aaaa, PrateekJain-WSU, +49.25.aabb, [IPcaller], krp, +49.25.aacc, michael_, +34.91.336.aadd 14:02:57 michael_ has left #ssn 14:03:00 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 14:03:01 rrsagent, please publish the minutes 14:03:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/28-ssn-minutes.html amit_oz 14:03:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:03:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/28-ssn-minutes.html cory 14:03:13 Thanks cory 14:03:23 no worries 14:03:40 should I send minutes to everyone? 14:03:43 feel free to send out an email with the link to the minutes... 14:03:50 ok 14:04:05 yeah absolutely... just capture the actions seperately, that way it is easier reading :) 14:04:18 you can do that by saying actions? 14:04:21 actions? 14:04:26 actions/ 14:04:28 actions? 14:05:04 thanks very much for doing a great job 14:05:10 thanks amit 14:05:12 see you via email and online next week 14:05:16 ok 14:05:18 ciao 14:15:18 bye