17:01:12 RRSAgent has joined #rif-prd 17:01:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/28-rif-prd-irc 17:01:24 rrsagent, make log public 17:01:32 rrsagent, make minutes 17:01:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/28-rif-prd-minutes.html csma 17:01:44 Regrets: Paul Vincent 17:01:46 apaschke has joined #rif-prd 17:03:55 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:03:55 SW_RIF(PRD)1:00PM has not yet started, csma 17:03:56 On IRC I see apaschke, RRSAgent, cke, Zakim, csma 17:04:07 "not" was not accepted 17:06:46 Not-a-fact 17:07:24 why not just "neg"? 17:07:52 not, neg, naf 17:08:07 those ones are not for consideration 17:09:09 inflationary negation 17:10:23 not_class, not_inf, not_naf 17:10:44 Notnow 17:12:59 maybe we should offer several different proposals and them simply do a straw poll in the next general RIF telecon 17:13:07 Not(Exists ?x P(?x)) 17:13:29 another example: (not (customer.age > 20)) 17:14:00 if the customer's age is 18, then this is true 17:14:23 Nsf 17:14:49 prdNot, bldNot, coreNot, ... 17:16:14 Naf = Negation as failure 17:16:23 Nsf = Not supported by facts 17:16:31 and "boolean_not"? 17:21:11 I prefer it not to be an acronym. I like something explicit like "negation" 17:21:15 Notsf 17:21:44 Can we avoid saying "fact"? 17:22:07 There can be only test, like (not (customer.age > 20)) 17:22:43 I prefer Nsf over Notsf since NsF is like Neg, Naf 17:23:47 a variant could be "No matching facts" = Nmf 17:26:07 how about "notf"? 17:27:06 Another example (customer (age not > 20)) 17:32:02 how about "binary_not"? 17:32:19 classical (Boolean) negation 17:32:44 is a two-valued true-false logic 17:33:09 three-valued logic with unknown truth value (Kleene negation) 17:33:18 And "pnot" for production rule not? 17:33:36 or maybe "prnot"? 17:36:24 INot 17:36:48 NotI 17:37:02 Not(I) 17:37:27 Inot 17:37:37 INeg 17:37:48 I find ineg better 17:38:05 how do we write it? 17:38:17 ineg, INeg or Ineg? 17:38:30 PROPOSED: INeg (for Inflationary, or immediate, negation) 17:38:42 +1 17:41:32 subsumption is already an advanced concept to optimize the execution flow 17:45:11 Subsumption is very advanced, we have to do extensive analysis for this 17:45:47 PROPOSED: drop subsumion from the conflict resolution strategy, and come back to the previous consensus (refraction+priority+recency), maybe with an implementation note. 18:20:25 RRSagent, make minutes 18:20:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/28-rif-prd-minutes.html csma 18:20:57 zakim, list attendees 18:20:57 sorry, csma, I don't know what conference this is 18:21:22 zakim, this is rifprd 18:21:22 sorry, csma, I do not see a conference named 'rifprd' in progress or scheduled at this time 18:24:27 csma has left #rif-prd