16:53:30 RRSAgent has joined #css 16:53:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-css-irc 16:53:39 zakim, this will be style 16:53:40 ok, plinss; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 16:55:41 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 16:55:43 + +1.253.307.aaaa 16:56:40 - +1.253.307.aaaa 16:56:41 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 16:56:41 Attendees were +1.253.307.aaaa 16:57:43 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 16:57:45 + +1.858.354.aaaa 16:57:56 zakim, +1.858.354 is me 16:57:57 +plinss; got it 16:58:07 +dsinger 16:58:08 -dsinger 16:58:09 +dsinger 16:58:14 + +1.253.307.aabb 16:58:27 dsinger has joined #css 16:58:46 zakim, +1.253.307 is arronei 16:58:46 +arronei; got it 16:58:47 Zakim, mute me 16:58:48 dsinger should now be muted 16:58:58 +[Microsoft] 16:59:12 Good morning ... On bus as usual 16:59:24 morning David 17:01:52 zakim, [microsoft] has sylvaing 17:01:52 +sylvaing; got it 17:02:05 Zakim, who is here? 17:02:05 On the phone I see plinss, dsinger (muted), arronei, [Microsoft] 17:02:07 [Microsoft] has sylvaing 17:02:11 On IRC I see dsinger, RRSAgent, Zakim, arronei, fantasai, plinss_, shepazu, jdaggett, plinss, Bert, krijnh, trackbot, Hixie 17:02:45 Ah, do we have a chair? 17:02:51 yes 17:03:20 Cool 17:03:28 ChrisL has joined #css 17:03:50 dbaron has joined #css 17:04:27 I will have to stop at 9:55 btw 17:04:30 +ChrisL 17:04:55 sylvaing has joined #css 17:05:16 +Bert 17:05:26 +David_Baron 17:06:17 +??P10 17:07:25 P10 must be fantasai? 17:07:49 zakim, ??p10 is probably fantasai 17:07:49 +fantasai?; got it 17:08:48 scribe: chris 17:08:49 +howcome 17:08:53 scribenick: chrisl 17:09:05 rrsagent, here 17:09:05 See http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-css-irc#T17-09-05 17:09:19 rrsagent, make logs public 17:09:26 topic: @import 17:09:31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Feb/0119.html 17:10:36 cl: sent some email about multiple @rules clamouring to be 'first' 17:10:41 zakim, who is speaking? 17:10:52 ChrisL, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [Microsoft] (64%), ChrisL (63%), Bert (4%), howcome (5%) 17:11:20 Zakim, [Microsoft] has sylvaing 17:11:20 sylvaing was already listed in [Microsoft], sylvaing 17:12:02 sg: need to distinguish functionaly valid from syntactically valid 17:12:20 hl: we should use the canonoical CSS syntax 17:12:35 pl: agree with chris point but its not related to the current issue 17:12:53 ... so the current case seems like a problem 17:12:54 +Melinda_Grant 17:13:20 hl; problematic, use the eternal syntax not the css 1, 2 or 3 syntax 17:13:50 db: so implementations that dont implement that currently will need to do so, to see if some junk fits the eternal synbtax 17:13:58 melinda has joined #CSS 17:14:23 ee: we don't wat to cut off extensibility 17:14:44 sl: the specific test case in anne's emailis gramatically correct, but implementations differ 17:15:23 ae: in fact it is invalid due to leading numeric 17:16:14 pl: would not allow a valid rule, but would allow known or unknown @rules. 17:16:19 hl: yes 17:16:28 cl: i agree 17:16:52 alexmog has joined #css 17:16:52 so in the anne test case, its not an @rule. 17:17:23 sl: spec talks about valid statements, not @rules specifically. but this is not a valid statement 17:17:39 hl: bert? 17:18:00 bb: don't want it to load, as the rule ight be valid in the future. need to stop it loading 17:18:12 sl: butbrowsers do load these currently 17:18:17 hl: they should not 17:18:41 bb: some day we may invent an @rule that has to come before an @import 17:19:09 cl: @charset isn't an @rule 17:19:17 bb: no, its special cased in the grammar 17:19:19 -arronei 17:19:39 ae: yes but its reparsed as an @rule once the charset is detected 17:19:45 bb: no 17:20:30 sl: spec says @import cannot come after a valid statement. but this is not a valid sytatement. 17:20:44 bb: its correct 17:20:55 bb: its a normal token, 17:21:15 sl: which meaning of valid do we mean here. succesfully parsed, or known and can be applied? 17:21:19 pl: the former 17:22:03 hl: we cn say there should be nothing ahead of @import except @charset. removes need to discuss 'valid' 17:22:28 db: has anyone looked at whatwebkit does? do not want to get into non-interoperable behaviour 17:22:47 .. what exactly does webkit to to accept or reject this @rule? 17:23:21 hl: if we can agree on a simple workable solution we can test it against implementations 17:23:29 db: The solution we use in Gecko is, if it parses into something that we know about, then we drop following @import rules 17:23:47 db: in gecko, if the rule is dropped then we continue to process the @rule 17:23:59 hl; easy to flag if something has been dropped 17:24:23 db: an extra semicolon at end of time - would that cause the @import to be dropped? 17:24:26 hl: no 17:24:28 dsinger has joined #css 17:24:40 +[Apple] 17:24:50 -dsinger 17:24:56 zakim, [apple] has dsinger 17:24:56 +dsinger; got it 17:25:03 ee: do you drop @import after an invalid selector? eg two commas 17:25:11 or an unknown pseudo 17:25:17 db: yes so following @import would be allowed 17:25:34 bb: suggest we allow empty stements, space, cdo cdc, nothing else 17:25:40 s/allowed/loaded/ 17:25:51 s/stements/statements/ 17:26:13 plh: its reasonable but not forward compatible 17:26:51 db: properties not an issue as they are inside the rules, . error in selctor forces rule to be dropped 17:26:58 Lachy has joined #css 17:27:06 bb; concerned about things that could be valid in the future 17:27:44 db: spec id clear on rules being ignored. if spec must be ignored it can't trigger other things 17:27:57 cl: so ignored means treat as if it was never there 17:28:27 db: we have that issue witha lot of things. dont want future stylesheets to break completely 17:28:53 pl: issue is that if the rule becomes valid tomorrow, it stops the @import loading 17:29:37 sl: this can happen today, ie8 does not support :: for example so following import will load but later, or in other browsers, it will be skipped 17:30:52 cl: how much existing content would break if the spec said nothing before @import? 17:31:00 hl: little to none 17:31:12 pl: would require changes in implementations though 17:31:45 ee: any @rules that are dropped should be allowed before @import 17:32:20 db: media queries changed syntax f @import. its not valid css2. so does non-media-queries implementsation drop? 17:32:41 szilles has joined #css 17:32:52 example was, given two rules: @import url(foo) (min-width:800px); @import url(bar); 17:32:53 pl: there are implementations that do not support media queries 17:33:03 implementations without media queries skip the first; with this change would we also require them to skip the second? 17:33:20 I strongly believe that we should allow dropped @rules before @import 17:33:35 ee: we should allow any (currently invalid) @rule before @import 17:33:44 sl: invalid or unknown? 17:33:48 cl: unknown 17:33:54 hl: can live with 17:34:31 ee: and also as bert said, empty statements and cdo cdc 17:35:05 pl; odd that current @rules would block @import 17:35:17 db: thats ok and we want it for forward compat 17:35:43 ee: adding @rule before @import is pretty rare. less of an issue than withselectors 17:36:14 so if you only allow unknown @-rules and don't allow anything that's not an @-rule, don't you end up distinguishing between: 17:36:20 @new-rule {} 17:36:23 pl: issue is known @rules not supported by older browsers 17:36:24 @new-rule {}; /* extra semicolon at end */ 17:36:55 pl: covered by emptystatement rule 17:37:12 db; we have a concept of empty statement? 17:37:22 bb: would need to be defined in spec, but its clear 17:37:30 pl; i detect consensus 17:39:20 the current proposal is: disallow any statements before @import except: empty statements, comment tokens, and unknown, but wel-formed @rules 17:39:46 ee: unknown or invalid 17:39:54 @foo; 17:39:57 sl: it says unknown but wel formed 17:39:59 @import; 17:40:14 @namespace *; 17:40:30 bb: grammar does not seem to allow empty statements 17:40:40 ee: anything that has been ignored 17:40:54 yeah, maybe the extra-semicolon thing causes the next selector/rule to be ignored at present 17:41:10 that starts with an @sign 17:41:14 s/anything/anything starting @/ 17:41:17 @1; 17:41:21 @import "style.css"; 17:41:45 ee: @1; does not parse as an at-rule 17:41:57 bb; neither a selector nor an @rule 17:42:14 sl; has to parse as an @rule first, then the rule is applied 17:42:34 pl: so @1; would block @import 17:42:36 cl: yes 17:43:22 (no objection heard) 17:43:25 I think it would be good to see the proposal actually written up. 17:43:45 This is rather hard to follow with lots of abstract statements. 17:43:57 I agree 17:44:07 dbaron - yes, but if we resolve it then someone can get an action to write it up in detail 17:44:34 bb: (error recovery - scribe missed) 17:44:34 I think we should action somebody to write it up without resolving. 17:45:06 trackbot, status 17:45:49 action; sylvian to write up the proposal on @import and unknown well formed @rules 17:45:58 action: sylvian to write up the proposal on @import and unknown well formed @rules 17:45:58 Sorry, couldn't find user - sylvian 17:46:00 (Issue 24 is about recovering from invalid tokens when inside a selector. The ; in @1; is such an invalid token. What to do? Skip to the next {}?) 17:46:03 Sylvain 17:46:15 action: sylvain to write up the proposal on @import and unknown well formed @rules 17:46:16 Created ACTION-123 - Write up the proposal on @import and unknown well formed @rules [on Sylvain Galineau - due 2009-03-04]. 17:46:38 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-102 17:46:40 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-106 17:46:55 topic: issue-24 17:46:57 http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-24 17:46:59 issue-24? 17:46:59 ISSUE-24 -- Does the 'background' shorthand needs both clip and origin? -- CLOSED 17:46:59 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/issues/24 17:47:19 pl: not that one 17:47:41 oops,css2.1 issue not tracker issue. ifnore above 17:48:05 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Nov/0509.html 17:48:46 ee: we wanted to requie matching brackets, the change we made to fix this solves selectors but adds a new problem for 17:48:56 ... declarations 17:49:32 ... makes the trap point for an invalid declaration to be astatement not a declaration 17:50:02 ... so a rue with an invalid statement will be completely ignored instead of justthat statement 17:50:04 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Dec/0091.html 17:50:53 ee: so we need to go back and replace with 'statement ordeclaration'. or duplicate the rule, one for malformed statement and one for malformed declarations 17:51:23 bb: statement or declaration is probably correct. problem is the section is called malformed declarations 17:51:29 ee: change all occurences 17:51:41 bb: would work 17:52:08 bb: so if you are in a declaration, skip to end of declaration 17:52:15 bb: yes, think its correct 17:52:52 cl: so there are two proposals 17:53:30 ee: scope of changes is only one paragraph 17:54:14 bb; edge case, when inside a selector, if the token in error is at or before the start of the selector. what are you 'in' 17:54:19 ee: a statement 17:54:25 bb: what kind? 17:54:36 ee: you don;t know at that point 17:54:48 bb: so ignore that singe token? 17:55:03 ee: treat it as a selector, dont ignore that token. 17:55:19 bb: talking of tokens thatare disallowed by the grammar 17:55:35 bb: colon is allowed, better example .... 17:55:47 ... closing brace for example 17:56:04 ee: if its not an @rule, treat as aselector 17:56:19 bb: fine with me. deals with future expansion 17:56:53 pl: other opinions? 17:57:16 bb: hard to follow without examples 17:57:21 -[Apple] 17:57:40 bye...another meeting, sorry 17:57:48 pl: can we resolve here or do we need more discussion? 17:58:40 (Confusion about what we would be resolving on.) 17:59:38 action: bert to propose specific wording on complete text for what is inserted and deleted for bracket/quote parsing 17:59:39 Created ACTION-124 - Propose specific wording on complete text for what is inserted and deleted for bracket/quote parsing [on Bert Bos - due 2009-03-04]. 17:59:49 ee: is it solved with two separate rules? 17:59:53 bb: not sure 18:00:25 pl: why dont you two work together onthat action so it can be closed quickly 18:00:35 zakim, list attendees 18:00:36 As of this point the attendees have been +1.858.354.aaaa, plinss, dsinger, +1.253.307.aabb, arronei, sylvaing, ChrisL, Bert, David_Baron, fantasai?, howcome, Melinda_Grant 18:00:40 chair: Peter 18:00:57 rrsagent, make minutes 18:00:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-css-minutes.html ChrisL 18:02:18 -howcome 18:02:23 -[Microsoft] 18:02:24 -Melinda_Grant 18:02:24 -ChrisL 18:02:26 -plinss 18:02:27 -David_Baron 18:02:29 -Bert 18:02:33 -fantasai? 18:02:35 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 18:02:36 Attendees were +1.858.354.aaaa, plinss, dsinger, +1.253.307.aabb, arronei, sylvaing, ChrisL, Bert, David_Baron, fantasai?, howcome, Melinda_Grant 18:02:45 Meeting: CSS telcon 18:02:49 rrsagent, make minutes 18:02:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-css-minutes.html ChrisL 18:03:00 I assume no telecon next week since it'll be 2-3am between the first and second day of the f2f meeting 18:03:07 zakim, where is 858? 18:03:07 North American dialing code 1.858 is California 18:03:20 zakim, where is 253? 18:03:20 North American dialing code 1.253 is Washington 18:03:43 253 was arronei 18:03:43 858 is San Diego 18:03:43 dbaron, that seems a safe assumption 18:03:48 chris: 858 was me 18:03:56 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_code_858 18:04:19 ok, they are both listed explicitly in the attendance list already 18:04:47 Present: plinss, dsinger, arronei, sylvaing, ChrisL, Bert, David_Baron, fantasai, howcome, Melinda_Grant 18:04:53 rrsagent, make minutes 18:04:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-css-minutes.html ChrisL 18:15:55 regrets: szilles, daniel, emily, molly, anne 18:15:57 rrsagent, make minutes 18:15:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-css-minutes.html ChrisL 18:16:55 s/ifnore/ignore/ 18:17:09 s/bb;/bb:/g 18:17:36 s/sl;/sl:/g 18:17:53 s/pl;/pl:/g 18:18:07 s/db;/db:/g 18:18:25 s/hl;/hl:/g 18:18:41 rrsagent, make minutes 18:18:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-css-minutes.html ChrisL 18:20:55 sylvaing has joined #css 18:33:33 sylvaing has joined #css 20:00:56 melinda has joined #CSS 20:02:26 dbaron has joined #css 20:28:56 Zakim has left #css 20:37:38 sylvaing has joined #css 23:06:05 sylvaing has joined #css 23:49:28 sylvaing has joined #css