
[CLOSED] ISSUE-1 : Tracker Issues not sent to the list ; on [WG-Tools]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-2 : Tracker doesn't get its e-mails through ; on [WG-Tools]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-3 : Can we limit the generality of subsetting to reduce complexity, e.g. XPath 2.0 ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-4 : Need to allow transforms to go between octets and nodeset ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-5 : Which selections from subtree are required ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-6 : Is there requirement to canonicalize/sign exi representation ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-7 : Can exi be used by xmlsec wg as part of solution ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-8 : Can spec be written to not rely on XPath data model and achieve same functionality ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-9 : Review WS-I BSP constraints on DSig ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-10 : Specify c14n with a tree-walk rather than a nodeset ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-11 : Clarify how to reference Mail element (multipart Mime part) from signature reference ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-12 : What would it take for XML Signature to be usable for Mail ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-13 : What would it take to use XML Signature for structured non-XML content ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-14 : Need to understand plans and impact of namespace undeclarations ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-15 : Minimal caching to support streaming ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-16 : Backward reference for streaming - don't know what is referenced, algs ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-17 : Placement of KeyInfo relative to SIgnedInfo ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-18 : Data between algorithm info and digest? ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-19 : Placement of signature relative to signing or verification, different placement? ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-20 : Transform model should support streaming, filtering model ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-21 : Arbitrary selection from nodeset vs XPath expressions without backward references, traversal and navigation ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-22 : Requirement to validate xml before application processing, signature processing, thus need to read entire document before processing, thus not true streaming ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-23 : Requirement for NodeSets ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-24 : Requirement for NodeSets ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-25 : Web services profile ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-26 : Require well formed XML between transforms ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-27 : Profile XML Signature spec to disallow removal of used namespace nodes from nodesets ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-28 : QNames? ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-29 : Able to run transforms in parallel (in general parallelism related to pipelining) ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-30 : Limit XPath Filter transform to be first transform or to not use parent axis ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-31 : Role for XML processing instruction, if any ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-32 : Define metadata that needs to be conveyed with signature, e.g. profile information ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-33 : Schema not validating when enveloped signature added and not included in original doc schema ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-34 : Versioning and compatibility requirements, namespace versioning policy ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-35 : test from vivien (please disregard) ; on [WG-Tools]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-36 : Tracker test #2 ; on [WG-Tools]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-37 : Simplified c14n for signing versus more general c14n, e.g. not produce compliant xml document ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-38 : Profile for signature processing for non-XML or for constrained XML requirements ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-39 : Namespace Undeclarations and canonicalization ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-40 : Appropriate signing/verification position in EXI workflow, expectations and correctness review ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-41 : Signing compact EXI representation of XML - is that reproducable for verification ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-42 : Backward and forward compatibility ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-43 : Improvements to XML Signature schema ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-44 : Requirement to enable signatures on documents that do not anticipate signatures in the schema ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-45 : Multiple or layered signatures ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-46 : Acceptability of PI for various environments/segments/use cases

[CLOSED] ISSUE-47 : XAdES references latest XML Signature, depends on ds:Object and ds:KeyInfo ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-48 : No support for derived keys in XML Dsig, XML Enc ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-49 : No support for derived keys in XML Dsig, XML Enc ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-50 : Missing < in closing DigestValue element tag ; on [Errata-XML Signature]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-51 : Effects of schema normalization on signature verification ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-52 : Rules for syntax of KeyInfo child elements should be unambiguous ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-53 : Add short summary for each best practice ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-54 : Use consistent spelling of C14N11 ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-55 : Language should not focus on implementations but on specification use ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-56 : Add references related to timestamping ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-57 : eliminate the need of the name of the element in end tag / make it optional ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-58 : Clarify c14n11 handling of xml: namespace declarations ; on [Errata-C14N]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-59 : xml security algorithm URIs are not defined in consistent location leading to confusion ; on [Errata-C14N]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-60 : Define requirements for XML Security and EXI usage ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-61 : characterize what is meant by streaming and associated requirements ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-62 : Clarify best practice related to order of schema validation and xml security processing for 2nd Edition ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-63 : Namespace requirements: undeclarations, QNames, use of partial content in new contexts ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-64 : How to use XML Signature for various applications, e.g. Mail, unstructured content etc ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-65 : Define requirements on transforms ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-66 : Which constraints can we impose on xml data model for simplification ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-67 : Revise XSLT transform; it's currently octet-stream to node-set.

[CLOSED] ISSUE-68 : Enable generic use of randomized hashing ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-69 : Update example file to avoid empty XPath result ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-70 : Require DER encoding in 1.1

[CLOSED] ISSUE-71 : Change section titles in best practices to match practices ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-72 : DTD required for v1.1 or of XML Signature? ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-73 : XML Schema defaults ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-74 : Hmac-sha256 required in 1.1?

[CLOSED] ISSUE-75 : Role of schema canonicalizaton wrt schema defaults

[CLOSED] ISSUE-76 : Http://

[CLOSED] ISSUE-77 : Is there a requirement for algorithm,data, digest/signature value order in 1.1? ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-78 : XMl Signature 1.1 missing references and broken links ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-79 : Clearly support OCSP response and CRL inclusion in KeyInfo? ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]


[CLOSED] ISSUE-81 : ECDSA requires new elements; what do we do about schema and DTD?

[CLOSED] ISSUE-82 : Should 1.1 spec mandate support for range of RSA key sizes (and DSA)? ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-83 : Ecdsa-ripemd160 and ecdsa-whirlpool need identifiers, rfc4051? ; on [XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-84 : What should the best practices say about defenses against collision generation?

[CLOSED] ISSUE-85 : Add note to dsig 1.1 re 18 digit limit for x509 issuer serial nmber

[CLOSED] ISSUE-86 : Document performance criterial and benchmarks ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-87 : Determine approach to RetrievalMethod in 2.0 with regard to transforms, if any, or if revised transform approach ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-88 : Spelling errors in XML Encryption Recommendation ; on [Errata-XML Encryption]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-89 : Testing

[CLOSED] ISSUE-90 : Define algorithm URIs for ecdsa-ripemd160 and ecdsa-whirlpool? ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-91 : ECC can't be REQUIRED ; on [XML Security - General]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-92 : Include the \"implicitCA\" option for ECKeyValueType and separate ECDomainParameterType type

[CLOSED] ISSUE-93 : Missing a <Hash> element in the ds:ECParametersType type definition

[CLOSED] ISSUE-94 : In the ECParameterType type definition, note that the <Order>element may also be a large number and hence the use of the\"integer\" type may again be problematic

[CLOSED] ISSUE-95 : add as recommended algorithms "XPATH 2 Filter" and "Exclusive Canonicalization" to the list in section 6.0 ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-96 : replace should with SHOULD ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-97 : Clarify inputs and outputs, see

[CLOSED] ISSUE-98 : Reference format needs to be unified ; on [XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-99 : Key Wrapping intro in XML Encryption needs Example ; on [Maint-Enc (XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Maintenance)]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-100 : Ripe URIs ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-101 : Add AES Key Wrap with Padding to Encryption ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-102 : AES Keywrap

[CLOSED] ISSUE-103 : Shouldn't there be a REQUIRED curve in XMLENC as well as there is one in XMLDSIG ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-104 : Carry existing ds:References into new XMLDSIG 2.0 ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-105 : HMAC output length is defined on bits base64 on octets

[CLOSED] ISSUE-106 : see what you sign requirement in transform simplification vs external workflow ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-107 : deprecate decryption transform?, see what you sign and workflow ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-108 : exclusive C14N is recommended and not required in the XML Signature 1.1 ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-109 : Some Algorithm URIs have extra spaces ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-110 : Need better definition for "visibly utilizes" in Exc-C14N ; on [Maint-ExC14N (Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0 Maintenance)]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-111 : Clarify role of document use case in renamed 2.0 versus 1.1

[CLOSED] ISSUE-112 : FPWD typo ; on [XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-113 : Requirement to provide extension to Signature 1.1 to enable streaming hints in backward compatible manner ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-114 : Are Processing Instructions suitable technology to use ; on [free]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-115 : XPath Filter Transform and Namespace Declarations for Qualified Nodes, see ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-116 : C14N clarification and errata as noted by Konrad wrt ACTION-259

[CLOSED] ISSUE-117 : Key Wrap ; on [Maint-Enc (XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Maintenance)]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-118 : Http://

[CLOSED] ISSUE-119 : Erratum for Signature 1.0 and use of SHA256 in favor of SHA1 ; on [Errata-XML Signature]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-120 : Keep AES KeyWrap with padding as optional

[CLOSED] ISSUE-121 : Provide recommendation regarding key length for signature a la widget signature, either in signature 1.1 or best practices

[CLOSED] ISSUE-122 : Explain peformance improvements and rationale, relationship to earlier work, document, benchmarks ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-123 : How in 2.0 to disallow SHA-1 when algorithm URI currently defined ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-124 : Does w3c support conformance clauses for specification and minimum conformance levels, how to do properly ; on [WG-Coordination]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-125 : Add C14N1.1 to the list of canonicalization algorithms in Section 5.9 of XMLENC ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-126 : Clarify XMLENC Section 5.8 (Message Authentication)

[CLOSED] ISSUE-127 : Should XML Security WG consider supporting and/or defining EXI canonicalization ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-128 : Add clarification in XML Signature regarding serialization impact with issue:: add clarification in XML Signature regarding serialization impact with

[CLOSED] ISSUE-129 : C14N should notice xml:space

[CLOSED] ISSUE-130 : How does canonicalization deal with xsi:type

[CLOSED] ISSUE-131 : Is semantic equivalence robustness in requirements document ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-132 : Keep 2.0 xenc transform feature in sync with signature 2.0 ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-133 : Update Exclusive C14N Schema ; on [Errata-C14N]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-134 : Camellia algorithm for section of 5.2 Block Encryption Algorithm and 5.6 Symmetric Key Wrap ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-135 : Review transforms for XML Encryption 1.1 and alignment with Signature 1.1 ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-136 : Is normalization of prefixes a goal for 2.0 c14n ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-137 : Normative reference to DRAFT-HOUSLEY-KW-PAD ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-138 : What interoperability and security issues arise out of schema validation behavior? ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-139 : Need to collect streaming XPath requirements ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-140 : Clarify how XPath is interpreted relative to entire document and ds:Reference ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-141 : C14N 1.1 processing of non-element, non-PI nodes in a node set ; on [Maint-C14N11]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-142 : Is a single schema needed for XML Signature 1.1 to validate against, given that we have 2nd edition schema plus 1.1 additional schema ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-143 : Add use="required" to the URI attribute in NamedCurveType and well as review attributes for use-clause ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-144 : XML Schema and DTD inconsistency for SPKISexp element ; on [Errata-XML Signature]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-145 : Errors in XML Signature Example in section 9, "Schema, DTD, Data Model, and Valid Examples" ; on [Errata-XML Signature]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-146 : Determine impact of 2.0 transform model on XML Encryption, and any needed changes to XML Encryption ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-147 : XML Encryption 1.1 table of contents incomplete, some headings not numbered correctly in document ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-148 : Define PartyUInfo with XML structure, SP80056AConcatKDF in XML Encryption 1.1 ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-149 : Link requirements to features ; on [XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-150 : Use of XML encryption type encoding in EXI ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-151 : Review XML SIgnature 2.0 and Canonical XML 2.0 for testable assertions

[CLOSED] ISSUE-152 : Add pratik as author to xpath subset document if produced by ws-ra ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-153 : Change Canonicalization 2.0 to replace the pseudo code snippets with descriptive text, and move all the pseudo code to another non normative section

[CLOSED] ISSUE-154 : Links to references need to be updated from 2000 XML Rec to XML 1.0 5th Edition ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-155 : Add AES-GCM to XML Encryption 1.1 ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-156 : Threat for signature from use of namespace prefixes with corresponding unsigned namespace declarations leading to wrapping like attacks ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-157 : Xml signature 1.1 section 4.10 The MgmtData Element refers to non-existent XML Encryption WG ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-158 : Add SHA-1 warnings ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-159 : Address/document potential security issues due to mismatch of security and application processing, including wrapping attacks ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-160 : Define URI for Canonical XML 2.0, add section to Signature 2.0 defining Canonical XML 2.0 ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-161 : Should the RetrievalMethod schema error be fixed in 2.0, see note at end of ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-162 : Need to reconcile new 2.0 processing model/transform with legacy Object/Manifest material ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-163 : Standalone XSD schema file missing for Signature Properties specfication ; on [XML Signature Properties]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-164 : RNG schema needed for Generic Hybrid Ciphers ; on [XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-165 : Add note that standalone XSD file takes precedence when there is XSD schema file, XSD snippets in document and RNG schema - to XML Signature 1.1, Signature Properties, XML Encryption 1.1 and Generic Hybrid Ciphers ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-166 : RNG schema needed for Signature Properties ; on [XML Signature Properties]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-167 : Unicode NFC reference ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-168 : Assorted normative reference updates ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-169 : Need review of Signature 1.1 schema snippets versus standalone XSD schema

[CLOSED] ISSUE-170 : Should we recomend signing namespaces as part of Best Practice 12 (dependency on ACTION-538) ; on [XML Signature Best Practices]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-171 : Review references in XML Security 1.1 requirements and XML Security 2.0 requirements

[CLOSED] ISSUE-172 : Acknowledge WG in Signature Properties

[CLOSED] ISSUE-173 : Signature Properties specification does not state where the properties must be placed ; on [XML Signature Properties]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-174 : Driver XSD schema needed for Signature Properties ; on [XML Signature Properties]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-175 : Driver RNG schema needed for Signature Properties

[CLOSED] ISSUE-176 : RNG schema for Signature 1.1 depends on xslt.rnc ; on [XML Security RELAX NG Schemas]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-177 : Sp-example.xml in Signature Properties does not validate again rnc schema any-containing-xmldsig11.rnc

[CLOSED] ISSUE-178 : Highlight additional text constraints on XSD schema as such. ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-179 : Update ECC warning for last call

[CLOSED] ISSUE-180 : Section 8 identifies Joseph Reagle as the contact for the XML Encryption media type. This needs to be updated, perhaps to a generic identity? ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-181 : Clarify section 1.3 of xml encryption re versioning and namespaces

[CLOSED] ISSUE-182 : Need Retrieval Method proposal for 2.0, KeyInfo correction or continuation of original material

[CLOSED] ISSUE-183 : Constrain 2.0 SignedInfo canonicalization choice for 2.0 model? ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-184 : Add reference to RNG Schema document ; on [XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-185 : Why isn't processContents="lax" specified for <xsd:any> within the dcl of CanonicalizationMethodType and that of SignatureMethodType? ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-186 : What is the normative content of section 5.4.2? (PBKDF2) ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-187 : Last Call Issue - Retrieval Method schema and usability ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-188 : Agreement referenced in XML Signature 1.1 but definition not clear ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-189 : RNG Schemas needed for XML Encryption 1.1 ; on [DO NOT USE 2]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-190 : Two different sha384 URIs ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-191 : XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 use different URIs for sha384.

[CLOSED] ISSUE-192 : Namespaces for DerivedKey and pbkdf2 outside of xenc11 namespace ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-193 : Is "the ECPublicKey element" in Encryption 1.1 and Signature 1.1 actually the ECKeyValue element?

[CLOSED] ISSUE-194 : Is "the ECPublicKey element" in Encryption 1.1 and Signature 1.1 actually the ECKeyValue element? ; on [XML SIgnature 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-195 : Camelli a cipher ; on [XML Security - General]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-196 : Which URI to use for serialization parameter for XML and EXI in C14N2 ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-197 : Define parameter sets for C14N2 ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-198 : How to determine if arbitrary text content contains prefixes? Might need to do a lot of searching because text content can be large ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-199 : Move appendix A and example type material to separate examples document from C14N2 ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-200 : Which references are normative vs informative for C14N2 ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-201 : C14N 2.0 handling of DTD-related and Schema-related behaviors ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-202 : How to define parameter sets in document, vs conformance criteria

[CLOSED] ISSUE-203 : How to tag id-ness of attributes when schema isn't parsed ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-204 : Integrated recognition of QName content ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-205 : Entity expansion risks associated with signature processing

[CLOSED] ISSUE-206 : For c14n20 profile - clarify that conformance implies support, but also changes to xml or what must be explicitly specified ; on [Canonical XML Version 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-207 : Update wording of best practice in 2.2.2 since empty result could be intentional, e.g. sign element even if missing. text to modify "In this case there is XPath transform, which evaluates to zero or false for every node, so it ends up selecting nothing. S

[CLOSED] ISSUE-208 : List 2.0 algorithms in algorithms cross-reference

[CLOSED] ISSUE-209 : Is Verification assertion mandatory to implement, is presence/verification optional

[CLOSED] ISSUE-210 : Restructuring of Signature 2.0 "uncomplicate" section 4.4.3 by

[CLOSED] ISSUE-211 : Stand alone version of Streaming XPath Profile versus diff,

[CLOSED] ISSUE-212 : Additional denial of service attack for Best Practices,

[CLOSED] ISSUE-213 : XML Signature 2.0 needs precise definitions of Included/ExcludedXPath elements

[CLOSED] ISSUE-214 : XML Signature 2.0 needs precise definitions of Verification element and its children.

[CLOSED] ISSUE-215 : C14N2 conformance - optional parameters, profiles, etc

[CLOSED] ISSUE-216 : Whether and how to test denial of service cases in test suite

[CLOSED] ISSUE-217 : XML Signature 2.0 needs 2.0 mode examples, e.g. , verification, selection etc.

[CLOSED] ISSUE-218 : For canonical xml 2.0 is eliminating inclusive c14n an issue for xml:base etc (which use cases are impacted), and should QName aware be mandatory

[CLOSED] ISSUE-219 : Status of Reference Type attribute in 2.0?

[CLOSED] ISSUE-220 : Clarify handling of comments and processing instructions in 2.0 mode , currently in terms of C14N

[CLOSED] ISSUE-221 : Clarify xml:space and xml:base, section ,

[CLOSED] ISSUE-222 : Review URI definitions in Signature 2.0 , also consider indicating usage in URI, e.g. /transforms

[CLOSED] ISSUE-223 : Requirement to "respect XML architecture" may lead to issue related to simplification and vs need to implement

[CLOSED] ISSUE-224 : why is base64 listed in algorithms section, is this for transform? where is it described in document, and does this belong in 1.1 or 2.0 mode. ; on [XML Signature 2.0]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-225 : Whether to ignore xml:space and relationship to TrimTextNodes

[CLOSED] ISSUE-226 : What protection is gained by the <dsig2:IDAttributes> element?

[CLOSED] ISSUE-227 : CR of XML Encryption 1.1 requires update to namespace refs,

[CLOSED] ISSUE-228 : Errata item to Fix synax of example 2.2.1 in XML Encryption Recommendation, EncryptedData element should not be closed at line [s1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-229 : Mask generation function for RSA-OAEP as defined in 5.5.2 of XML Encryption 1.1 appears to be limited to MGF1 with SHA1

[CLOSED] ISSUE-230 : CBC attack on XML Encryption,

[CLOSED] ISSUE-231 : AES192-GCM missing in XML Encryption 1.1 ; on [XML Encryption 1.1]

[CLOSED] ISSUE-232 : Clarify meaning of HMAC truncation

[CLOSED] ISSUE-233 : Fix in XML Signature and cross-reference advice about 2010

[OPEN] ISSUE-234 : Reference SP800-56A later in publication process if the latest version is no longer a draft

[CLOSED] ISSUE-235 : Update schema formatting in XML Signature 2.0

[CLOSED] ISSUE-236 : Update all references in all Notes and Recs when publishing final REC?