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Transmission.CC is a network of interested parties devoted to online video distribution. One of their outputs is TXFeed, a metadata format developed to enable video sharing.

TXFeed (http://transmission.cc/xmlns) is a syndication format based on ATOM which can be used to describe video feeds. It is very similar to MediaRSS (http://search.yahoo.com/mrss) which is an RSS dialect that has been defined by Yahoo. MediaRSS support the descriptions of media objects and their grouping into similar elements. It supports basic metadata for media objects including technical metadata like format, bitrate, duration, size but also other metadata types like rating schemes, rights, classification - and basic descriptive information. Compared to MediaRSS, TXFeed provides more detailed sub-schemas for the description of technical aspects as it e.g. has metadata fields for the codec. Further it offers detailed controlled vocabularies for the description of genre of a video (derived from the IMDB genre list (see http://transmission.cc/Genres)) or contributors based on the roles defined in the MARC standard (http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/relator/relatorlist.html) and the EBU ESCORT classification system (http://www.ebu.ch/en/technical/metadata/specifications/role_codes.php). Another difference is the explicit distinction between video, metadata and subtitle databases, its support for inclusion of information by reference and the inclusion of subtitle information in a feed.

An overview of TXFeed is shown in the following graphic: http://transmission.cc/files/Structurev1.png

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