Guidelines for Using W3C Last Call Tracker Tool.

This document summerize the procedure for processing, responding and tracking Media Annotation Last Call comments using W3C Tracker tool.


  1. The staff contact collects the Media Annotation API Last call comments (sent to
  2. People are assigned comments by chair
  3. Draft a WG Note
  4. Draft a proposal response
  5. Resolution approved by MA WG
  6. Final resolution ready.
  7. Resolution implemented
  8. Send responses to commenter
  9. Commenter approves resolution
  10. Commenter rejects resolution
  11. Generate the Disposition of comments.



0 - Specific Last Call Tracker Tool for each specification

There are two Last Call Tracker Tools, one for each specification; API and Ontology:

- API for Media Resource 1.0:

- Ontology for Media Resource 1.0:

This allows tracking comment wrt to the proper Specification.

The following guidelines are provided for the API specification. The same process applies to the Ontology specification (using the Ontology Last Call Tracker Tool and proper links.

1- The staff contact collects the Media Annotation API Last Call comments

For each Media Annotation API Last Call comment sent to, the staff contact makes a new entry in the Tracker tool, using the "Add a new comment" link in the menu at the right of the page.
When a message includes multiple comments, the message may be split into multiple entries in the Tracker tool, to ease response by the WG.

The staff contact fills the following fields for each comment:

The tracker tool sets automatically the following fields:

2 - People are assigned comments by chair

The Chair assigns each comment to a WG Participant. If you are assigned comments, you are committed to draft a response to the comment. You are now the editor of the response to that comment.

The Chair fills the following fields for each comment:

3 - Draft a WG Note

Any WG Participant may add proposal, remarks, statement, to help the editor of the response drafting a response.
For example these can be initial remarks given by the WG during a telecon or a F2F meeting.
The "WG Notes" field provides hints discussed during the F2F to help editor draft the response.

The WG Participant fills the following fields for the comment:

Note: When the WG Participant submits the comment using "Submit as Proposal" button, the "Status" field is automatically updated to "Proposal".

4 - Draft the proposed resolution

The editor drafts a proposed resolution using suggestions from the "WG Notes" field which provides hints discussed during the F2F and using Minutes of the last F2F for detailed discussions and resolutions)

The editor fills the following fields for the comment:

Note: In your response, draft only the technical solution. No need to write name of the commenter, formulate courtesy, introduction, date of review, etc. The Track tool will do it automatically. See response example.
The "WG Notes" is not included in the response to commenter. Only the "Resolution" field is included.

5 - Resolution approved by MA WG

If you have received remarks from the WG about your proposed resolution, update the "Resolution" field.
If you didn't get any objection to your proposed resolution from the WG within 48 hrs, your technical proposal is approved by the WG.

The Editor fills the following fields for each comment:

Note: Once the "Status" field is updated to any of the 3 above "Resolved" status and Updated, the comment will then include new "Resolution status" and "Response status" sections, allowing to track advancement of resolution, spec editing and status of response.

6 - Final resolution ready

The resolved resolution might need some more wording for public consumption.

The Editor fills the following fields for the comment:

7 - Resolution implemented

Fore each comment, the WG participant assigned the response to comment (the editor) must make sure the necessary edits in the SMIL CR version are done. If the editor of the response to comment is not the editor of the Section of the document to be updated, he must coordinate with proper spec editor (s) of the section which are impacted with the resolution. He will track and verify that the spec has been correctly updated.

8 - Send responses to commenter

The staff contact sends the responses with the tracker tool using the "Send replies to comments" link, in the menu at the right of the page and,

When comments are sent, the tracker tool will automatically check the "Response status:" checkbox to "Reply sent to commenter"

Note: Tracker tool sends only the response to commenters when both "Resolution status:" checkboxes "Response drafted" and "Resolution implemented" are checked.

Note: The response includes all necessary info generated automatically by tracker tool e.g. the name of commenter, formulate courtesy, introduction, date of review, etc. See response example

9 - Commenter approves resolution

When the commenter has sent a mail to approving the WG response, the staff contact updates the comment for following field:

The comment is now considered processed and closed.

10 - Commenter rejects resolution

When the commenter has sent a mail to rejecting the WG response, the staff contact updates the comment for following field:

When a resolution is rejected by a commenter, the WG should attempt to satisfy the reviewer. In order to do so, the WG should discuss solutions on the public mailing list Once a new proposal satisfies the reviewer, the editor must proceed with

- Step 5 Resolution approved by MA WG
- Step 6 Resolution implemented

Note: For each objection, the WG should attempt to satisfy the reviewer. If no agreement is reached, the objection will be discussed during the Transition meeting with the Director. See Organize Transition to CR.

Issue: What happens if at this phase the WG review its resolution to satisfy the commenter and therefore updates the resolution field ? How can we resend it to the commenter with tracker ?

11 - Generate the Disposition of comments

The Disposition of comments document is generated automatically by tracker tool ;-)

This document is to be used in the meeting with the W3C Director for Transition request to CR.
It allows showing evidence that the document has received wide review and that that issues have been formally addressed. See Organize Transition to CR.

1- In the "Commenter" column:

This column provides:
- Comment number, linking to the edit mode page of the comment
- Commenter's name, linking to the email of the commenter

2- In the "WG decision" column:

This column provides the WG resolution as sent to the commenter.

- red indicates that the Working Group didn't agree with the comment; "Status" field set to "Resolved-no"
- green indicates that the Working Group agrees with the comment; "Status" field set to "Resolved-yes"
- yellow indicates an in-between situation; "Status" field set to "Resolved-partial"

3- In the "Commenter reply" column:

This column provides the Commenter reply as sent to the public list.

- red indicates the commenter objected to the WG resolution, ["Response status" checkbox "Commenter approved disposition" was checked] by Staff Contact.
- green indicates approval from the commenter ["Response status" checkbox "Commenter objected to disposition" was checked] by Staff Contact.
- yellow indicates the commenter didn't respond to the request for feedback.

See example of Disposition of comments for the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group


View comments

Tracker tool offers 2 different views of the list of comments:

1- The detailed editable view list ", available from the menu at the right of the page.

It provides an extended list of comments. Comments are showed 20 by page on multiple pages if there is a large amount of comments.

For each comment it shows all fields, (Status, ID, Type, Assigned to, WG Notes, Resolution).

It offers filtering capabilities for following fields:

There is also a very handy "Quick acces to" allowing to reach the editing mode of a particular comment for editing.

Note: Comments are ordered by Type, and the section they refer to.

2- The status of comments view list, hidden from the menu, but very usefull. It is a summerized view where each comment is listed on a single line with following links:

- The ID links to the "Edit comment LC-xxxx" page.
- The commenter's name links to his comment archived in the public mailing list
- Section links to the section concerned by the comment
- Type: [ substantive, editorial, typo, question, general comment, undefined]
- Status : [open, proposal, pending, resolved-yes,resolved-no,resolved-partial, other]

Note: Comments are ordered by Type, and the section they refer to.

Searching comments

Tracker tool offers searching functionnality, using the "Search comments" link in the menu at the right of the page.

You can search in the list of comments by following fields:

Add a new comment

The Tracker tool allows add comments using the "Add a new comment" link in the menu at the right of the page.
When a comment includes multiple comment items, the comment sent may be split into multiple entries in the Tracker tool, to ease response by the WG.

Following fields should be filled:

The tracker tool sets automatically the following fields:

Send replies to comments

The tracker tool sends replies using the "Send replies to comments" link, in the menu at the right of the page and,

When comments are sent, the tracker tool will automatically change the "Response status" checkbox to "Reply sent to commenter"

Note: Tracker tool sends only the response to commenters when both "Resolution status" checkboxes "Response drafted" and "Resolution implemented" are checked.

Note: The response includes all necessary info generated automatically by tracker tool e.g. the name of commenter, formulate courtesy, introduction, date of review, etc. See response example

The Disposition of comments

Tracker tool generated automatically, using the "Disposition of comments " link in the menu at the right of the page.

It builds a HTML table with all comments.

This document will be used in the meeting with the W3C Director for Transition request to CR.
It will allow to show evidence that the document has received wide review and that that issues have been formally addressed. See Organize Transition to CR.

For more info, refer to Generate Disposition of comments above section.

Example of LC comment response generated by Tracker:

From LC comments LC-1959
Subject: Re: [LC comment API] ....
In-Reply-To: <>

Dear John,

The Media Annotations Working Group has reviewed the comments you sent [1] on the Last Call Working Draft [2] of the API for Media Resource 1.0 published on 08 June 2010. Thank you for having taken the time to review the document and to send us comments!

The Working Group's response to your comment is included below.

Please review it carefully and let us know by email at if you agree with it or not before [deadline date inserted here]. In case of disagreement, you are requested to provide a specific solution for or a path to a consensus with the Working Group. If such a consensus cannot be achieved, you will be given the opportunity to raise a formal objection which will then be reviewed by the Director during the transition of this document to the next stage in the W3C Recommendation Track..


For the Media Annotations Working Group,
Thierry Michel,
W3C Team Contact



Your comment on [API for Media Resource 1.0] ....

[COMMENT from the comment field is inserted here]

Working Group Resolution:

[WG RESOLUTION from the Resolution field is inserted here]



Thierry Michel, Media Annotations WG Team Contact

Last revised $Date: 2010/09/15 15:18:31 $ by $Author tmichel $