Table: EXIF

MAWG Relation EXIF 2.2 How to do the mapping Datatype XPath
Descriptive Properties (Core Set)
ma:identifier exact ImageUniqueID ASCII Text N/A
ma:title more specific ImageDescription, INAM ASCII Text N/A
ma:language N/A N/A
ma:locator N/A N/A
ma:contributor exact IART, IENG, ISRC, ITCH ASCII Text N/A
ma:creator more specific IART, ISRC ASCII Text N/A
ma:createDate more specific DateTime, DateTimeOriginal, ICRD ASCII Text N/A
ma:location more general GPSLatituteREF, GPSLatitute, GPSLongitudeREF, GPSLongitude, GPSAltitude, GPSAltitudeRef ASCII Text N/A
Content description
ma:description more general IKEY, UserComment, Comments ASCII Text N/A
ma:keyword related ISBJ ASCII Text N/A
ma:genre exact IGNR ASCII Text N/A
ma:rating N/A N/A
ma:relation more general RelatedSoundFile ASCII Text N/A
ma:collection N/A N/A
ma:copyright exact Copyright ASCII Text N/A
ma:license N/A N/A
ma:publisher N/A N/A
ma:targetAudience N/A N/A
ma:fragments N/A N/A
ma:namedFragments N/A N/A
Technical Properties
ma:frameSize related ImageWidth and ImageLength ASCII Text N/A
ma:compression exact Compression ASCII Text N/A
ma:duration N/A N/A
ma:format N/A N/A
ma:samplingRate N/A N/A
ma:frameRate N/A N/A
ma:averageBitRate N/A N/A
ma:numTracks N/A N/A