15:58:53 RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF 15:58:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/11/21-RDB2RDF-irc 15:59:07 zakim, this is RDB2RDF 15:59:07 ok, Ashok; that matches INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM 15:59:09 + +1.512.471.aabb 15:59:25 chair: Ashok 15:59:40 meeting: RDB2RDF XG Telcon 15:59:42 +??P6 16:00:02 + +043316876aacc 16:00:20 +Mike_Dean 16:00:27 zakim, +043316876aacc is whalb 16:00:27 +whalb; got it 16:00:43 +Ashok_Malhotra 16:01:14 + +49.322.222.0.aadd 16:01:18 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:01:18 On the phone I see ??P0, +1.617.873.aaaa, +1.512.471.aabb, ??P6, whalb, Mike_Dean, Ashok_Malhotra, +49.322.222.0.aadd 16:01:26 + +0238033aaee 16:01:52 +??P12 16:01:54 617.873.aaaa is Prakash 16:04:15 juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF 16:04:57 Soeren has joined #rdb2rdf 16:05:40 scribenick: juansequeda 16:06:36 Next meeting Nov 28 will be cancelled. 16:06:52 Next call will be Dec 5 16:07:49 Minutes of Nov 7 are approved 16:09:49 +??P17 16:09:54 http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG/ReusableIdentifier 16:10:57 Cathy has joined #RDB2RDF 16:10:59 Michael started to work with Themis on use cases for ENS: http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG/ReusableIdentifier 16:11:23 Michael will be scheduled for the next call to talk about ENS 16:11:43 Ashok will contact Bijan and Chris Bizer for their material 16:12:37 Topic: SateOfTheArtSurvey 16:12:47 s/Sate/State/ 16:14:11 We will have more discussion about Survey over email 16:14:42 Survey document URL: http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG/StateOfTheArt?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=RDB2RDF_SurveyReport.doc 16:17:06 im here 16:17:22 Are you on the phone? 16:17:50 my microphone is not working 16:18:04 Presentation from Prakash Manghwani from BBN 16:18:11 Prakash's presentation http://asio.bbn.com/rdb2rdf/AsioRDB2RDF-1.ppt 16:20:01 Ontology http://asio.bbn.com/rdb2rdf/ds_ont.n3.txt 16:20:13 http://asio.bbn.com/rdb2rdf/ds_ont_map.n3.txt 16:20:36 Asio Parliament is a high performance triple store 16:20:58 Asio Scount is used for integrating hetergenous data sources 16:22:20 Each semantic bridge is a semantic cover. 16:22:40 the bridges takes the sparql query and translate it to the data sources natural format 16:23:03 i.e Relational Database Semantic Bridge translates SPARQL to SQL, and returns the relational data to RDF 16:24:19 There is an ontology for each data source 16:25:10 Orri: what happens if in a dept, there are different types of customers? 16:25:33 Prakash: besides the individual ontology, there is a domain ontology where SWRL is used for the mapping 16:26:21 Snoggle is a graphical tool that lets you write SWRL rules between data source ontologies and domain ontologies 16:27:08 Ashok: why create the data source ontology and map it to the domain ontology? why have this middle step? 16:27:19 The data source ontology could be reused 16:27:50 Asio Automapper extracts the data source ontology. 16:28:11 Asio Automapper is a direct mapping technique 16:30:30 All the transformation can be done in the semantic web space 16:31:36 AxelPolleres has joined #rdb2rdf 16:32:31 +??P19 16:32:33 -??P0 16:32:36 SPARQL query is written intial. Semantic Query Decomposition uses SWRL to decompse the query and send it to each semantic bridge 16:33:15 +??P0 16:33:18 No problem 16:33:39 Slides for the prsentation are at http://asio.bbn.com/rdb2rdf/AsioRDB2RDF-1.ppt 16:35:28 What happens if two data sources return conflicting results? 16:35:42 Not part of Asio's scope right now 16:36:12 Automapper generates an ontology from the RDB schema, and also a "mapping ontology" 16:36:39 Autogenerated mapping file is based on d2rq 16:37:23 the mappings are from relational data types to xml datatypes 16:38:20 The configuration file overwrites what is in the relational schema 16:38:34 i.e if the schema doesnt have a FK, then it is implemented in the config file 16:41:55 Ontology http://asio.bbn.com/rdb2rdf/ds_ont.n3.txt http://asio.bbn.com/rdb2rdf/ds_ont_map.n3.txt 16:45:55 mapping is between the data source and the datasource ontology. this mapping is used by the bridge for the query translation 16:47:30 Ijumped in late: can someone say in what sense is this SWRL mappings are different from Eric's canonical mapping and then map by SPARQL? (despite that the mapping SQL to RDF is nor canonical?) 16:49:18 With SWRL, it is query rewriting, and the rules are chainable, while that is not possible in SPARQL 16:49:37 SWRL rules are chainable, which is not the case for the one-shot SPARQL mapping proposed by Eric... ok. got it 16:53:24 New features of OWL 2 will enhance the capabilities of Automapper 16:56:34 Axel will present on Dec 5 about using RIF as the mapping language 16:56:54 Need to discuss Ivan's comments on the use cases 16:57:03 Need to comment on the Survey paper 16:57:11 -??P6 16:57:15 bye 16:57:17 - +0238033aaee 16:57:18 -AxelPolleres 16:57:21 -??P17 16:57:23 -??P0 16:57:23 - +49.322.222.0.aadd 16:57:26 -whalb 16:57:27 -Mike_Dean 16:57:33 -Ashok_Malhotra 16:57:35 - +1.617.873.aaaa 16:57:36 - +1.512.471.aabb 16:57:38 hellmann has left #RDB2RDF 16:57:47 -??P12 16:57:48 INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM has ended 16:57:49 Attendees were +1.617.873.aaaa, +1.512.471.aabb, Mike_Dean, whalb, Ashok_Malhotra, +49.322.222.0.aadd, +0238033aaee, AxelPolleres 16:57:53 whalb has left #rdb2rdf 16:57:59 rrsagent, make logs public 16:58:19 rrsagent, create minutes 16:58:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/11/21-RDB2RDF-minutes.html Ashok 17:02:38 iv_an_ru has joined #rdb2rdf 17:04:14 Khm, do we begin or I've joined one hour later than I should? 18:00:36 prakash has left #RDB2RDF 18:40:13 Cathy has joined #RDB2RDF 18:48:14 Zakim has left #RDB2RDF