15:57:54 RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF 15:57:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/11/07-RDB2RDF-irc 15:58:13 Zakim, this is RDB2RDF 15:58:13 ok, Ashok; that matches INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM 15:58:26 chair: Ashok 15:58:26 Andre1 has joined #RDB2RDF 15:58:44 meeting: RDB2RDF XG Telcon 16:00:48 +Ashok_Malhotra 16:01:02 +[IBM_Watson] 16:01:07 +??P4 16:01:56 lma has joined #RDB2RDF 16:03:20 + +49.322.22.aaaa 16:04:07 Soeren has joined #rdb2rdf 16:05:25 AxelPolleres has joined #rdb2rdf 16:05:39 zakim, who is making noise? 16:05:54 Ashok, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Ashok_Malhotra (76%), [IBM_Watson] (4%), +49.322.22.aaaa (57%) 16:06:11 +??P6 16:06:37 +??P7 16:06:38 - +49.322.22.aaaa 16:07:50 + +49.322.22.aabb 16:08:04 aabb is me 16:09:09 scribenick: ssahoo2 16:10:10 minutes for F2F (Oct 30, 31) approved 16:10:42 no phone call Nov 14, next meeting on Nov 21 16:12:04 Ordnance survey use case sent out by Jenny 16:14:01 RDF engine benchmarking by Chris Bizer 16:15:12 + +1.512.484.aacc 16:15:54 1. Introduction a. The Problem of Mapping between Relational Data and RDF b. The Incubator Group Activity (XG) 2. Mapping Approaches a. Tools and Generic Solutions b. Domain-specific Applications 3. Survey Framework a. Components of the Survey Framework 4. Current RDB to RDF Mapping Approaches a. List of surveyed work 5. Discussions a. RDB2RDF and RDB2OWL 6. Conclusions 7. Acknowledgements 8. Reference List 16:16:38 Zakim, aabb is me 16:16:38 +Soeren; got it 16:17:01 juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF 16:18:13 -??P6 16:18:29 I have prepared some 5 slides to explain the RIF liaison. 16:19:12 Axel's slides http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=RIF4RDB2RDF.pdf 16:19:17 Axel presentation on RIF for mapping 16:20:50 +??P6 16:21:25 Axel: RIF as common framework for representing rules 16:21:57 - +1.512.484.aacc 16:21:57 zakim, who is making noise? 16:22:06 can the person who joined mute himself? 16:22:08 -??P6 16:22:10 Ashok, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Ashok_Malhotra (23%), [IBM_Watson] (19%), ??P4 (33%), Soeren (38%) 16:22:19 -??P4 16:22:34 + +1.512.484.aadd 16:22:40 zakim, who is making noise? 16:22:50 +??P4 16:22:52 AxelPolleres, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Andrew_Eisenberg (8%), Ashok_Malhotra (7%), [IBM_Watson] (32%) 16:22:54 +??P8 16:22:55 -??P4 16:23:07 -[IBM_Watson] 16:23:08 I hung up and rejoined and I mute myself 16:23:13 I can't hear anything, still 16:23:18 zakim, mute me 16:23:18 Andrew_Eisenberg should now be muted 16:23:20 -??P8 16:23:31 Ashok, could it be your phone? 16:23:33 I still cant hear anything 16:23:43 +Orri_Erling 16:23:46 or wait, IBM_Watson seems to make the noise 16:23:55 -Orri_Erling 16:23:58 I can not hear anything now either 16:24:00 Zakim, mute IBM_Watson 16:24:00 sorry, AxelPolleres, I do not know which phone connection belongs to IBM_Watson 16:24:06 zakim, mute lma 16:24:06 sorry, Ashok, I do not know which phone connection belongs to lma 16:24:12 zakim, mute IBM_Wateson 16:24:12 sorry, AndrewE, I do not know which phone connection belongs to IBM_Wateson 16:24:31 zakim, mute IBM_Watson 16:24:31 sorry, AndrewE, I do not know which phone connection belongs to IBM_Watson 16:24:35 -??P1 16:24:39 zakim, mute all 16:24:39 sorry, Ashok, I do not know which phone connection belongs to all 16:24:56 +??P1 16:25:04 I'm going to dial back in. 16:25:09 +??P3 16:25:11 - +1.512.484.aadd 16:25:12 -Ashok_Malhotra 16:25:13 we should all hang up 16:25:13 -??P3 16:25:17 who is +1.512...? 16:25:23 I have dialed back 16:25:32 512 is me 16:25:41 +Ashok_Malhotra 16:25:52 juan, can you tell Zakim and mute yourself? 16:25:57 + +1.512.484.aaee 16:26:13 zakim, mute me 16:26:13 sorry, juansequeda, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 16:26:27 Please everyone hang up and redial 16:26:32 -??P1 16:26:34 -AxelPolleres 16:26:41 -Soeren 16:26:48 61# will mute your phone, 60# will unmute 16:26:51 - +1.512.484.aaee 16:26:53 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:26:53 On the phone I see Andrew_Eisenberg (muted), Ashok_Malhotra 16:27:00 zakim, unmute me 16:27:00 Andrew_Eisenberg should no longer be muted 16:27:16 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:27:16 On the phone I see Andrew_Eisenberg, Ashok_Malhotra 16:27:17 +Soeren 16:27:21 +??P3 16:27:41 + +1.512.484.aaff 16:28:11 zakim, mute me 16:28:11 Andrew_Eisenberg should now be muted 16:28:46 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:28:46 On the phone I see Andrew_Eisenberg (muted), Ashok_Malhotra, Soeren, ??P3, +1.512.484.aaff 16:29:00 +??P5 16:29:18 +[IPcaller] 16:29:33 -[IPcaller] 16:29:34 zakim, unmute me 16:29:34 Andrew_Eisenberg should no longer be muted 16:29:36 same as before. 16:29:45 -??P3 16:29:52 who was the last one to dial in? 16:29:55 Axel, it seems to be you that is causing the noise 16:30:05 -AxelPolleres 16:30:07 noise gone? 16:30:16 zakim, mute ??P5 16:30:16 sorry, AndrewE, I do not know which phone connection belongs to ??P5 16:30:17 +Orri_Erling 16:30:22 let me try dial in via another number. 16:30:23 No, noise still there 16:30:29 -Orri_Erling 16:30:36 ok, then it was something else... 16:30:51 zakim, mute ??P5 16:30:51 sorry, AndrewE, I do not know which phone connection belongs to ??P5 16:30:52 zakim, whi is making noise? 16:30:53 I don't understand your question, Ashok. 16:31:05 zakim, mute me 16:31:05 Andrew_Eisenberg should now be muted 16:31:06 zakim, who is making noise? 16:31:07 +??P3 16:31:11 -??P3 16:31:20 P3 is ssahoo2 16:31:24 Ashok, listening for 16 seconds I could not identify any sounds 16:31:36 -Andrew_Eisenberg 16:31:47 it seems to be a more fundamental problem with the bridge then. 16:32:01 whould we continue via IRC chat at least? 16:32:03 +??P0 16:32:06 - +1.512.484.aaff 16:32:07 -??P0 16:32:42 +Andrew_Eisenberg 16:32:55 I'm thinking we should abandon this call 16:33:00 +??P3 16:33:06 -??P3 16:33:14 +1 16:33:23 +1 16:33:26 zakim, mute IPCaller 16:33:26 sorry, AndrewE, I do not know which phone connection belongs to IPCaller 16:33:36 +1 16:33:57 Please look at Axel's foils and the document I sent out 16:34:05 shall we postpone the RIF discussion to next time? you migfht want to look at the slides and post opinions per mail 16:34:14 My idea is: 16:34:47 We should put on the charter proposal for a WG that such a WG should define a RIF dialect for describing RDB2RDF mappings. 16:34:53 I somehow do not get what the problem was - I did not hear any noise (besides some breathing) 16:35:02 + +1.512.484.aagg 16:35:07 ... possibly with an own/adapted presentation syntax, but also with a RIF compatible XML syntax. 16:35:20 Soeren, I am hearing a lot of noise. 16:35:35 Soeren, maybe it is your phone then? 16:35:36 +Orri_Erling 16:35:41 -Orri_Erling 16:35:43 -Soeren 16:35:44 - +1.512.484.aagg 16:36:01 zakim, unmute me 16:36:01 Andrew_Eisenberg was not muted, AndrewE 16:36:04 Axel could you please post these points in mail? 16:36:08 I muted myself and zakim also did not report any noise from my line 16:36:09 yes! 16:37:06 Axel, please continue 16:37:18 -Andrew_Eisenberg 16:37:26 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:37:26 On the phone I see Ashok_Malhotra 16:38:03 Telcon abandoned due to phone problems. 16:38:04 +Andrew_Eisenberg 16:38:06 -Andrew_Eisenberg 16:38:06 +Andrew_Eisenberg 16:38:24 -Andrew_Eisenberg 16:38:44 zakim, list participants 16:38:44 As of this point the attendees have been Andrew_Eisenberg, Ashok_Malhotra, [IBM_Watson], +49.322.22.aaaa, AxelPolleres, +49.322.22.aabb, +1.512.484.aacc, Soeren, +1.512.484.aadd, 16:38:47 ... Orri_Erling, +1.512.484.aaee, +1.512.484.aaff, [IPcaller], +1.512.484.aagg 16:38:50 -Ashok_Malhotra 16:38:51 INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM has ended 16:38:53 Attendees were Andrew_Eisenberg, Ashok_Malhotra, [IBM_Watson], +49.322.22.aaaa, AxelPolleres, +49.322.22.aabb, +1.512.484.aacc, Soeren, +1.512.484.aadd, Orri_Erling, 16:38:56 ... +1.512.484.aaee, +1.512.484.aaff, [IPcaller], +1.512.484.aagg 16:39:10 rrsagent, make logs public 16:39:26 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:39:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/11/07-RDB2RDF-minutes.html Ashok 16:41:16 mail sent! 16:41:18 AxelPolleres has left #rdb2rdf 16:41:20 INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM has now started 16:41:26 +??P0 16:41:28 -??P0 16:41:28 INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM has ended 16:41:28 Attendees were