14:48:33 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 14:48:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/11/06-bpwg-irc 14:48:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:48:35 Zakim has joined #bpwg 14:48:37 Zakim, this will be BPWG 14:48:37 ok, trackbot; I see MWI_BPWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 14:48:38 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 14:48:38 Date: 06 November 2008 14:48:47 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/4912B896.6010800@mtld.mobi 14:48:49 Chair: jo 14:54:17 jeffs has joined #bpwg 14:54:42 cgi-irc has joined #bpwg 14:55:24 MWI_BPWG()10:00AM has now started 14:55:29 +??P0 14:56:07 Regrets: DavidStorey, Miguel, Manrique, Sangwhan, rob 14:56:14 zakim, code? 14:56:14 the conference code is 2794 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jo 14:56:44 yeliz has joined #bpwg 14:56:49 +jo 14:57:04 zakim, cgi-irc is me 14:57:04 sorry, cgi-irc, I do not recognize a party named 'cgi-irc' 14:58:55 JonathanJ has joined #bpwg 14:58:57 +Francois 14:59:27 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:59:28 On the phone I see ??P0, jo, Francois 14:59:47 zakim, ??P0 is jeffs 14:59:47 +jeffs; got it 15:00:41 + +0207881aaaa 15:00:47 zakim, aaaa is me 15:00:47 +Adam; got it 15:01:27 +??P21 15:01:33 zakim, ??P21 is me 15:01:33 +dom; got it 15:01:40 zakim, mute me 15:01:41 dom should now be muted 15:02:41 +??P31 15:02:51 zakim, ??P31 is yeliz 15:02:51 +yeliz; got it 15:04:41 Scribe: francois 15:04:45 Scribe: adam 15:04:45 zakim, mute yeliz 15:04:45 yeliz should now be muted 15:04:49 ScribeNick: Adam 15:05:06 abel has joined #bpwg 15:05:18 Topic: Review F2F 15:06:05 Jo: First day on CT, broke back of LC comments. Jo is still integrating comments. 15:06:05 +Martin 15:06:20 ... day 2 decided there would be no machine readable MobileOK... 15:06:25 nacho has joined #bpwg 15:06:30 zakim, Martin is me 15:06:31 +abel; got it 15:06:31 ... heard to Korean MobileOK. 15:06:39 zakim, nacho is with me 15:06:39 +nacho; got it 15:07:19 ... discussed MWABP + various reports on Power / DDR / and mobile Web for Social Development. 15:07:27 s/Power/Powder 15:07:37 Topic: Seoul F2F 15:07:58 Jo: 11 responses so far, need some more responses. 15:08:08 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/37584/BPWG-F2F-Seoul-2009/ Questionnaire on next F2F in Seoul 15:08:12 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/37584/BPWG-F2F-Seoul-2009/results Responses to survey on going to Seoul for next F2F 15:08:13 q+ 15:08:15 ... open for another week or so. 15:08:23 SeanP has joined #bpwg 15:08:38 ack f 15:08:56 francois: can Adam come in fact (indicated he might not be able to). 15:09:38 Adam: I will try my very best. Probably will make it. 15:09:54 probably worth sending a reminder? 15:10:35 +SeanP 15:10:42 Jo: Can everyone please answer the questionnaire. Francois will send a reminder. 15:10:56 Topic: MobileOK Basic Tests 15:11:16 Jo: Mobile okay has gone to PR ! 15:11:22 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/PR-mobileOK-basic10-tests-20081103/ Proposed Rec of mobileOK Basic Tests 15:11:49 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/mobileOK-basic10-tests/ AC Review form for mobileOK Basic 15:12:02 francois: To get to Rec we call to AC representatives, final date for comments is 1st Dec. 15:12:06 Please ask your AC Rep to send a review 15:12:21 ... depending on support we receive we can then hopefully move forward to Recommendation. 15:12:45 ... encourage us to pass news to AC Rep or fill our the form is you are the AC Rep for your organization. 15:12:47 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/mobileOK-basic10-tests/ AC Review form for mobileOK Basic 15:12:49 q+ to mention member testimonials, press release 15:12:55 ack me 15:12:56 dom, you wanted to mention member testimonials, press release 15:13:29 dom: We are also going to have a press release and publish member testimonials. 15:13:49 zakim, mute me 15:13:49 dom should now be muted 15:13:51 dom: If you want to have your organization associated with the press release you should start working on getting a testimonial together. 15:14:27 Topic: Update on Accessibility 15:14:32 zakim, unmute yeliz 15:14:32 yeliz should no longer be muted 15:15:39 Yeliz: Not much change right now. 15:16:34 francois: Yeliz's document will be published as final work. Alan's published as updated working draft. At which point we will review. 15:17:07 francois: Will then move to publish document as a Working Group Note. 15:17:25 ack me 15:17:45 Topic: BP1.5 15:17:48 ACTION-872? 15:17:49 ACTION-872 -- Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux to work on reformulating 4 "tests" of BP 1.5 -- due 2008-10-28 -- PENDINGREVIEW 15:17:49 http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/872 15:17:50 nacho_marin has joined #bpwg 15:17:54 Kai has joined #bpwg 15:17:56 Jo: Kai is not here. Dom has done his action, action on everyone esle to respond. 15:18:02 Topic: MobileOK Scheme 15:18:04 -> http://www.w3.org/mid/1224600332.7211.66.camel%2540altocumulustier Dom's proposed rewrite for BP 1.5 15:18:11 Jo: I have published the draft but not updated the link... 15:18:41 ... Hopefully we'll have the licence etc done before MobileOK goes to rec. 15:19:24 zakim, mute me 15:19:27 Topic: CT 15:19:27 dom should now be muted 15:19:39 + +0496151680aabb 15:19:58 zakim, aabb is kai 15:19:58 +kai; got it 15:20:07 francois: Reviewed last call comments and Jo is updating draft. 15:20:11 Topic: BP1.5 15:21:03 Kai: Thankyou to Dom for reworking the document. Believe this is pretty tight. Request to the group for feedback so Kai can continue with that formwat. 15:21:07 s/formwat/format 15:21:09 nacho has joined #bpwg 15:21:21 Topic: BP2 15:21:42 Adam: Have folding in comments from the F2F and will share early next week. 15:22:22 Topic: AOB 15:22:44 Jo: Action-875 should have been on the agenda. Jeff to comment on ... 15:22:52 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-bpwg/2008Oct/0031.html Jeff's comments on ETSI doc 15:22:58 the ETSI document. 15:23:45 jeffs: Guidelines for generic UI elements for 3G terminals... Have sent a review email to the list. 15:24:46 ... there are some areas where we could do work on our stuff in response, but want to get some feedback from the group before digging much deeper. 15:25:53 jeffs: Main document is "pretty big"... Overview document (the one under review) is only a few pages long. 15:26:01 ETSI DEG 202 972 V 0.30 (2008-06-02) 15:26:10 brucel has joined #bpwg 15:26:59 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fportal.etsi.org%2Fstfs%2FSTF_HomePages%2FSTF322%2FDEG%2520202%2520972%2520v30_June2_2008_HF46.doc&ei=pQwTSdqPCoyk8ASV-LjQBg&usg=AFQjCNEoGEIc_8b9ANk0H7Xuc-AhpFEFVw&sig2=fsTF_NsshzXwpze1Rt7viA 15:28:15 apologies to all for being late; absorbed in a project and just noticed time 15:28:17 Jo: Main document is 44 pages... Two things we could do: 1) Provide feedback. 2) Use material to reinforce documents. 15:28:25 nacho_marin has joined #bpwg 15:28:43 jo: We should restrict feedback to "we are concerned with point XXX" but don't want to get in the position of contributing text. 15:28:49 jeffs: Agreed. 15:29:26 jo: In terms of what we use ourselves, the question is what document is this most pertinent to. 15:29:53 jeffs: The only part I disagree with is 5.4 Specialised User Interfaces... 15:30:08 "In the field of portable devices, it is not realistic to assume a standardization process similar to that which defined the PC user interface." 15:30:49 "In the field of portable devices, it is not realistic to assume a standardization process similar to that which defined the PC user interface." 15:31:17 from in 5.4 Specialized user interfaces of ETSI DEG 202 972 V 0.30 (2008-06-02) 15:31:41 jo: In summary -- we need to read Jeff's review and form a collective opinion. We will put this on the agenda for next time. 15:32:44 Topic: JOnathan's Proposal for Microformat for mobileOK 15:32:51 s/JO/Jo/ 15:33:08 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2008Oct/0065.html mobileOK Korea proposed microformat 15:33:34 PhilA has joined #bpwg 15:33:39 q+ 15:33:49 ack j 15:34:02 -> http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dhpvgnmn_68dwzhntdt Jonathan's proposal 15:34:37 jo: I think what Jonathan is saying here that getting browsers to understand Powder is quite hard, but it would be easier in this microformat. 15:34:40 +Phil_Archer 15:34:52 q- 15:35:41 PhilA: I have drafted a response which I have sent to power WG members first. 15:35:49 s/power/powder 15:36:22 Can I point out that the microformat has an accessibility mistake when it claims "Human vs. ISO8601 dates problem solved" 15:36:23 zakim, mute yeliz 15:36:23 yeliz should now be muted 15:36:33 PhilA: What Jonathan has done has create a microformat based on Powder work. 15:37:01 ... one of the differences is that the description is separate to the document it describes. 15:37:18 ... Jonathan's proposal would put a lot of extra bytes into the XHTML document. 15:37:42 I agree that point. 15:37:47 ... so Phil's questions whether this is a question worth paying... 15:38:07 ... but on the otherhand, Jonathan's point that microformats are well supported is valid. 15:38:12 seems to me there might be a way to point to the meta-data rather than to embed it... is there a reasonable and small-byte-count approach to that?? 15:38:29 ... depends what you are trying to do. No problem per se with making a microformat based on Powder. 15:39:06 ... if you lose the ability to attribute who is making the claim that is a core part of POWDER that would be lost. 15:39:43 ack K 15:39:49 Phil will be posting his comments to the list soon. 15:39:52 I think microformat can made in simplest way. 15:40:02 + +0121707aacc 15:40:38 zakim, aacc is Bruce 15:40:38 +Bruce; got it 15:41:13 jeffs: What we're talking about is metadata... The objections about large byte count are reasonable, so was wondering if there was a reasonable mechanism for microformat to point to metadata file? 15:42:45 Phil: Three ways this is supported: 1. LINK REL; 2. HTTP LINK; 3. RDF annotation. 15:42:49 (Phil discusses ) 15:43:20 I think my propose will be one of additional method for trustmark. 15:43:52 RDFa is not compatible with XHTML basic 15:44:01 jo: Pointing out that MobileOK requires valid XHTML1.1, RDFa might not qualify. Would need to ensure that a microformat was valid XHTML 15:44:03 but most microformats can be used in XHTML Basic 15:44:43 OK 15:45:38 summary for Jonathan: Phil will post to list under ISSUE-283 a more extensive version of his comments and we can discuss on list, OK? 15:45:44 presumably link is OK in XHTML Basic? 15:45:53 yes, Phil 15:46:16 and HTTP Link is independent of any format 15:46:36 OK. If it possible, I will try to find more reasonable format. 15:47:27 -Phil_Archer 15:49:00 please, send me what is the problem. I need comments. :) 15:49:26 -kai 15:49:28 -Bruce 15:49:28 -dom 15:49:29 -jo 15:49:31 -Adam 15:49:32 -abel 15:49:33 -SeanP 15:49:36 -Francois 15:49:39 -jeffs 15:49:41 nacho_marin has left #bpwg 15:49:42 abel has left #bpwg 15:50:13 -yeliz 15:50:15 MWI_BPWG()10:00AM has ended 15:50:16 Attendees were jo, Francois, jeffs, +0207881aaaa, Adam, dom, yeliz, abel, nacho, SeanP, +0496151680aabb, kai, Phil_Archer, +0121707aacc, Bruce 15:50:39 yeliz has left #bpwg 15:53:05 PhilA has left #bpwg 15:54:18 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:54:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/11/06-bpwg-minutes.html francois 15:54:27 brucel has left #bpwg 16:08:25 RRSAgent, bye 16:08:25 I see no action items