11:40:36 RRSAgent has joined #mw4d 11:40:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/10/06-mw4d-irc 11:40:45 Zakim has joined #mw4d 11:40:57 zakim, this will be mw4d 11:40:57 ok, Raphael; I see UW_MW4D IG()8:00AM scheduled to start in 20 minutes 11:41:08 rrsagent, make logs public 11:41:27 Scribe: Raphael 11:42:00 ScribeNick: Raphael 11:42:09 Meeting: MW4D 11:42:19 Chair: Ken Banks 11:46:27 Scribe: Raphaël Dard 11:54:24 kiwanja has joined #mw4d 11:55:45 q? 11:57:47 UW_MW4D IG()8:00AM has now started 11:57:54 + +41.22.730.aaaa 12:00:31 jeffs has joined #mw4d 12:00:56 +??P1 12:01:28 +??P2 12:02:00 zakim, ??P2 is jeffs 12:02:00 +jeffs; got it 12:02:08 welcome! 12:02:12 hello 12:02:17 Present: Ken, Jeff, Raphaël 12:02:43 which part isn't jeff? 12:03:23 the best part! LOL. you won't need that... 12:03:59 + +0239287aabb 12:04:17 Present+ Adesina 12:04:23 sorry jeffs... 12:04:36 Adesina is online 12:05:24 + + 12:05:37 Lauri has joined #mw4d 12:06:06 Present+ Lauri 12:06:26 mib_ws8ba9 has joined #mw4d 12:06:50 the world wide web conference (the main one) - let me check 12:06:51 mib_4l9fsz has joined #mw4d 12:07:04 ok 12:07:59 was that Jeff? 12:08:10 ok 12:08:18 Arun has joined #mw4d 12:08:32 Present+ Arun 12:08:48 lauri? are you going to make the call? 12:08:57 + +035850558aadd 12:09:19 Present+ Lauri 12:09:21 welcome luari 12:09:25 Who is mib...? 12:10:10 Arun pls, what is your full name? 12:10:52 thanks Rap 12:11:04 Topic: Approving last minutes 12:11:08 +1 12:11:16 I was away too 12:11:19 +1 12:11:25 mib_mumble is eEric Brunner Williams 12:11:30 http://www.w3.org/2008/09/15-mw4d-minutes.html 12:11:39 Present+ Eric 12:11:56 eric - are you on the call also? 12:12:02 working on audio 12:12:59 Action: Jeff to add a couple of things in the wiki 12:13:10 jeffs to follow up on action tomorrow (tuesday) 12:13:20 Topic: Workshop issues 12:13:36 q+ 12:14:04 Ken: sums up previous workshops regarding MW4D 12:14:22 spain 12:14:27 valencia? 12:14:35 madrid 12:14:35 http://www2009.org/ 12:14:37 when? 12:14:41 april 2009 12:14:54 april 20th - 24th 009 12:15:02 Full name is Arun Kumar, sorry just struggling with first time IRC use 12:16:37 q? 12:16:52 no problem, arun 12:17:14 webok 12:17:31 q? 12:17:56 q- 12:18:09 http://www.w3.org/2008/MW4D/w3circ#Being 12:19:12 q? 12:19:21 Action: Ken to share article with the group 12:20:02 q? 12:20:14 i ma fine with those 12:20:17 Ken: any questions? 12:20:33 Topic: Roadmap document 12:20:35 http://www.w3.org/2008/MW4D/wiki/roadmap 12:21:49 Ken: regulations issue to add on the roadmap? 12:21:58 jeffs? 12:23:00 thanks, jeff 12:23:01 Jeff: Will catch up through email with Ken 12:23:37 just did now 12:23:45 q+ 12:23:48 q? 12:24:15 Adesina: Roadmap needs a little fine tuning 12:24:26 Lauri got now back from sic-leave, so I have to catch up with the new documents. 12:25:24 Adesina: m-Agriculture should be added to it 12:25:28 thanks, lauri 12:26:16 Ken: recalls everyone can add inputs to the wiki. 12:26:39 thanks, Adesina 12:26:59 q? 12:27:03 q- 12:27:16 adesina - can you q- 12:27:38 no more comments on the roadmap as yet> 12:27:42 ? 12:27:48 Someone is making noise. Ken? Can you check who that is? 12:28:08 zakim, who is making noise? 12:28:20 q- 12:28:21 jeffs, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P1 (18%), +0239287aabb (23%) 12:28:24 Lauri likes to add to AOB, what is the mw4d agenda for W3C event near Nice France later October 12:29:17 q? 12:29:41 Renjish has joined #mw4d 12:29:58 Present+ Renjish 12:30:03 q? 12:30:09 who else is going to nice? 12:30:15 i 12:30:19 q+ 12:30:20 I will be there 12:30:34 - +035850558aadd 12:30:38 i know 12:31:05 Topic: Next conference 12:31:11 Adesina - are you also going? 12:31:21 + +035850558aaee 12:31:34 Yes, I am going 12:31:45 +1 12:32:02 raphael - can you add an action item for steph to email the members about the meeting/chase up 12:32:14 Action: Stephan to email the members about the meeting/chase up 12:32:41 +1 12:32:44 q+ 12:32:44 q? 12:32:44 yes 12:33:12 q- 12:33:20 q- 12:33:34 thanks adesina 12:34:52 kiwanja has joined #mw4d 12:34:56 q? 12:35:00 Action: Adesina to resend email concerning event 12:35:36 Any URL, Adesina ? 12:36:19 anyone got the URL for the september archive? i'm looking now 12:36:40 Adesina: looking for more info on event to share with group 12:36:43 q? 12:37:49 q? 12:37:56 + 12:38:00 adesina? 12:38:03 q+ 12:38:51 Friday 24 October 08:30-18:00 Mobile Web For Social Development IG (MW4D) - Morning Stéphane Boyera 12:39:04 thanks jeff 12:39:12 room Conseil 16, mlisted as *not* member confidential 12:39:22 q? 12:39:39 Q- 12:39:42 Ken: anything else regarding the meeting on 24 Oct.? 12:40:14 :) 12:40:20 q? 12:40:23 q+ 12:40:28 none from my end 12:41:13 q? 12:41:21 q? 12:41:29 q- 12:41:56 Raphael: Has anyone been in contact with Fisseha Mekuria, (Uganda Univ)? 12:42:04 q+ 12:42:09 q? 12:42:19 Action: invite Fisseha Mekuria to join discussion 12:43:06 q- 12:43:13 http://www.w3.org/2008/MW4D/wiki/roadmap 12:43:18 Renjish: Would like agendas of next couple of teleconferences 12:43:54 q? 12:43:54 Action: Ken to talk with Steph regarding that 12:43:56 q+ 12:44:04 Ken: main issue it the Roadmap 12:44:12 q- 12:45:54 Raphael, that wasn't me. I am not on the phone today. 12:45:57 Topic: Information sharing 12:46:06 OK thanks 12:46:07 sorry 12:46:24 q+ 12:46:29 q- 12:46:31 q+ 12:46:49 http://www.ictd2009.org/ 12:46:50 Ken, who is talking right now, please? 12:47:06 q+ 12:47:15 q- 12:47:19 q? 12:47:30 found the uganda november workshop link: http://m4d.kcl.co.ug/ 12:47:38 (thanks for looking jeff!) 12:47:54 q? 12:47:58 Jeffs: wants agenda for the next few meetings, high-level work going on 12:47:58 q+ 12:48:42 Call for Workshop http://ictd2009.org/cfw.html 12:48:47 q- 12:48:56 q? 12:49:07 Kampala, Uganda, next month the 5-6th 12:49:17 Arun: Would like agendas of next couple of teleconferences 12:49:25 qatar 12:49:32 q+ 12:49:45 q- 12:49:49 q? 12:50:00 q? 12:51:05 q? 12:51:34 q? 12:51:48 q_ 12:51:54 q- 12:52:09 everybody happy?!?! :) 12:52:13 q+ 12:52:18 I ma ok 12:52:19 (takes a bow) 12:52:26 ok 12:52:52 if anyone could pop up the URI for the Kampala conf, that would be helpful 12:52:53 thanks all 12:52:55 q? 12:52:56 q- 12:53:06 ICTD4 in Qatar 12:53:48 for you jeff - http://m4d.kcl.co.ug/ 12:53:49 thanks 12:53:59 there were references to one in Kampala Uganda 5-6 Nov this year 12:54:01 http://www.w3.org/2008/MW4D/wiki/Events 12:54:06 OK 12:54:20 thanks 12:54:21 Kampala, Uganda, next month the 5-6th 12:54:38 q? 12:54:45 I have no travel budget, so I cannot attend in person 12:54:49 conflict (me) icann cairo, same dates 12:54:52 chatham house 12:55:10 great news! you can get me a beer 12:55:11 I am one of the speakers 12:55:31 thanks everyone.... 12:55:37 you are going to have nice time san francisco 12:55:37 Ken: wraps up 12:55:41 thank you 12:55:41 ok 12:55:44 thanks! 12:55:49 bye 12:55:55 Tank you for the meeting 12:56:00 - + 12:56:08 - +0239287aabb 12:56:09 -??P1 12:56:10 - +035850558aaee 12:56:16 -jeffs 12:56:52 - +41.22.730.aaaa 12:56:53 UW_MW4D IG()8:00AM has ended 12:56:54 bye 12:56:54 Raphael has joined #mw4d 12:56:55 Attendees were +41.22.730.aaaa, jeffs, +0239287aabb, +, +035850558aadd, +035850558aaee 12:57:11 Bye 12:57:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:57:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/10/06-mw4d-minutes.html Raphael