08:16:08 RRSAgent has joined #css 08:16:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/08/22-css-irc 08:16:11 RRSAgent, make logs public 08:17:25 on agenda: 08:17:59 -- styling for implicit video controls (discussing who added it to the agenda and if there is a proposal) 08:18:51 Philippe: There are two kinds of controls for the HTML5 video element. There's the default controls, then you can make controls with JS 08:19:54 elika: is there a proposal? 08:20:03 elika: suggest we skip the topic 08:20:06 glazou has joined #css 08:22:30 (further discussion on why implicit video controls are on the agenda and if it needs an action item to follow up) 08:26:21 plinss_ has joined #css 08:26:46 discussion: video control buttons need to be styled. Define pseudo elements for it? 08:27:22 bert: if we don't provide style, the only solution is script 08:27:36 daniel: suggest a proposal comes from implementers 08:28:07 peter: if this is something we want to address, we should at least discuss if this something we need to tackle 08:28:50 steve: we don't need to solicit a proposal, it will happen or not happen 08:29:43 I think we should have a discussion of styling of multimedia, including but not limited to controls, 'stylable aspects' (volume, brightness, contrast, perhaps) and control of optional aspects of the content, particularly accessibility 08:29:55 but I agree the discussion should be anchored by proposals... 08:30:17 and that today may not be the best use of time 08:30:36 bert: if we do something we should do it soon or it will fall off the table 08:31:13 the video-on-the-web group seems to be a good place to discuss cross-group aspects such as CSS implications of media elements, right? 08:31:16 david: looking at what mozilla is doing now 08:31:33 david: controls with SVG, not seeing anything with custom controls 08:31:49 (I am in another stds meeting and cannot call in, only IRC when I am not paying attention here!) 08:32:20 anne: We already have problems styling form controls 08:32:27 (it is noted that David Singer is interested in the topic) 08:32:33 anne: The appearance property is way underspecified 08:33:10 anne: people are implementing form controls in JS, makes it unusable for mobile phones 08:34:11 peter: propose action dsinger and bert to contact someone in mozilla and come up with a proposal 08:34:26 Philippe: someone being Chris Double 08:34:46 I'm happy to work with Bert on "CSS aspects of HTML5 media elements", yes 08:35:18 action bert: come up with a proposal for implicit video controls 08:35:19 Created ACTION-97 - Come up with a proposal for implicit video controls [on Bert Bos - due 2008-08-29]. 08:35:53 plh has joined #css 08:36:00 Topic: block flow 08:36:14 And for what it's worth, I think what we're doing with the controls attribute is pretty much what HTML5 says to do. 08:36:25 elika: molly proposed syntax for block-progression 08:37:07 elika: block-flow: tb | rl | lr | bt (bt is optional) 08:37:30 elika: richard, what do you think 08:37:36 richark: reasonable 08:37:51 david: "flow" could be one of multiple things... 08:38:28 richard: when do we want to talka about case A (on the whiteboard - tbrl flow) 08:38:48 richar: should it be called "block-flow-direction" ? 08:39:08 s/richar/richard/ 08:39:49 elika: when we talk about vertical, we'll say "in left-to-right block flow" 08:40:19 RESOLVED: Molly's proposal accepted 08:40:19 steve: when this replaces property name, do we still say "block flow direction"? 08:40:31 elika: yes 08:43:16 elika: we have a concept of "normal flow" as opposed to out of flow 08:43:39 elika: ... and inline flow direction... 08:44:08 elika: tblr, tbrl = "horizontal block flow" 08:44:26 elika: lrtb, lrbt = "vertical block flow" 08:44:58 steve: bad idea for general terminology 08:45:13 peter: we should always qualify with "inline" or "block" flow 08:45:53 peter: terminology is fine when talking of block flow, not for general discussion where "vertical" means "vertical text" 08:45:57 steve: same objection 08:49:32 elika claims it is a bad idea to use "direction" property in CSS. it should be in html "dir" property because content knows more about its direction 08:49:56 alex is surprised and doesn't yet agree with it 08:50:32 richard: I would use "vertical text mode" even if it isn't text 08:50:43 steve: agree, that is the most common usage 08:52:16 richard: do we need "mode" 08:53:25 alex: in a sentence "in vertical text mode table rows are vertical" - is "mode" necessary? 08:53:43 richard: with "mode" it sounds more specific in terminology 08:53:51 elika: works for me 08:54:31 RESOLVED: "vertical text mode", "horizontal text mode" 08:54:49 richard: So for Mongolian you'd say "left to right vertical text mode" 08:55:03 Bert: I've been using adjective terms mostly 08:55:19 mongolian = "vertical text mode with left-to-right block flow direction" 08:56:02 elika: could say "vertical mode containing block" 08:57:13 elika: ok to use shortened form "vertical block" 08:57:56 alex: define once "vertical block" = "block with vertical text flow direction" 08:59:01 jdaggett has joined #css 08:59:30 daniel: list style "tree" 08:59:38 peter: arron wanted to be on call for that 08:59:54 next topic is CSS Backgrounds and Border 09:00:21 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-background/ 09:01:11 may or may not talk about variables today. it would be good to have apple people for that one. 09:02:18 elika: couple of open issues 09:02:54 -- issue 11: specify which corner offsets are from 09:04:04 (I'm in europe but don't know about variables, I'll ping the other apple folks, but it'll be late in the day if you catch them (for you, that is)) 09:04:17 elika: "background-position: bottom 10px right 25%" 09:04:37 david: what happens when keywords and values are rearranged? 09:05:41 peter: "left 15px" means "0px, 15px" - why? 09:06:02 david: the problem with "bottom right 10px 25%" is, does it mean 10px horiz 25% vert or 10px vert 25% horiz? because currently with coordinates the horiz is always first 09:06:26 david: another way to solve same problem is calc() 09:08:24 alex would find it more intuitive to have a separate property that defines alignment direction 09:08:34 davie would rather leave it to calc() at this point 09:08:50 hakon: can we write an example using calc()? 09:09:30 elika: "background-position: 75% calc(100% - 10px)" 09:09:42 hakon: good case for adding calc 09:09:56 background-position: 75% calc(100% - 10px); 09:10:03 I don't see any reason background-position: 75% calc(bottom - 10px) shouldn't work either 09:11:18 hakon: want inside/outside too 09:11:21 calc(0.25 * start + 0.75 * end) 09:11:33 peter: calc is designed to solve odd cases 09:12:05 peter: you can't build something that depends on direction 09:14:00 saloni: "start + 5px" makes sense 09:14:20 peter: you can't substitute "start" with 0 or 100... 09:14:35 elika: I don't think we should allow keywords in calc 09:14:39 hakon: agree 09:15:27 discussion on difference of start/end and left/right 09:20:45 steve: how do we represent start + 5px? 09:21:02 elika: calc(start + 5px) 09:22:33 background-position: 75% calc(100% - 10px); 09:22:33 background-position: bottom 5px left 45px; 09:22:33 background-position: start 5px top 45px; 09:22:33 background-position: calc(start + 5px) top; 09:22:33 background-position: calc(5px + start) top; 09:22:35 background-position: calc(start + end) top; 09:22:38 background-position: calc(start + bottom) top; 09:22:40 You're going to make Molly cry if you make her do this much math. :( 09:22:43 just to put something in the bottom right corner 09:23:22 (we are looking at examples in http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-background/#the-background-position ) 09:23:32 Elika is against putting keywords in calc() 09:23:41 calc(25% + 10px) means you position the 25% point in the image at the 25% + 10px point in the container 09:24:02 The current definition of calc() doesn't allow keywords, so I'm ok with not allowing keywords too. 09:24:07 plinss_ has joined #css 09:26:07 discussion of implementing calc() 09:27:06 background-position: 15px 20% (left top); 09:27:08 (calc() is a fancy notation for a triple (p, q, r) where p is the number of percentages, q the number of ems and r the number of px.) 09:27:14 background-position: 15px 20% (start after); 09:27:41 SteveZ has joined #css 09:28:06 background-position: 0 15px; background-flow: rl-tb; 09:28:55 background-position: [ | ]{2} [ keywords ] {2} 09:31:55 Steve attempting to paraphrase Alex: for writing-mode relative positioning, just add one keyword to make it writing-mode relative 09:32:11 background-position: 15px 20% from-top-left; 09:32:21 RESOLVED: No keywords in calc() 09:32:41 for background-position 09:32:46 background-position: 15px 20% from-before-start; 09:32:49 david: I no longer propose calc() as a solution for RTL background 09:33:19 Richard Ishida draws two images 09:33:38 [ W3C ::: :: : : : ] 09:33:47 [ : : : :: ::: W3C ] 09:35:28 background-position: 15px 20% logical; 09:35:35 it is noted that right-aligned background is possible in CSS2 - "background-position:100%" 09:36:44 ... and then calc(100% - 10px) can handle the right-relative use case 09:39:07 ... to solve vertical, you'd also need background-repeat: repeat-block-progression | repeat-inline-progression 09:39:16 alex: if there is a keyword "logical" it picks one of 4 corners for origin, then tiles normally... 09:39:21 ... and you'd need to make 'logical' on background-position flip the x and y for the vertical case 09:39:48 Elika: ... and you'd also need mirroring / rotating of the image 09:42:22 Corners NW, NE, SE and SW? 09:42:51 background-position: 15px 20% tb-lr; 09:45:52 peter: we don't want to use "top-right" combinations will explode ... "start-right", etc. 09:47:34 hakon supports an additional property that defines origin 09:49:39 david: if there are 8 writing modes, do we need all 8 for background position? 09:49:56 alex: yes, if rotate and mirror are included 09:51:29 Elika: background-remap: absolute | reposition | [ mirror || rotate ] 09:51:53 HÃ¥kon: can't live with this 09:52:53 steve: whatever we do should work if image is designed for arabic, then mirrored to english version 09:54:53 steve: the real requirement is for semitic pages to have the same capabilities as western pages 09:56:09 backround-position-mode 09:56:17 background-mode 09:57:52 hakon: why not have a background-offset property? 09:58:26 elika proposes dropping the functionality from CSS3 and taking CSS3 to CR? 09:59:48 fantasai: New proposal: drop background positioning from other corners, push that and border-length to CSS4 BB, publish this draft as WD, then LC/CR around Dec/Jan. 10:03:15 Steve: do we have consensus on using a separate property for defining origin corner? 10:04:07 fantasai: No, because whether I agree with having a separate property depends on what it's defining 10:04:31 fantasai: if we're defining which corner the origin is separate from the offsets, then I don't agree 10:04:37 dbaron: I agree with Elika 10:06:53 Peter: So proposal on the table is to use calc() for positioning from bottom right, and moving on with this draft 10:08:54 Alex: I like Elika's original proposal with bottom and left keywords better than calc() 10:09:47 David: I think I agree with what Alex is saying 10:09:57 David: Take the current set of values, those are still valid 10:10:14 David: Then add to that a syntax for four values 10:11:44 Alex: And it's not allowed to mix logical and physical 10:11:49 Alex: can't mix start and top 10:12:12 Peter: My concern is that it makes the background remap unlikely to work later 10:12:41 Alex: I think this is preferable to dropping values from CSS3 10:12:46 Peter: Are you going to implement this in IE8? 10:12:52 Alex: Unlikely 10:13:09 Alex: If we choose to add something from CSS3 BB in IE8, multiple backgrounds would come much sooner than this 10:18:52 proposal: elika's original version, with restrictions that remove ambiguity 10:19:03 no start/end/before/after in CSS3 10:19:41 (background-position: right 1em 1px bottom 1.4em -1px) 10:19:52 elika shows examples 10:20:28 background-position: left top 10px; 10:20:29 background-position: left 10px top; 10:20:29 background-position: 10px 10px; /* CSS1 */ 10:20:29 background-position: top 10px left 10px; 10:20:29 background-position: left 10px 10px; /* INVALID */ 10:22:31 hakon: what will dom return here? 10:23:06 elika: 4 values 10:23:21 fallback behavior: 10:23:27 background-position: bottom right; 10:23:28 background-position: bottom 10px right 10px; 10:23:44 background-position: bottom right; /* CSS1/2 clients */ 10:23:45 background-position: bottom 10px right 10px; /* CSS3 clients */ 10:24:28 Bert: I want to wait for calc 10:24:46 Daniel: I disagree, I think web authors will not understand calc() 10:25:07 plinss_ has joined #css 10:31:56 resolved: 4-value syntax, two keywords must be present, zero values can be skipped (examples above) 10:32:12 saloni: how about start/end/before/after 10:32:27 I don't think we resolved anything, I think we decided it was unresolved. 10:34:11 no consensus at this point on when start/end are introduced 10:34:26 RESOLVED: new background-position syntax in the draft is ok 10:34:32 I accept the syntax but I want the discussion on start/end to happen soon. 10:36:55 break 10:37:07 Not resolved. Objection from me. 10:38:19 calc() will happen anyway, so don't add redundant syntax. 11:07:40 more BB 11:07:59 elika: there is a proposal to add 'transparent' keyword to border-image property 11:08:11 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/issues/28 11:08:39 elika: it would complicate the syntax, the image can be made transparent too 11:09:02 david: we can skip it, syntax is complicated enough 11:09:41 peter: it seems a misnomer that border-image includes background, although i see use cases 11:09:51 consensus: no change 11:10:13 RESOLVED: proposal to add "transparent" to border-image is rejected 11:11:00 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/issues/46 11:11:31 Steve: Why not call it background-position-area 11:12:07 issue 46 -- rename background-origin to background-box 11:12:26 elika: thre is background-clip with same values 11:12:30 peter: sounds consistent 11:12:47 elika: there is background-break property (for page boundaries)... 11:14:33 peter: would expect background-clip to take a rect. should it be background-clip-box? 11:14:40 peter: and background-box 11:15:08 david: don't like bacground-box since there is also two; this is origin for positioning 11:15:17 anne: let's keep it stable 11:16:16 (no strong arguments to making the change) 11:16:50 peter: concern about background-clip - will it interfere with adding a rect clip in the future? 11:17:01 elika: will allow rect in background-clip 11:17:23 steve: background-position-box? 11:18:13 anne prefers to not change; there are implementations already 11:18:16 elika: That's clearer, but my concern is that it breaks the pattern that given properties foo and foo-bar, foo is a shorthand that sets foo-bar 11:18:45 ('background-origin: NE content-corner') 11:19:01 david: ok with changin background-origin; background-clip is fine 11:19:23 ('background-origin' has remained the same since 2002; nobody has suggested something substantially better it seems, otherwise it would've been changed) 11:19:36 s/is fine/is a good name/ 11:19:58 RESOLVED: no change to background-origin/background-clip naming 11:20:32 (Or combine bg-origin and bg-clip into one property?) 11:20:54 elika: added no-clip to background-clip property. marked at-risk. 11:21:14 david: painful to implement... an odd overflow case 11:22:01 elika: no-clip with a no-repeat image overflows the box to however big the image is 11:22:10 steve: what does it do for scrolling 11:22:23 peter: probably should not trigger overflow 11:22:57 alex: if it looks like overflow it should behave like overflow 11:23:08 elika: shadows currently don't trigger overflow 11:23:21 elika: we currently don't define anywhere what triggers overflow 11:24:27 elika: if your element has srollbar and background is scrolled you are allowed to clip to padding edge 11:24:56 saloni: how does overflow background affects other elements? 11:25:09 elika: same stacking order as normal backgrounds 11:26:24 peter: does it belong to the same property? 11:26:56 border-clip: padding-box no-clip 11:27:39 (background-repeat: repeat | no-repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-clip ? Or background-image: url(foo) no-clip ?) 11:27:54 elika notes that no-clip would be marked at-risk 11:28:04 peter: not convinced it is a good idea but if we have to have it I'd prefer a separate keyword 11:28:31 elika: box-shadow property 11:28:56 elika: adding inner shadow -- inset keyword 11:29:17 elika: brad kemper have images for that 11:30:06 david: is the spread feature still in? I know we implement that 11:31:19 elika: want to publish a working draft 11:31:46 david: plan to last call reasonably soon 11:32:21 anne: is border-radius stable? 11:32:30 elika: yes, and we have accepted your proposal 11:33:05 RESOLVED: publish WD 11:37:27 myakura has joined #css 12:38:35 Bert: Can we publish a new working draft of Template Layout that consists of the first section with Template Layout 12:38:40 Bert: with the second and third parts removed? 12:38:51 Bert: Nobody seems interested in the tabbed layout or row-based layout 12:39:41 http://www.w3.org/Style/Group/css3-src/css3-layout/ 12:40:51 Bert: old version http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-css3-layout-20070809/ 12:43:49 Elika: I had a comment that you should be able to assign min/max widths/heights to rows and columns 12:43:54 Bert: there is syntax there for doing that 12:46:29 Daniel: Are implementors interested in this? 12:46:38 Anne, David: we are more interested in flexbox 12:46:54 Howcome, Bert: This has useful things, especially the ability to reorder content 12:47:05 Saloni: How does this fit with the grid proposal? 12:47:12 Bert: they are complementary, they work together 12:47:44 Bert: With the grid module, you establish a grid, but then you need to use top/left etc to position things 12:48:11 Bert: With this you establish the grid and create slots at the same time 12:49:26 ... 12:50:02 Elika: I think Grid is very useful for snap-to-grid 12:50:25 Elika: I think using positioning with grid is not likely to be as robust 12:50:33 Elika: but being able to snap widths/heights to grid 12:50:41 Bert: or float to grid, or space out N items 12:50:45 would be useful for those 12:51:02 ACTION: Bert update CR Exit criteria to latest wording for CSS3 Template module 12:51:03 Created ACTION-98 - Update CR Exit criteria to latest wording for CSS3 Template module [on Bert Bos - due 2008-08-29]. 12:52:02 Topic: Update on changes made by David Hyatt to CSS3 Variables 12:52:02 Latest version of the text: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/actions/44 12:52:29 Topic: Revisit Issue 14 in CSS2.1 12:53:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Aug/0154.html 12:53:50 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Aug/0164.html 12:56:30 # The bottom margin of an in-flow block-level element is adjoining 12:56:30 # to its last in-flow block-level child's bottom margin when: 12:56:30 # * the element's specified 'height' is 'auto', 12:56:30 # * the element's used height is the same as it would have 12:56:30 # been if the specified values of 'min-height' and 'max-height' 12:56:32 # were their initial values 12:56:35 # * the element has no bottom padding or border. 13:01:35 Alex: Maybe the bullet about 'overflow' not 'visible' should be generalized to block formatting contexts 13:04:07 Elika adds that as issue 70. 13:06:25 RESOLVED: proposal accepted for Issue 14 13:06:31 Change Vertical margins of elements with 'overflow' other than 'visible' 13:06:31 to Vertical margins of block formatting contexts (such as floats and elements with 'overflow' other than 'visible') 13:06:37 for Issue 70 13:06:46 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-70 13:10:00 RESOLVED: proposal accepted for Issue 70 13:10:46 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-46 13:10:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Jun/0106.html 13:12:59 David: The issue is that we don't really say how media restrictions work 13:13:13 David: We say that if the @media rule matches, then all the rules inside it apply 13:13:20 David: But we don't say what happens with nesting 13:13:45 David: if you get to a style sheet by multiple links, you don't want to check only the restrictions on the parent link 13:14:09 David: You want to match the media restrictions on all the links 13:14:27 David: Also you want this to work right if you link to the style sheet in multiple places. 13:16:31 Daniel: The last sentence in this proposal doesn't handle media queries 13:16:46 David: This is for 2.1, not CSS3 13:20:41 "The import only takes effect if the target medium matches the media list." <- prepend to last para in 6.3 13:21:45 RESOLVED: Accept dbaron's proposal plus the change above (from plinss). Bert to figure out exact placement etc. 13:23:14 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-49 13:23:29 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Aug/0167.html accepted with s/will more/will be more/ 13:24:49 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-62 13:24:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Aug/0168.html 13:25:08 shepazu has joined #css 13:26:06 RESOLVED: Proposal accepted for Issu 62/51 13:29:19 Peter: Melinda raised an issue with the grammar 13:29:46 Peter: rule sets can't contain other blocks 13:31:01 discussion of what 'any' means and whether it is permissive enough 13:33:54 inconclusive 13:34:02 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-32 13:35:08 Daniel: I hit exactly the same problem in my source code editor. 13:35:36 Daniel: @ followed by an unrecognized ident will not be recognized as an at-keyword by the parser 13:36:08 David: You shouldn't use Appendix Gs' grammar for parsing 13:36:46 Daniel: If you follow Appendix G you will not recognize @foo as an at-rule. 13:39:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Aug/0165.html 13:40:39 jason_cranfordtea has joined #css 13:44:31 RESOLVED: Proposal by dbaron+fantasai accepted for ISSUE 32 13:45:38 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-35 13:48:42 Issue described by 13:48:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Jan/0432.html 13:48:44 and 13:48:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Mar/0026.html 13:49:11 Daniel: I see your point, David, but I think if web authors specify all four offsets they will expect the replaced element to stretch to fit 13:51:20 David: I think this would become the only case where a replaced element with width and height auto would behave differently from a non-replaced element with explicit width and height. 13:51:35 ...and I'm also unsure whether we should be changing the spec at this point because we don't like what it says. 13:54:35 Elika: I think we should make this change for replaced elements without an intrinsic size 13:54:47 David: I don't want to half-make this change. I'd rather either make it or not. 13:54:51 yt? 13:54:52 Elika: The results for http://fantasai.inkedblade.net/style/tests/issues/abspos-replaced-intrinsic-unsized -- using 300px by 150px 13:54:57 Elika: really don't make any sense at all 13:58:35 Seem to agree that this change would make sense for authors, other questions remain 13:58:44 Peter: Would this break existing content? 13:59:01 Peter: IIRC WebKit tried to match the spec here and ran into broken content 14:02:33 discussion between Bert and Peter 14:05:53 everyone tries to convince Bert that flexing auto makes more sense than ignoring a specified offset 14:09:51 Bert is not convinced 14:10:53 Straw Poll: Do we make an absolutely-positioned replaced element with intrinsic size stretch/shrink to fit if all four offsets are specified 14:10:56 ? 14:12:21 Discussion about interoperability 14:13:54 Howcome: It's not worth it to fix it. You can fix this today by setting the width. But we already have interoperability on the currently-specified behavior 14:14:10 Alex: If we change this in the spec, would FF3 fix it? 14:14:19 David: Not for 3.0, but perhaps for 3.1 14:14:50 David: Not saying that we'd necessarily have time to change it, but that we'd be willing to 14:16:19 Howcome: I'm not really convinced that this is worth changing from being interoperable to perhaps years of not being interoperable 14:16:26 Howcome: I think we're taking a risk there. 14:16:30 Howcome: I'm a skeptic 14:16:35 David: Abstain 14:16:40 Daniel: In favor 14:16:45 Saloni: Change 14:16:47 Richard: abstain 14:16:50 Steve: abstain 14:16:53 Peter: in favor 14:17:01 Alex: mixed feelings. I see perfect interop here 14:17:07 Alex: We can improve it, but why 14:17:21 Alex: No change 14:17:25 Bert: No change 14:17:56 Elika: no strong opinion, change iframe not image 14:18:19 Anne: seems there are enough other ways to get this effect that we can address this case using other means 14:18:22 Anne: So I would say no change 14:18:26 From what I have just read I would say no change 14:19:59 Daniel: No consensus at all. 14:20:17 Daniel: So we'll have to say no change. 14:20:35 Elika: Can we undefine the behavior for iframes? 14:26:02
14:35:42 Daniel: I want to discuss the charter and also to report on Variables 14:35:50 Topic: Charter 14:36:01 Philippe: I looked into the charter 14:36:08 Philippe: Listent to you for past three days 14:36:19 Philippe: Don't have any significant changes to suggest. 14:36:20 http://www.w3.org/Style/Group/2008/draft-charter2.html 14:36:41 philippe: I changed the online version of it this afternoon, some minor changes but perhaps they are major for some people 14:36:50 Philippe: We changed success criteria 14:37:59 Philippe: to be relative to each feature instead of each deliverable 14:38:34 Bert: In some cases you might want per-feature, in some cases per-deliverable 14:38:51 Bert: For example with a profile you don't want each feature you want the whole thing 14:40:35 Philippe: My intention was to make it less restrictive. 14:41:04 Philippe: So that you can choose to target the whole deliverable, but in other case you can also target each feature 14:42:06 Philippe: I didn't see any need to call out the W3C RECs for QA Framework, Charmod, Web Architecture 14:42:15 Philippe: We just expect everyone to follow the RECs 14:43:02 Philippe: Removed sentence about minutes being public because that is redundant with the top part of the charter, which says proceedings will be public 14:43:57 Philippe: Removed paragraph saying that we follow Section 3.4 Votes because the previous sentence adds extra restrictions 14:45:36 Philippe: Some concerns about your process. 14:45:47 Philippe: Your Decision Policy requires making decisions only during group meetings 14:47:36 Philippe: And the quorum requirement ... 14:47:56 "When deciding a substantive technical issue" should have "by formal vote" at the end. 14:47:58 Elika: The Decision Policy paragraph seems to impose the 2/3 quorum requirement on allt echnical decisions 14:48:05 Elika: Not just for formal votes. 14:48:16 Elika: And we almost never have 2/3 of Members in attendance 14:48:32 See dbaron's comment in IRC -- we should make that change. 14:49:09 Philippe: Deliverables section 14:49:27 Philippe: I want to be clear that anything not under this section is not under the patent policy 14:50:05 Philippe: Any contributions made to these drafts will not be under the patent policy 14:50:42 Philippe: If you want any working drafts to be in REC track they must be in the Deliverables section. 14:51:58 Steve: The other items are in scope, they're just not expected to be delivered in this charter 14:53:10 This section seems to need clarification about the other items in the module list being on the REC track 14:53:54 Philippe: Just add a pointer back into the Scope section from here to make it clear that those items are in the REC track 14:55:27 Daniel: Steve, when we had these items under the REC track list you objected that it was way too many items under patent disclosure and Adobe lawyers would object 14:57:16 Steve does not remember this 14:57:37 ... 14:58:09 Daniel: I think if we put everything back under the REC track then W3C will not accept the charter because they want us to prioritize more heavily 14:59:24 Philippe: You need to say that these Deliverables are the items that the WG will deliver, but that the other items in the Scope section are also on the REC track 14:59:32 Daniel: This is the opposite of what Chris Lilley said 14:59:43 Daniel: I suggest you talk with Chris Lilley before we make any changes here 14:59:49 s/said/wanted 15:00:26 Philippe: THe IP policy would reject publishing any item not on this deliverable list 15:00:58 Steve: Right, the agreement was that if we wanted to publish something as a WD we would amend the charter to include it 15:02:26 discussion about being on REC track, covered under IP policy etc 15:04:21 Steve: What surprised me is that the patent policy would not apply to the items in scope but not deliverable 15:04:38 Daniel: Any other feedback on wg? 15:04:49 Philippe: The WG seems to be working well. Have a resources problem, that is not uncommon. 15:04:59 Philippe: It would be nice to have CSS2.1 as a REC asap 15:05:05 Daniel: That's the goal 15:05:13 Daniel: Ok, thank you Philippe 15:05:16 (I think the easiest change is to change the title from "Rec-track deliverables" to "milestones" to remove the impression that the other drafts are excluded from the Rec-track.) 15:05:28 Topic: CSS Variables 15:05:38 Daniel: Dave and I made some changes from the original spec we released back in April 15:05:44 Daniel: The first change is in the keywords themselves 15:05:58 Daniel: Based on a suggestion it changed @variables into @define 15:06:07 Daniel: In the current nightly builds we can use both of them 15:06:13 Daniel: And we add a media type 15:06:13 Is there a link to the updated document? 15:06:46 Bert, I'm fine with that change, but the charter needs to indicate which deliverables are on the rec track, so you need a statement somewhere that says that all modules are on the rec track. 15:06:49 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Jul/0545.html 15:07:03 Daniel: Note that for the time being it's vendor-prefixed 15:07:12 Daniel: He added two things I thought were incredibly ugly 15:07:17 Daniel: =foo= and $foo 15:07:24 Plh, I'm fine with saying that explicitly, but I'm sure it's redundant. 15:07:25 Danie: It really looks like a programming language now? 15:07:42 John: Doesn't that cause problems in templated situations? 15:08:01 Daniel: In a more recent email, Hyatt added the ability for variable to be a block of CSS declarations 15:08:10 Bert, not in what I've seen unfortunately 15:08:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Jul/0571.html 15:08:35 David: Are variables variable or are they constant? 15:09:07 Daniel: The syntax for calling this breaks the forwards-compatible grammar 15:09:16 Daniel: It's something web authors have wanted for years, but it breaks CSS as it is 15:09:25 Daniel: I personally like the feature, I don't like the design 15:09:35 Daniel: If you have comments yourself about this, please jump on thread and make a comment 15:10:08 John: So why is the functional notation a good thing? 15:11:00 Elika: I don't like the functional notation because I don't want nested parentheses e.g. inside calc() 15:11:19 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Jul/0571.html 15:12:30 Steve: What if I created a new property that took the variable substitutions? 15:12:56 Elika: That's a hack. It's not really a property-value combination, it's meant to be replaced by a set of property-value combinations 15:13:29 David: The current CSSOM only supports one value per property per declaration 15:13:37 David: You can't do that and get the cascading order right 15:13:46 David: And change the variables after the fact 15:14:03 Daniel: Then these need to be constants 15:14:20 Steve: Also I could have recursive variable calls 15:15:28 Anne: was there a lot of positive feedback of them being mutable through the DOM? 15:15:35 Howcome: I don't think that's a very good idea 15:15:40 (I would like to see pointers fwiw.) 15:15:41 Howcome: A syntactic macro function seems reasonable 15:15:56 Howcome: but manipulating them through the DOM, I don't think so 15:16:17 I still prefer http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Jul/0031.html 15:16:20 personally 15:16:22 for syntax 15:17:37 Several conversations at once 15:19:09 fantasai, I changed the draft charter to reflect your comment on quorum requirements 15:19:30 Saloni: font-size: calc( var(black) + 1em); ? 15:19:32 (These variables do so little and cost so much :-( Why not design a *real* macro language, with parametrized macros, conditional macros and all. It can be much more powerful and at the same time much easier to spec and use...) 15:21:15 fantasai: I don't particularly like their proposal. I'd prefer something like macros 15:21:29 Anne: constants would make things easier for the CSSOM 15:22:19 David: It's not that clear whether their proposal is variables or constants 15:23:06 Steve: macros just save typing, they're not that important to have 15:23:37 Elika: maintenance 15:25:07 Elika: Can we make a counter-proposal? 15:26:37 (unminuted discussion with people talking very fast and simultaneously) 15:33:37 (... discussion continues about... scope (from definition forwards only?)... textual replacement or typed/pre-parsed replacement...) 15:55:32 Test: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0D%0A...%3Cstyle%3Ebody%20%7B%20background%3Ared%3B%20test(test)%3B%20background%3Alime%20%7D%3C%2Fstyle%3E 15:57:09 ACTION: fantasai draw up parse-time constants counter-proposal 15:57:09 Created ACTION-99 - Draw up parse-time constants counter-proposal [on Elika Etemad - due 2008-08-29]. 15:57:18 ACTION: peter draw up parse-time constants counter-proposal 15:57:18 Created ACTION-100 - Draw up parse-time constants counter-proposal [on Peter Linss - due 2008-08-29]. 15:57:54 Meeting closed. 16:16:20 jason_cranfordtea has left #css 17:17:50 anne has left #css 17:18:32 -> dinner 18:30:20 melinda has joined #CSS 19:14:08 hyatt has joined #css 20:50:16 shepazu has joined #css 20:56:08 dbaron has joined #css 20:58:09 hyatt_ has joined #css 21:21:56 shepazu has joined #css 22:01:50 shepazu has joined #css 22:38:00 jdaggett has joined #css