14:59:22 RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF 14:59:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/07/25-RDB2RDF-irc 14:59:48 zakim, +1 is joebetz 14:59:48 +joebetz; got it 14:59:50 + +1.512.590.aabb 14:59:52 chair: Ashok 15:00:07 meeting: RDB2RDF XG 15:00:09 +[IBM_Watson] 15:00:26 zakim, +1 i Juan 15:00:26 I don't understand '+1 i Juan', JimM_ 15:00:34 zakim, +1 is Juan 15:00:34 +Juan; got it 15:00:44 jsequeda has joined #RDB2RDF 15:01:14 +Ashok_Malhotra 15:01:43 +??P10 15:02:24 +[Microsoft] 15:02:30 CGI665 has joined #RDB2RDF 15:02:41 + +43.316.876.aacc 15:03:05 whalb has joined #rdb2rdf 15:06:00 + +1.408.285.aadd 15:06:55 scribenick: joebetz 15:07:38 Minutes approved from 2 weeks ago? No objections. Approved. 15:08:11 XG Logistics: F2F on 30th and 31th of Oct. about 12 people will attend 15:08:50 Action item: wolfgang hub for F2F 15:10:03 September the 5th will be next call, talk about what our deliverables 15:10:43 Email good communication about deliverable until we talk again 15:11:30 Andre1 has joined #RDB2RDF 15:11:56 +Andrew_Eisenberg 15:12:07 Hi, Andrew 15:12:21 Hi 15:12:36 Sigh, completely lost track of time 15:12:41 Easy to do! 15:14:30 Literature survery: A couple more papers, will update wiki and send mail. 15:15:58 XG deliverables: any comments? Send mail. 15:16:21 Presentation: Li Ma 15:17:47 <[1]whalb> [1]whalb has joined #rdb2rdf 15:24:23 http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=SeDA2RDB2RDFXG.pdf 15:28:00 System similar to D2RQ server, enabled data to be exposed to the Linked Data web 15:29:34 Can be run w/o modifying database, but also can add temp tables to help with query 15:30:20 uses SPARQL, provides RDF and HTML browsers 15:33:43 ways to generate data: 15:33:46 export data using scripts into a triple store, query that 15:34:31 map sparql to sql and query db directly 15:35:58 SeDA queries the rdb directly to answer sparql queries 15:38:33 SeDA builds a semantic model for relational schemas 15:40:17 Uses inference, example: transitive closure, subsumption inference to determine indirect shareholders of a company 15:42:54 for efficiency SeDA performs reasoning during query processing to avoid materializing inferred results in advance 15:44:48 SPARQL pattern tree redirected to DataLog Engine to expand it 15:45:00 a single SQL statement is generated for a SPARQL query 15:45:28 uses D2RQ mapping 15:46:00 temporary tables are added for user defined rules reasoning 15:49:02 Inference subtrees are added to the SPARQL syntax tree, for recursive rules, structure cannot be in syntax tree but for all else put the logic in the tree 15:57:32 Implemented automatic UML -> OWL transformation 15:58:37 automatically generate D2RQ maping from schema and ontology 15:59:06 based on eclipse modeling framework (EMF) 16:01:49 Ashok: Can we access papers? 16:03:04 Can ask any more questions by email. 16:03:14 No more calls for about 6 weeks, next call Sept. 5 16:03:28 -[Microsoft] 16:03:29 -joebetz 16:03:29 -Jim_Melton 16:03:30 - +43.316.876.aacc 16:03:30 - +1.408.285.aadd 16:03:31 -Andrew_Eisenberg 16:03:31 -Ashok_Malhotra 16:03:33 -??P10 16:03:35 -[IBM_Watson] 16:03:43 whalb has left #rdb2rdf 16:03:48 zakim, list participants 16:03:48 As of this point the attendees have been +1.617.803.aaaa, Jim_Melton, joebetz, +1.512.590.aabb, [IBM_Watson], Juan, Ashok_Malhotra, [Microsoft], +43.316.876.aacc, +1.408.285.aadd, 16:03:52 ... Andrew_Eisenberg 16:04:01 rrsagent, make logs public 16:04:21 rrsagent, create minutes 16:04:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/07/25-RDB2RDF-minutes.html Ashok 16:06:45 -Juan 16:06:46 INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM has ended 16:06:48 Attendees were +1.617.803.aaaa, Jim_Melton, joebetz, +1.512.590.aabb, [IBM_Watson], Juan, Ashok_Malhotra, [Microsoft], +43.316.876.aacc, +1.408.285.aadd, Andrew_Eisenberg 18:48:36 Zakim has left #RDB2RDF 20:33:43 JimM has joined #RDB2RDF 20:43:07 JimM has joined #RDB2RDF 20:44:55 JimM_ has joined #RDB2RDF 20:48:15 JimM_ has joined #RDB2RDF 21:23:26 JimM has joined #RDB2RDF 22:49:53 MacTed has joined #RDB2RDF