15:56:46 RRSAgent has joined #css 15:56:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/07/23-css-irc 15:56:54 zakim, this is style 15:56:54 ok, plinss; that matches Style_CSS FP()12:00PM 15:58:03 +[Microsoft] 15:59:06 zakim, [microsoft] has arronei 15:59:06 +arronei; got it 16:00:08 +[IPcaller] 16:00:23 Zakim, [IPcaller] is me 16:00:24 +George; got it 16:00:58 +fantasai 16:02:31 +Melinda_Grant 16:02:57 ScribeNick: fantasai 16:03:36 I'm likely to leave early, so someone else will need to take over minutes 16:03:40 melinda has joined #CSS 16:04:48 +[Microsoft.a] 16:05:22 +SteveZ 16:06:14 +Bert 16:06:20 sylvaing has joined #css 16:06:29 SaloniR has joined #css 16:07:22 SteveZ has joined #css 16:09:17 Peter: Anything to add to agenda? 16:09:52 Melinda: Hoping for a brief discussion about where the definition of what's required for support for 'style' attribute 16:11:07 fantasai: We could rip out all new functionality in the style attr draft and publish that: that's what Tantek suggested. It's not defined anywhere in 2.1 16:11:18 Topic: Agenda for F2F 16:11:40 Peter: We don't have enough topics to fill a 3-day meeting yet 16:11:42 dbaron has joined #css 16:11:54 +[Mozilla] 16:12:01 -[Mozilla] 16:12:11 Peter: I was thinking we should put up a page on the wiki and have people fill in 16:12:25 +[Mozilla] 16:12:25 Peter: I'd like to keep the F2F primarily technical, focus on things that benefit from us all being in the same room 16:12:33 Peter: We will filter and sort as time goes on 16:12:44 Zakim, [Mozilla] has David_Baron 16:12:44 +David_Baron; got it 16:12:54 Topic: Marquee 16:13:01 fantasai: Still waiting for Bert to reply 16:13:05 Zakim, [Microsoft] has salonir, sylvaing 16:13:05 +salonir, sylvaing; got it 16:13:08 fantasai: last I spec 16:13:11 jason_cranfordtea has joined #css 16:13:29 +jason_cranfordtea 16:13:51 s/spec/checked/ 16:15:21 Bert: I was thinking we should just remove any mention of vertical text 16:16:35 Bert: We can't test it until Text Layout is done 16:16:52 fantasai: I'm pretty sure we can write the text so it works in the future, but testing would be a blocker for getting to REC 16:17:12 Melinda: Should we ask OMA? If they're doing vertical text, then they'll want these definitions 16:18:20 ACTION: Bert Ask OMA what mobile world thinks about removing vertical text descriptions from Marquee 16:18:20 Created ACTION-81 - Ask OMA what mobile world thinks about removing vertical text descriptions from Marquee [on Bert Bos - due 2008-07-30]. 16:18:45 Peter: If they say they need it, they better be prepared to provide an implementation of it 16:19:13 Bert: Someone said he has test reports for marquee, needs to work on them a bit more first but will send them to me 16:19:48 Peter: So are we agreed that unless Mobile needs vertical, we remove it from the draft? 16:20:22 Steve: I think that's a good idea. We should keep vertical in mind, though. 16:21:55 Peter: Yeah. We don't want to block ourselves in the future, but we don't want to be blocked by vertical 16:22:01 Bert: Good topic for F2F? 16:22:16 fantasai: yeah. We should take some time to define terminology that we can use and refer to from other specs 16:22:58 fantasai: That way the specs don't have to depend on how vertical text is done exactly, but we can make sure layout models in e.g. CSS3 Multi-col can add the few sentences necessary to say how vertical layout is analogous 16:23:06 Steve: Would be a good candidate for a W3C Note 16:24:46 Bert asks about "primary paragraph direction" and fantasai explains about bidi 16:25:09 Steve: One of the topics for discussion at the F2F is what set of things ought to be considered content for that note 16:25:18 Steve: Obviously some of the things we're talking about, but perhaps more than that. 16:25:33 Steve: I know that fantasai and Paul and I put together some terminology 16:25:44 Bert: Sounds like a req document for text module 16:25:56 Steve: A bit more than that. Background, or something 16:26:08 Steve: It's not just the text module, also applies to box moduel and others 16:26:12 s/moduel/module/ 16:26:46 ACTION: fantasai add Note about vertical text terminology to F2F agenda 16:26:46 Created ACTION-82 - Add Note about vertical text terminology to F2F agenda [on Elika Etemad - due 2008-07-30]. 16:27:10 Topic: Case-sensitivity and lang attribute in XML 16:27:32 Peter: XML says that attribute values are case-sensitive 16:27:54 Peter: It also says that xml:lang takes lang codes, and lang codes are case-insensitive 16:28:00 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2008Jul/att-0026/xmllang.xhtml 16:30:03 Even if xml:lang is defined to be case-insensitive, it's not necessarily case-insensitive at a level that CSS wants to know about. 16:31:30 fantasai argues that we need to decouple [lang|=] and :lang(), and that :lang() should be case-insensitive per CSS 16:32:01 and we should add a note saying whether xml:lang is case-sensitive or case-insensitive when matched against with Selectors 16:32:28 Peter: I agree with that. I think :lang() should be very simple to use, have a consistent way of matching against the languages 16:33:16 Peter: If a document language uses some other convention than RFC3066, then :lang(en) should still match English 16:34:11 Peter: The language may not be coming from an attribute. It might be coming from an element, or an HTTP header. We don't know and we shouldn't care 16:34:25 Melinda agrees with this proposal 16:35:11 Peter: Do we have consensus that this is how the pseudo-class should work? 16:39:26 Steve argues that CSS should define exactly which mechanisms can define language, Melinda and Peter and Elika argue that the definition should be generic and refer to the specs for the document language. 16:44:38 Peter: I think we have agreement on how we want the lang attribute to work 16:45:02 Peter: I think we have agreement to refer to other specs and explain how they work here 16:45:14 Peter: The only disagreement is whether those references should be normative or informative 16:51:15 ACTION: fantasai come up with wording for lang issue 16:51:15 Created ACTION-83 - Come up with wording for lang issue [on Elika Etemad - due 2008-07-30]. 16:51:27 Topic: CSS2.1 Issues 16:51:50 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-35 16:52:01 fantasai: need hyatt for that one 16:52:26 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-45 16:52:30 http://csswg.inkedblade.net/spec/css2.1#issue-45 16:54:06 fantasai: it's just a clarification, doesn't change anything 16:54:43 fantasai: Alex asked for it, because IE had a wrong interpretation of this case before 16:54:59 Alex explains 16:55:15 Alex: It's pretty hard to get a precise definition here, but we have good interoperability on this point 16:57:50 Zakim, [Microsoft] has alexmog 16:57:50 +alexmog; got it 17:02:44 discussion of whether the antecedent of "this" in the proposed note is clear 17:04:02 Steve proposes s/this/this hypothetical calculation/ 17:04:19 RESOLVED: proposal for issue 45 accepted 17:04:27 -[Mozilla] 17:04:28 -jason_cranfordtea 17:04:31 -fantasai 17:04:33 -Melinda_Grant 17:04:35 -George 17:04:37 -plinss 17:04:37 George has left #css 17:04:45 -SteveZ 17:04:53 -Bert 17:04:57 -[Microsoft] 17:04:59 -[Microsoft.a] 17:05:01 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 17:05:05 Attendees were plinss, arronei, George, fantasai, Melinda_Grant, [Microsoft], SteveZ, Bert, David_Baron, salonir, sylvaing, jason_cranfordtea, alexmog 17:06:32 Hixie has joined #css 18:06:06 Hixie has joined #css 18:21:02 sylvaing has joined #css 18:33:27 dbaron has joined #css 18:40:56 Hixie has joined #css 19:15:31 Zakim has left #css 19:36:21 Hixie has joined #css 20:02:31 arronei has joined #CSS 20:18:34 Hixie has joined #css 21:44:34 Hixie has joined #css