TransPrep 0.1 - A tool for preparing XML files for translation

Introduction · Input for TransPrep · Command line processing and output options · Using TransPrep in a Java application · Further information · (TransPrep.0.1.jar and source code)


This page describes TransPrep, a Java tool for processing ITS 1.0 "Translate" information. Such information can be used to identify translatable and non-translatable parts in XML documents.

For more information on how to use ITS 1.0, see the Best Practices for XML Internationalization document.

Input for TransPrep

To use TransPrep, you need the following:

Optionally, you may use one or more external rules files.

Command line processing and output options

Running java -jar TransPrep.0.1.jar will show you how to evoke TransPrep from the command line:

TransPrep v. 0.1
For documentation see
inputfile outputfile outputformat [externalRules]
outputformat can be one of:
 1 = input document decorated with translation information
 2 = pseudotranslate
 3 = testsuite output

For this sample input document, the output is like this:

More sample input files and sample output are available.

Using TransPrep in a Java application

The following is an example of creating (1) a TransPrep object, (2) a document which has a DOM with translation information, and (3) test suite output.

(1) TransPrep tp = new TransPrep("Translate1.xml", "Translate1-output1.xml", 3);
(2) Document decoratedDom = tp.decorateDom();
(3) tp.createOutput(decoratedDom, tp.outputDoc);

The following is the same as above, except that it uses a different constructor for the TransPrep object, with the addition of an external rules file.

TransPrep tp = new TransPrep("Translate1.xml", "Translate1-output1.xml", 3, "externalRules.xml");
Document decoratedDom = tp.decorateDom();
tp.createOutput(decoratedDom, tp.outputDoc);

Further information

This is work in progress. Any feedback is very welcome, and further information is available from Felix Sasaki. Note also that the ITS Interest Group is discussing a general DOM API for processing ITS information, and that TransPrep is likely to be re-implemented using that API.

Version: $Id: Overview.html ,v 1.6 2007/02/14 16:15:24 fsasaki Exp $