14:01:07 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 14:01:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/27-bpwg-irc 14:01:09 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:01:11 Zakim, this will be BPWG 14:01:12 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 14:01:12 Date: 27 May 2008 14:01:20 Zakim has joined #bpwg 14:01:49 zakim, code? 14:02:02 sorry, francois, I don't know what conference this is 14:02:27 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2008May/0037.html 14:02:36 Regrets: AndrewS, Jo, Pontus, kemp, Bryan 14:06:02 rob has joined #bpwg 14:07:33 Present: rob, hgerlach, francois 14:08:10 SeanP has joined #bpwg 14:10:15 Present+ SeanP 14:10:35 Scribe: SeanP 14:10:39 ScribeNick: SeanP 14:10:50 Topic: One time URIs 14:10:56 Topic: One time URIs 14:11:00 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2008May/0012.html Heiko's email 14:11:13 Francois: Raised by Heiko 14:11:51 Francois: We cannot address it more than we already do. 14:12:28 Heiko: For one time URLs we can add no-transform. 14:12:39 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: One-time URIs are already addressed in the guidelines. Close the discussion. 14:12:56 +1 14:13:00 +1 14:13:11 +1 14:13:17 RESOLUTION: One-time URIs are already addressed in the guidelines. Close the discussion. 14:13:47 Topic: Idempotency 14:14:04 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2008May/0027.html fd's email 14:14:18 Francois: We had the correct definition of idempotency. 14:14:35 ...If you do the same action multiple times you get the same result. 14:15:12 ...GET requests are supposed to be idempotent. 14:15:16 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Keep things as resolved re. idempotency for the end of 4.1.2. Valid use of "idempotent". 14:15:25 +1 14:15:48 +1 14:15:50 +1 14:15:57 RESOLUTION: Keep things as resolved re. idempotency for the end of 4.1.2. Valid use of "idempotent". 14:15:58 +1 14:16:16 Close ACTION-751 14:16:16 ACTION-751 Make sure that we are clear about idempotency and side-effect freedome etc. per Dom's original illuminating point about this section closed 14:16:25 Topic: Sessions and consistency of user experience 14:17:50 Francois: One things we do not say a lot about is URL-rewriting 14:18:13 ...a click on a link goes through the CT proxy again. 14:18:38 ...Don't think we need to say much about this. 14:18:43 q+ 14:19:04 Heiko: If you do not have CT enabled, you can't insert links. 14:19:22 ...Should we define an additional header? 14:20:06 ...CT proxy whould add the header. 14:20:16 ack SeanP 14:21:34 +q 14:22:37 Francois: When a page is not transformed, then user cannot be back to CT proxy easily 14:23:25 ...also, we do not say much in the guidelines about rewritten URLs and that the CT proxy needs to set the HTTP headers like the request actually came from the client. 14:23:41 ...don't think we need to emphasize this in the document. 14:24:27 Heiko: CT proxy can be set up as an HTTP proxy where URLs are not rewritten. 14:26:31 q? 14:26:34 ack hgerlach 14:26:42 Francois: Don't think we can say much about CT proxy and directing to a page not going through the CT proxy. 14:26:53 ...I see headers and footers as out of scope. 14:31:33 q+ 14:32:08 ack hgerlach 14:32:52 Francois: Cache-control needs to be strong...could use out of scope means to rewrite URLs. 14:33:30 Heiko: We have two different no-transform options. 14:33:52 ...first can be HTTP header, second can be in META header. 14:34:11 http://wapreview.com/blog/?p=516 14:36:47 s/header/tag/ 14:37:03 ACTION: daoust to check on equivalence between an HTTP header and a META element in HTML pages 14:37:04 Created ACTION-765 - Check on equivalence between an HTTP header and a META element in HTML pages [on François Daoust - due 2008-06-03]. 14:39:28 Francois: I don't think we can do anything about this issue. 14:39:43 ...there is an an editorial note in the document. 14:39:55 Rob: Maybe the note should stay there. 14:40:32 Francois: Maybe we could put in a note about how the user experience could break with no-transform. 14:41:09 Rob: Have a note that it would be a good idea to keep the user experience the same across the session. 14:41:27 how do you define session# 14:42:10 Francois: Don't think we should use "session" because then we would need to define session. 14:42:46 Note: When possible, the consistency of user experience should be maintained across a sequence of related requests. 14:44:00 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: for sessions: replace the editorial note with the above note. Do not mention sessions. Do not go into more details. 14:44:47 +1 14:44:57 +1 14:44:59 0 14:45:12 RESOLUTION: for sessions: replace the editorial note with the above note. Do not mention sessions. Do not go into more details. 14:45:25 Close ACTION-755 14:45:25 ACTION-755 Summarize the issue that may be raised by sessions closed 14:45:48 Topic: Link element 14:46:01 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2008May/0021.html discussion 14:46:03 Francois: Has been discussed multiple times. 14:46:46 ...Aaron is going to say more about this when he has time. 14:47:04 ...LINK element links to alternate representions of a resource. 14:47:22 ...HTML page could link to a handheld version of the page. 14:48:31 ...Problem that is raised is when the handheld version of the page is requested, there is no way to tell if the page is handheld. 14:49:41 ...There is a way to use the LINK element to "kind of link to itself" but I'm not sure this is used in practice. 14:49:46 q+ 14:49:51 ack SeanP 14:51:27 q+ 14:52:39 -q 14:53:35 Francois: The LINK header come back to life sometime. Could be used for non HTML pages. 14:54:30 q+ 14:54:34 ack SeanP 14:56:22 Francois: Related to long running issue 222. 14:56:54 ...Jo wanted to make a comment on issue 222. 14:58:45 Sean: Treat LINK element as a redirect to mobile version. 15:00:07 Rob: Tend to agree. 15:00:33 Francois: Wait until next week to make a resolution on this. 15:01:30 Topic: Cache-Control: no-transform 15:01:45 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2008May/0031.html Discussion 15:01:51 Francois: The no-tranform switch needs to be respected. 15:03:24 Francois: Most done on the editorial notes. 15:03:37 ...A few more things we need to agree on. 15:04:00 ...Want to do last call around F2F date. 15:04:31 ...If there is anything else in the document we want to change, now is the time. 15:05:19 ...once it goes to last call, working group should agree and comments should come from the outside. 15:07:33 rob has left #bpwg 15:14:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:14:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/27-bpwg-minutes.html francois 15:15:25 Chair: francois 15:15:31 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:15:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/27-bpwg-minutes.html francois 17:03:42 Zakim has left #bpwg 17:57:51 matt has joined #bpwg