12:05:03 RRSAgent has joined #pling 12:05:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/14-pling-irc 12:05:16 rrsagent, please set log public 12:05:18 ghogben3 has joined #pling 12:05:28 zakim, this is PLING 12:05:35 ok, rigo; that matches P3P_PLING()8:00AM 12:06:00 Giles has joined #pling 12:06:26 + +96640aabb 12:06:39 zakim, aabb is Rigo 12:06:39 +Rigo; got it 12:06:46 zakim, i am Rigo 12:06:46 ok, rigo, I now associate you with Rigo 12:06:55 zakim, who is here? 12:06:55 On the phone I see Ashok_Malhotra, ??P6, ??P3, +30281039aaaa, ??P10, Rigo 12:06:57 On IRC I see Giles, RRSAgent, Zakim, rigo, renato, assadarat, Ashok 12:07:00 +??P12 12:08:03 zakim, who is making noise? 12:08:13 rigo, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P3 (9%), ??P6 (35%), +30281039aaaa (9%), ??P12 (50%) 12:08:58 zakim, ??P12 is Christina_Tedeschi 12:08:58 +Christina_Tedeschi; got it 12:09:14 present+ Renato 12:09:19 present+ Marco 12:09:24 present+ Ashok 12:09:31 present+ Christina 12:09:39 present+ Giles 12:10:10 zakim, mute Christina_Tedeschi 12:10:10 Christina_Tedeschi should now be muted 12:10:49 please post link to wiki... 12:10:50 zakim, unmute Christina_Tedeschi 12:10:50 Christina_Tedeschi was not muted, rigo 12:11:14 chair: Renato 12:11:50 MC: Uni Milan already provided material, still have to post it on the wiki side 12:12:36 AK: Had to provide overview of WS-Policy and did not figure out where to put it on the wiki 12:12:42 AK: need to help 12:13:04 RI: WS-Policy should go into policy review section 12:13:15 AK: where all very brief 12:13:59 GH: added use cases 12:14:05 RI: thanks Giles 12:14:29 GH: Nr 5 portable access control for social networks 12:14:37 ...pretty important 12:14:59 -Rigo 12:16:05 +??P1 12:16:19 zakim, ??P1 is Rigo 12:16:19 +Rigo; got it 12:16:33 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/click_online/7375772.stm 12:18:35 Wiki: .http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/ 12:19:06 RW: Italian income information case 12:19:09 I will do that later... 12:19:27 MC: now removed from the Web-site and put into P2P networks 12:19:42 MC: no way to get it removed as it has already spread around 12:20:29 http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/05/09/threes-company-google-to-launch-friend-connect-on-monday/ 12:21:02 ============================ 12:21:07 Liaisons 12:21:22 RI: 4 liaisons on the record: 12:21:41 RI: JTC1/SC27/WG5 12:22:43 RW: PrimeLife very busy, so have to wait for next month to get it rolling, same counts for PrimeLife 12:24:37 RI: someone mentioned SIP Policy 12:24:59 RI: concordia and PICOS liaison are in unclear state 12:25:27 RI: explore IETF wg 12:26:05 ACTION: Renato to find out which IETF Group was up for liaison and explore this and present it back to PLING 12:26:10 =================================== 12:26:21 WW2008 Panel 12:26:37 RI: Report on PLING lightning talk to AC 12:26:53 ...bigger event was Panel at WWW2008 12:27:10 ...put up slides on wiki 12:27:44 ...explained policy aware web, Pierro, Thomas and Lalana gave their talks 12:27:55 ...people kept on going in and out 12:28:28 ...feedback: one person complained about usual case of party night then published on the web 12:28:33 ...CC licenses 12:29:02 ...started discussion use of CC licenses for databases, "open commons" 12:29:17 ...Paul Miller from TellUS talked from the audience 12:29:26 ...some links from the slides 12:29:41 boabjohn has joined #pling 12:30:12 ...was a good panel session and big conf, interesting session, lots of people networking. 12:30:24 ... panel session was well received 12:30:34 dam 12:30:37 just surfing the slides... 12:31:03 ================================= 12:31:09 F2F at W3C TPAC 12:31:11 assadara1 has joined #pling 12:33:21 exact date? 12:33:39 RI: who could join the meeting 12:33:50 I will be at the Technical Plenary and could attend 12:34:01 I will be there too 12:34:06 scribe: rigo 12:34:44 20-25 october 12:34:58 24-25/oct 12:35:09 It's possible for me. 12:35:14 TPAC PLING meeting will be 24/25 October 12:39:57 ask public to rank use cases 12:40:01 JB: sounds interesting to rank use cases 12:40:40 ...you guys read a lot of stuff and it would be interesting to rank and link the stories to our use cases 12:45:50 JB: would do some link hitting 12:46:16 RI: talked to W3C sys-guys and they said it is possible to install the semantic extensions 12:46:43 ACTION: John and Renato to come back to the group with a demo of the semantic linking 12:47:17 just added another small use-case from our web 2.0 security group 12:48:21 -??P3 12:49:01 zakim, ??P3 was Marco_Casassa-Mont 12:49:01 I don't understand '??P3 was Marco_Casassa-Mont', rigo 12:50:57 -Ashok_Malhotra 12:51:00 -Rigo 12:51:01 - +30281039aaaa 12:51:03 -??P10 12:51:07 -Christina_Tedeschi 12:51:09 P3P_PLING()8:00AM has ended 12:51:10 Attendees were Ashok_Malhotra, +30281039aaaa, +96640aabb, Rigo, Christina_Tedeschi 12:51:25 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 12:51:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/14-pling-minutes.html rigo 12:51:33 zakim, bye 12:51:33 Zakim has left #pling 12:51:42 RRSAgent, bye 12:51:42 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/14-pling-actions.rdf : 12:51:42 ACTION: Renato to find out which IETF Group was up for liaison and explore this and present it back to PLING [1] 12:51:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/14-pling-irc#T12-26-05 12:51:42 ACTION: John and Renato to come back to the group with a demo of the semantic linking [2] 12:51:42 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/14-pling-irc#T12-46-43