18:03:08 RRSAgent has joined #sml 18:03:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/01-sml-irc 18:03:46 Scribe: Jordan Boucher 18:03:50 ScribeNick: Jordan 18:04:00 Chair: John 18:04:10 Meeting: SML Weekly Teleconf 18:04:26 Sandy has joined #sml 18:04:50 Zakim has joined #sml 18:05:26 zakim, aaaa is Kumar 18:05:26 +Kumar; got it 18:05:30 johnarwe has left #sml 18:05:36 johnarwe has joined #sml 18:06:06 Regrets: ginny 18:06:23 rrsagent, make log public 18:07:32 Regrets: MSM 18:07:50 +Zulah_Eckert 18:08:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/01-sml-minutes.html Sandy 18:08:11 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2008Apr/0151.html 18:08:26 regrets+ Ginny 18:08:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/01-sml-minutes.html Sandy 18:08:55 zulah has joined #sml 18:09:20 John: proposal to cancel next weeks teleconf 18:09:33 Resolution: cancel next week, 5/8/2008 18:09:43 Topic: approval of minutes 18:09:57 Regrets: Ginny, MSM 18:10:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2008Apr/att-0150/2008-04-24-minutes.htm 18:10:19 Resolution: minutes approved 18:10:25 +[Microsoft] 18:10:53 zakim, Microsoft is Pratul 18:10:53 +Pratul; got it 18:10:58 s/minutes/4-24 minutes/ 18:11:27 Topic: update from the CG 18:11:36 pratul has joined #sml 18:11:40 John: summary, but nothing new 18:12:02 Topic: outstanding action items 18:12:30 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/sml/actions/137 18:13:43 Pratul: work on it next week 18:14:03 Topic: Schema validity vs SML validity 18:14:41 bug http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5519 18:16:43 I need to step out for a while - will be back soon 18:17:06 -Pratul 18:18:27 John: summarizes latest comments from Henry 18:19:04 John: believes that Sandy and Kumar may have an understanding of the comments now (others may not know schema deep enough) 18:20:59 Kumar: sml constraints should always have [val attempted] true, so either [val] either true or false 18:21:20 but [val] has more than two possible values in schema 18:22:12 Sandy: think we can have [val attempted] false because of schema wildcard processing 18:22:38 Sandy: sml constraints attached to schema components can be skipped 18:23:45 Sandy: for target * and acyclic sml constraints to function, you have to have established a relationship between instance content and schema components w/ sml constraints attached 18:25:33 sandy: I think that means our constraints will not change the value of [validation attempted] from schema, but there might be strange cases that might. If sml derefs into or checks acyclic for an element that was skipped by schema, does that change [val attempted]? 18:25:51 Sandy: [val attempted] in schema has the values none, full, partial 18:31:33 John: proposal to move 5519 to needsAgreement 18:33:20 Resolution: make it so (Kumar updating the bug to reflect this decision) 18:35:17 John: notes a bit of a process hole - resolved bugs that get comments don't show up on our normal work queue 18:37:33 John: may need two new keywords to properly track bugs 18:38:46 ... one to track bugs originated from outside the working group 18:39:04 ... another to track whether consensus was reached from the outside party 18:39:32 John: any objections to adding this process change? 18:40:06 s/from/with/ 18:40:46 John: sounds like consensus from the group 18:42:52 John: how about "external" for the first concept? 18:44:00 Kumar: looking at existing keywords - found externalComment and reviewerSatisfied 18:45:09 John: also see reviewerNotSatisfied - do we need that too? 18:46:41 Resolution: use the existing keywords for this purpose 18:47:42 ACTION: Pratul to review the existing keywords and update process for how SML WG will use them 18:47:43 Created ACTION-183 - Review the existing keywords and update process for how SML WG will use them [on Pratul Dublish - due 2008-05-08]. 18:48:12 Topic: Review bugs with no keywords or target 18:48:27 5546 18:48:59 Topic: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5546 18:53:35 John: please add keywords externalComment and reviewerNotSatisfied to 5546 18:53:54 Topic: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5653 18:56:20 s/John/Resolution/ 18:56:39 Resolution: please mark 5653 needsAgreement 18:57:10 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5656 18:59:22 Kirk: explained the issues, but no proposal yet 18:59:43 Kirk: move to needsAgreement 18:59:48 John: any objections? 18:59:59 Resolution: make it so 19:00:14 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5657 19:02:52 John: any objections to move to needsAgreement 19:03:19 Resolution: make it so 19:05:16 Topic: bugs where decided period has elapsed 19:06:14 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5561 19:08:35 John: not sure why decided is still on this one, perhaps remove it? 19:08:46 ... mark it externalComment as well 19:11:13 John: propose remove decided - any objections? 19:11:48 John: propose to add externalComment - any objections? 19:12:09 Resolution: both proposals accepted by wg concensus 19:13:07 ACTION: Kumar to work with Pratul to iterate the draft of the note for 5561 19:13:07 Created ACTION-184 - Work with Pratul to iterate the draft of the note for 5561 [on Kumar Pandit - due 2008-05-08]. 19:15:06 Topic: bugs with no keyword 19:15:44 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5390 19:16:07 John: do not see a proposal - looks like needsAgreement - any objections? 19:16:19 Resolution: make it so 19:16:48 Topic: bugs with needsReview keyword 19:17:37 5283 19:17:37 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5283 19:22:16 Interchange Model - An interchange model is an SML model [SML 1.1] being 19:22:16 interchanged. 19:45:05 John: proposal to fix per comment #7, bullet 3. - any objections? 19:45:15 An SML-IF document is an XML document that contains the set of documents that represent an interchange model .See [ 5.1 Conformance Criteria ]. 19:47:38 revised wording based on discussion: 19:47:56 interchange model as in comment 7 #3 19:48:04 (dashed bullet 1) 19:48:27 smlif doc: - An SML-IF document is a XML representation of an interchange model. It 19:48:27 includes the model's identity, its documents (by value or by reference), 19:48:27 metadata about its documents, and a syntactic representation of concepts 19:48:27 defined as part of an SML model but lacking an SML-defined sytnax (e.g. rule 19:48:27 bindings). 19:49:24 the latter def is == 5283 coment 7 #3 dashed bullet 2, replacing "syntactic" with "XML" 19:49:48 John: any objections (once again)? 19:50:36 Resolution: make it so - mark editorial, no needsReview, fix per above 19:54:33 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5541 19:54:48 John: propose remove needsReview - any objections? 19:55:27 Resolution: remove needsReview, add needsAgreement 19:56:13 ACTION MSM to review 5541 comment #8 and verify if it belongs or to 5519 19:57:07 ACTION: MSM to review 5541 comment #8 and verify if it belongs there or to 5519 19:57:07 Created ACTION-185 - Review 5541 comment #8 and verify if it belongs there or to 5519 [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-05-08]. 19:57:26 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5606 19:58:30 John: any further time needed? any comments? 19:59:56 Kirk: recalls previous discussion, ok with it now 20:00:03 Julia: need more time 20:00:19 -Sandy 20:00:46 Sandy: need more time as well 20:02:58 -Kumar 20:03:05 -Jordan 20:03:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:03:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/01-sml-minutes.html Jordan 20:03:48 -Zulah_Eckert 20:03:55 -Kirk 20:04:18 -johnarwe 20:04:21 -Julia 20:04:22 XML_SMLWG()2:00PM has ended 20:04:23 Attendees were Julia, +1.425.836.aaaa, Kirk, johnarwe, Jordan, Sandy, Kumar, Zulah_Eckert, Pratul 20:04:33 johnarwe has left #sml 20:06:24 julia has left #sml 20:24:33 Zakim has left #sml