16:58:25 RRSAgent has joined #owl 16:58:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/03/19-owl-irc 16:58:35 SW_OWL()12:00PM has now started 16:58:41 +??P0 16:58:51 Zakim, ??P0 is me 16:58:51 +bcuencagrau; got it 16:58:53 bmotik has joined #owl 16:59:02 + +1.202.408.aaaa 16:59:09 m_schnei has joined #owl 16:59:19 + +0186527aabb 16:59:22 Zakim, mute me 16:59:22 bcuencagrau should now be muted 16:59:26 +??P6 16:59:29 zakim, aabb is IanH 16:59:29 + +31.20.525.aacc 16:59:29 +IanH; got it 16:59:33 Zakim, ??P6 is me 16:59:33 +bmotik; got it 16:59:36 Zakim, aacc is me 16:59:36 +Rinke; got it 16:59:41 Zakim, mute me 16:59:41 bmotik should now be muted 17:00:27 +Sandro 17:00:42 + +1.518.276.aadd 17:00:50 DougL has joined #owl 17:00:58 +Evan_Wallace 17:01:24 zakim, who is here? 17:01:24 On the phone I see bcuencagrau (muted), msmith, IanH, bmotik (muted), Rinke, Sandro, +1.518.276.aadd, Evan_Wallace 17:01:26 On IRC I see DougL, m_schnei, bmotik, RRSAgent, IanH, Zakim, bcuencagrau, Rinke, ewallace, msmith, pfps, sandro, trackbot-ng 17:01:27 + +1.512.342.aaee 17:01:41 Zakim, aaee is me 17:01:41 +DougL; got it 17:01:58 cgi-irc has joined #owl 17:02:36 zakim, who is here? 17:02:36 alanr has joined #owl 17:02:38 On the phone I see bcuencagrau (muted), msmith, IanH, bmotik (muted), Rinke, Sandro, +1.518.276.aadd, Evan_Wallace, DougL 17:02:41 Zakim, aadd is baojie 17:02:43 On IRC I see baojie, DougL, m_schnei, bmotik, RRSAgent, IanH, Zakim, bcuencagrau, Rinke, ewallace, msmith, pfps, sandro, trackbot-ng 17:02:47 +baojie; got it 17:02:53 +??P11 17:02:58 zakim, ??P11 is me 17:03:01 +m_schnei; got it 17:03:01 zakim, who is here? 17:03:05 On the phone I see bcuencagrau (muted), msmith, IanH, bmotik (muted), Rinke, Sandro, baojie, Evan_Wallace, DougL, m_schnei 17:03:06 zakim, mute me 17:03:12 ivan has joined #owl 17:03:14 m_schnei should now be muted 17:03:16 On IRC I see alanr, baojie, DougL, m_schnei, bmotik, RRSAgent, IanH, Zakim, bcuencagrau, Rinke, ewallace, msmith, pfps, sandro, trackbot-ng 17:03:32 +Alan 17:03:32 Peter, you are scribing today? 17:03:38 zakim, dial ivan-voip 17:03:38 ok, ivan; the call is being made 17:03:40 +Ivan 17:03:46 yes, I'm trying to dial in 17:03:54 +Peter_Patel-Schneider 17:04:03 zakim, who is here? 17:04:03 On the phone I see bcuencagrau (muted), msmith, IanH, bmotik (muted), Rinke, Sandro, baojie, Evan_Wallace, DougL, m_schnei (muted), Alan, Ivan, Peter_Patel-Schneider 17:04:07 On IRC I see ivan, alanr, baojie, DougL, m_schnei, bmotik, RRSAgent, IanH, Zakim, bcuencagrau, Rinke, ewallace, msmith, pfps, sandro, trackbot-ng 17:04:17 Achille has joined #owl 17:04:43 baojie, I don't see any message from you on IRC. Perhaps your IRC isn't working right? Including, I don't see you saying "Zakim, aadd is me", which it sounds like you think you said. 17:04:53 scribe: pfps 17:04:58 +[IBM] 17:05:04 i'm no 17:05:12 zakim, who is here? 17:05:12 On the phone I see bcuencagrau (muted), msmith, IanH, bmotik (muted), Rinke, Sandro, baojie, Evan_Wallace, DougL, m_schnei (muted), Alan, Ivan, Peter_Patel-Schneider, [IBM] 17:05:13 i'm on 17:05:15 On IRC I see Achille, ivan, alanr, baojie, DougL, m_schnei, bmotik, RRSAgent, IanH, Zakim, bcuencagrau, Rinke, ewallace, msmith, pfps, sandro, trackbot-ng 17:05:24 Zakim, IBM is Achille 17:05:24 +Achille; got it 17:05:45 topic: admin 17:06:03 ian: agenda amendments? 17:06:25 zhe: jim and deb don't want to vote today 17:06:53 ian: opinions on this? 17:07:01 doug: this is a bad precedent 17:07:06 +1 17:07:24 We can vote at the f2f, no? 17:07:46 agenda says " Formal votes to publish" 17:07:48 Is a vote pressing? I know I said we would, last week, but I'm not sure that it is. 17:07:53 sandro: chair to email says - not on agenda therefore not vote 17:07:58 it is necessary 17:08:02 ian: was on agenda 17:08:06 I understood "Formal votes to publish" as a discussion *about* voting 17:08:10 s/that it is/that it is necessary/ 17:08:23 q+ 17:08:54 -1 to vote today: I must not vote, because FZI has not yet come to a conclusion 17:09:44 q+ 17:09:55 q? 17:09:57 ian: unhappy with delay 17:10:35 q? 17:10:39 alan: delay until face-to-face 17:10:44 (My other point was that the net effect will be the same as they want, namely very unlikely we will vote to accept it as is) 17:10:47 ack alanr 17:10:54 they did to chair 17:10:54 q+ 17:11:01 ack pfps 17:11:10 zakim, unmute me 17:11:10 m_schnei should no longer be muted 17:11:12 pfps: neither jim nor debora indicated regrets on the Wiki 17:11:29 sandro: they did send details to chairs, though. 17:11:55 zakim, mute me 17:11:55 m_schnei should now be muted 17:12:04 michael: I thought that the agenda item was to discuss a vote, I have not discussed the issues with my colleagues 17:12:13 m_schnei: I thought the agenda item was about TALKING ABOUT VOTING, not that we would vote to publish/not-publish. 17:12:22 ian: let's continue and see if the issue arises 17:12:42 topic: minutes 17:12:45 RRSAgent, pointer? 17:12:45 See http://www.w3.org/2008/03/19-owl-irc#T17-12-45 17:12:52 PROPOSED: accept previous minutes 17:12:56 +1 for minutes 17:13:00 +1 for minutes 17:13:03 +1 17:13:09 +1 17:13:11 +1 17:13:15 RESOLVED: accept previous minutes 17:14:15 ian: face to face signup - lots of unknowns remain 17:14:22 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/F2F2_People 17:15:08 http://www.w3.org/mid/20080318.165305.186101196.pfps@research.bell-labs.com 17:15:14 PayPal works too 17:15:34 ian: registration for F2F - fees for uncovered expenses 17:15:42 in EUR: about 60 EUR 17:15:56 topic: action item status 17:17:39 q? 17:17:41 ian: pending actions done - 103, 106, 107, 110 17:17:51 q- 17:17:52 my due actions need to be continued - been sick this week :( 17:17:55 ack m_schnei 17:18:04 q- 17:18:12 zakim, mute me 17:18:12 m_schnei should now be muted 17:18:21 please do 17:19:22 We used to close the action once people have done them. 17:19:56 q+ 17:19:57 ian: should we close now or close when done? 17:20:00 Zakim, unmute me 17:20:00 bmotik should no longer be muted 17:20:38 +1 to boris. Add an issue for things that need to be worked on by the group 17:20:52 boris: prefer closing when performed 17:21:07 sandro: pending review allows the group to check that the action was done 17:22:03 for peter's action, we have an actual issue that the action was for 17:22:53 boris: issues serve to keep track of what happened 17:23:05 we should have an issue: Decide on second set of drafts for publishing. 17:23:15 ian: process needs to be refined 17:23:21 ok 17:23:29 q? 17:23:30 Document reviews are the new wrinkle to action reviews 17:23:34 ack bmotik 17:23:42 ian: due and overdue actions 17:23:44 Zakim, mute me 17:23:44 bmotik should now be muted 17:24:06 ian: action 43 17:24:18 sandro: not done, move date two weeks 17:24:28 continue 17:24:29 ian: action 72 17:24:52 alan: continue for a week 17:25:00 ian: action 76 17:25:18 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:25:18 On the phone I see bcuencagrau (muted), msmith, IanH, bmotik (muted), Rinke, Sandro, baojie, Evan_Wallace, DougL, m_schnei (muted), Alan, Ivan, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Achille 17:25:20 ian: no jeremy so continue for a week 17:25:35 ian: action 86 and 90 - similar 17:25:54 Present: bcuencagrau, msmith, IanH, bmotik, Rinke, Sandro, baojie, Evan_Wallace, DougL, m_schnei, Alan, Ivan, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Achille 17:26:00 ian: action 100 - no jim 17:26:07 jie: no information so continue 17:26:17 there was mail on 102 17:26:18 ian 101: alan - continue 17:26:25 zakim, unmute me 17:26:25 m_schnei should no longer be muted 17:26:29 ian: action 102 17:26:36 http://www.w3.org/mid/0EF30CAA69519C4CB91D01481AEA06A08034A4@judith.fzi.de 17:27:06 michael: email today but is it adequate? review again next week 17:27:07 we have an associated issue 17:27:09 zakim, mute me 17:27:09 m_schnei should now be muted 17:27:15 ian: action 104 17:27:36 I have to leave the meeting now. Sorry. 17:27:39 -Evan_Wallace 17:28:12 achille: started but still ongoing, done by end of this week 17:28:18 ian: please adjust due date 17:28:28 The Primer page is: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Primer 17:28:37 ian: action 104 - deb not here 17:28:44 q? 17:28:47 q+ 17:29:18 doug: I did a review for this action 17:29:42 ian: is the action done 17:29:51 q? 17:29:53 doug: new action to look at comments 17:29:55 deb was separate review 17:30:09 q+ 17:30:42 jie: I did a review as well 17:30:47 q? 17:30:53 ack baojie 17:30:53 jie: deb will finish her review soon 17:31:14 ian: leave open 17:31:19 ian: action 108 17:31:30 sandro: started, not finished, continue 17:31:42 zakim, who is here? 17:31:42 On the phone I see bcuencagrau (muted), msmith, IanH, bmotik (muted), Rinke, Sandro, baojie, DougL, m_schnei (muted), Alan, Ivan, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Achille 17:31:45 On IRC I see Achille, ivan, alanr, baojie, DougL, m_schnei, bmotik, RRSAgent, IanH, Zakim, bcuencagrau, Rinke, ewallace, msmith, pfps, sandro, trackbot-ng 17:31:51 ian: action 109 on bijan, no bijan so continue 17:32:12 topic: proposals to resolve issues 17:32:28 ian: issue 102 17:33:17 +1 to accept 17:33:22 pfps: proposal is to add a new kind of entity to functional syntax 17:33:29 bmotik sent email in support 17:33:45 +1 17:33:47 +1 to accept 17:33:47 PROPOSED: resolve issue 102 as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0149.html 17:33:48 q+ 17:33:49 +1 to accept as proposed 17:33:53 zakim, unmute me 17:33:53 m_schnei should no longer be muted 17:33:54 q? 17:33:55 +1 17:33:58 +1 17:33:59 q+ to ask a process question 17:34:00 we need to do the PROPOSED/ RESOLVED dance 17:34:10 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/issues/102 17:34:16 michael: there were several emails on the issue 17:34:21 related, but separable topic covered by another issue 17:34:32 conversation was from the report 17:35:20 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0169.html is a typical case 17:35:38 alan: most of the conversation was about a different issue - isolated typing triples 17:35:52 zakim, mute me 17:35:52 m_schnei should now be muted 17:36:00 Zakim, unmute me 17:36:00 bmotik should no longer be muted 17:36:06 Yes. 17:36:08 Q? 17:36:16 ack m_schnei 17:36:23 ack bmotik 17:36:23 bmotik, you wanted to ask a process question 17:36:23 ack bmotik 17:36:44 boris is right. 17:36:47 boris: what is the process? 17:36:50 q+ 17:37:12 q? 17:37:18 Zakim, mute me 17:37:18 bmotik should now be muted 17:37:19 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/issues/89 17:37:21 ian: this is to resolve - 17:37:29 Zakim, unmute me 17:37:29 bmotik should no longer be muted 17:38:08 pfps: my recollection is that we are going to resolve / close. there may be an action generated or the action may be implicit 17:38:57 sandro: let's have a short process 17:39:00 ian: agreed 17:39:39 ok 17:39:52 ian: let's vote to close and give boris an action 17:40:02 PROPOSED: resolve issue 102 as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0149.html 17:40:05 ACTION: bmotik2 to Update the spec to resolve ISSUE-102 as per Peter's e-mail 17:40:05 Created ACTION-113 - Update the spec to resolve ISSUE-102 as per Peter's e-mail [on Boris Motik - due 2008-03-26]. 17:40:08 RESOLVED: resolve issue 102 as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0149.html 17:40:34 I'll do it 17:40:48 OK, Ian will do it. 17:40:48 sandro: who will update tracker 17:40:52 ian: I'll do it 17:41:00 ian: issue 79, proposal from carsten 17:41:23 PROPOSED: resolve issue 79 as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0191.html 17:41:45 q? 17:41:50 q- 17:42:00 +1 17:42:01 +1 to resolve 17:42:03 +1 17:42:04 +1 17:42:04 +1 to resolving issue 79 as in email 17:42:05 +1 17:42:08 +1 17:42:08 +1 17:42:09 +0 17:42:20 RESOLVED: resolve issue 79 as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0191.htm 17:42:45 ian: issue 78 17:42:48 -1 to call EL++ "OWL-Lite" 17:42:55 -1 17:42:56 q? 17:43:02 -1 17:43:04 PROPOSED: resolve issue 78 as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0194.html 17:43:10 +1 to close as as rejected 17:43:24 -1: do not call EL++ as OWL Lite 17:43:28 -1 17:43:30 -1 17:43:31 +1 to close a rejected 17:43:32 +1 to resolve issue, -1 to the name OWL Lite for EL++, which I guess is a close as reject 17:43:39 +1 to resolving issue as in email. i.e., -1 to renaming EL++ OWL-Lite 17:43:42 let's try this again 17:43:56 +1 to close! 17:43:56 +1 to reject 17:44:04 +1 to reject 17:44:10 +1 to reject 17:44:13 +1 to accept the rejection 17:44:18 +1 to close, reject, and do not call EL++ as OWL Lite 17:44:52 RRSAgent, pointer? 17:44:52 See http://www.w3.org/2008/03/19-owl-irc#T17-44-52 17:45:26 RESOLVED: reject issue 78 as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0194.html 17:45:37 ian: issue 75 17:45:48 Carsten has joined #owl 17:46:08 resolved 17:46:11 +1 to close as rejected 17:46:15 argh, messed up the time 17:46:17 close as resolved 17:46:20 PROPOSED: new name for fragments document solves issue 75 so it can be resolved 17:46:31 +1 17:46:34 +1 17:46:37 +1 17:46:41 +1 to resolving issue 75 17:46:43 +1 17:46:43 +1 17:46:44 +1 17:46:54 RESOLVED: new name for fragments document solves issue 75 so it can be resolved (closed) 17:47:05 + +49.351.463.3.aaff 17:47:11 zakim, aaff is me 17:47:11 +Carsten; got it 17:47:14 q? 17:47:20 Carsten proposed "My proposal is to call the document simply "Fragments of OWL" 17:47:26 ian: issue 16 17:47:33 Zakim, unmute me 17:47:33 bmotik was not muted, bmotik 17:47:40 zakim, mute me 17:47:40 Carsten should now be muted 17:47:54 PROPOSED: resolve issue 16 as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0168.html 17:48:01 q+ to ask boris this proposal 17:48:14 q? 17:48:14 boris: the resolution is to change the functional syntax to move annotations outside of axioms 17:48:42 msmith: does this make axioms inside annotations be virtual 17:48:45 boris: yes 17:48:51 q+ 17:49:15 boris: we may reconsider when we do a larger view of annotations 17:49:17 q? 17:49:20 q- 17:49:22 ack msmith 17:49:25 ack pfps 17:49:37 pfps: boris please reiterate answer 17:49:42 q? 17:49:58 q+ 17:50:00 boris: axioms inside annotations are not necessary in the ontology 17:50:05 q? 17:50:06 q+ 17:50:15 q? 17:50:26 pfps: if this is case I vote against 17:51:06 pfps: I want axioms in the ontology to be part of the ontology 17:51:24 Do I get it right that all my proposals were resolved just before I called in ? :P 17:51:28 q? 17:51:36 Carsten, yes they were 17:51:42 ian: this is supposed to be a short discussion 17:51:44 zakim, unmute me 17:51:44 m_schnei was not muted, m_schnei 17:52:03 michael: what is the difference between issue 16 and issue 102? 17:52:06 zakim, mute me 17:52:06 m_schnei should now be muted 17:52:15 There is a big difference 17:52:27 q? 17:52:33 ack m_schnei 17:52:39 q? 17:52:45 uli has joined #owl 17:53:23 alan: can axioms be the object of an annotation 17:53:45 Just for the record: I don't have a problem whatsoever with Peter's requirement 17:53:57 ian: defer to discussion list 17:54:00 in a moment 17:54:15 q? 17:54:20 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0189.html 17:54:23 ack alanr 17:54:25 Zakim, mute me 17:54:25 bmotik should now be muted 17:54:38 alan: what about issue 86 17:54:47 ian: no notice so put on next week's agenda 17:55:04 topic: general discussion - publication 17:55:08 86 is not a trivial issue: I first want to think deeper about it 17:55:18 q+ 17:55:23 q? 17:55:26 q+ 17:55:49 doug: i made edits in the primer, and put in a few reviewer boxes, please look at them 17:56:02 ian: is the primer close to publishable? 17:56:26 doug: not exactly, there are missing sections, I would like them to be at least outlined 17:56:36 q? 17:56:42 doug: no harm to release it, but we should have something done 17:56:50 q? 17:56:50 +q 17:56:54 q+ 17:56:54 jie: i reviewed the primer 17:56:57 ack DougL 17:57:04 ack baojie 17:57:12 q? 17:57:18 answering peter: See http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Mar/0167.html to understand that answer is addressed by Boris' solution to Issue-16, but not spoken to by issue 102, which addressed a general question of whether annotation properties are entities themselves. 17:57:45 jie: who will be the reader? web end users may need an easier-to-read document 17:57:49 q+ to say fragment doc is publishable pending some editorial changes from Achille and my review 17:58:13 zakim, mute me 17:58:13 m_schnei should now be muted 17:58:14 jie: separate section for ?? 17:58:19 q? 17:58:24 ack Achille 17:58:39 achille: xml is OK, I have only minor comments 17:59:22 achille: fragments I have a lot of issues wrt OWL-R especially OWL-R Full 17:59:39 achille: OWL-R Full semantics hard to read 18:00:15 q? 18:00:25 achille: maybe move some semantics stuff to appendix 18:00:43 ack msmith 18:00:43 msmith, you wanted to say fragment doc is publishable pending some editorial changes from Achille and my review 18:00:48 q? 18:00:51 q+ 18:01:00 q? 18:01:08 msmith: fragment doc is publishable pending some editorial changes from Achille and my review 18:01:13 Zakim, unmute me 18:01:13 bmotik should no longer be muted 18:01:18 q? 18:01:32 +??P9 18:01:44 zakim, ??P9 is me 18:01:44 +uli; got it 18:02:11 q+ 18:02:18 boris: purpose of OWL-R semantics section is to provide meaning of vocabulary and show the weakenings 18:02:37 q? 18:02:42 ack bmotik 18:02:50 boris: if there are just rules then there is no connection to regular semantics 18:03:06 boris: an appendix does not have the same impact - may as well delete then 18:03:31 zakim, mute me 18:03:31 uli should now be muted 18:03:31 q? 18:03:34 achille: I had a different impression - independent formal presentation 18:03:41 ack Achille 18:03:58 boris: the section is not for precision but instead is for guidance 18:04:21 achille: difficult to read because of dependence on OWL Full semantics 18:04:26 q? 18:05:01 q? 18:05:20 boris: could provide guidance on what the section is for 18:05:49 ian: achille - can you help to revise section? 18:06:10 achille: OK, also part of my action item on the document 18:06:24 boris: I can help as well 18:06:37 ian: OK, achille will do this as part of his revision action 18:06:43 q? 18:07:08 Action: Alan and Ian to review the reviews 18:07:08 Created ACTION-114 - And Ian to review the reviews [on Alan Ruttenberg - due 2008-03-26]. 18:07:09 Zakim, mute me 18:07:09 bmotik should now be muted 18:07:15 q? 18:07:30 ian: agenda item on fragments document, but we've already been discussing it 18:07:34 ian: formal votes? 18:07:45 can we decide to do this at the f2f? 18:07:54 q? 18:08:01 ian: no document has full suite of clean reviews so defer? 18:08:09 I was wondering... do we need something like a quorum for voting? 18:08:19 I mean, officially 18:08:24 q? 18:08:30 sandro: xml document - only small fixes - will they be addressed quickly? 18:09:14 ian: boris, bernardo, peter 18:09:15 q+ 18:09:23 q? 18:09:40 q+ 18:09:47 ack pfps 18:09:49 pfps: I can do a quick pass to see what can be done 18:10:22 ian: how is the process going to work - an issue for each change? 18:10:36 sandro: editors should collaborate with reviewers 18:10:40 q+ 18:10:46 + +1.603.897.aagg 18:11:00 Zhe has joined #owl 18:11:01 q? 18:11:10 ian: peter will address issues 18:11:31 zakim, who is here 18:11:31 IanH, you need to end that query with '?' 18:11:40 zakim, who is here? 18:11:40 On the phone I see bcuencagrau (muted), msmith, IanH, bmotik (muted), Rinke, Sandro, baojie, DougL, m_schnei (muted), Alan, Ivan, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Achille, Carsten (muted), 18:11:43 ... uli (muted), +1.603.897.aagg 18:11:44 On IRC I see Zhe, uli, Carsten, Achille, ivan, alanr, baojie, DougL, m_schnei, bmotik, RRSAgent, IanH, Zakim, bcuencagrau, Rinke, ewallace, msmith, pfps, sandro, trackbot-ng 18:11:59 alan: next week let's look at the documents again, and do formal votes at F2F 18:12:02 +1 18:12:02 q? 18:12:11 ack alanr 18:12:13 ian: no particular problem with that 18:12:29 pfps: what editors / authors 18:12:45 sandro: editor = author 18:13:06 ian: de facto editors = those who are working on the documents 18:13:11 q? 18:13:16 sandro: w3c documents have editors 18:13:20 ack pfps 18:13:43 Sandro: formally, in the W3C process, there are editors. If this WG wants to call its editors "authors", that's okay. 18:13:51 yes 18:13:55 Zakim, +1.603.897.aagg is me 18:13:55 +Zhe; got it 18:14:01 q? 18:14:08 pfps: who is going to interact with the reviewers? 18:14:45 alan: what is in the scope of editorship - things seem to be going OK 18:15:04 q? 18:15:12 pfps: i disagree 18:15:28 ian: I can see both sides 18:15:35 q? 18:15:41 ian: we have reviews and demands from the reviews 18:15:41 q+ to ask about editors 18:15:57 q? 18:16:03 ack sandro 18:16:03 sandro, you wanted to ask about editors 18:16:06 ian: and no one assigned to respond 18:16:16 I'm in favour of clarity as well, if only to formalise the current situation... 18:16:27 sandro: my understanding was that authors was editors 18:16:39 q? 18:16:54 alan: sometimes, but people have stepped up idependently 18:17:05 q? 18:17:21 may I myself fix trivial editiorial bugs such as typos? 18:17:37 alan: no decision on what editors do 18:17:43 q? 18:17:44 q? 18:18:01 q? 18:18:05 q? 18:18:29 PROPOSED: WG members should edit the wiki pages as they like, if they are confident everyone will be happy with the change. 18:18:37 alan: good idea to encourage spontaneous fixes 18:18:55 ian: discuss at F2F 18:18:55 +1 to clarifying at f2f 18:18:57 q+ 18:19:02 q? 18:19:08 alan: good idea to have F2F discussion 18:19:09 IIRC, editorial process was, those people fix, "who are working on the docs" 18:19:20 Peter: We had that discussion at the last face-to-face 18:19:23 pfps: there was such a discussion at the last F2F 18:19:23 q? 18:19:28 ack pfps 18:19:30 +1 to clarification at f2f 18:19:39 sandro: didn't we resolve on current situation? 18:19:40 but if /I/ fix it myself, then I am working on the docs, of course ;-) 18:19:46 yes 18:19:51 ian: let's discuss at F2F 18:20:18 ian: no votes to publish today 18:20:22 let's start 18:20:33 topic: issues 18:20:37 ian: issue 100 18:20:43 [ scanning http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/F2F1_Minutes I see no record of talking about wikis like this. :-( ] 18:20:44 q? 18:21:14 alan: issue has not been firmly addressed, and it needs to be 18:21:15 q? 18:21:34 alan: can OWL 1.1 be completely embedded in RDF? 18:22:03 q? 18:22:10 alan: some valid OWL 1.0 DL ontologies are not completely embeddable in RDF 18:22:14 q+ 18:22:19 q+ 18:22:22 alan: is RDF adequate for representing OWL 18:22:30 q? 18:23:25 pfps: RDF was never adequate, it is not adequate, it never will be adequate 18:23:39 q? 18:23:50 q? 18:23:59 ack pfps 18:24:08 Alan, what is "the same"? Syntactically identical including order? 18:24:28 pfps: going through RDF will lose order, of course. 18:24:31 ack bmotik 18:24:33 Boris? 18:24:39 pfps: if you want complete round tripping, then you have to mirror everything in the DL in RDF, which interferes with the RDF semantics 18:24:44 I don't understand what peter is saying 18:24:53 boris: I agree with peter 18:25:28 boris: RDF is a straightjacket, everything is a triple 18:25:40 Scribe: pfps 18:25:48 q? 18:25:49 q+ 18:25:53 q? 18:25:54 boris: you can reify and encode and thus retain the entirety of the syntax, but this has other consequences 18:25:54 Zakim, mute me 18:25:57 bmotik should now be muted 18:26:12 scribe: peter 18:26:19 alan: I don't understand the issues 18:26:32 alan: I was surprised with the situation in 1.0 18:26:57 q? 18:27:00 q+ 18:27:04 ack alanr 18:27:08 alan: entailment is a separate issue - it may not be accomplishable 18:27:23 q+ 18:27:31 alan: the RDF serialization should retain all of OWL 18:27:34 q+ 18:27:38 chair: ian 18:28:02 what do you lose when you translate back? 18:28:04 Alan, what is "the same" 18:28:10 exactly 18:28:14 example? 18:28:21 Zakim, unmute me 18:28:21 bmotik should no longer be muted 18:28:23 ian: peter said that everything in OWL 1.0 is serializable into RDF 18:28:26 q+ 18:28:34 q? 18:28:35 q- 18:28:39 q? 18:28:40 alan: but the meaning may be changed - e.g., punning 18:28:57 alan: with punning being more important this is now important 18:28:58 q? 18:29:08 q- 18:29:25 boris: do you care about the semantics or not? 18:30:05 boris: do you want syntactic equivalence, semantic equivalence, or what? 18:30:18 Alan, can you clarify in an email? 18:30:32 alan: want roundtripping (modulo ordering that doesn't matter) 18:30:32 q? 18:30:40 ack bmotik 18:30:44 (non on the queue but if I were I would say: "same" means same consequences (entailments)). 18:30:50 q- 18:30:51 uli - did you read the email already sent? 18:30:52 boris: situation in 1.1 allows roundtripping 18:31:08 I thought it was clarified 18:31:30 Boris, I understand this view - I want the decision to be all of ours 18:31:31 Zakim, mute me 18:31:31 bmotik should now be muted 18:31:33 boris: I would prefer to sacrifice RDF compatability instead of limiting OWL 18:31:40 bmotik: I'd much rather sacrifice RDF syntax than throw out nice features, like negative axioms 18:31:43 q? 18:31:48 alan - yes, but i still didn't understand your requirements, sorry 18:31:53 q? 18:32:08 good idea 18:32:22 ian: more time on this issue next week 18:32:35 ian: other issues 18:32:42 ian: done 18:32:43 -DougL 18:32:44 Meeting record is at: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2008.03.19/Minutes 18:32:46 -baojie 18:32:46 thanks, bye 18:32:47 -msmith 18:32:48 bye 18:32:49 -Achille 18:32:51 bye 18:32:54 alan, me too 18:32:55 -Carsten 18:32:56 -Alan 18:32:56 -Zhe 18:32:58 bye 18:32:58 -bmotik 18:32:58 -Rinke 18:33:00 -Sandro 18:33:02 -Ivan 18:33:06 uli has left #owl 18:33:06 -bcuencagrau 18:33:20 msmith has left #owl 18:33:29 -m_schnei 18:33:33 -uli 18:34:18 -Peter_Patel-Schneider 18:34:20 -IanH 18:34:22 SW_OWL()12:00PM has ended 18:34:24 Attendees were bcuencagrau, +1.202.408.aaaa, msmith, +0186527aabb, +31.20.525.aacc, IanH, bmotik, Rinke, Sandro, +1.518.276.aadd, Evan_Wallace, +1.512.342.aaee, DougL, baojie, 18:34:26 ... m_schnei, Alan, Ivan, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Achille, +49.351.463.3.aaff, Carsten, uli, Zhe 18:35:35 RRSAgent, make log public