15:03:04 RRSAgent has joined #owl 15:03:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/02/04-owl-irc 15:03:20 -Vipul_Kashyap 15:03:32 zakim, who is here? 15:03:34 rrsagent, bookmark 15:03:34 See http://www.w3.org/2008/02/04-owl-irc#T15-03-34 15:03:35 On the phone I see pfps, Achille, Alan 15:03:36 On IRC I see RRSAgent, alanr, Zakim, Achille, pfps, sandro, Carsten, trackbot-ng 15:04:15 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Imports 15:04:47 +??P6 15:05:06 zakim, ??P6 is Jeremy 15:05:06 +Jeremy; got it 15:05:08 jjc has joined #owl 15:05:23 you sound much better? is your teleconference cold over? 15:05:25 q- 15:05:51 i don't know whether Bijan will be here 15:05:54 I am in the UK, rather than a hotel room in Athens! 15:06:28 yes, but for the last while you appear to have been Skyping in, with the usual Skype echo 15:06:50 zakim, who is here? 15:06:50 On the phone I see pfps, Achille, Alan, Jeremy 15:06:51 On IRC I see Jeremy, RRSAgent, alanr, Zakim, Achille, pfps, sandro, Carsten, trackbot-ng 15:10:03 bmotik has joined #owl 15:10:19 scribenick: Jeremy 15:10:29 +??P11 15:11:02 Zakim, ??P11 is me 15:11:02 +bmotik; got it 15:11:03 zakim, ??P1 is Boris 15:11:04 I already had ??P1 as +1.617.324.aaaa, alanr 15:11:15 zakim, ??P11 is Boris 15:11:15 I already had ??P11 as bmotik, alanr 15:11:24 zakim, who here? 15:11:24 I don't understand your question, alanr. 15:11:27 IanH has joined #owl 15:11:28 zakim, who is here? 15:11:28 On the phone I see pfps (muted), Achille, Alan, Jeremy, bmotik 15:11:29 On IRC I see IanH, bmotik, Jeremy, RRSAgent, alanr, Zakim, Achille, pfps, sandro, Carsten, trackbot-ng 15:11:48 Achille: on the three proposals on the Imports page 15:12:14 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Imports 15:12:17 Note to Boris, Ian - I added a new proposal 4.3 15:12:50 Achille: like proposal 2, by name - but there are ordering concerns 15:14:48 q? 15:14:55 q+ alanr 15:14:58 Achille: desirable that mechanisms for deployment defined in config files, rather than in ontology themselves 15:15:24 Achille: we are seeing ontologies being used say internally rather than on the web 15:15:40 ack alanr 15:16:37 Achille: internal mechanism is similar to that of XML Schema, where schemalocation attribute is a hint to the processor 15:16:49 but the processor can use any internal mechanism to locate the schema 15:17:37 zakim, unmute me 15:17:37 pfps should no longer be muted 15:17:39 Alan: my proposal (#3) allows you to do this, by importing another file that captures the mapping 15:17:42 q+ 15:17:52 zakim, unmute me 15:17:52 pfps was not muted, pfps 15:17:53 q+ 15:19:13 Peter: alan how do you mandate the ordering constraints in #3 15:19:24 Peter: RDF does not support ordering constraints 15:19:47 q+ 15:19:48 Alan: you load a different file, that includes the original and the mappings 15:20:22 Peter: but that would only work at the top-level, you would need to have control at lower levels too 15:21:15 Peter: to modify the method of importing an ontology you would need to understand the imports-closure of the file you are loading 15:21:23 msmith has joined #owl 15:22:20 q+ to suggest some SHOULDs .... 15:22:47 +msmith 15:22:55 -Alan 15:23:01 Alan: can we modify RDF header 15:23:08 Peter: I don't think so. 15:23:15 apologies, I had an off by one hour scheduling mistake, just joined 15:23:16 Alan: I looked and thought we could 15:23:24 my phone is crap. back in a sec 15:23:40 Boris goes: 15:23:51 q+ to talk about overriding intent of ontologies on the web 15:23:56 q- 15:24:05 +Alan_Ruttenberg 15:24:08 q+ to talk about overriding intent of ontologies on the web 15:24:30 Boris: on third proposal 15:24:56 Boris: I didn't understand the use of sameAs to encode equivalence between ontologies 15:25:29 zakim, mute me 15:25:29 pfps should now be muted 15:25:35 Boris: in DL world this gives ontologies status of individuals and may lead to confusion about how much reasoning is permitted/expected 15:25:37 point taken - alternate mechanism for equivalence reasonable 15:25:52 Boris: we shouldn't be mixing logical and metalogical levels. 15:26:34 Boris: while I was advocating #2 (by name) we could do this by having #1 with some disclaimer that permitted tools to do #2. 15:26:36 q? 15:26:42 q- 15:26:42 ack bmotik 15:26:51 Zakim, mute me 15:26:51 bmotik should now be muted 15:27:11 Achille: I would 2nd Boris in allowing tools to override imports by location 15:27:46 Achille: question to Alan in #3 can I change location without modifying the ontologies themselves? 15:28:18 Alan: yes that's the idea 15:28:30 ack achille 15:28:37 ack Jeremy 15:28:38 Jeremy, you wanted to suggest some SHOULDs .... 15:28:40 ack Jeremy 15:29:25 q+ alanr to discuss his use cases versus proposed solution 15:30:45 alan notes that tools support different mechanisms - I've experience thrashing on this 15:31:23 ack me 15:31:25 pfps, you wanted to talk about overriding intent of ontologies on the web 15:31:27 ack pfps 15:31:48 Jeremy: we could have SHOULDs that put Ontology elements first, while not strict RDF .... 15:32:02 Jeremy: we could publish vocabs for alternative locations 15:32:04 ack alanr 15:32:04 alanr, you wanted to discuss his use cases versus proposed solution 15:32:09 zakim, mute me 15:32:09 pfps should now be muted 15:32:35 Peter: overriding a publishers imports statement by providing an alternative location is incorrect, since it changes their intent 15:33:26 Alan: use cases for providing alternative location 15:33:32 Alan: editing local version 15:33:58 Alan: doing testing before publishing/ or checking for comaptible 15:34:18 zakim, who is talking? 15:34:29 pfps, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Jeremy (5%), Alan_Ruttenberg (91%) 15:34:36 Alan: another use case allows people to not to have change their namespace 15:34:41 Zakim, mute me 15:34:41 Jeremy should now be muted 15:34:59 q+ 15:35:23 ack bmotik 15:35:26 Zakim, unmute me 15:35:26 bmotik was not muted, bmotik 15:35:34 Alan: in versioning scenario what happens if I use latest version, but someone else in imports closure uses a different version 15:36:01 q+ to mention that if a designer points to a specific version, then who are we to override ? 15:36:14 Boris: there are many many use cases, btu specifiying corect behaviour may get out of hand 15:36:31 q+ alanr to say outside spec is ok, as long as there is a working version in spec. 15:36:33 Boris: there are many many use cases, btu specifiying corect behaviour may get out of hand 15:36:33 +1 for Boris's idea of leaving the resolution to the tools 15:36:35 ack pfps 15:36:36 pfps, you wanted to mention that if a designer points to a specific version, then who are we to override ? 15:36:39 Zakim, mute me 15:36:39 bmotik should now be muted 15:36:43 Boris: there are many many use cases, but specifiying corect behaviour may get out of hand 15:37:09 q+ to stop losing because protege does it this way 15:37:13 +q 15:37:23 Boris: we could not specify much, but allow tools to deviate from strict implementation 15:37:32 q? 15:37:36 ack alanr 15:37:36 alanr, you wanted to say outside spec is ok, as long as there is a working version in spec. and to stop losing because protege does it this way 15:37:42 zakim, mute me 15:37:42 pfps should now be muted 15:37:52 Pfps: If I publish an ontology usign a specific version then that is the version that should be used. 15:38:26 Pfps: If I am being stupid, then the correct fix is to educate me, not to import soemthing other than what I said 15:39:14 Alan: Unfortunately stupidity happens; and there should be work arounds for the user 15:39:49 Alan: different tools use different mechanisms for this and it really doesn't work for me 15:40:07 Alan: I waste a lot of time; and imports mechanism acts as vendor lock in 15:40:30 q? 15:40:30 q+ 15:40:36 ack achille 15:41:01 Achille: Addressing Peter's concern about ontology ownership 15:41:21 Achille: from point of view of application developer you may want a local copy 15:41:34 example: Narrow scope of ontology: Foaf-dl instead of foaf 15:41:37 Achille: possibly netwoek unreliability ... 15:41:42 q+ to mention that other errors also exist 15:41:53 ack Jeremy 15:41:54 ack Jeremy 15:43:00 ack pfps 15:43:01 pfps, you wanted to mention that other errors also exist 15:43:11 Jeremy: could we spcify imports by location, but provide caching 15:43:47 Jeremy: and possibly a common vocab to allow tools to interoperate with local caching 15:44:02 q+ 15:44:06 q+ to see if we can get consensus that there should be a compatible version across implementations 15:44:18 Pfps: I don't see why we are picking on imports as something we can override 15:44:34 Pfps: ontologies can be broken for many reasons 15:44:39 q+ to say broken axioms can be handled by replacing ontology 15:44:40 Zakim, unmite me 15:44:40 I don't understand 'unmite me', bmotik 15:44:42 zakim, mute me 15:44:42 pfps should now be muted 15:44:45 ack bmotik 15:44:59 Pfps: and if it is usefull to allow local users to fix imports, why shouldn't they fix axioms too 15:45:44 alanr: Notes that processing model makes it clear what is supposed to go there 15:45:55 Boris: an example a colleague simply didn't know what URI to put in improts tag? Physical URI, or logical URI .... 15:46:13 ack alanr 15:46:13 alanr, you wanted to see if we can get consensus that there should be a compatible version across implementations and to say broken axioms can be handled by replacing ontology 15:46:14 Zakim, mute me 15:46:18 bmotik should now be muted 15:46:50 Alan: is there consensus that we should specify a mechanism to do this 15:47:01 Alan: I hear a need for tools to override behaviour 15:47:45 +1 15:47:55 Alan: I find it a pain that tools do this in different ways; so I would like to see some mechanism standardized .... 15:48:10 PROPOSAL: We will define some mechanism for managing imports to handle the mentioned use cases that is in the language, without restricting tools from doing other things too 15:48:21 q+ to ask what the proposal is 15:48:24 +1 one for Alan's idea of a min import mechanism 15:48:30 ack me 15:48:31 pfps, you wanted to ask what the proposal is 15:48:35 +1 to pfps 15:49:19 +0.5 to Alanr's proposal 15:49:30 +0 seems that this is more appropriate as a best practices doc than a language feature 15:49:46 pfps: you want to specify something that has nothing to do with the Web, but only to do with tools 15:49:52 alan: yes 15:50:12 pfps: you will need to specify a particular file location for overriding information 15:50:27 Alan: .... we will need to specify something 15:50:29 q+ 15:50:34 q+ 15:50:36 ack Jeremy 15:50:39 zakim, mute me 15:50:39 pfps should now be muted 15:51:19 q? 15:51:28 Zakim, unmute me 15:51:28 bmotik should no longer be muted 15:52:00 q+ 15:52:15 ack bmotik 15:52:31 boris: people are using OWL in many different ways, and proscribing a particular file with resolution information may not work for all tools 15:52:51 q- 15:52:53 Zakim, mute me 15:52:53 bmotik should now be muted 15:53:11 +1 15:53:21 zakim, unmute me 15:53:21 pfps should no longer be muted 15:53:38 q+ to suggest modifying proposal 15:53:39 PROPOSAL: We will define some mechanism for managing imports to handle the mentioned use cases that is in the language, without restricting tools from doing other things too 15:53:39 (the proposal is a bit vague) 15:53:41 -1 15:53:52 boris: Perhaps we can define some mechanism along alanr's lines, but not as part of a core specification 15:54:11 boris: This mechanism might be defined as part of a "Best practices" document 15:54:12 q? 15:54:13 -1 too vague 15:54:14 pfps: we should not be defining solution to offweb issues 15:54:20 q+ alanr 15:54:21 -1 brings in off-web issues 15:54:25 zakim, mute me 15:54:25 pfps should now be muted 15:55:02 mike: we need to deal with this in a best practice rather than a specification, so that many tools use the same vocab 15:55:17 ack alanr 15:55:23 ack msmith 15:55:23 msmith, you wanted to suggest modifying proposal 15:55:42 q+ to ask a question to peter 15:56:51 zakim, unmute me 15:56:51 pfps should no longer be muted 15:56:58 alan: we seemed to be blocked .... 15:57:01 q? 15:57:15 Zakim, unmute me 15:57:15 bmotik should no longer be muted 15:57:17 pfps: we can definely improve the wording over OWL 1.0 15:57:37 Zakim, mute me 15:57:37 bmotik should now be muted 15:57:46 boris: would Peter oppose this as a best practice? 15:57:48 pfps: no 15:58:11 Alan: I see real benefit in having something in the specification 15:58:22 q+ 15:58:30 ack bmotik 15:58:31 bmotik, you wanted to ask a question to peter 15:58:34 Zakim, unmute me 15:58:36 bmotik was not muted, bmotik 15:58:36 ack Jeremy 15:58:40 Zakim, mute me 15:58:43 bmotik should now be muted 15:58:44 q- 15:58:58 zakim, unmute me 15:58:58 pfps was not muted, pfps 15:59:17 q? 15:59:19 pfps: I would not oppose some such wording 15:59:25 q+ 15:59:33 zakim, mute me 15:59:33 pfps should now be muted 16:00:18 q+ alanr about "caching" 16:00:19 +1 to Jeremy (more or less) 16:00:39 q+ 16:01:00 Zakim, unmute me 16:01:00 bmotik should no longer be muted 16:01:06 ack bmotik 16:01:10 ack Jeremy 16:01:14 ack alanr 16:01:17 Jeremy: can we specify that imports is by location; tools may cache, and may need to cache; and we propose a vocab for location mapping 16:01:18 ack about 16:01:24 ack "caching" 16:01:39 Alan/Boris: don't use the caching word, since it might not be 16:02:30 Zakim, mute me 16:02:30 bmotik should now be muted 16:02:49 adjourn .... 16:02:51 bye 16:02:52 Bye 16:02:53 -Alan_Ruttenberg 16:02:56 -msmith 16:02:57 -Jeremy 16:02:59 -Achille 16:03:00 -pfps 16:03:01 -bmotik 16:03:03 SW_OWL()10:00AM has ended 16:03:04 Attendees were +1.908.582.aaaa, pfps, Vipul_Kashyap, Achille, Alan, Jeremy, bmotik, msmith, Alan_Ruttenberg 16:03:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:03:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/04-owl-minutes.html alanr 16:03:25 rrsagent, make log world readable 16:03:25 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make log world readable', alanr. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:03:28 rrsagent, make log world-readable 16:31:45 jjc has joined #owl 18:25:44 Zakim has left #owl 19:49:41 alanr has joined #owl 19:49:51 join #dig